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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. Vortex does its own load sorting, that is why the LO is lost. You could turn it off in the menu bar 'Autosort Enabled'. However, to your other point, missing masters are displayed in both the 'Notifications' bell at the top right of the UI (loud orange boxes), but also in the 'LOOT notes' on the plugins page. You must make sure that the 'Flags' display is enabled on your Plugins tab in Vortex (use the 'gear' icon to show which headers are enabled). Missing masters should be shown under both the 'Warnings' and 'LOOT messages' under that display column. Mods with missing masters should not be installed and enabled, as they can cause errors in game, even corrupting your game saves. You should only use one mod manager to install mods, not both WB and Vortex. What one does, the other does again on its own, and they will not respect or recognize the other manager's choices.
  2. There are some users that have HPH available for d/l from an alternate source. Try searching this forum for high poly head files. I don't remember which users had it up.
  3. Install one at a time, I was surprised when that worked. Remove the 10.5 from Vortex, install the 10.3, then re-d/l and install the 10.5. Vortex will work its override magic as usual. Maybe editing the metadata for each of them will work, but I have not tried to find out.
  4. If there is any way to have the site set a preference for PC or mobile, that should be used to select the appropriate display conventions on the page. I really hated when w10 came out with its more phone-centric layout, and absolutely DESPISE the design elements in w11. I read from left to right, top to bottom, not from inside-out. I am tired of having to kludge together fixes and adjustments just to get things looking better on/using all of my screen, and to try to keep using conventions that Windows developed as standards from all the way back to the last DOS version of Windows. I am sick to death of mobile users making decisions about what 'looks good', and 'works better'. I use a PC, and want it to be also optimized for PC, not just one or the other.
  5. AFAIK, if you completely remove the mod, it will be unavailable for ALL profiles, at least that is how it worked early in my experience w/Vortex. You simply disable any mods that you do not want to take effect in that particular profile.
  6. Go ahead and install each one, I currently have from 9.9.1 through the latest 10.5, installed. Just can't tell which individual ones are installed, and the 202x team is not very good at specifying which, if any, are able to be removed.
  7. Welcome back! Which games are you preparing your projects for?
  8. @NineCoCosThe .wiki link is probably not current on all of the SKSE based mods, but at least it is a start. Looks like you found out that Skyclimb is causing a problem. I don't use that one, can not be of much help there. I hope that the game gets fully corrected for you.
  9. I see two possible problems in the crash log, aside from Faster HDT-SMP: 1. VCRuntime140.dll - maybe you should check to make sure that you have the latest Visual C++ runtime installed on your computer? 2. EngineFixes.dll - maybe remove it, and reinstall it (both parts - make sure that you install the second part manually in the proper location, per the mod page instructions. I also see skse64_1_6_1130 in the crash log, are you running SE v. 1.6.1130? That might change which Engine Fixes SSE part 1 you need... Which mods do you have that are not compatible w/1.6.1170? I looked here ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ) and didn't see any mods that weren't compatible with both the ...30 and ...70 versions. There probably haven't been many updates to that page lately, so I would like to know, thanks.
  10. 7531Leonidas


    Welcome, and I hope that you have a lot of fun while modding and playing! In case you do not know, forums for specific games can be found under 'Game Communities' under 'Browse' at the top of the page. You then scroll down or search for any game that you are interested in. You must join the game's forum to be able to post there, but you can read posts without joining.
  11. This is a general forum, you might get faster responses if you go to the Skyrim SE forum. Click on 'Game Communities' under 'Browse' at the top of the page, then scroll down/search for Skyrim. It is usually close to the top. Join the Skyrim SE forum, and any others that you wish to post in. Good luck!
  12. netscriptframework only runs on 1.5.97, not on any 1.6xx. You need Crash Logger SSE for 1.6+.
  13. You can find logs for SKSE mod start ups in the ...Users\(Your User Name)\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE. There might be a hint or two for which mod(s) are not working properly.
  14. I have over 2000 mods in Skyrim SE 1.6.1170 right now, and the newest Wrye Bash had no problems w/the length of the LO. I think that it has been updated. I currently have WB 3.13. SkyPatcher is great, but I believe that a mod must be set up to use it, maybe someone more knowledgeable will come by and confirm this, or set me straight...
  15. You should include the name of the game in your post title, and/or tag your post with the game's name, so others experienced in the game might see this and help you.
  16. Maybe you should try to look through/search the Vortex Support forum for the error statement that you are getting, or just ask there?
  17. This SKSE error message is actually pretty clear, it is telling you something is wrong with the EngineFixes .dll. This often happens when Engine Fixes is not installed properly. Go back to the Engine Fixes mod page, and make sure that you d/l BOTH parts (1 and 2) for v. 1.6.1170, and that you installed part 2 manually into the file location specified in the mod instructions (manually meaning that you either extracted it from the zip directly into the target folder, or that you extracted it to your desktop or somewhere similar, and copied and pasted to that location). While you are at it, also go to SSE Engine Fixes - Modified .toml File Only For SSE v1.6.1130 and v1.6.1170 ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/108069 ), and likewise install it.
  18. @mshawneeThis is why I tried to point the op to the Bannerlord page, they did not specify that they had even searched there at all, since they were focused on Vortex, and I had seen a few discussions in passing on the Mod Troubleshooting forum about problems with Harmony. BTW, what is 'deadlink'?
  19. There is also a Nexus .wiki for SKSE compatibility ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ). It also shows some alternatives for obsolete/obsolescent mods.
  20. @DirebearCoatWell, all I know is that I get a lot of those brews from time to time, but, like I said, I am not sure that there is not another mod or two that is allowing them to be spawned. Too many mods to parse through, if I find any I will let you know (if I remember).
  21. I simply make a new folder directly in the ...\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Saves location, and name it something like 'Archived Saves' or 'Old Saves'. Inside that folder, I make other folders with the name of the PC, and periodically move the saves into it. When I get 20-30 saves in that PC folder, I zip 'em up, and delete the originals. It is a failsafe against having a game ending glitch or corruption. When I am through with that PC, then I get rid of all but the first 2-3 saves, and the last 2-3 saves. I can move the zipped saves anywhere I have space, if needed.
  22. Well, xEdit is how I confirm that LOOT inside Vortex does the right things, that is how I found that I needed to make changes in those handful of mods. Unfortunately, it was quite awhile ago, and dragging to another mod was the way it was done. I wish that there was a way to right-click on an individual mod in the dependencies column, and select 'Set Rule', and then be able to pick the other mod from a dropdown, at least. You can use the 'Manage Rules' menu item at the top of the 'Mods' tab to change rules already established, but I don't know of a way to create a rule using it. Maybe someone else has seen something obviously simple that I have missed. If that is the case, then I hope that they happen by and chime in!
  23. You should probably ask about this in Vortex Support (as this is a problem w/downloading a collection), or go to the Skyrim SE forum site, use 'Game Communities' under 'Browse' at the top of the page, then scroll down/search for Skyrim. It is usually close to the top, open it and join any/all of the forums there to be able to post.
  24. There is a game-specific SE forum, go to 'Game Communities' under the 'Browse' menu item at the top of the page. Scroll down/search for the game you are looking for. Skyrim SE is in the 'Skyrim' community. There are several options in there, simply join whichever one(s) you wish to post in. Don't know why Nexus de-emphasizes the individual games forums WRT the general forums as it does.
  25. @DirebearCoatA bashed patch forces conflicting records to be better 'merged', not overwritten, especially with leveled lists. This means that more, if not most, of the items that are 'placed' by leveled lists have a chance of being found or placed, when they would otherwise be left out. Also, I use the following in my mod list - all place more of the Bruma stuff into the world: Beyond Skyrim - Bruma - Tamrielic Influence ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/41055 ) Beyond Skyrim - Wares of Tamriel SE ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/31519 ) Wares of Tamriel Integration Expansion ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/84928 ) Tamrielic Distribution ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/71372 ) I have removed the first one recently, trying to find a problem in my bashed patch, which was patching a lot more than just my LL, I think I will go back to just bashing the LL.
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