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The Fall of the West.


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The US will be fine. Europe is toast though.

Well it won't be fine.... things would get bad....but it has the best chance of coming out on the other side in relatively good shape. Its actually Canada and the US together who share that fate and that has to do with geography and natural resources. Geographically speaking Canada and the US together form the most defensible and resource rich continent in the world .... this alone removes a lot of other problems other nations have that we don't. I've studied strategic theory and North America has the designation of continental fortress. One with an abundance of natural resources so you can start over. We are the only place in the world that has those 2 criteria (defensibility , abundant resources) in one place.


Europe on the other hand will be a mess.

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One common feature in dissolving empires is that the citizens didn't see it coming until the barbarians were cresting final defenses. All empires fall, just when is the 64k dollar question. Being somewhat of an avid historian one question that always came to me..did the people of 410 Rome , 1900 Europe or 1916 Russia realize that their world was about to dissolve into deadly chaos?

Just my cynical two cents worth.

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I doubt it will "Fall".

Some people will say it's just changing, while others who don't like the change will say it's falling.

Then again, sometimes things have to die for something better to take its place.


Perhaps in the realm of evolution of species ... but in the case of human social history we have a preference for repeating past mistakes.


On the upside, that makes predicting what may come next a bit less arduous.

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I doubt it will "Fall".

Some people will say it's just changing, while others who don't like the change will say it's falling.

Then again, sometimes things have to die for something better to take its place.

Or something worse will take its place. Most , as in the vast majority of human history , its been a series of tyrannical/despotic forms of Gov't one after another. This time we live in is an anomaly and for the most part it only has its fullest form in the West. There are huge areas of this world that live under the opposite of what we have. And its just not governmental , its cultural , societal where for any reason your security and rights can be taken away or you end up imprisoned or dead.We seem to take so many things for granted that maybe it will not be until we lose them that things would straighten out to the good again.


There is a saying. Hard times produce strong men , strong men produce good times , good times produce weak men , weak men produce hard times. Well look at what's being promoted as a strong man in our culture these days , I certainly wouldn't describe them as strong men.

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~ snip ~

There is a saying. Hard times produce strong men , strong men produce good times , good times produce weak men , weak men produce hard times.



+1 :thumbsup: ... the history of mankind in one concise sentence.

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You are now among a group with another member of the modern gestapo, put into power to further stifle the true blood and guts artists who made these video game worlds exciting.

Our way of life is a so inferior to the old modders Artists ways of seeing the world, their ways of thinking, and speaking their minds, one of their least intelligent members would make for a better judge of flamers then any of us.

The modern mod members and social group left over here at Nexusmods is a painful red sore on this website. And it doesn't appear they know that the ointment they're using is no better than wasting salt on a gangrenous wound.

The people at Nexusmods barely represent one third of the artists who reigned here making mods that, to this day, were ever more extraordinary than mine.

I should take my medicine, Delete all my threads, posts, and both my mods and leave.

Take my insolences and leave. I could go find a temple where the monks still refuse to expose themselves to the modern world, and refuse modern technology. Only I fear that if I did I would find my present egotistical mind further dampened via weak warnings, weaker formal warnings, and banned for what would have been a minor flash of sparks from a campfire. Going and being accepted by those monks would be a miracle and getting up in among monks upon one of those high rocks barely holding up their domain upon it's teetering foundation that is impossible to climb up clearly a feat of extraordinary worth.

If banned and we fought to stay up there; their powers of formal and final warnings would include being thrown off the rocks that appear to look like a towering mushroom whose shadow hides our death; instead of being lowered down, burdened with our shame, in the elevator that only ropes via pulleys that are powered by men. Men that can control our fate. If they are among those who are angry.

Shame on the warden, for allowing foreigners in. Shame on us for raising the ire of those they Hire adding to the Community Managers list of shamed.

They fouled us. They did it with purpose; they who know not well how to judge gained from their own wisdom gained from real life adventures, but only from hanging around at the website, hanging around with friends, playing video games, while walking the streets never seeing and only watching the war and destruction on Television.

I am so sad that those websites that used to be so popular filled with the artists of those days gone by are down. They had bold splashes of red blood, green wounds, silvery saliva dripping from the warriors bloodied teeth and yellow snot clotting their noses. Tears of clear water glimmer as they killed and cried during the battle.

No one knows that better than those who fought in real melee and sword battles face to face. All of the passions brought to us by woe, anger, hatred, sorrow, and fear in wars. Wars like that were held and each fighter saw in the faces of those they fought and saw when they stared into the faces. They shared looks upon each other before the thwak, slice, or thud ended it for one or the other of them.

For each other we cry, for each other we bleed, for each other we die. When we upset one another we lose. When one artist who had seen it too critiqued another artist they doubted had seen what they saw, at all, the flame wars on the forums could have powered the electric grid in a large city.

All had seen some, all artists spilled their colors of real life, into the video mods and were critiquing each others art. Occasionally though a spark ignited their differences.

Soon the fall will come. The way we were will be a smudge in the background of a photo of the members of forums, websites, the likes of Nexusmods which show no images or CanadianIce and Howndowgs website that proudly displays a picture of their team and friends in the picture too.


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Our society is doomed to collapse because that collapse is inherent to the system right since the very first Empire was raised. Since new empires are usually built on the ashes of the old, with more or less the same rules and regulations, or at least, the same legal system and, more importantly, the same banking system (remember that the current system where a loaner asks interests stems from the Assyrian Empire, was taken over by the Jewish people and introduced into Europe by travelling Druids), you can predict where the new empire is going. The same way the old empire went. Down the drain.


In our current situation, the banks and economic system will be at the root of the collapse. Wether a new global war will emerge from that imminent collapse remains to be seen and will depend on how far the USA will be willing to go to maintain its chokehold on the world. I hope I will remain the first of my family in three and a half generations who will have lived without going through a global war.

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