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Everything posted by Elsarian

  1. Hmm, that's interesting because I could have sworn that it might have done the same for both. Check for where you installed Nehrim, and see if that might have a data archive as well because there are some mods out there that are strictly for Nehrim. So, also there you should deactivate all mods that you use for Oblivion. All the major overhaules that you use and so on. Things such as texture replacers and the like will be fine to keep active, just make sure you have all other major mods disabled when you load up Nehrim.
  2. Ok, instead of bashing how terrible the patch is, which it isn't for me, Horse combat has now stopped functioning properly. I signed up for the beta a few days after its announcement and combat worked just fine. Spectacularly to be quite honest. However, the other night I signed into to steam to look at the workshop, just to see what was there, and steam automatically started to download an 18 meg file that didn't seem like the official patch because of how small it was. Anyways, ever since that download, none of my attacks are hitting what I am swinging at except at one specific angle right around the head of the horse. Perhaps some of you have encountered issues with is, and hopefully someone will have an answer. Google is of no use, already tried. -Elsarian
  3. Ah, well I'm afraid that that is the most sure fire way of finding out.
  4. Interior cell, not "inferior"*. Sorry. And I meant this, not "his". This is what I get for posting on forums from a phone with autocorrect enabled.
  5. I believe so since they act like containers. A good way of testing this is to go to pick the meat, then go into a shop, inn, or any other inferior cell and wait for 3 days to be sure the load lists reset, and then go back. If there is nothing there, then no, otherwise there should be more. Hope his helps. -Elsarian
  6. That's happening to you because you have some sort of body mod on. If you have any, and I mean any, mod that alters your characters animations, body, or anything then you will have this happen. So dig through your mods and see what might be installed that's effecting your character.
  7. Just install the mod normally and it should appear in game due to Nehrim using oblivions exact models. Nehrim uses Oblivions resources, so as long as you have a minor mod on, and by minor I mean something that doesn't effect a whole lot game wise, then it should appear in Nehrim. Keep in mind that this just applies to bodies, and the like. I remember using one mod back when I had a crap machine that caused oblivions grass to be smaller to get better performance, and the same was changed in Nehrim. So minor stuff like that should carry over. Install the mod as you would normally, fire up Nehrim, and see what happens. Hope this helps. -Elsarian
  8. They look lame because you either played Skyrim first, or are used to Skyrim models after playing so long. Secondly, I'm not entirely sure there are. However, there are tons of mods out there that make the bodies of both male and females look better. Spend sometime searching and you'll definitely find one. To speed things up, you should hop over to the top files of the site and you will see many mods that do what I have explained. -Elsarian
  9. BGS will probably never make another TES game that houses all of the provinces. Maybe because doing one province at a time will keep the series going strong, and then after all provinces have been visited then the devs can make more games set in other provinces at a future time period so that we see how this world evolves. Or maybe, instead of having another Fable, which I don't think TES would even turn into even if future games shown advancement in technology. Honestly, I think the games would be rather unique if they take this on because Tamiel is going to have to start advancing if the Devs continue making games that are hundreds of years in the future. That's all my opinion though, and I welcome any and all constructive criticism that someone may like to add when viewing these ideas. -Elsarian
  10. Well it took me about 2-3 hours to complete the companions, and then around the same time for The College of Winterhold, so 10-20 hours is a good jump From my perspective. And I also think that the artist was being a little to vague with his "guess" of the hours because 10 and 20 is a significant gap. But hopefully the DLC will be worth it. Hopefully. -Elsarian
  11. I agree with you, Brandy. And yes, the ebony weapons, besides the axes, maces, and bows, are terrible. Meaning the swords. I have a huge problem with the standard one-handed long sword model because even though it looks decent in third-person, it's absolutely terrible in first-person. I mean really, when did ebony weapons become so curvy and strange-like? Every weapon has a cool "Nordic" feel and look to it besides those. I absolutely loved the models in Oblivion and Morrowind, but the ones here are just distasteful. And yes, the code really needs improving. And I would like more graphical effects to be added such as sun rays, SSAO, DX11 tesselation, Verlet effects to non-rigid surfaces, and so much more. I want an atmosphere identical to what is seen in the Witcher 2. Pure breathtaking. But that's all my opinion. -Elsarian
  12. We all know that Dawnguard will be coming out the 26th and 30 days after for us PC users. But what I am even more excited about is that Beth will be adding Dragonbone weapons (finally) and I am actually pretty anxious to see how they turn out. What do you guys think? Do you think that they will just make the weapons do a little less damage than daedric, but be lighter and swing faster? Do you think that the models for the weapons will look as ridiculous as ebony, or look really cool? The reason why I ask is because there have been countless mods adding dragonbone weapons into the game, some good some not. However, personally, I would rather have the weapons do higher damage than that of daedric simply because of the extra 10 points and a perk point that I have use and I don't want it to go to waste. I want to feel like I earned the weapons and get something good out of it. But still, even if they do make the weapons do less damage than that of daedric, we can still edit them with the CK. But, anyways, what are your thoughts on them? -Elsarian
  13. Ok, I just got back from gamestop earlier after buying Assassins of Kings only to find out that I have a 10 GB download that I have to get!!!! The only internet access that I have is through tethering with my iPhone and that only allows me 4 Gigs that I can use. After going over that, it's 10 bucks per gig, plus I have college classes to attend online, so there is just no way I can download this! Basically I am wondering if there is a way to just play the game without EE. I have looked at many other forums before posting here, and done extensive google searching, to no avail. So, is there anything that can be done? Surely CD Projekt wouldn't force this download, or would they? I was so pleases with the first Witcher and I don't want to have to go through all of this since I have been waiting to play this for a very long, long time. Any help here would be greatly appreciated! -Elsarian
  14. Oblivion was my very first elder scrolls game and I credit oblivion for igniting my love for these games. However, I played Skyrim more in 2 months than I did oblivion in 5. To me, Skyrim is the better game. But that's all opinion of course.
  15. Indeed!! It would be perfectly fine for them to do that because in the vanilla game there are only a few outfits that have a cape. Plus there aren't very many NPC's running around with these armors on anyway, so there shouldn't be any performance issues on the console side of things. However, modders will be able to create their own capes to add into the game, and if these capes are added into the leveled lists, then NPC's will start wearing them. On the other hand though, if someone is experiencing performance issues with this, then all they have to do is install a version of the mod that just adds the capes into the crafting lists and only the PC wears them, or the companions he/she gives one to. Now, with all that said, Beth could just do what Lionhead Studios did with Fable 2. Only the PC could wear clothing that flapped around, whereas NPC's wore completely different clothing that didn't move, therefore not causing any performance issues. If you remember watching the GameJam that Beth did, then you will remember the part where the chubby giant was walking through some trees that actually moved when the creature brushed passed them; which is another form of that effect. However, I wouldn't really care if it was added to the world or not!! I just want these effects to be added for flags, robes, capes, and that's it. Most other games are finally doing it, so why not Skyrim? -Skyrim
  16. I am actually hoping for real cloth effects to be added into the game. The idea of that being a possible addition really vamps me up about the whole DLC. I know that my first play through will be done on the side of the Dawnguard, whereas my evil character will obviously turn into a viscous vampire and play with that side. Will be interesting nonetheless. I find it to be most intriguing that Beth may be adding a real consequence to your choices with the DLC because anyone that has beaten the MQ will know that there are no bad decisions. Hell, there really isn't any consequences with being on the side of the Dark Brotherhood. So maybe, just maybe, we all will be able to actually think about our choices.
  17. Ok, I'm slightly confused. If you are setting bActorSelfShadowing to 0, then wouldn't that take away from the graphics by removing self shadowing? Or are you saying that the game actually looks better without the shadowing? I know that the self-shadowing is pretty crappy and could be better, but don't see how this is supposed to improve it.
  18. Also, if you would like some interesting screens of your character with gorgeous scenery in the picture then feel free to contact me as well. I have no problem with taking them. I have the game completely maxed with some HD retextures as well, so if you are still looking for someone to take more just for variations sake, then feel free to PM me. -Elsarian
  19. Haha it's quite funny to me that you mentioned Siri like that since I have an iPhone 4S. Gave me a good laugh. And yeah, I actually downloaded the mod last night after I posted here. But even though there is a mod for it, it should have been different in the first place. Don't get me wrong though, I like their games, and will continue buying them, and I also understand that they can not please everyone, but still; there are just something you don't do, y'know?
  20. You know what makes me mad other than the fact that they did not have a Skyforge steel mace? The fact that Beth used the same model and texture for the Skyforge steel as they do with standard steel. It makes me so mad when there is absolutely no variation what so ever. They put in the effort to make different models of fur armour, and steel armor, but made none what so ever for their weapons. Makes me so mad sometimes.
  21. There will be more single player TES games. If not, then it will show the true stupidity of the lead guys there. They know that the single player series of games has been their most grossing game, so if they piss us off, which we are the ones keeping their boat afloat, then they will be over with. So, with that, I believe that we will more of the true ES games in the future. That and fallout. That is all my opinion though.
  22. It seems like the MMO will follow the same as Star Wars The Old Republic. Pretty much you buy a copy of the game like you would any other, and then it's free to play from there. Whereas Warcraft, you have to purchase the game, and then pay continuous monthly charges. So who knows; maybe that's what they will do. Even if I did support it though, I wouldn't be able to play it since I don't have a high speed connection out here in the sticks of Mississippi, so yeah. However, if it turns out good, then so be it. Plus I believe that it will make a good pass time when waiting on another TRUE Elder Scrolls game because we have to admit that these games do get a wee bit boring after a few years of play. All the mods and official DLC in the world couldn't keep you interested for years at a time. So, maybe, just maybe, this will be a decent game for ES fans to pass time on. If its free to play that is.
  23. The Elder Scrolls Online will not be released for consoles. Here is some reassurance if it is needed.
  24. I am going to go ahead and assume that you are thinking that the MMO will be released for the consoles? If so, then that is not right. It will be PC and MAC only. Also, regarding some of the comments about the Xbox 360 exclusivity: I hate it. I absolutely can not stand that MS had to butt their heads into Skyrim. However, even though I hate it severely, I can still find solace in the fact that we PC players will STILL be laughing at the console side of things as they are enjoying Dawnguard because we know that once they finish it (however long it is) then they will once again be bored with skyrim, whereas not only have we been releasing mods since the release of skyrim itself and have had access to unlimited amounts of content, but once we finish the DLC then we will begin modding it to the ends of Nirn! The Elder Scrolls fans that play on consoles, the die hard ones at least, will get maybe 200 hrs out of the game before calling it quits. Maybe even a little more with some expansions, while we will be playing and modding for the years to come. What's better than being a PC gamer? -Elsarian
  25. Well, first off, Skyrim lore applies to the way we mod and where we build houses. First of all, Whiterun is literally the Imperial City of Skyrim. It is the center of the province, the largest hold, the most productive, and is a massive trading area because of it. It's because of this being the center that people want to build near it. Players don't have to go so far just to get from their house to another town due to them already being in the center of the map. So, that could be a reasonable explanation for it. Also, the Tundra makes for some beautiful scenery as well. Also, speaking of the area that you are mentioning right behind the mountain near Riverwood; who would want to go around an entire mountain just to get somewhere? Exclude the option of fast travel because one less load screen is always better in my opinion. Anyways, those are my thoughts on the matter. -Elsarian
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