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Fallout 4 Creation Kit Beta and an Important Notice to Survival Testers


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In response to post #37060890. #37061240, #37061310, #37061330, #37061370, #37062250, #37063400, #37063635, #37063720, #37065880 are all replies on the same post.

SirSalami wrote: http://s32.postimg.org/7isbcw9s5/creation_kit_logo.gif

Mod authors, and those soon to be... the wait is finally over. The Fallout 4 Creation Kit has been released in open beta! This means that everyone can finally get their hands on the software used to create the game. These tools will allow us much greater power and flexibility with which we can continue to expand the Fallout 4 universe.

There’s mention of mods being available for console players soon as well. I’d say more but I’m just as excited to get into the mix as you are. So here’s the info:

For those of you that have been participating the Fallout 4 Survival beta (not to be confused with the Creation Kit beta), you will need to once again update your Nexus Mod Manager (0.61.20) as the game’s method of managing plugins has changed again behind the scenes.

Download the latest version of NMM at with the following link:

Please note that due to some remaining issues we are having during the migration to HTTPS, the download from the "Install NMM" link will not deliver this latest version. So for the time being, use the link above until we can fix this. Thank you for your patience.

After updating and ensuring your plugins are enabled in the interface, you should be good to go.

If you aren’t using NMM or Bethesda.net and still wish to enable mods manually, please note that the usage of the plugins.txt file has changed. Though it's still located in your %appdata% directory (i.e., something like c:\users\sirsalami\appdata\local\fallout4), it no longer contains references to core files / dlc plugins. Also, you MUST add an asterisk (*) before the entry for each modded plugin. For instance, a properly enabled plugins.txt file will now look something like this:

# This file is used by Fallout4 to keep track of your downloaded content.
# Please do not modify this file.
*Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
*CMPA +150.esp

We’ll be updating the wiki to reflect these changes, accordingly.

It’s important to note that while the Creation Kit supports uploading your work directly to Bethesda.net, which seems to be very heavily geared toward end users and console enabled mods, authors will be in no way restricted from distributing their work elsewhere in the same manner they always have. Your creations will always have a home here.

So, this is what we’ve all be waiting for folks. Go get the kit and get your hands dirty! Though I have a few ideas of my own, I absolutely cannot wait to see the creations you come up with. It’s like a great vault has been opened, or something. ;)

Good luck, and happy modding!
jet4571 wrote: I would be using it now but the stupid Bethesda.Net launcher refuses to login. Bethesda is very quickly losing all respect I had for the company.
Internetservice wrote: jesus, calm down
Madpleasure wrote: I thought it was just me.. I saw this announcement earlier somewhere else and still haven't been able to log in, lol.
Samurok wrote: it is expected as everyone try to log in to grab the CK ... just be patient ^^
Underprivlidged wrote: I had to try logging in about 5 times and it went through. I actually went to reset my password, it told me I can't use my old password, so tried it again twice and it logged in. Might work for ya, maybe not. I can't get anything to load in the CK, and am not ready to just start fresh (a bit rusty from my NV tinkering), so logging in might not even matter to you.
Akul wrote: Too many people are trying to download the thing (which I'm surprised you did not see coming) and getting a high-class server for one day per two year when it could get overcrowded is a horrible economical decision.
So if it doesn't work, try later. The CK won't run anywhere and chances are that some bug will be hotfixed by then.
ErosLogos wrote: jet,

I like your mods; but you can certainly see this is a matter of overloaded servers?

I for one will wait until the heat dies down. Then I'll download it.
BaldIdiot wrote: I had the same problem (I was unable to log in using Bethesda's launcher) until I set the launcher to run as administrator. It didn't work when I simply right-clicked and told it there to run as administrator, but when I opened the launcher's properties and changed it there I was finally able to log in and download the creation kit.
Augusta Calidia wrote: Fortunately I had no trouble logging in using Bethesda's launcher. Nor did I have any trouble downloading and installing the CK. Apparently I logged in after the initial demand for the CK had abated somewhat.

Yeah I figured that was the problem, it's not just the login but requiring the launcher to use the CK and all the idiotic changes they have been doing since Skyrim's last DLC was released. FO4 without certain mods is unplayable for me and never have I experienced that with any previous Bethesda game.
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In response to post #37064095. #37064415, #37065340, #37065605, #37065985, #37075475, #37076185 are all replies on the same post.

jpsimonetti wrote: Experiment in imagination - Picture those sales numbers from last year if Bethesda admitted to the world the Creation Kit wouldn't be available until May of 2016. That was a whole lot of dirty sales tactics to not admit the lifeblood of all Bethesda games - modding - would be stifled for 6 months, twice as long as even New Vegas (which was worth waiting for).
Sevaanos wrote: I remember them saying that the CK wouldn't be out till Spring of 2016, and guess what, its spring of 2016. So I say they were pretty on point.
jpsimonetti wrote: "The Fallout 4 Creation Kit, the software tool that allows PC modders to go wild, is set to arrive at the beginning of 2016."

Repeat in every news article from September 2015 through January of 2016.

In February, it was announced that the CK was being released in April, starting with the PC, then moving to consoles.

Pretty sure Fallout 4 had been out for 3 months by then. They let us believe it would be around in January - until January actually arrived. That is an underhanded sales tactic. They know how the modding community makes their games what they are. They basically promised their game would get better in 3 months after release. Aaaand nope.
Samurok wrote: actually no, only some people believed it was coming in january based on the "begining of 2016" part. well its april, the 4th month of the year...so yeah, still the begining. think about it for a sec
ErosLogos wrote: Please don't get a swollen head.

I played the game three times before I got into modding, so I thought Fallout 4 was pretty much the greatest game I ever played then. I like mods, but I hate how so many users and modders have these enormous egos, thinking themselves as the reason why any Bethesda game is good. Guess what?

The game was pretty much fun without mods.

I get mods to make the game more fun to play. Not to fix a broken game.

As for dirty sales techniques? No such thing as a dirty sales technique; capitalism is an inherently underhanded and dishonest system. As long as it isn't explicitly illegal, anything goes. It's the name of the game. But I'd say it was technically on point; it arrived at the end of April, juusstt within the early 2016 window.

By the way, New Vegas was made by Obsidian; Bethesda had nothing to do with it. And while I liked New Vegas, and think it was this great game, I don't get how everyone is suddenly dickriding it. I remember when it wasn't all that popular to say that you liked it.
Taiolu wrote: Because new vegas followed lore the best it can. Where as bethesda stopped being able to do lore well ever since oblivion.
Sytron wrote: It was originally said it would be released in the "First Quarter" of 2016. Which is a 3 month time frame, this is already into the second quarter and not near the beginning either. So the OP has a valid point about time frames.

Why, why do those months mater if they'd bought it anyway its not like the game had any kind of sale, if anything the'd be lucky they picked up the Season pass early before the price went up. Does it make any difference ? It sure doesn't to your wallet.

No to mention the Dev's are really really busy with several IP's ,this devkit, AND making it so mods can go on concoles, this isn't a small feat you know, I'm sure they didn't enjoy delaying, its not something anyone enjoys at all. the Devs like mods too, or they wouldn't be doing this.
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In response to post #37064095. #37064415, #37065340, #37065605, #37065985, #37075475, #37076185, #37077320 are all replies on the same post.

jpsimonetti wrote: Experiment in imagination - Picture those sales numbers from last year if Bethesda admitted to the world the Creation Kit wouldn't be available until May of 2016. That was a whole lot of dirty sales tactics to not admit the lifeblood of all Bethesda games - modding - would be stifled for 6 months, twice as long as even New Vegas (which was worth waiting for).
Sevaanos wrote: I remember them saying that the CK wouldn't be out till Spring of 2016, and guess what, its spring of 2016. So I say they were pretty on point.
jpsimonetti wrote: "The Fallout 4 Creation Kit, the software tool that allows PC modders to go wild, is set to arrive at the beginning of 2016."

Repeat in every news article from September 2015 through January of 2016.

In February, it was announced that the CK was being released in April, starting with the PC, then moving to consoles.

Pretty sure Fallout 4 had been out for 3 months by then. They let us believe it would be around in January - until January actually arrived. That is an underhanded sales tactic. They know how the modding community makes their games what they are. They basically promised their game would get better in 3 months after release. Aaaand nope.
Samurok wrote: actually no, only some people believed it was coming in january based on the "begining of 2016" part. well its april, the 4th month of the year...so yeah, still the begining. think about it for a sec
ErosLogos wrote: Please don't get a swollen head.

I played the game three times before I got into modding, so I thought Fallout 4 was pretty much the greatest game I ever played then. I like mods, but I hate how so many users and modders have these enormous egos, thinking themselves as the reason why any Bethesda game is good. Guess what?

The game was pretty much fun without mods.

I get mods to make the game more fun to play. Not to fix a broken game.

As for dirty sales techniques? No such thing as a dirty sales technique; capitalism is an inherently underhanded and dishonest system. As long as it isn't explicitly illegal, anything goes. It's the name of the game. But I'd say it was technically on point; it arrived at the end of April, juusstt within the early 2016 window.

By the way, New Vegas was made by Obsidian; Bethesda had nothing to do with it. And while I liked New Vegas, and think it was this great game, I don't get how everyone is suddenly dickriding it. I remember when it wasn't all that popular to say that you liked it.
Taiolu wrote: Because new vegas followed lore the best it can. Where as bethesda stopped being able to do lore well ever since oblivion.
Sytron wrote: It was originally said it would be released in the "First Quarter" of 2016. Which is a 3 month time frame, this is already into the second quarter and not near the beginning either. So the OP has a valid point about time frames.
Aikospacerogue wrote: Why, why do those months mater if they'd bought it anyway its not like the game had any kind of sale, if anything the'd be lucky they picked up the Season pass early before the price went up. Does it make any difference ? It sure doesn't to your wallet.

No to mention the Dev's are really really busy with several IP's ,this devkit, AND making it so mods can go on concoles, this isn't a small feat you know, I'm sure they didn't enjoy delaying, its not something anyone enjoys at all. the Devs like mods too, or they wouldn't be doing this.

It's here NOW, so enjoy it.

They didn't HAVE to give us ANYTHING you know. Not to mention the fact that it's FREE.

Again, it's here now. Just think of all the great mods that will come instead of going on the offensive against one of the few companies that support pc modding, okay?
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I'm new to mods and I've just used mods since FO4 release (not long). My question is, how will this effect current mods we are running? Also does this help with the form list cap bug?
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In response to post #37064095. #37064415, #37065340, #37065605, #37065985, #37075475, #37076185, #37077320, #37077780 are all replies on the same post.

jpsimonetti wrote: Experiment in imagination - Picture those sales numbers from last year if Bethesda admitted to the world the Creation Kit wouldn't be available until May of 2016. That was a whole lot of dirty sales tactics to not admit the lifeblood of all Bethesda games - modding - would be stifled for 6 months, twice as long as even New Vegas (which was worth waiting for).
Sevaanos wrote: I remember them saying that the CK wouldn't be out till Spring of 2016, and guess what, its spring of 2016. So I say they were pretty on point.
jpsimonetti wrote: "The Fallout 4 Creation Kit, the software tool that allows PC modders to go wild, is set to arrive at the beginning of 2016."

Repeat in every news article from September 2015 through January of 2016.

In February, it was announced that the CK was being released in April, starting with the PC, then moving to consoles.

Pretty sure Fallout 4 had been out for 3 months by then. They let us believe it would be around in January - until January actually arrived. That is an underhanded sales tactic. They know how the modding community makes their games what they are. They basically promised their game would get better in 3 months after release. Aaaand nope.
Samurok wrote: actually no, only some people believed it was coming in january based on the "begining of 2016" part. well its april, the 4th month of the year...so yeah, still the begining. think about it for a sec
ErosLogos wrote: Please don't get a swollen head.

I played the game three times before I got into modding, so I thought Fallout 4 was pretty much the greatest game I ever played then. I like mods, but I hate how so many users and modders have these enormous egos, thinking themselves as the reason why any Bethesda game is good. Guess what?

The game was pretty much fun without mods.

I get mods to make the game more fun to play. Not to fix a broken game.

As for dirty sales techniques? No such thing as a dirty sales technique; capitalism is an inherently underhanded and dishonest system. As long as it isn't explicitly illegal, anything goes. It's the name of the game. But I'd say it was technically on point; it arrived at the end of April, juusstt within the early 2016 window.

By the way, New Vegas was made by Obsidian; Bethesda had nothing to do with it. And while I liked New Vegas, and think it was this great game, I don't get how everyone is suddenly dickriding it. I remember when it wasn't all that popular to say that you liked it.
Taiolu wrote: Because new vegas followed lore the best it can. Where as bethesda stopped being able to do lore well ever since oblivion.
Sytron wrote: It was originally said it would be released in the "First Quarter" of 2016. Which is a 3 month time frame, this is already into the second quarter and not near the beginning either. So the OP has a valid point about time frames.
Aikospacerogue wrote: Why, why do those months mater if they'd bought it anyway its not like the game had any kind of sale, if anything the'd be lucky they picked up the Season pass early before the price went up. Does it make any difference ? It sure doesn't to your wallet.

No to mention the Dev's are really really busy with several IP's ,this devkit, AND making it so mods can go on concoles, this isn't a small feat you know, I'm sure they didn't enjoy delaying, its not something anyone enjoys at all. the Devs like mods too, or they wouldn't be doing this.
cjqnsnyc wrote: It's here NOW, so enjoy it.

They didn't HAVE to give us ANYTHING you know. Not to mention the fact that it's FREE.

Again, it's here now. Just think of all the great mods that will come instead of going on the offensive against one of the few companies that support pc modding, okay?

ugh just way too many fanboys justifying Bethesda's scummy tactics.

Wonder how they're going to justify paid mods. Edited by vlaka
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Here's Alternative solution i discovered Myself

For non CK users and BETA 1.5 users


You need obviously the nexus mod manager

and Fo4Loot


First thing first


1. Locate your C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Fallout4

if the plugins location for some reason is not there

go to main directory.


- if you activated your mod before on nexus don't worry acitvate it first

- Delete plugin.txt and loadorder.txt to refresh and restart the nexus load order

- activate the mod on nexus mod manager it will auto generated but no asterisk yet

-Disable the mod All of your mod on manager and follow 2nd step



- Go back to loot don't do anything yet

- Delete .bak file

- Re-sort order back while the mod disable click apply

- On plugins.txt Put asterisk symbol i.e " *Yourmod.esp " Manually to activate them

- Do not Boot the game

- Set plugins.txt to read only not load order


Things to watch out

- Do not use Steam To validate cache it will ruin load order


activate the mod after you do loot, now you can safely just sort your load order do not set your load order on read only leave it as it is.



Edited by luthien21
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