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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. Racemenu just got some sort of update itself on 24 January, to run on v.1.6.1170. Did you get that one?
  2. Mods made under the newest CK have had a value change in the header information. A workaround mod, Backported Extended ESL Support ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106441 ) will allow them to run. You still have to make sure that any SKSE based mods have the matching versions of SKSE and Address Library. BEES also allows for double the limit of light mods.
  3. There are some mods made by an author that will conflict between each other, usually the advice is to just pick one, as the author simply reused some resources. WRT ASLAL and the Winterhold mod, use SSEEdit, load up the two mods, and check for conflicts (once you get pick the conflict winners and deploy).
  4. To keep the auto-update from happening, start Steam by itself, THEN launch the SKSE loader however you wish. I accidentally did what you did just last night, while trying to run a new barebones profile for bug squashing. The read-only trick kept the update from being applied.
  5. Good Luck! I will follow this thread for awhile, just in case I can help.
  6. Well, I tried to make an account, but the service that runs the site for HPH didn't like my e-mail addy (the same one I use on Nexus and Steam), and I couldn't find any way to communicate with them. I finally got a copy when they had to set up an alternate server for awhile. I don't know if this is still true, got tired of trying.
  7. My 'trick' is to concentrate on stealth first, approach as stealth archer to reduce # of enemies, then assault the lone survivor to take hits to lvl up light armor and block, and to build up 2H. Smaller wild animals can boost your armor exp fairly quickly, as can basic bandits. I have even taken the sadistic route of healing the bg, so I can hit it more.
  8. @moonraiser You got Alternate Start working OK now?
  9. @XoPachi At the top of the Skyrim SE forum, there is a pinned post on how to keep Skyrim SE from updating, if you accidentally launch it through Steam, like I did this evening trying out a different Vortex profile. You have to set a couple of (appmanifest?) files to read-only. You may have to scan through the full thread to find the latest info.
  10. USSEP and anything by Arthmoor won't have older versions archived, to avoid updating problems, acc. to the authors.
  11. IDK if it can be done, but suggest some kind of .ini backup routine BEFORE any changes are made.
  12. Look in your ...\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE folder (I made a shortcut to my desktop for this folder). Inside you will find logs for virtually all of your SKSE-based mods, which could definitely be affected by the update process currently in play. Two basic ways to use this info: Look at the skse64.log, read down the wall of text, looking for .dll files that did not load properly, OR Arrange the contents of the folder in descending 'Date Modified' order, and look for the first mod that did NOT update along with the others (works best if you have the time in YYYY/MM/DD format). This can be a quick(er) method of locating problematic .dlls. There is a wiki on the Nexus to help with finding updated SKSE-based mods ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ). Good luck!
  13. Have you got the matching USSEP version for your Alternate Start? Do you have any mods that 'add' scenarios to Alternate Start?
  14. Please let us know what you missed, as many of us can also have a mental short-circuit! Glad you got it sorted!
  15. Find the ...Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE folder, and look for the skse64.log. Proceed down the wall of text, looking for plugins that did not load correctly. Alternately, simply arrange the contents of the folder in descending 'Date Modified' order, and look for a log that did NOT update upon your game launch. Another idea - do you have any start screen/UI mods loading? Your problem may be in there.
  16. XoPachi, have you verified your game files in Steam, or where ever you got your game from?
  17. OK, just wanted to make sure, MIC can be a bit tricky at times. BTW, you can hover your mouse over the individual properties with values in braces (like Textures [63]), and hit the 'shift' key to get more information. You can also use the same method in the additional lists that open when you do this. The lists will update each time you place your mouse over a source and hit the shift key, you do not have to exit/reenter anything to change what you are looking at. Those texture sources may give you the info you need, or the spells or effects listings. Just remember to take a screenshot when you see something that is interesting.
  18. AFAIK, when you use Vortex, its built-in LOOT routines will take into account the conflict resolution (lightning bolts) and any dependencies you personally edit using the drag-and-drop method with the interconnect symbols under the dependencies. I once, long ago, used a standalone LOOT with Vortex, and it kept messing things up badly. The standalone doesn't see everything in the Vortex installations, and vice versa. I would just depend on the built-in LOOT, and force any needed changes under the 'Dependencies' column in the mods tab, or under the plugins tab in Vortex. Drop the standalone LOOT set-up, it doesn't play well with Vortex.
  19. Try one more time, but clicking on JUST the cloak effect. Click around your character and see what type of results you get. Might be even more helpful, you might even see exactly which mod(s) is causing your problem.
  20. You can try More Informative Console ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19250 ), enter the console when in 3rd person like above, then try to click on just the effect. The information window should show if you got it right, and have an entry for 'Last Changed By'. It might give you a hint on what to look at.
  21. I think that there were several mentions of this on the respective mod page comment pages. Did you go into the MCM? IIRC there was a setting that had to be toggled to stop the sink.
  22. Actually, I found two settings in the Engine Fixes stuff, and a third in the part 2 docs, I think. Can't touch that part 2 stuff, game won't load. I just can't figure out how I can go over a week w/o tbbmalloc involvement in crashes, then all of a sudden, multiple instances (10+) crash.
  23. Yeah, there has been a lot of controversy over the years. Just thought you should know if you consider adding DynDOLOD 3.
  24. Been having problems w/tbbmalloc crashing in v. 1.6.640. I thought that I had blocked it from running, and seemed successful for about a week or so. Then, yesterday, the crash logs/analyzer started showing multiple instances of tbbmalloc crashes, along with (Faster)HDT. Any suggestions on where it hides? I know that Engine Fixes pt. 2 needs it, but I just want some relief from the crashes.
  25. FWIW, DynDOLOD3 insists upon cleaned files for everything, I think. I haven't been on their forums lately, don't know if that has changed.
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