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Tony the Wookie

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Posts posted by Tony the Wookie

  1. I bet once most people saw the words "total conversion" in the title, they didn't even bother to open the topic


    and if that didn't do it, the fact that you didn't list what makes you qualified to lead a team and that you spent what looks like only 30 to 40 seconds typeing out the description of your mod deffinatly turned the remaining people away...



    I don't want to sound rude, but if I am going to dedicate my time to a mod, I deffinatly want a little more that 3 sentences and absolutly no sort of plan at all...


    Mabe you should start off by listing the locations and such that you are going to need

  2. Hmm, so how about "investments"?


    You invest caps to a npc to help them kick start their business, and if the business goes well you gain caps every 3 days, and there are possible ways to invest more caps so they can grow their business...


    It could also work as a custom shop to buy items from, the more you invest and buy items from their stores, the more points they earn so they can "level up" their shops and provide you with many more useful items to buy...


    It could also work in terms of "research" mods, so investments could have a team of npc scientist research a new weapon, armor, clothing, food, ammo, etc. and when research completes you get a prototype or lower condition of it, while the stores are stocked with one.



    The investing thing could deffinatly work, but I don't see any reason to have a cap payment for it. I personally don't see caps as a decent reward, since I easily have more than I could possibly ever need, on all of my files.


    But if you give caps, or items, or do small mini quests for the store, the store will become repaired, expand its space, and get more items you can buy.


    I plan on makeing custom outfits for the game, that you can only buy after helping my store out.




    But the overall goal of my mod is to help out the town, and then it becomes repaired and you get cool rewards (that will absolutly in no way include caps) some of which will be custom items I make, others will allow you to further customize the town, and other involve stuff like getting a family and such.




    But that is on my personal mod, whatever anyone wants to do with this is cool by me

  3. Well first of all, correct me if I'm mistaken, but Obsidian was working on the original Fallout 3 Van Buren project right?

    The van buren project was a much different styled game, but it was intended to have multiplayer functions. If this is true

    then we're all in luck because Obsidian is helping out Bethesda with some new games such as Fallout Vegas and that means

    that they will most likely have multiplayer. However, the main problem everyone has now is the V.A.T.S. and how it would stop gameplay for the other player as well as terminals, lockpicking, conversation, inventories, and so forth. I don't know how easy this would be, but can't we just make it so the game continues instead of pausing the whole game? I feel like this would work, even with V.A.T.S., because all V.A.T.S. does is help you aim for body parts. Well, that's just something to think about...


    Just because Black Isles Studio was working on a multiplayer Fallout 3 (which I am not even sure if their Fallout 3 was sgoing to be multiplayer), and that Obsidian is made up of a lot of people from Black Isles Studio, doesn't in any way, shape, or form mean that Fallout New Vegas even has a remote chance of being multiplayer.


    Fallout New Vegas is going to run off Bethesda's engine, so unless they want to totally re-work the engine, multiplayer isn't going to happen.


    I'm not saying that I know for sure that they won't, just that there is no logical reason to expect multiplayer. They could very well decide that re-working the entire engine is worth it, but there is not sort of evidence to make me think they would go that rout.

  4. Holy cow, please texture that and make it powerful and you will be my mod hero!

    I didn't even think to ask about her sniper, but the model you made is brilliant, it looks really good and I would really love to see it finished if you have the time!


    I can texture it, but someone else will have to put it into the game, because I don't have nifskope or anything like that, and I don't know how to put guns into the GECK

  5. I also want to build some interior peices that look something like this




    I have been thinking about being able to add additions onto the house, but it would be a lot of extra work on makeing the meshes and textures, but I may eventually get to it.


    I would have the regular house mesh, and then have one more that has the framework and work in progress stuff, and then a final finished one. It would take several days for the carpenter to finish everything.


    I might even blow up the garage part on the player house and have you re-build it by paying the carpenter





    But I will have to see on that

  6. okay

    that fits, it seemed like even the most lived in houses (think Andale) were in terrible condition

    so you've given up on custom hair, I assume


    the table for the bakery should be a big wooden slab on fat, stubby column like legs, seems like that would fit well, and be pretty unique



    I can put the info back, if you want, still have the stuff in a word doc


    No, I am still going to do the hair, just not for the OTHER npcs


    I will be doing hair for the relationship NPCs, but not for the rest of the town




    The main difference between places like Andale and my town is that they don't have a trained carpenter and a water purifier to trade for supplies :wink:




    The wood will be poor quality and unfinished, but the Carpenter still knows how to make a decent looking table


    kind of like this table, from the 1700s, just bigger and probly round






    But I am going to have a lathe and working saws and stuff in the carpenters shop, if they still have working computers in Megaton, then I can have a working lathe... it is much simpler technology




  7. Lol, going out into the world and killing people, while simultaneously raising a family, why does this sound so familiar?




    I do think that it's a great idea, though, and when your mod comes out Tony, I will most likely be downloading it, as well as the mod requested in this thread, if and when it comes out.



    My stuff I am working on is very much based on games like Fable and Mass Effect


    as well as Suikoden and Harvest Moon and even a bit from Grand Theft Auto 4




    I just don't think an open work / sandbox type game is really complete without haveing a family to protect




    plus, I just wanted to try something different, other than spending my time makeing more guns and more quests and people to shoot with those guns...


    don't get me wrong, I like shooting people in the face as much as the next guy, but that is already out there in every single game you play. I just wanted to do something a bit different.



    It origionally started out when I was jokeing around about combineing Harvest Moon and Fallout

  8. thanks for the colors, changed them, removed the body type/hairstyle info, and took out my intro, all in that big post



    I'm pretty sure thats all thats been posted on this thread, I'm pretty sure there was more on those pages that disappeared, but not sure


    you've made a basic thing for all the interiors, just not the little details are the way you want, right?


    Only 5 are done so far, but the rest are comeing



    what I will do after that is go through and make some custom items, like a large dinning table for the bakery and some recolored beds and some new cabnets and stuff like that


    I also want to retexture the walls and floor, so every house isn't the same exact color, and because there arn't default wall peices with the amount of wear and tear that I want. They are all either way too much or Tranquility Lane style clean, neither of them really fit a well taken care of, but still post apocolyptic house.




    but what I meant on my last post was the character other than the girls


    I am going to keep the hair and body type changes on the girls, but the rest of the people in the town will be more vanilla

  9. for blue




    for green






    Now I just need to go through and add the info for the other characters (minus the hair and body type, since they won't be custom)


    If you want you can go through and put down the information available right now, or if not I can get to it in a little bit



    I am currently putting furniture into the interiors to make sure there is enough space, before I start working on the exteriors. It is also giveing me a good idea on what I need to eventually build to make the interiors feel complete.

  10. actually, those are from this guys mod




    which he ported from Oblivion, so I am not even sure anymore who actually made the models




    But I didn't, I just made a compilation of hair to make them compatible with other hair and eye packs, nothing more




    But anyways, I have no expereince working on hair, I plan on trying my hands at a hairpack later on when I don't have a lot of other stuff I need to do, but at the moment I am pretty busy

  11. well, right now what I really need is to get the characters organized, so if you want to go through an put the character information together based on what is on this topic, that would be helpfull


    thats what I meant, but I'll get on it tomorrow (when its not 1 AM!)



    I tend to forget the 3 hour time difference... and the fact that normal people don't stay up untill 2 or 3 every day like me... (I work evening shift)

  12. Ok, I have the interior walls for the Blacksmith, Medicine Shop, General Store, and Bakery done


    I will work on some retextures for the walls and floor, decorate them, and put in some good lighting later



    if anyone is interested I can put up some screenshots




    I am also about 85% done with unwraping the player house, so then I can add textures and everything




    still havn't got around to getting the new topic up...

  13. With how little I use hand to hand combat, I don't have a problem with the lack of effort.


    Considering that all the time they would spend makeing good hand to hand combat would mean less time spent on other parts of the game...


    Of course everyone would like it if Bethesda had spent more time on pretty much everything that is not 100% perfect, but if that was the case, we wouldn't even have a game right now.

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