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Tony the Wookie

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Posts posted by Tony the Wookie

  1. I've been thinking about adding an asspect like this to my town later, but I havn't really thought any good way to actually pull it off...


    !!Warning!! !!Warning!! Idea hatching process have begun !!Warning!! !!Warning!!

    Naw, Wookie, look what you just did... :pinch:


    Nah, jokes aside, I, myself have also had the thoughts about it and lots of other

    things, though already having a bounch of project that I barley have

    time for, I of course don't have the time for another. :(

    But yea, the idea would probably suit your project very well, by the look of it.


    I'm always happy to take ideas and put them into my collection


    can't guarantee they will go anywhere, but I personaly havn't been able to think of an actual interesting way to have a person own a shop of have a job...




    I do want to incorporate some missions like bringing back items for the general store, and collecting stories for the book the librarian is wrighting and stuff, and haveing to grow certain food to help out the bakery... Mabe some missions from the blacksmith or carpenter as well, but all of those would really just be bring back stuff and get paid, nothing really unique there, exept it helps the town reach the next level so you can repair the buildings more.

  2. http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/6696/33905786.jpg












    Still needs a lot of work though, I think the low poly is too low poly... I think I should add back at least the main inset of the window and stuff, but this is the first time I did this, so I didn't know how much that was going to affect the window


    The window above is at 44 polys, but even if I have to go up to 100 or so, it is still a whole lot better than the 1400 or so it was before...

  3. I have a personal mod that does something like that. If you script it, it would be something like:


    if player.GetArmorRatingUpperBody > 0
    set dressed to 1


    I suppose conditionals in conversation would probably work in a similar way.



    Thank You

    Does an armour rating for anything equipped not ever go below 1 then?


    If I rememberr correctly, if the armour rateing drops below 1, it is broken and can't be worn


    but I am not 100% sure on that

  4. And on the wheel, make sure you do unwrap. Unless you have a completely generic shape or, in special instances, a completed model that can use basic texture maps, there is no reason you shouldn't use unwrap (and yes, it is always a female dog to deal with).


    I did completly unwrap the wheel



    As far as enteriors, I have only done single room enteriors in Max, but I was under the assumtion that to get it into Fallout you would build the Enterior in the GECK, and I would just bring in individual meshes from Max... But I'm really not sure on that




    If you can PM me your email adress I can email you the file with the dialogue right now, as well as get you into contact with Quetzlsacatanango who is right now the only person working on dialogue and stuff. He is pretty much in charge of where the dialogue is going, since I know little about that kind of stuff in the GECK, and I am spending most of my time trying to get these building figured out, so I can get the exterior of the town built. I am mostly just supplying him with characters and he is doing the real work.

  5. Adding some rust and taking some of the shine out of the cannon and the robot could make them less cartoony. Maybe have some of the paint looked chipped. Looks cool so far.


    well, they are sapposed to look cartoony, I made them for a game my freind is trying to make, nothing Fallout related at all, they just ended up in the screenshot because I was too lazy to load up 3 different pictures :biggrin:

  6. http://www.pici.se/pictures/HgrPXeMAI.jpg


    Low poly is really just the peices that affect the shape, anything that you could see from the Silhouette


    High poly has all the details, but to save from haveing to load a million z brushed polys you would just load the normal map detail onto the low poly mesh


    Low poly appears in game, high poly is used to get accurate detail on a normal map


    Normal maps are a flat image that reacts to light an shadow to look like it is actualy 3d




    that is a normal map, it would take thousands of polys to make a model have depth to the brick, but the flat image reads shadows and light and stuff to apear to have depth, though it is just a flat plane


    makes games run faster, keeps your computer from blowing up

  7. All i can say is i am greatful and the game pleases me, but it does lack some aspects to it that would otherwise complete it for me, and others.


    Think about it: You bring a kid from Lamp littlelight to Bigtown, the kid thanks you and no remarks are made upon it from any of the bigtown people, they also keep on with the "We are gonna die" crap and you feel helpless like there is no quest to make them at peace or something.


    Rivet city and the alchoholic could have been a quest making her a better person to herself and her son, etc but it is all just static dialogue with no interactive purpose, etc..


    That is some of the stuff i said in a nutshell. It would have taken 10 minutes to read it was a large post anyways.



    all of which is true


    it would make it a better game, but just because NASA has only made it to the moon, and not Mars, doesn't mean NASA is broken or that NASA is any less competent at what they do. They are still far ahead of the competition and are takeing the small steps neccessary to move foward...


    I would love to move the game foward as far as dialogue goes, that is one of the main focuses of the mod I am currently working on. I am adding npc REACTIONS to what your player does. That is really the key to what makes people want to keep playing. The npcs in my town will react to what you say to them and the choices of stuff you say to them is not going to be just black and white, good and evil... I want to try and create a true understanding of a character through conversations, the way that a novel makes you understand a character, not by explaining what they look like or do, but by putting in dialogue

  8. Jesus Christ, what did this guy post? Am I the only one who sees:
    *Moderator, Please delete this thread to prevent flaming.*



    I hope someone would have understood, but i guess not.


    He simply posted his opinion of the game, stating some good points that I totally agree with. But after a few over zealous replies he edited his post and deleted his original post with the one you quoted.

    As to avoid further burn wounds from posters armed with flamethrowers lol


    I don't see any flamethrowers though...


    I just went back and re-read this thing, and I will post the two worst comments I have found...


    you cannot exclude mods from the argument and then criticise the game.


    it invalidates everything you say.




    The fact is, Fallout 3 has more stuff in it than most of the 60$ games sitting next to it, so to say that it is broken is just plane ungratefull and it shows that you lack any kind of understanding of the game industry...


    If that is considered flameing, then I must be totaly crazy (which is quite possible) and I will go back to makeing my mod and leave any sort of conversations well alone, since obviously people don't like being told that other people don't agree with them...

  9. Jesus Christ, what did this guy post? Am I the only one who sees:
    *Moderator, Please delete this thread to prevent flaming.*



    I hope someone would have understood, but i guess not.


    yes, I saw what the guy said, and I find it odd that he would consider anything said here to be flaming.


    it saying that he lacks understanding of how the videogame industry works, and saying that his opinion on Fallout being broken is an unfair jugment based on the fact than 99% of games are worse is considered flameing, then I must be on the wrong planet or something...




    I saw and I ignored, a skill I am quite good at :wink:




    you really shouldn't open a debate, and then go off asking for it to be closed the first time someone respectfully disagrees with you and shares their opposing opinion and very un-flaming like (yes I just made up a word...) tells you where you are mistaken


    Now if anyone was offended by what I said, I appoligize, but if you can't deal with someone not agreeing with you then you shouldn't open up a topic on a Fallout 3 forum bashing the developers of Fallout 3, who I happen to hold a great deal of respect for...




    Storytelling in videogames is a subject I am quite passionate about, since I hope to someday make a career out of working on games, and wrighting stories has been a long time hobby of mine. I hope that someday I will be able to bring the two together and make a truly emersive enteractive story for a game... I am grateful for the direction Bethesda and Bioware are going, and would like to thank them for at least trying and for takeing one step further from where they were when they made Oblivion...



    I never wanted to offend anyone, I just wanted to speak for the developers and mabe help people understand that haveing a truely deep conversation system in a game is no easy task, it is a long journey that only a handful of developers are willing to take, but as long as they keep moveing foward, even if it is small steps, it will be the people at Bioware and Bethesda (and hopefully me someday...) you will have to thank when the first true Enteractive Story is released

  10. those look really good

    are they the lower poly windows?

    and have you started (even preliminary) texturing?

    you might tear off the roofing and have the wooden frame showing on the round turret thingy (on the corner of the first house, above the porch)


    No, still high poly


    I still havn't figured out the whole bakeing a normal map from a high poly onto a low poly thing... I havn't really done that stuff before, up untill recently I was only makeing low poly models


    I have to get everything else done before I can even start unwraping, and I have to unwrap before I can texture




    I did however manage to get a wagon wheel done yesterday, so that is one more item I can put in the town


    I also made a robot and cannon, but that was for something totaly not Fallout related :biggrin:






    I am off work tommorow, so I might get a bit more done, but I also just checked out 3 new 3Ds Max workshop DVDs from the library that I am going to be watching, so that may also help me out some

  11. So...a couple of unique ideas are coming out of this so far, besides the overall concept of course (just based on what I've seen):




    Ties to the Arlington Cemetary


    Do you even want to play on those ideas? Just curious.


    Im planning on makeing a lot of haircuts when I learn how to make them... my Max skills are still stuck in a hard surface object rut... been struggling with organic stuff...


    I really want a new unique hairstyle for each girl and the three guys, as well as a few extras for the player character they can only get from the town Barber, who happens to be a Super Mutant...



    I am honestly not even sure where Arlington Cemetary is... I have spent 60+ hours playing Fallout and can't remember ever comeing across it


    As far as birthdays, if I can add them I deffinatly will



    In addition, I think the writing would be EXTREMELY complicated, if you have 15 NPC's that need to have either interaction with each other or acknowledgement that they are all in co-existence. It can be done, it would just take a while. Maybe a long while. I'm thinking Node based (think sideways tree, ties in dialogue amongst characters). Do you have any quest dialogue you want out of this? I'm thinking not official quests due to the amount of modding required, but maybe tasks on the side and persistent/passive stuff you could use. If you had profiles for all characters (traits on personality and such), it would make it easier.



    I have one guy working with me who knows about doing diologue, and he has already figured most of the stuff out. He has gotten the conversations to work as well as haveing options open up based on something you talked to another character about. So when you talk to Mellisa about the time she was saved from raiders by Karen, you can then walk over to Karen and have a new option to ask her about that subject.


    I am trying to get all the profiles down, right now I only have Karen and Ellie writen down, but I have a lot of stuff in my head I just havn't got organized yet...


    I plan on learning the whole dialogue thing in the GECK and helping out after I get the town built, but right now I am concentrating on the whole Mesh and Textures side of thing, as well as trying to get an overall artistic vision in place


    Also, regarding names...please use original names? I can understand using a few from the game (I've never played it), but it is FALLOUT, not HARVEST MOON. So a cameo or two wouldn't be in bad taste, just don't go nuts.


    PM me if you need to. This thread seems to be a bunch of floating ideas with no ACTUAL documentation, which seems required because you are getting some momentum.



    The character arn't cameos, I just pulled the names off of Harvest Moon as a starting point, because otherwise it would have taken me forever to make up whole new names and such. The only real similarities is they do the same jobs (baker, librarian, whatever)


    If I come up with better names I would change them, but I don't do names well, and I have been busy with other parts of the mod




    But yes, I have been quit unorganized as of late... I am at the moment concentrating on trying to get the house meshes and textures done so I can build from the outside in...


    When I get time I will pull together what I have and put it into an organized document and start a "Dynamic and Growing Town Part 2" Topic, but I just havn't gotten to that...




    But anyways, I am always open to sugestions and constructive criticism

  12. More music than you could ever need for your radio




    Motorcycles you can drive





    Awesome thanks. Any other help/ideas?


    Honestly, I am not sure what else you were asking... other than the I am Legend thing, which doesn't exist so I really can't help there.


    I am makeing a settlement that you can clean up in three different stages by doing quests and helping out the people there, not sure if that is what you were talking about... mine is more of just a small farming community for the player to call home and some hot chicks you can date and get married to


    if you are interested you can look here



  13. ha! now there's an idea =_0 welllll, i only just recently discovered how to properly use FO3edit, making merged patches and all, then masterupdate! happy dayz. so yeah my game runs effing smooth with 60+ mods now :biggrin: buuuut i was thinking maybe this weekend when i'm off installing the geck and learning how to use some of the basics and all. i even wanted to hopefully "re-do" some mods that seemed to have been dropped by their authors that had cool potential. nothing epic of course =P but yeah, uhm, i could SO use some pointers ^_^


    p.s. i have/love some of your mods =3


    Well, I've pretty much only did the GoodHairday mod


    which really is just like what you want done, but enstead of going to the inventory tab and changeing the outfits they have in there inventory I went to the hair and eye tabs and changed that stuff


    I honstly have very little knowledge of the GECK past that, which I learned because I saw it as esential to be able to play the game... I don't think I could do another playthrough without haveing my GoodHairday mod...


    Creativity out of Neccesity I guess



    But really now all I do is play around in 3Ds Max, hopeing that someday I will get the houses for my town built and some custom body, hair, and clothes meshes for the girls in my town...


    5 seperate girls with totaly unique body types and totaly unique hair and totaly unique outfits, that I will design with the idea of bringing out the differences of the unique body types... I will even have swimware if I can get my pond working and non-iradiated, and lengerei :biggrin:


    but then again, mabe I am just crazy and overly ambitious, but hey, as long as I keep giveing myself reasons to practive my 3d modeling and texturing, someday I will be good enough to get a job doing this stuff

  14. Every single videogame I have ever played has left me wanting something more or better or whatever... that doesn't mean the game is broken...


    Comeing short of Nirvana doesn't make the thing broken, and saying that is just plane disrespectful



    I am not saying I disagree with any of your ideas on how it could be better, but when you start out by blatantly insulting the game it makes it hard to take anything you say afterwards seriously... A topic on how awesome Fallout could be with further expansion of the conversation system is awesome, but a post about how the game is broke is just plane dumb...






    I would like nothing more than to have a game that has interactive and meaningful conversations that make you feel like you are in the characters shoes. I have spent years looking for games like that, and I have found very little that even come close... Mass Effect would be the closest thing I have found to date, but even Mass Effect has a very shallow decision system for the most part. I usualy just find myself going through and either chooseing the top option every single time or the bottom option every single time...


    The fact is, deep conversation systems don't sell games, and game publishers only care about two things, makeing money and screwing over game developers.


    No game has done what you want before, so it is not fare to judge Bethesda based on reaching a non realistic standard... That would be like saying NASA has a horrible space program because they havn't put a man on Mars...





    I 100% agree that a deeper conversation system would make the game insanely awesome. I have spent hours haveing discussions about what I like to call "Enteractive Storytelling" and how that alone could sell a game. In a couple of years after I master makeing profesional quality meshes and textures, I plan on applying for a job at Bioware because I am inspired by the direction they are moveing in, since they are one of the few developers out there that actualy puts Enteractive Storytelling as a priority...


    If you have seen the steps foward they made for KOTOR to Mass Effect, and the new features they are adding to Mass Effect 2, you would know what I am talking about. The fact that each and every conversation plays out like a scene from a movie. I thought it was the coolest thing I have ever seen in a videogame when I saw the preview for Mass Effect 2, and during a conversation with one of the villians a button pops up that allows you to out of nowhere push the guy out of the freaken window...





    The simple fact is, what Fallout and every other game out there is lacking it response. There is nothing more immportant to the storytelling than the way others respond to what you say or do. When you do something, and no one reacts, it leaves you feeling totaly empty and like you wasted your time. The fact is players want too see people be happy when you help them out and cry and run away when you are mean to them (best scene ever in a Videogame was when Commander Sheppard sticks a gun to Conrad Verners head and he runs off crying)


    That is what connects you to the game, and that is what develops characters and stories





    But I could seriously ramble on about this for hours, but I will get to the point... Enteractive Storytelling is a much bigger task than I think you understand, and really, to date I think Bioware is the only company that can offer player something better than what Fallout 3 gives. So that would make Fallout 3 better than 90% of the games out there, and far from BROKEN...


    You should be thanking Bethesda for even trying. It will be years before some company actualy makes a game with ture enteractive storytelling, but at least developers like Bioware and Bethesda at least try... it is a lot better than EA or SquareSoft or 2K Games or Rockstar or Bunji or LionHead or Blizzard or Activision or... well, you get the point

  15. it is an easy thing to do in the GECK


    if you want to try it I can give you step by step directions


    I have done it several times before, and I honestly really don't know what I am doing in the GECK




    Give Maggie T51-B Power Armor and give Nove a Chinese Stealth Suit :wink:

  16. Well... it seems like you are trying to compare Fallout 3 to some idealistic perfect game, as opposed to compareing it to something actualy obtainable in the game industry...


    Most games don't have half the dialogue Fallout 3 does... Mabe im just behind on playing the latest games, but as far as what I have played, the only developer that I know of that puts as much time into dialogue as Bethesda is Bioware... And Mass Effect does have a bit more depth to the characters when you talk to them and stuff, but it also has a lot less NPCs.


    Most games have either don't allow you to talk to NPCs at all outside of cutscenes. The two biggest selling games of all time, Halo 3 and Grand Theft Auto 4 both fit into this category... And then you have Japanese style RPGs like Final Fantasy, but they only allow you to click a button and listen to what the person says, but you don't get to really say anything back exept on very rare ocations... mabe 5 times in the entire game... And then you have games like Fable where all you do is make funny expresions and people fall in love with you, but your character never says a word the entire game.


    Now if you do know of some game out there that has better conversations than the games made by Bethesda and Bioware, do tell me, because I would be very interested in playing them.




    But the real point I was trying to make is, game developers always have thousands of things they want to pull off, and they only have so much time to do it in, I think Bethesda did a pretty damn good job at what they did. If they kept going untill the game had everything they would still be working on the game right now, and by the time it was finished they would end up haveing to charge insane amounts of money to make up for all the extra time they spent working on it...


    The fact is, Fallout 3 has more stuff in it than most of the 60$ games sitting next to it, so to say that it is broken is just plane ungratefull and it shows that you lack any kind of understanding of the game industry...

  17. :biggrin: Nope I could not!!! Because I barely can play a game without smashing my comp so for me modding ........ NAH cant afford replacing computers everytime i get angry :blink: and I actually mannaged to report myself :whistling: by mistake of course so i have great hope that someone Nice and with a LOT more patience would find it in their heart to do this for me :biggrin: :thanks: :smile:


    Well, mabe you should take some anger managment classes...


    I am all for helping the future of the Wasteland, but I have my own mod to work on, so I can't really help you out...


    The only advice I can give you is to actualy make you post readable...




    :rolleyes: it would actually be nice if someone culd make such a mod where children could be adopted by the pc or the pc could find suitable parents for the child in question and if the pc him/her self adopt could offer nova a different job instead of "hostess" at moriartys saloon futhermore it would be nice if one of the children in paradise falls did not belong in litlle lampligth but could be bougth by the pc and find out that he or she wouldnt be a slave but a daughter or son to the pc and live in the house in megaton or tenpenny tower and when the child is setlled in the pc´s house the pc goes back to paradise falls and kills eulogy jones and freing the rest of the slaves OH and please could someone make the pc´s dad make a comment about that :thanks: :thumbsup:


    Enstead of that, you want something more like this...


    I have an idea for a mod that would allow the player character to save a child who is enslaved in Paradise Falls. After saveing the child, you would be given the option to adopt the child. If you chose to adopt the child, they would follow you home and stay there.


    This mod would require new dialogue to be writen for the child. It would need seperate dialogue for when they are captured, when they are following you home, and when you get home. It would also be cool to have new dialogue greeting you when you come home from your journeys (mabe every 24 hours).


    Eulogy Jones and some of the other Paradise Fall Residents would also need new dialogue acknowledging the existance of the enslaved child. Finally, a new line of dialogue would need to be added to the player father to respond to the fact that he is now a grandpa.

  18. well, mabe you could at least put some details into this idea... it is one sentence... and it is obvious you didn't even read over it before you posted it on the forums...


    A slaver uns away, thier woners send slave hunters agter them [should start another sentence] this leads to a series of quests to either avid capture, or get caught and as punishment set to quests under guard by the owners woth the trheat of death if you fail.


    I am in no way trying to insult you, I am only trying to help you out... I really don't care if people use grammer or whatever on forums, but the way it is right now it not only extreamly vague but almost painful to read because you didn't take 10 seconds to read over your single sentence before posting...


    For people to even think about takeing your idea seriously you will at least need a paragraph or two with some details... Seriously... my response to your idea is longer than the idea itself...





    If you really do have a lot of ideas that you want people to take notice of, you should try presenting them in a more organized and detailed way, and probably hitting the "preview post" button before hitting "add reply"


    here is an example of my idea, that is not on page 16...



  19. wow...


    do you have any idea how hard it would be to re-make the physics engine for an entire videogame?


    Rockstar has an entire team of profesionals makeing their game engine, and they spend over 40 hours a week for almost 3 years getting it to work the way it does...

  20. i have tried with GECk and i am no good as a modder at all.


    No one just turns on the GECK or picks up 3Ds Max and magically knows how to mod...


    the only difference between a sucessfull modder and someone who can't mod is that the sucsessful modder kept on trying stuff until they finaly got something that works...





    But anyways, good luck

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