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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. Did you check the discord (maybe Reddit?) discussion? Look at the Racemenu mod page here on the Nexus, that link is either on the page, or in the comments (no search on the mod comments section any more, so I hope that was stickied). I think that beta versions have been posted there before.
  2. 1. Check each of the mods listed for any special LO considerations. Note any found, and make sure that the interaction menu reflects them. 2. Click (maybe double-click?) on one of the small arrows, and 'flip' the one you need to change. If you don't see any right away, then try just to flip (or remove) the rule for either the first or last interaction. I don't know why the playercomments has to load before a lighting mod, so that would be the one I would be tempted to change, but check them out first!
  3. What uses the po3_SKSEfunctions? Sky Climb? Looks like a prime candidate for a SKSE/mod version mismatch. Check the Nexus .wiki ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ) for the proper/matching versions of your SKSE mods.
  4. I am pretty sure that there is a mod to manage CC stuff in Vortex, is there one for MO/MO2 also? It is actually an extension - Import From Bethesda.net.
  5. The only way I was able to correct this problem was to fire up SSEEdit (xEdit), load up the entire LO, and apply the "show conflicts" filter in SSEEdit. Then went looking for changes to the vampire race records, and dragged and dropped the files I needed to change into an override file for a patch. Was some time ago, and have a few black face bugs returning, where the faces are not black, but with crazy patterns and shades on them. Haven't chased this problem(s) down yet.
  6. Try searching for "changing windows 11 to look like windows 7". There were several options, but I didn't want to link spam here, and only you know what you are willing to try/chance in some of those methods.
  7. @Ilayda70 Tut mir leid, mir war nicht klar, dass man einem Autor nicht mehr direkt von der Mod-Seite aus Nachrichten senden kann (zumindest bis die Mod-Kommentarbereiche aktualisiert sind). Sie müssen den Namen des Autors und eine Direktnachricht aus den neuen Foren erhalten.
  8. Yeah, but the widescreen PC monitors are much wider than they are long (from top-to-bottom), which makes the endless scrolling much more tedious. At least right now, I can control the number of mods per page. There are several sites that have changed to endless scrolling, and it just makes it harder to refer back to earlier posts in the thread, for me. I have enough memory (64 GB) that makes scrolling down on an individual page easy, but the jumping, twitchy endless scrolling never is comfortable for me. The move to reduce the mods to 4 per row from 5 will make the problem even greater.
  9. Check IFD Lydia and Amorous Adventures - the author says the latest IFD Lydia is set to disable AA. I asked if they meant the entire thing, or just Lydia, who just happens to be involved in a lot of the quests, and got no response.
  10. AFAIK, you cannot access the creation page on the main menu, as it will reconfigure your mod list all by itself... Search this forum for "plugins not found", also the Vortex Support forum, if you can't find anything here. I seem to remember a mod, or Vortex extension to allow you to manage CC stuff w/Vortex. Maybe someone else has the full info.
  11. Sometimes, a value for a faction or factions gets changed/corrupted, look up the 'paycrimegold' console command, there is an article or two that discusses how to use it to resolve such problems. I found a list in my stuff that has the various factions/hold crimegold info, but there is no info included on which faction/hold each one resolves. IIRC, someone had made a .bat to run all of these at once. I wish I could remember what its name was... player.paycrimegold 0 0 28170 player.paycrimegold 0 0 267E3 player.paycrimegold 0 0 29DB0 player.paycrimegold 0 0 2816D player.paycrimegold 0 0 2816e player.paycrimegold 0 0 2816C player.paycrimegold 0 0 2816B player.paycrimegold 0 0 267EA player.paycrimegold 0 0 2816F player.paycrimegold 0 0 04018279
  12. The plugins being disabled on relaunch is usually caused by a misconfigured Engine Fixes .toml. There are several settings that have to be changed for things to work properly. There is a preconfigured file here https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/108069 .
  13. Well, as long as you are not in a place w/a lot of lightning or power instability, your monitor should be fine. Here's hoping! I had to get a new monitor a year or two ago, when my beautiful 16:10 NEC monitor lost something due to a power surge, in spite of power back-up.
  14. Yeah, I figured (I am using a Ryzen 3800x CPU on a last-generation MB), just wanted to give you some hard(er) figures to help confirm your choices, and maybe help keep you from biting off more than you can chew WRT landscape/outfit/skin mods. I am pretty sure that DynDOLOD 3 will make some kind of difference, once I can get it to run.
  15. @Ilayda70 Sorry, I didn't realize that you cannot message an author directly from the mod page any more (at least until the mod comments sections are updated), you will have to get the author's name, and direct message from the new forums.
  16. @barrettsfloyd Just for comparative info, and to help you judge how to set up your Skyrim - am running a Sapphire 7900 xtx w/24 gb on it. My display is 3840x2160, and I run texture enhancements, mostly the downscaled 4x Pfuscher's stuff, and clothes/armor/skin textures. Skyrim Performance Monitor shows up to 18+ gb used on the card, and another 10+ gb of shared memory, but my card is pretty much coasting otherwise. So, watch out for your memory load when deciding what/how to 'prettify' your game...
  17. I know that there is a limit to the number of records an esl/espfe mod can contain, and the merged files now total up to be too many. But I thought that your Gemstone stuff had new cells/edited cells, so that shouldn't be an issue, because that fact alone should keep it from being marked espfe. Maybe it is the CK warning you not to try?
  18. @bluemeanies5 FYI - I made a desktop shortcut to the savegame folder, and then placed a folder inside, naming it 'Save Locker'. I then manually move all of my saves into it (except the last three) at the end of the gaming session. I don't worry about autosaves. Once there, I use 7zip to archive them, they generally compress quite well. If I want to start a new game, I simply move the previous archive into its own character-named folder, and start over.
  19. Some Kaidan replacers - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/23738 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/70022 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/52998 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/80692 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/86275 Go take a look at these, decide which one or ones you like best, then contact the author/authors by posting on the mod page's "Posts" section, and mention your request/project. They may well help you with the information you want, or be interested in guiding you through the process. Good Luck! Schauen Sie sich diese an, entscheiden Sie, welches oder welche Ihnen am besten gefällt, und kontaktieren Sie dann den Autor/die Autoren, indem Sie im Abschnitt „Beiträge“ der Mod-Seite posten und Ihre Anfrage/Ihr Projekt erwähnen. Möglicherweise helfen sie Ihnen mit den gewünschten Informationen oder sind daran interessiert, Sie durch den Prozess zu führen. Viel Glück!
  20. Have you checked that the game didn't auto-update as part of the added account? You can just right-click on your SkyrimSE.exe in your ...steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition folder, and look at the 'Details' tab when you check the file properties (if you don't want to load the game again and look at the version on the main menu). Make sure that Vortex is still directed toward your Steam installation, and not some kind of generic 'all of the above' accounts to include the new addition. I am just guessing, because I am the only one on my computer at all.
  21. Couple of quick questions: Did you also update your vidcard drivers? Did you make sure that the game knows it has a new card? One of the .ini files (SkyrimPrefs.ini in ...\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition) needs the card info in it. As long as you are not using a 'downgraded' or older version of Skyrim SE, the game launcher should have opened up the video options after your upgrade. There is some sort of workaround for downgraded versions, so you don't have to run the risk of a forced update, I am not sure what it is.
  22. @kangaroocdub You could try Trade and Barter https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/23081 , and modify its defaults to a more severe level. There are one or two 'rebuild' or 'restore' locations that do not have a lot of income opportunities associated, or maybe you could turn them off. I only noticed them in passing, so I don't have any names for you. There is Loot and Degradation - makes stuff wear out more like Morrowind, but is old and a bit buggy, from the comments made. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21744
  23. If you don't have one of the latest versions of Skyrim, or the mod BEES (Backported Extended ESL Support) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106441, a mod run through the CK has had a header change that will stop it from loading. Either install BEES (check if there is a version that works with VR), or use SSEEdit to change that header value back to 1.70 from the new 1.71.
  24. If you have a weather mod, it may need to have a change in settings, or even be reinstalled. I think that maybe the ash storms that occur in Solstheim are causing something to break, or it is not working well with your ENB or its settings.
  25. Have you looked at/tried Community Shaders? I haven't had the motivation to rework everything in my LO.
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