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Tony the Wookie

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Posts posted by Tony the Wookie

  1. Good deal dude. I'm at the Navmesh section of GECK. I'm gonna try to read at least 4 sections a day for the while until I get my motherboard. I'd love to do the quests once I figure it out.


    Thanks for the credit dude.


    I like the drunk fight thing, Ryan.


    As for the names...I gave you that whole list. There's plenty for you to pick from if you want to change them. If you really want me to decide on the last few I will, but you just seemed slightly indecisive about it so I left it for your choosing.


    EDIT: And don't forget to put up the names for the Ghoul, Barber, and anyone else you mightve forgotten! I personally like Haggard for the Barber.


    I don't know the first thing about Navmesh, so if you want to take care of that after I get some of the interiors and stuff done, that would save me a whole lot of time. I am pretty confident that I can learn it if I have too, but if you are interested it would be a great help.


    But as far as the names, I was actualy wanting to get some input from some of the people other than you or me, since they also might have ideas for what fits the characters. But if no one feels like shareing their opinions I think I have enough to go off of to finalize the names. I just like to give other people a shot to put in their opinions too.


    I don't agree with a lot of modders that like to keep things behind closed doors, I like to keep all of the information out in the open where people can tell me what they like and don't like.



    But anyways, I am always open for people doing quests, I just am not going to be doing them myself, and I am not going to be telling you what to do. Quests may be hard at the moment though, considering the lack of specific locations (you can't have a quest about deffending the wall if the wall doesn't exist in the GECK, and you can't have a quest involving someone getting thrown in Jail if the Barracks and the Jail don't exist.)


    Now if you want to put in some vanilla Fallout Houses temporarily then that would work, and I will just replace the stuff with a new mesh later, I don't think it would mess anything up, but then again, I am not a GECK expert.




    It must suck re-writing all that, I once lost all my save games on Fo3, And I didn't feel like re-playing all the levels :(



    I doesn't really bother me much, exept that I am constantly busy doing other stuff


    But I have been trying to wright a couple different novels in my spare time (without much luck due to me sucking at wrighting plot...) And when doing that you are constantly wrighting and changeing and re-wrighting


    Things usualy come out a lot better the second time, usualy with more detail and better organization



    The one I lost was only about half as long as what I put back up last night








    But anyways, now that we are on page 20 I am going to begin working on a new topic that will be called "Dynamic and Growing Town Pt.2"


    I will finish out getting the rest of the names finalized first though, so keep on posting on here untill you see the other one up




    But I will take all of the info gathered in these 20 pages and put it in the new thread in an organized fashion, using the new character descriptions with the new names and such.


    This will make it much easier for new people who are just now reading about this, since they won't have to go through 20 pages to find out what is going on.


    But I won't get to work on this till later tonight or tommorow

  2. Quests and stuff of that nature really isn't my area. I figure, if I build this town and make it good, other modders will see the potential and add stuff.


    I plan on allowing other modders to use my town to build any sort of quests apon it. I have takeing this into acount and left extra buildings for growing room and such. But I don't know much about quests, so I don't feel like I should eather be in charge of that or get credit when people make quests. So people will always have the option to make a quest for my town, and upload it as an add-on on their own page if they choose, that way they will get the credit they diserve, as long as they arn't releasing my textures and meshes on their page. Or if they choose than can also put it on my page with my files.


    But personally, I really don't want to dedicate the time into learning the ins and outs of quest designing, since it is a fairly complicated process and I would rather spend my time working on my texturing and modeling skills.



    When I finish with building this town, inside and out, I will do what I can to help getting the complex dialogue system up and running, and then I plan on moveing on to adding custom outfits and hair and body types for the characters. But any of the hair and clothes will be add ons later, the mod will probly be released before I get this stuff done.





    Here is what I plan on haveing done for the initial release


    1. Fully build town exterior with new custom meshes and textures for the houses, the wall, and various clutter needed around the town. Each exterior peice will have at least 3 different versions varrying in damage. This will feature 12 finished buildings, and then 2 ruined buildings and 2 empty plots for expansion later on.


    2. A system that allows you to gain points that build up toward repairing individual buildings or the town as a whole (each time you reach an upgrade point, the building will be replaced by the next level up, until it is in its top condition)


    3. Plants models, anything from the vegtables you grow to flowers and other vegetation that can be planted around the town.


    4. A system that allows you to find seeds around the wasteland and put them in pre-determined plots, where they will be available to be picked in a set number of days. This could range from vegatables you can eat, sell, or trade, or flowers to make the town look better or give to people as gifts.


    5. Fully finished interiors for the 12 origional buildings with unique items made specifically for them.


    6. The ability to purchase items for your personal house as well as give them to others who will put them in their house


    7. 22 new npcs with dialogue


    8. A crazy complex dialogue system interconnecting those 22 npcs


    9. The dateing system that allows the player to go from meeting a npc all the way to falling in love and haveing them move into your house


    10. A shop system that allows you to invest particular items into stores that will later pay off with them giveing you cool stuff, as well as helping them repair their building. (such as getting rid of un-needed amo by giveing it to the blacksmith and him giveing you 44 magnum ammo later on to thank you, or giveing all those useless pre-war clothes you find to the general store, where she will end up makeing you something cool)


    11. The ability to add deffenses to the town, from repairing various robots, training Yao Gui, or just giveing that T-51b and 100% condition Gatling Laser you never use to the guy protecting the gate.


    12. A system where the town will get attacked and you will be warned ahead of time so you can help them deffend.





    That alone is almost too much without adding quests ontop of that...



    But just because I am not going to be working on it doesn't mean you shouldn't share your ideas, because mabe someone else reading this actualy does know how to do quests and will want to make it as an add on to my mod.


    I will also say one last thing, if anyone does want to make quests for this, and needs some meshes or textures, I can deffinatly help in that department, but not too much with anything else.

  3. I have some new names in the works, thanks to Sti3ld3rby69, I will get them up soon as well




    non-player relationships-


    These relationships would happen between two npcs if you have not gotten past the freinds stage with them and the dialogue required is completed. Once the npc starts a relationship with someone else you no longer have the option to have a relationship with them.


    Once in a relationship the npc will spend more time in the area with their counterpart. They will also replace the relationship dialogue with them talking about how much they love their counterpart. Other npcs may or may not comment on the relationship when talking to the player character. Once the relationship starts the relationship with the player is permanentally closed.




    Elli and Marcus (new name for Anna's Brother)


    Marcus has had a crush on Elli ever since she moved into the town. He took over the duty of delivering food from the farm to the bakery to get the chance to be around Elli. He is constantly in the bakery delivering stuff or trying Elli's new food and stuff. He is the only one that will try some of Elli's crazy new ideas. Elli, however, is pretty oblivious when people are hitting on her. She just figures that Marcus really likes her food.


    When you talk to Marcus he will tell you that he likes Elli. You can then talk to Elli and get her to understand how Marcus really feels. Elli is overjoyed when she finally realises the obvious fact that Marcus is in love with her (everyone else in the town could see it, just not Elli...) Soon after they begin their relationship.




    Anna and Austin (new name for Cliff)


    Anna and Austin both like each other, but because of Anna's father Jacob threatening him, Ausin stays away from Anna. Since he is new to the town, and he knows if he gets into it with Jacob that he would probly get thrown out back into the Wasteland, where he already had a lot of enemies, and now has even more after all the people he has killed as a sniper protecting the city.


    If you talk to Jacob and can convice him to leave Austin alone, then Anna and Austin will begin their relationship.




    Popari and the Bartender


    Popari and the Bartender show interest in each other from the begining. If you don't make a move on eather of them in a certain number of days after meeting them, then they will automatically start seeing each other.




    Karen and Maria


    Ok, this one I am going to have to put the most depth into, just so people don't think I just put them together because I am a pervert that injoys haveing bisexual girls get together (though I would be lying if I said I didn't...) But I want it to be a little more than just girl on girl action.


    Karen and Maria were once the best of freinds up untill around the age of 15. When Karen's family died and she started acting all eratic and emotional, Maria didn't know what to do. Being the introvert she is, she backed away into her own little corner when Karen got all angry and hard to talk to. Though Karen was being irational and not wanting to talk to anyone, she was really doing the emo girl thing of acting all pissed off to get attention because she felt betrayed and alone. The fact that the person she cared more about than anyone shyed away from her caused Karen to put up even more of a tough girl barrier and keep people away from her.


    This was not helped by the rising sexual tension between the two. Ever since they were old enough for boys to start paying attention to them, Maria would act all jelous and such and try to keep boys away from Karen. The fact that there was the budding of their forbbiden relationship that they both tried to deny at first caused even more akwardness between the girls.

    Both of them being intoverted and on the shy side, neither one would leave their comfort zone to try to get back together with the other. For almost two years they don't even speak to each other. Karen turns to stealing books from the library at night as opposed to haveing to deal with the tension between her and Maria. The true truly miss each other and feel lonely and empty without the other one, but they are too shy to come out and fix their relationship.


    This is where the player's character steps in. Once you get the two to the freinds stage they will ocationaly mention something about their old best freind and the like. Maria will mention the missing books from the library, mentioning that there is only one other person in the town that actually reads novels, but she will cut the conversation off not telling you who. You can go to Franklin, Anna, or Maria's parents and they will tell you of how the two were once best freinds.


    After you get the information you can begin to persuade the two to start talking to each other again. If you havn't moved past the freinds stage with eather of them, as soon as you get them to start talking again they will fall deeply in love and admit their true feelings for each other. From then on you will rarely see them apart.


    This relationship will get the most comments of suprise and pure shock from the other npcs in the town. And you will also get comments about Karen not being such a little emo bitsch anymore...

  4. And, let's rename the Super Mutant Barber. I figure they had Fawkes in the game, why not another revolutionary? Maybe Ernesto "Che" Guevara, call the mutie barber Che or something? Thought it'd be cool. Let me know.


    nah, thats a bit much, and sort of a cliche, considering the following Che has nowadays

    but (forget the Barber's name) but it was a bit weird, could do with a change


    oh, and about Ghouls

    they don't age

    cause one of the women in the Underworld restaurants gets mentioned as a "prewar ghoul" that she was born human before the war, and became a ghoul when the bombs dropped, and she was in her mid twenties even 200 years after her ghoulification

    so the bit about Franklin being a younger Ghoul wouldn't fit, maybe he just wanted to settle down and got tired of being a wastelander?

    (I'm just being overly picking about details)


    Well, I didn't mean he was literaly younger in a phisical sence, but he has changed a lot in his 277 years as a goul. What I mean by a younger goul is him being about 112 as opposed to 285 or whatever. when he is less mature and more out for himself and stuff.

  5. I think haveing to go search for NEW stuff to put into your generator defeats the purpose of getting rid of all that energy weapon ammo and stuff that you pick up but never use...





    I do see the problem as haveing way too much stuff, and nothing cool to do with it.... I just got to the Citadel on my current file, and I already have more ammo and money than I could ever possibly need... As well as tons of maxed out power armors, two of which a T-51bs, and tons of maxed out energy weapons... and I never use power armor of energy weapons...


    For the town I am building, I am going to put in npcs of different types, that take different overstock off your hands, and use it to upgrade stuff in the town. I have a blacksmith to take ammo, guns, metal armor, and any scrap metal or lawnmower blades and such. I also have a mechanic that takes batteries, energy weapons, energy ammo, and stuff like that. I also have a Tavern that takes all alchohol and stuff, an Bakery that takes your unwanted food, and the General Store will probly take the non metal clothing you want.


    I want to have custom items that you can get only by giveing them enough stuff that they have the raw materials to make it. Such as custom outfits for turning in enough clothes or custom guns or something for turning in enough metal and electronics (mabe even custom power armor if I get around to makeing a new armour). But you could also make things that could upgrade the players home or things that upgrade the town. Get enough metal and electronics and you can build a turret or robot to protect the city or whatever.


    You can also of course simply just give you good armor and stuff to the town gaurds, since there isn't much sence in melting down a T-51b or Gatling Laser in 100% Condition, I have no use for Power Armor or Gattling Lasers, but I would like to see them go to good use, and who better to give them to but the people protecting my house from raiders when I am gone on missions.


    But this is still all theory at the moment, I havn't got far enough on my mod to start pulling off any of these ideas, I have to get the town built first...




    But that is just my personal solution

  6. The real question is, what is the upside of this mod?


    It really seems like it just adds one more hassle to deal with, but nothing that would really make the game any more fun...

    I think it would make the game slightly more challenging; not necessarily a hassle.

    It would make you feel slightly more as if it were really your post apocalypse strong-hold. I mean c'mon why is it fair that all other player homes siphon off the somehow still existent and operational DC power-grid.

    I don't know if you feel the same way I do, but I would love this mod to be made.

    Would do it myself if I had any skill in GECK.


    I just feel like it is missing something... some kind of reward or something


    but thats just my opinion, I don't like to add stuff to my game that just adds more chores for me to do without anything cool hapening in return...


    good luck nonetheless

  7. That is not nearly enough info to go off of, if you seriously expect to put a team together. (keeping stuff secret is a bad idea when looknig for help)


    And realy, you should bring more to the table than, "I have a good idea, people should make it for me...". It isn't that hard to learn how to put stuff together in the GECK, and then you could at least have something to show when people look at your request for help.


    From what it looks like, all you have to offer is a story, but a story that you have to have someone else wright for you because it doesn't make sence when you wright it...


    Doesn't sound too promising too me...



    But anyways, hope you take my advice, but good luck eather way :)

  8. pulling out 30 caps...


    what is 30 caps going to get you? a single stimpac or 10 shots for your 44. Magnum... doesn't seem like much of a reward to me, I could just pull the armor off of any random raider and sell it for just as much, and not have to complete a quest...


    make it 5000 caps or something



    and wouldn't an ATM use pre war money, not bottlecaps :wink:

  9. Ok, here is some of the material I came up with to give the people something to talk about and stuff






    Anna, Maria, and Karen are all about the same age, and they all three grew up in the town together. They became real good freinds throughout their childhood, always being together.

    When Karen's parents died, she completly isolated herself from her former best freinds. Maria became somewhat afraid of Karen's behavior, so she didn't really try to talk to Karen after that, which upset Karen (being a whiney little emo girl, who says she doesn't want peoples attention, but is really saying that just to get attention...) Anna tried to talk to Karen, but took her anger at Maria out on Anna, so Anna eventualy couldn't take the abuse anymore.


    Karen won't go into the library because she wants to avoid Maria, so she steals books in the middle of the night and returns them later.


    When they were young Karen and Maria would always bring books to Franklin, the ghoul, to have him read to them, since he was the only one in the town who was good at reading complex stuff like novels (not a common skill in the Wasteland). He would also tell them stories of his adventures when he was a younger ghoul. This is how they both learned to read better than most of the people in the Wasteland, and developed an appreciation for liturature.


    Through finding out from Maria that books seem to go missing, she will eventualy tell you of her and Karen's former freindship. You can also ask Franklin about it. You can then confront Karen about it, but you can only get her to really tell you stuff if she really likes you. Eventualy, you can help mend their freindship and get them back talking to each other.


    You can also get Karen and Anna to get back to being freinds.





    Popari is a few years older than the other girls, so when they were younger she took up a sort of leadership roll. This also had something to do with the fact that her father was the Mayor and most powerful person in the town. She also got more attention from the boys, so she ended up not hanging out with the other three girls as much.


    She is still freinds with Maria and Anna, but not as good freinds with them as they are to each other. She avoids Karen now, not wanting to deal with the negativity.


    Popari spends a lot of time getting her hair done by Gorplog. Gorplog doesn't really like her, because all she ever does when he is doing her hair is ramble on and on about herself, and she doesn't show much repect to him. She is pissed off because he won't give her highlights like he gave Karen. He denies giveing Karen the highlights.



    Popari and the Bartender will hook up if you don't make a move on one of them



    Anna's brother has had a crush on Elli since she first moved to the town. He completly took over the job of delivering food to the Bakery, even though it wasn't his responsibility, just so he could go see Elli. Elli talks to him alot, but is mostly oblivious to the fact that he has a crush on her, she thinks he just really likes her food. You can help Anna's brother out by talking to Elli, and they will get together, which will score you points with Anna.


    Anna on the other hand has had a crush on Cliff since he moved to the town. She is always asking him about his wasteland stories and watching him shoot Yao Gui and Molerats from his sniper tower. Cliff likes Anna, but won't hang around her too much, because her older brother and father don't like him (her younger brother looks up to Cliff). Since Cliff is the new guy in town, he doesn't want to cause any trouble and risk getting sent back out to the Wasteland where he has many enemies, so he stays away from Anna to keep from makeing her dad mad. If you can convince Anna's father than Cliff is a good guy, Cliff will start dateing Anna. (this is a lot easeir if you hook Elli up with Anna's brother first.




    Once you get the water purfier fixed, you will constantly see Popari suntanning by the pond. Anna will also be there swimming quite a bit. It is a bit more rare to see Elli swimming, and Karen and Maria are both to shy to be out there in swimsuits unless you talk them into it.


    I will eventualy make custom swimsuits for each of them

  10. if you can figure it out code wise, I can probly get you at least a half decent hanglider model and texture


    but other than that I can be no help at all, I don't know the Geck well, just 3Ds Max and Photoshop...




    Kev has a working jetpack, so if he says it will probly be possible, it probly is

  11. Yes, more character rambling from me :biggrin: and even more blue and green text


    Going through this thing I came up with a lot of ideas connecting the different characters, it may take me a while to get them all down in something that is at least a bit organized, but I will post some of the ideas for conversations involving one character, talking about another character, that leads to conversation options when you talk to the person they told you about.


    I plan on eventualy going through all of the characters for this, I just always start with the girls, because I find them more interesting...




    Age - 17

    She is the youngest of the girls, and it shows, since she starts out being quite the immature whiney little emo teenager... And as you get to know her you realise she is just a scared little kid left all alone.


    Height - 5,4

    Other than the kids and Maria, Karen is the next shortest person in the town.


    Body Type -

    Karen has just a bit slimmer than average frame, with little bodyfat and a decent amount of muscle tone, from her time training as a town gaurd


    Hair Color -

    She has dark brown hair that goes just past the shoulders, she had blond streaks in it that comes from a secred formula only Gorplog knows, and doesn't share with many people. She will have a pony tail hairstyle and straight hairstyle, nothing really fancy.


    Residence - Barraks

    Karen can be found sleeping in the Barraks as well as one of the hotel rooms in the Tavern, when she wants to get away from the people at the Barraks. She has a secret room in the Barraks that once belonged to her parents. She never sleeps there, but she keeps all her personal stuff hidden there so no one can find it.


    Common Locations -

    Karen can be found in the Barraks or gaurding the Town Gate. She also works the bar some nights. When she at one of her jobs, she is usualy hideing in her secret room or outside of the town walls by the destroyed tree (she is one of the few people that leaves the town walls)


    Freinds -

    Karen doesn't act like she likes anyone, but she is secretly freinds with her fellow outcast Gorplog. She gives him guitar lessons in exchange for him putting the blond streaks in her hair. She also cares about Mellisa, who she saved from raiders once, she kindof watches over her, and she is one of the few people she isn't totaly rude to (she is rude to Gorplog when other people are around). When she was younger she was good freinds with Maria and Anna, but isolated herself from them after her family was killed.


    Ocupation - Waitress / Town Gaurd

    Karen makes more than enough money working at the Bar at night, but out of a sence of duty she also works as a town gaurd during the days. This is partialy because that is what her parents did, and partialy just to fill up time since she doesn't really spend time with people much.


    Family -

    All of Karen's family is now dead. When she was 12 her Father, Mother, and Older Sister went to fight for the Brotherhood of Steel after an urgent message from Elder Lyon's himself requesting immediate backup. Her Mother and Father were both former BOS members who left the BOS to have a family and protect the town, which they saw as a beacon of hope for the wasteland.





    Age - 27

    She is the oldest of the girls, and more mature than the others. She is more ready to settle down and start a family. She is also freinds with a lot of the other girls parents and the other older townmembers, since she kindof fits in a generation gap between the two groups, but gets along with both.


    Height - 5,6

    She would be just slightly shorter than the default Fallout character, who I said is 5,8, but completly average compared to the other female characters in my town...


    Body Type -

    Elli will have the most curvey body. She will have nice rounded features and not too much as far as muscle mass. She won't be fat, but deffinatly no ribs showing like on the Type 3 body's and such.


    Hair Color -

    She will have light brown hair that comes just above the shoulders


    Residence - Bakery

    She has her own room in the back of the Bakery where she sleeps and keeps all of her stuff. She doesn't spend much time there however, since she is constantly out talking to people or makeing food


    Common Locations -

    Elli spends most of her time makeing food, which she is very dedicated to. When she is not at her Bakery she can be found getting food from the Farm or stuff from the General Store. She also roams around the middle of the town talking to people.


    Freinds -

    Ellie is freinds with almost everyone in the town. Her main freinds are Maria, Popari, as well as Popari's mom. She is popular among most of the groups though, from the young kids to the older generation. She also talks to Anna's older brother a lot when she is picking up food.


    Occupation -

    She spends all of her time makeing food for the people of the town, and she gets a whole lot of bussiness


    Family -

    She was raised by the Enclave and doesn't really remember any real family.





    Age - 21

    When she was younger, the only other kids in the town were all a couple years younger then her, so she ended up takeing a leadership type roll which made her very confident, but also a bit bossy at time.


    Height - 5,7

    She is just below the standard Fallout height but just above the average for the females in my town.


    Body Type -

    Popari's body type is the closest to the idealised female form. Kind of your standard LA girl image. She is skinny but still has big boobs and a nice round ass. She is looked at by a lot of the guys as the most attractive girl in the town. (close to the Type 3 Cali body)


    Hair Color -

    She has blond hair, and several fancy hairstyles since she spends so much time haveing Gorplog work on it. (she is pissed that he won't give her highlights)


    Residence -

    She lives in the Mayor's Mansion with her family. She has a lot of nice stuff in her room that she got from tradeing or got from her father.


    Common Locations -

    She is found in the General Store a lot, as well as at her home. She also spends a lot of time at the bar, mostly flirting with guys. She is constantly haveing her hair done by Gorplog as well. After you get the purifier fixed you can find her at the pond a lot, but usualy not swimming.


    Freinds -

    She is freinds with almost all of the younger generation. She doesn't talk to any of the childern other than her sister, and doesn't really spend much time with the older people other than Franklin, who has been like an uncle to her. She is freinds with all the girls exept Karen who scares her. She also like to flirt with most of the guys, especialy the bartender.


    Occupation -

    She runs the General Store and sometimes tries assists her father with Mayor stuff


    Family -

    Her father is the Mayor, so he is the most powerful person in the town and pretty much gives Popari what she wants. She also has her mon and little sister, who she hangs out with a lot.




    Age - 18

    She is the same age as the player character, as well as around the same age as Karen and Anna. She trys to act mature, but she still relys on her parents a lot and is cautious around strangers.


    Height - 5,2

    She is the shortest person in the town and well below the players height. This contributes to her shyness and other people still treating her like a kid


    Body Type -

    Maria has the smallest frame of the girls and is pretty skinny without much muscle tone


    Hair Color -

    She has long jet black hair


    Residence - Blacksmith

    She lives with her parents in the house connected to the Blacksmith shop. She spends more time in her room than most of the other characters.


    Common Locations -

    She spends most of her time in the library, where she works and has her own little workroom to the side, where she restores old technology for the museum she is makeing. She also spends a lot of time at home. She can be found visiting Anna at the farm or at the Bakery


    Freinds -

    She was childhood freinds with Anna and Karen, but now she is afraid to talk to Karen, but misses her. She isn't very social, but she can be found talking to Popari and Elli, she also talks to Franklin about book and his stories from his travels before he came to the town.


    Ocupation -

    She runs the library and is starting a museum of pre war tech, she also fixes stuff around the town


    Family -

    Her father is the blacksmith, Rick, and she has an overprotective mother





    Age - 18

    Same age as the player chacter, and grew up freinds with Karen and Maria. Her father and older brother still treat her like a little girl


    Height - 5,8

    She is the same height as the Fallout standard and a bit taller than the other girls in my town


    Body Type -

    She has an athletic bodytype, not muscular, just toned and healthy


    Hair Color -

    Her hair is light orange, what most people call a redhead, but it really isn't red...


    Residence -

    She still lives with her family and works on the farm. She has her own room seperate from her brothers and has set up traps to keep them out.


    Common Locations -

    She spends a lot of time at her families farm, mostly takeing care of the animals, but sometimes at the shop. She can sometimes be found delivering food to the Bakery, but her brother usualy does that. She stops by the Medicine shop a lot, and after you fix the water purifier you can find her swimming.


    Freinds -

    She is good freinds with Maria and Popari. She spends time with the crazy old lady and her grandkids. She also hangs around Cliff a lot, and is sometimes found talking to him while he is in his sniper tower.


    Occupation -

    She works on her families farm, mostly takeing care of the animals


    Family -

    She has a father and a older and younger brother. Her younger brother will get mad if you flirt with his sister. Her mother died during childbirth after her younger brother was born when Anna was 5

  12. And you don't have enough caps, how?


    caps are easy to come by, and caps are a terrible reward for completing missions


    that is the reason why I am trying to come up with better ways to reward the player, rebuilding a town and getting people to love and admire you it my goal, it is all about creating a beakon of hope in the Wasteland as opposed to collecting a bunch of caps...


    If I wanted caps I would just go kill some Enclave soldeirs and sell there armor and rifles

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