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Tony the Wookie

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Posts posted by Tony the Wookie

  1. On Bethesda's official job page it says


    Experience with The Elder Scrolls Construction Set or GECK a plus.


    They arn't going to come looking for modders to work for them, but if you have mods you can show them, as well as showing them a portfolio of what you can offer, it deffinatly can't hurt your chances.

  2. This is an interesting mod. I would totally download this. :happy:


    well, you will probly get you chance... but not soon though...


    I am including this with my larger "Dynamic and Growing Town" mod, which won't be released for a while now


    but when it does get released, not only will you have a kid, but a new house and new outfits for you and the kid, and a wife or girlfreind if you choose (or boyfreind if you want)

  3. What could work is:


    A Kitchen that allows combination of food from recipes (in place of schematics).

    Better Per and Int improves the odd of creating the item and eventually the recipe goes through several upgrades (via collection of schematics) to allow food to get even better, up to the point that it heals more than stim packs (Miracle Foods?)...


    How the upgraded schematics would work is, for each schematics collected, it raises the counter by a number which then sets the level of the recipe to be used.


    I am wanting to implement something like this into my mod already, but enstead of schematics you just bring the stuff to the bakery or medicine shop and they do it for you. The more you help out the place you get more and better stuff they can make.



    But my offer to share stuff from my mod stands for anyone that feels like picking up this mod or something similar





    Otherwise, I may just implement some of you ideas for the General Store in my mod, though it will never be owned by the player character, I do like the idea of haveing expansions built on. Though it may be a bit of a pain as far as building exterior meshes go... I would have to build the origional mesh, and then one that is a "work in progress" with all the framework and stuff still showing, and then one more for the completed addition.


    And then I would have to re make the interior as well, but it would be cool since I could add cool new stock and stuff. And as an incentive I could offer my custom outfit meshes and stuff only from completed stores or whatever. (gain a few each time you upgrade or whatever)


    But mabe if I get time later on I will do it.


    But I personally have no intention of haveing the player operate the store, but I will let people use stuff from my npc run store if they want to try to make it player run.

  4. I wonder if they have specific outfits from the game with increases breast size modded to be present regardless of actual equipment...

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean here, like a slider that can enhance cup size for body & clothing? I never heard of a mod like that.




    I really doubt it would be anywhere near possible to do that in the Fallout engine, there just isn't a system that would stretch the mesh to different sizes, like they have in games like Soul Caliber 4's character creation (and even in that game it only gives you an overall option, not for specific body parts and such)


    It is one of those things that for a professional game studio would be a challenge, and for modders working with a limited game engine pretty much immpossible


    It would be awesome to have, just not really possible with the current resources

  5. I guess a mod that automatically re-sizes your character regardless of clothing would be too complicated...


    I wonder if they have specific outfits from the game with increases breast size modded to be present regardless of actual equipment...


    The shape of the character is determined 100% by the outfit mesh


    so the only way would be to make a new outfit mesh for every outfit




    you could however create an outfit mesh with as big of boobs as you want, and as long as you were wearing that outfit they would be big, but they would go back to normal size once you picked up a different outfit or whatever




    but the body replacer itself only affects a nude character, not any of the clothes meshes

  6. - A realistic movement when doing 1st person view, you know, like small swinging when walking not just sliding on! Gah! Why wouldn't they do it in the first place?? First time doing the walk and I felt disappointed already, now uses the 3rd-p-view only.


    realistic movement in 1st person view :blink:

  7. Phew... That's it for my ideas, the rest you can expand on yourself, in many other mods based off of this...

    And maybe if your lucky, someone might be able to make a mod that lets you own a factory to produce products to sell, etc!


    I am working on a mod where you have


    a farm where you can get anything from vegetables, fruit, brahmin milk, brahmin steaks, centisheep whool, mutated chicken eggs and so on


    a store in my town where you can turn in whool and any clothing found around the wasteland, and the girl running the shop will make new outfits out of it.


    a blacksmith where you can turn in all the weapons, metal armor, ammo, and other various scrap metal and he will make you new weapons and armor


    a carpenter where you can help him out to build new furniture (not sure what exactly you are going to have to bring this guy though)


    a bakery where you bring any food and it is made into much better meals


    and a medicine shop where you can bring herbs and other random ingredeince to, in order to get medicine and such




    So, if you are interested, you could use my town to supply clothes, food, armor, furniture, and medicine to your shop or whatever. My stuff would mosty just take the junk you don't want and turn it into usefull stuff, which could them be sold.


    I have thought about doing a shop you could own before, but I had other things I found more interesting, so I tossed the idea out of my mod, but it would be somewhat cool to have, even though I personaly don't want to work on it.


    I am always willing to work other mods into being compatible with what I am working on, so if you are interested, just tell me, and I can PM you the new info on my mod or whatever.




    I am currently creating meshes with various stages of damage. So I can replace the most damaged one with the slightly better cleaner one, and have the illusion of the item getting repaired.


    If you are interested I could share some of those meshes with your mod, so you could repair stuff like chairs and tables around the shop as you become more successful.


    I could also let you use one of the building I am makeing, but they wouldn't have the option to get bigger as you move on, just get repaired and look better. It honestly wouldn't be that hard to add on additions to make the shop bigger, I just am not useing that for my mod at the moment, but mabe in the future. But as of now they won't have that option.


    I don't really feel like building anything new for this mod, since I already have tons of stuff I need to do, but I am willing to share some of the stuff I already am makeing for my mod.

  8. so i am giving YOU the public to design your very own shotgun and upload it in this forum!


    so.... what you are saying is that you are nice enough to give me the chance to do something that I have been able to do ever since this forum has been opened... wow, your such a generous person, I don't know how I could ever thank you for giveing me the shot to upload a picture of something I did onto the forum! I'm sooooooo excited, I havn't uploaded a picture in... 2 days... so I'm sooooo glad you and you infinite power are giving me the chance to upload another picture onto a forum...


    buy anyways, sarcasm aside



    I can design a shotgun, I can 3D model a shotgun, and I can fully texture a shotgun. What I don't do, is put things in the game. So I will make a shotgun if you will put it into the game.


    but in not sure what "I will do my best to get the mod created" means...


    If you don't have a deffinate way of getting my stuff in game, I won't waste my time

  9. :thumbsup: In another way StSinnet is damn right, I always looked for that sort of mod in Oblivion too...


    I mean c'mon almost every human has the same length and width, not to mention that they're all well fed, including the wasteland guys who beg for clean water, these beggars should definatly be skinny...

    The tall people can wear every sort of clothing, as I found out with Charon, I dunno about width, but I think skinny could be able to wear every clothing too, because most of the time, clothing hides your skinny'ness, at the moment you take off the clothes, THEN you see how skinny they really are.







    The mesh is not changed on taller or shorter people, the scale of the entire character is changed.


    So really, they are the exact same porportions and everything, just bigger...




    The way your character looks in an outfit is determined by that outfit, so if a fat character put on a vault suit they would be shaped exactly like that vault suit.




    The fact is, in a game like Fallout, the thing that determines the width and porportions and everything for the person is the outfit they are wearing, changeing the body type underneath the outfit does nothing.


    There are only two sets of outfits for the game, male and female, so there are only two possible body types for the game, unless you want everyone to run around naked...




    The clothing DOES NOT go over the body mesh, it REPLACES the body mesh






    The only way I have found to have a different body type in the game is to have the outfit locked on the character so that they can not trade outfits with other people and the player character can not kill them and loot their outfit

  10. fatties in fallout 3 would be impossible because all the foods are divided into rations and if you go in any rooms theres not even enough food to last a week and when you fight to survive every day in your life even if u were fat you would lose all your weight . im sure you wuld poo your own body weight if you saw a real super mutant the only way to be fat is if there was an island untouched by natural disaster with an abundance of food so having fatties is bull sheit


    someone in Eulogy Jones' position could be fat

  11. check out jaysus's high sea caravansery, theres a fat guy in the camel inn. (but u cant be fat, only that one NPC)


    I would assume, he has the outfit mesh locked to the guy




    the only way to have the PC be fat, is if you never change your outfit


    I actually did a playthrough with a Type 3 body where everyone else was Vanilla, and just had to limit my character to only useing the Type 3 outfits I put into a container in vault 101. Not the most practical way to do things, but it can work

  12. Quetzlsacatanango, who is pretty much doing all of the dialogue for my mod, said it wouldn't be hard at all to pull off.


    I am already planning ahead to allow a kid to live in my player house.


    It is just one of the last things that we are going to work on before finishing the mod, so you are going to have to wait a while, unless you can find someone else to do it, or you would like to join our little team.




    We are already working on allowing the player character to find a girlfreind and settle down in the town, adding a kid isn't much of a strech at all.


    We just have to finish makeing 8 new interior spaces, 8 new exterior meshes and textures with varrying forms of damage, and 22 npcs with fully interactive dialogue.




    The only problem is voice acting... it might be a little hard to get Liam Neeson to add another line for your father to say... so I would need to find someone who can fake his voice






    But anyways, (for my mod at least) it would probly be better to have a new npc child enstead of useing one already in the game, perferably someone from my town or something.


    if you want to help, and not use the GECK, you could simply type out a backstory and dialogue in word pad




    If you can think of a good story, please share.


    If you want me to send you the latest info on my mod, just tell me and I will send you a PM (it is not quite ready for me to put up my new topic yet)

  13. no textures at all, just default 3Ds Max materials thrown on


    the chair is 500, and the store is only 300, I can't remember on the tavern, but it will be up there once I start adding on the pillars on the front porch area



    But don't worry too much about the blueprints, if you don't have time, since it really isn't completly neccessary. Helpful, yes, but not totaly neccessary.


    Im far from an architect, I just pulled out a sketch pad and threw down some quick thumbnail blueprints, just so I could know what exactly I needed to make and whatever.


    Alright cool deal. I'm having a crazy time with college, won't get stuff sorted for about a week, maybe two. Won't be able to get anything cemently set until around that time.


    not a problem


    if you can help, then cool, if not, me and Quetzlsacatanango can pretty much get the stuff done, it is just going to take some time




    I did just the other day learn how to set up interiors and navmeshes and stuff in the GECK, so this week I am going to get some of those done, and I think Quetzlsacatanango was planning on a doing a few as well. That way he can start working and setting up destinations and stuff for the NPCs, and I will continue with my meshes and textures


    I am buying my Wacom tablet sometime next week, so that should help me out with textures and stuff (those things are always fun to use, and make anything 2d much faster)




    What I really need is more free time... I still need to get the detailed town stuff up and the organized character list, so I can put up the new topic, I just keep putting it off, because it is really quite boring, and sometimes frustrating to try to get loads of information into an actual readable form...


    I am usualy not an organized person, so trying to keep this whole thing as organized as possible is a bit of a challenge



    but my plan is


    1. make empty interior cells

    2. put up new topic with organized info

    3. keep working on exterior meshes

  14. the fact the it requires different armor and clothing means it wouldn't be compatible with the rest of the Fallout world...


    the Fallout world only has two sets of clothes, male and female, there isn't any way to have other choices, such as male, male fat, female, female type 3 and stuff like that


    the only real way to have a fat body type would be if you could lock the custom mesh outfit to them, so it can't be taken off or whatever, but then they wouldn't be able to use other outfits or anything like that

  15. I don't know if Bethesda is even interested though


    they have show no signs of it thus far, with any of their games, so I have no reason to beleive they are changeing their minds anytime soon




    though it would be completly awesome, haveing a companion that is actually someone you know, that has brought over their player character to your world.




    But this doesn't really belong in the request section, since no modder could possibly ever get it to work

  16. I think that bethesda is working on it, and i don't think it is impossible, rendering could be clientside, (mods would cause a problem though) and since fallout 3 already is able to keep track of NPC's moving through the cells, it could most likely track another player moving through the cells. Actually, now that i think about it, not only would it be possible, it would probably be relatively easy, the PC (player character) would be a controlled NPC, and the game engine would easily keep track of the changing objects and NPC's. Now i said relatively easy, there would be some problems that would need some time to fix, but finding the main problems isn't really a challenge. Since the PC isn't ever referred to my name in fallout 3, quest and NPC dialog would not need to be changed much (a couple things here and there though). Though there would need to be some limits, the fallout 3 engine is much more versatile and powerful than you think, but it DOES have its limits.


    it would deffinatly be possible for Bethesda to do it


    just near immpossible for modders to do it

  17. it isn't that we don't have the tools


    it is the fact that we all have jobs to do during the day, and can only work on stuff in our limited free time... the people at Bethesda get paid for 40 or more hours a week to do this...



    I don't think anyone here can say that they have 40 hours a week to dedicate to a mod

  18. well, mabe you should make something, enstead of telling other people what to do with their own time...



    personally, I don't even use weapon mods in any way shape or form, but the simple fact is, you have no right to complain... They have the right to make whatever they want with their own time...

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