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The Fall of the West.


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As the title says I think we (the West) are showing all the signs of a coming collapse. What it will be that triggers it or a combination of events (war, economic collapse , disease , etc) that triggers it I don't know ... but there is an account of a Roman Emperor .... one day while living on Palpatine Hill where all the important people lived he began to entertain the idea that the courtiers around him were lying to him about the state of affairs , so he decided to disguise himself and go walking around the city , what he discovered was a city in ruins....in just over 50 years after the Vandals had ransacked the city it had gone from a population of over 1 million to somewhere between 50 - 70 k and it was then that these whispers he had been hearing about how Rome had fallen were true. Just that it had happened 50 years earlier but because people didn't know what to do they just kept doing what they always had and it slowly ground to ruin. This is what I think has begun to happen to us.


So watch the video and see what you think.


Edited by Harbringe
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Our society has been declining for quite some time. And for the very same reason the Roman empire collapsed. We are doing it to ourselves....... and the 'progressive' movement is accelerating that decline.


What I REALLY expect to do us in though, is our penchant for spending money, that we don't have. If I tried to run a business like our government runs, I would have been in prison a LONG time ago. Eventually, folks are going to figure out that we can NEVER repay that money, and they are going to STOP lending, buying bonds, etc. Then our economy will simply implode, and the world economy will follow very shortly thereafter.

Edited by HeyYou
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Our society has been declining for quite some time. And for the very same reason the Roman empire collapsed. We are doing it to ourselves....... and the 'progressive' movement is accelerating that decline.


What I REALLY expect to do us in though, is our penchant for spending money, that we don't have. If I tried to run a business like our government runs, I would have been in prison a LONG time ago. Eventually, folks are going to figure out that we can NEVER repay that money, and they are going to STOP lending, buying bonds, etc. Then our economy will simply implode, and the world economy will follow very shortly thereafter.


I was thinking that will come with next economic crises...whatever form that takes.

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Our society has been declining for quite some time. And for the very same reason the Roman empire collapsed. We are doing it to ourselves....... and the 'progressive' movement is accelerating that decline.


What I REALLY expect to do us in though, is our penchant for spending money, that we don't have. If I tried to run a business like our government runs, I would have been in prison a LONG time ago. Eventually, folks are going to figure out that we can NEVER repay that money, and they are going to STOP lending, buying bonds, etc. Then our economy will simply implode, and the world economy will follow very shortly thereafter.


I was thinking that will come with next economic crises...whatever form that takes.


Highly likely. It's all a house of cards, and all it takes is one stiff breeze, and it will all come tumbling down.

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The West destroyed itself already, over a hundred years ago, with WW1. Especially the European West. And if that wasn't enough, WW2 sealed the deal for good measure. America might have a better fighting chance to stave off dramatic decline, but even that is unlikely (but I'd be happy to be proven wrong). America themselves has become enslaved in the post war years to usury and Wall Street, consumerism, increased erosion of constitutional rights, a vapid yet influential nobility in the form of Hollywood, senseless rebellion against classical values and art, etc.. The list goes on at the absurd things Americans have somehow gotten used to as "normal". It's not quite a "Fall", but a subtle demoralization of society. Just to use a "consumerist" label myself, I would say we're all living in a "Matrix" of sorts. And like the Matrix, you can wake up to it or remain asleep and not even realize just how demoralized you really are.

The only reason why I say America is still better off than Western Europe is that they didn't kill off the majority of it's strong, male population (nor did enough of them have kids). You can erode all kinds of cultural values, and still recover with a dedicated few who care about preserving society.. but if you kill your own warriors and young men, then you're pretty much done for.

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The West destroyed itself already, over a hundred years ago, with WW1. Especially the European West. And if that wasn't enough, WW2 sealed the deal for good measure. America might have a better fighting chance to stave off dramatic decline, but even that is unlikely (but I'd be happy to be proven wrong). America themselves has become enslaved in the post war years to usury and Wall Street, consumerism, increased erosion of constitutional rights, a vapid yet influential nobility in the form of Hollywood, senseless rebellion against classical values and art, etc.. The list goes on at the absurd things Americans have somehow gotten used to as "normal". It's not quite a "Fall", but a subtle demoralization of society. Just to use a "consumerist" label myself, I would say we're all living in a "Matrix" of sorts. And like the Matrix, you can wake up to it or remain asleep and not even realize just how demoralized you really are.


The only reason why I say America is still better off than Western Europe is that they didn't kill off the majority of it's strong, male population (nor did enough of them have kids). You can erode all kinds of cultural values, and still recover with a dedicated few who care about preserving society.. but if you kill your own warriors and young men, then you're pretty much done for.

And what's even worse is, there are folks out there that are trying to tell us that some of those absurd things should be accepted as 'normal', and embraced. Obesity being right there at the top of the list.....


Yep, society is being dragged down a step at a time, at an ever increasing pace.

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The West destroyed itself already, over a hundred years ago, with WW1. Especially the European West. And if that wasn't enough, WW2 sealed the deal for good measure. America might have a better fighting chance to stave off dramatic decline, but even that is unlikely (but I'd be happy to be proven wrong). America themselves has become enslaved in the post war years to usury and Wall Street, consumerism, increased erosion of constitutional rights, a vapid yet influential nobility in the form of Hollywood, senseless rebellion against classical values and art, etc.. The list goes on at the absurd things Americans have somehow gotten used to as "normal". It's not quite a "Fall", but a subtle demoralization of society. Just to use a "consumerist" label myself, I would say we're all living in a "Matrix" of sorts. And like the Matrix, you can wake up to it or remain asleep and not even realize just how demoralized you really are.


The only reason why I say America is still better off than Western Europe is that they didn't kill off the majority of it's strong, male population (nor did enough of them have kids). You can erode all kinds of cultural values, and still recover with a dedicated few who care about preserving society.. but if you kill your own warriors and young men, then you're pretty much done for.

And what's even worse is, there are folks out there that are trying to tell us that some of those absurd things should be accepted as 'normal', and embraced. Obesity being right there at the top of the list.....


Yep, society is being dragged down a step at a time, at an ever increasing pace.



That one confuses me. Most of my criticisms of the West are because of bad top-down decisions. But obesity acceptance seems to be the product of people on the bottom. Something of their own making for a change, but bad all the same. I sympathize, because I know a lot hard work is cut out for some if they want to get healthier, and maybe they're just frustrated, but they shouldn't give up. No one said they need to do it overnight, but they shouldn't give up. And I think the enablers are far worse. They don't care at all, and then demonize those who do care.

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The West destroyed itself already, over a hundred years ago, with WW1. Especially the European West. And if that wasn't enough, WW2 sealed the deal for good measure. America might have a better fighting chance to stave off dramatic decline, but even that is unlikely (but I'd be happy to be proven wrong). America themselves has become enslaved in the post war years to usury and Wall Street, consumerism, increased erosion of constitutional rights, a vapid yet influential nobility in the form of Hollywood, senseless rebellion against classical values and art, etc.. The list goes on at the absurd things Americans have somehow gotten used to as "normal". It's not quite a "Fall", but a subtle demoralization of society. Just to use a "consumerist" label myself, I would say we're all living in a "Matrix" of sorts. And like the Matrix, you can wake up to it or remain asleep and not even realize just how demoralized you really are.


The only reason why I say America is still better off than Western Europe is that they didn't kill off the majority of it's strong, male population (nor did enough of them have kids). You can erode all kinds of cultural values, and still recover with a dedicated few who care about preserving society.. but if you kill your own warriors and young men, then you're pretty much done for.

And what's even worse is, there are folks out there that are trying to tell us that some of those absurd things should be accepted as 'normal', and embraced. Obesity being right there at the top of the list.....


Yep, society is being dragged down a step at a time, at an ever increasing pace.



That one confuses me. Most of my criticisms of the West are because of bad top-down decisions. But obesity acceptance seems to be the product of people on the bottom. Something of their own making for a change, but bad all the same. I sympathize, because I know a lot hard work is cut out for some if they want to get healthier, but they shouldn't give up. No one said they need to do it overnight, but they shouldn't give up. And I think the enablers who encourage them to give up are far worse. They don't care at all, and then demonize those who do care.



I like to call it the "lowest common denominator syndrome". And striving to meet that "goal" only continues the spiral down ... at an ever accelerating pace.

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Our society has been declining for quite some time. And for the very same reason the Roman empire collapsed. We are doing it to ourselves....... and the 'progressive' movement is accelerating that decline.


What I REALLY expect to do us in though, is our penchant for spending money, that we don't have. If I tried to run a business like our government runs, I would have been in prison a LONG time ago. Eventually, folks are going to figure out that we can NEVER repay that money, and they are going to STOP lending, buying bonds, etc. Then our economy will simply implode, and the world economy will follow very shortly thereafter.


Oh you, that's just Fox "News" and OAN talking, they always claim EVERYTHING IS THE PROGRESSIVES FAULT™

Pretty sure the decline has started when the Senate Republicans decided that the President is above the law and untouchable.

Along with the Republicans bankrupting the Country with their insistence that Trickle Down works, while Trump has just announced a 4.6 TRILLION Dollar Budget (Something Conservative spent 8 years rending their clothes and gnashing their teeth about for 8 years from 2008 to 2016, but now it's OK, but IOKIYAR)

Apparently Republicans only care about the Budget when a Democrat is in charge, because Republicans are currently driving this country straight off a cliff and turning us into a third world country in quick order, along with holding people in camps and separating them from their children.

Reminds me of a certain bunch of people back in the 1930s.

Sure wish these Faux Outrage Pearl clutchers would hold themselves to the same standards they DEMAND of Democrats.


P.S. we'd HAVE that money to spend if the Repubs would raise the taxes on the 1% BACK to what it was before Reagan screwed everything up.

After WW2, the tax rate was around %70 and we were able to build new infrastructure etc.

Instead they continue to lower it, while continuing to spend like they still have that income.

Brownback Bankrupted Kansas, Walker bankrupted Wisconsin, yet they still insist Supply Side economics works, and now they're bankrupting the country, and McConnell is holding the Government hostage, because he hasn't brought any ONE of the 400+ bills up for a vote in all of 2019, and it sure looks like he's not going to do a darn thin in 2020 either.

One man should NOT be able to hold the government hostage like that.


Because more and more people are slipping into poverty because of Conservative policies, they've lost hope, which is why alcoholism, drug abuse, overeating, suicide go up, because they have no hope anymore because thanks to policies that have been changed, it's harder and harder to dig yourself out.



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I don't watch fox news.


The republicans borrow and spend, the democrats tax and spend. Neither has any clue what a 'balance budget' looks like. Obama drove us further into debt than EVERY president before him, combined.


I am aware that the only thing that actually 'trickles down', is NOT money. :)


Yep, obstructionism is the policy of the day in washington. That started a couple decades back, and REALLY took off when Obama was elected. Not that trump is in office, that policy has continued, it's just changed sides. It seems it is more important to make sure the 'other guys' can't do anything good, than it is to make sure this country can continue. It isn't JUST a republican thing, it is BOTH parties.


As for the progressives, I am referring to their social agenda. Please note it is their policies that have made our public schools the laughingstock of the world. The whole "everyone wins, everyone gets a trophy", and "no one is responsible for their own actions" thing, have made sure that the inmates are in charge of the asylum.


NEITHER party is doing what's best for America. Both parties are doing what is best for THEM. I.E. what puts the most money in their pocket, RIGHT NOW. They ALL need to be chased out of D.C., and replaced. But, that isn't going to happen. So, we all get to sit back and watch as our government drives our country into the ground.


Republicans aren't the only ones that see themselves as 'above the law' either. But, I am going to bet money that whomever I bring up here, you will give me some song and dance about how 'others have done it too', and 'the fbi said she didn't commit a crime', etc. So, I simply won't bother.


Keep in mind, I am NOT a republican. I voted for Obama, twice. It's just since 2016 and beyond, the dems are running on platforms with positions I simply cannot support, so, I vote for the folks whom I disagree with the least. Does that mean I support EVERYTHING they do? Most certainly not. They are simply the lesser of two evils.

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