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StreetLights.esm Fallout 3 Placed Wrong ?


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The masterlist for Fallout 3 is correct and it seems like Vortex places StreetLights.esm correct ( or it might have done that when I altered the Plugins.txt manually )


But both Plugins.txt and LoadOrder.txt ánd FO3Edit ( which reads the LoadOrder.txt ) place Streetlights.esm in the wrong order ( below BrokenSteel.esm , which is incorrect )


See image



What would be the solution to this ?




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Oh thát's what you mean by it... :dry:


Seriously, why does it matter how Vortex displays the UI ?

What does that have to do with how it saves the load order of my mods?


Let me show you :




As you see I "sorted by Load Order" and StreetLights.esm is still on "spot 3" ( just like the masterlist.yaml says it should do ), BrokenSteel.esm is loaded after StreetLights.esm ( see red square ).

STILL... both loadorder.txt and plugins.txt show StreetLights.esm loaded after BrokenSteel.esm


I rather wait for @Tannin42 to give me an answer if you don't mind.


Thanks for trying


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Why would you need to load this ESM between the core DLCs? That seems like a recipe for disaster.


Edit: After speaking to Tannin, this may actually be an oversight in the FO3 support for Vortex. We're looking into it.

No, it is not. It has always been sorted before the Broken Steel DLC. Been that way back when BOSS was the go-to load order sorting tool too.


Also, copy/paste from the Fallout Street Lights mod description page:



If you have Broken Steel DLC you should have Street Lights before it in your load order.


Fallout Street Lights: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/8069

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It's even in the masterlist.yaml , here's a snipped of it :


- name: 'BrokenSteel.esm'
group: *dlcGroup
- 'ThePitt.esm'
- 'Anchorage.esm'
- 'StreetLights.esm'
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