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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. But then, the REAL power brokers are the ones who determine how things get done - they also do neat stuff like leak information like a screen wire bowl. Even with the replaced staff, there can be that problem. The elected officials won't want to change this, b/c the way things are, they have some sense/expectation of loyalty. Lastly, we are supposed to have a government of the people, not of staffers and agency personnel. I think more transparency and more input from the elected officials is needed, not less.
  2. There were one or two instances where cleaning could/would make some ctd/freezes more common, and there was an infamous bug caused by cleaning the Dragonborn file that caused the next to last level of Apocrypha to disappear completely - no platform, no dragon to dominate/ride, no way to get to the final boss confrontation. I think I was running 1.5.353 at the time. While I know about Skyrim/Skyrim SE and the .esp limit, I don't know what BlazeStryker is referring to with his comments on BSA numbers. The only thing I have seen mentioned is something with a limit in Fallout, or one of its related games.
  3. I use the console command tg, which gets rid of most of the ground cover plants.
  4. Anniversary Edition has two variations - the 'free' update that only contains four former Creation Club mods, the second is a purchasable upgrade with over 70 extra mods. Depending on the marketing, you may already have the free AE in your deck, and they are trying to 'upsell' you on the paid upgrade.
  5. Yes, freezes are frustrating. Have you also posted on the LOTD page or the DLC-sized mods, to see if there are any insights from those users? The reason I suggested using xEdit to check your entire LO for conflicts, is so that you can see which things have been changed by your LO, and see if any are mismatched. I suspect that there are some interactions between NPC mods and your more extensive mods, where something that has been changed is getting left out, for some reason. What mod manager are you using? MO2? I use Vortex, and have some limited experience from MO some years ago.
  6. But, you are simply transferring power to someone one/two steps removed from the elected official responsible, and I think that you are overestimating the amount of experience that staffers enter with, and/or can develop inside one or two terms. I have the same problem when term limits are discussed, when the bureaucrats in the various agencies are not likewise term-limited. Power is simply transferred in a less transparent fashion.
  7. Sorry, I just assumed that Vortex used the {game} information from your d/l folder to assign links to the deployment routine, since it was in the default setting for Vortex.
  8. Some mods may not work well/at all with the different versions of Skyrim SE, and I definitely don't know how Steam Deck affects that mechanic. I posted something on your FNIS problem as well, but what I posted there might not be very useful on a Steam Deck installation, don't know. Corrupted saves have long been a problem in Skyrim, but there are 'fixes' mods to help, again - I don't know if they are useful on Steam Deck. Maybe do an internet search for "Steam Deck Skyrim SE bugs", or replace bugs with corrupted saves?
  9. Check the information for the FNIS tool in Vortex by clicking on the 3-dot 'hamburger' menu. It should be pointing to the "Generate FNIS for Users.exe" like this: ( G:\Programs\Bethesda\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users\GenerateFNISforUsers.exe ) - my Skyrim is on a separate drive, so the G:\Programs should be replaced by where you have Skyrim installed. The FNIS for users is installed when you install the FNIS Behavior SE 7_6. The optional files below that do not have it, they need the base behavior mod to be installed. Check the 'Configure FNIS' in the top bar when in the 'Mods' tab - I have only the top 4 choices selected, I think that all of the others are mods for Skyrim LE, and a few that were ported to SE a long time ago... Make sure that you have the setting on that tells Vortex to "Run FNIS on Deployment Event" - found on the 'Interface' tab when in Settings. If you are trying to run it by directly clicking on the Generate FNISforUsers.exe, that means that you are bypassing the tool as set in Vortex.
  10. Try checking Windows Security for any files that have been quarantined. Likewise, check the 'Properties' information on each of Skyrim's folders in your \Users\Documents\My Games folder, and the Data folder in \steamapps\Skyrim Special Edition folder. If your Skyrim is installed in the C:\Program Files (x86) folder, that folder is notorious for causing permission and, by extension, write problems. Which version of Special Edition are you using? What mod manager? Posting your load order (in spoiler tags) might also be useful if the above checks don't help.
  11. 7531Leonidas

    why ?

    Unless you also try to seek out media that is less 'extreme' in viewpoint, but still on the 'opposite' side of the fence. Sometimes, the information needed to successfully analyze the topics is/has been suppressed/buried deeply. I don't think that the debates/doubt over the COVID vaccines would have been as bad, if the full information on side effects/contraindications had been readily available in spite of marketing concerns, and that the promotion of vaccines to "stop the spread" had stopped, when it was plainly clear that the vax was virtually useless in stopping/preventing transmission.
  12. Yeah, but the advantages of the incumbent include the ability to get 'goodies' for the locals. How are you going to get ppl on board with that? I once thought that letting the respective legislative bodies in the U.S. only use seniority for the highest/most powerful committee leadership, then some sort of random/weighted selection system for the committee assignments might help. Here in the U.S., we have been back-and-forth over the process called 'earmarks' for years, where individual members can insert funds for specific projects into the final appropriations. Never has had much of a chance of being stopped, b/c the legislators just reestablish it the next session.
  13. There are times when Vortex seems to hang/lag when installing/uninstalling even one mod when proceeding through several in sequence (meaning I uninstall, let the process finish, then install the update, rinse and repeat), I don't know which (hang or lag), because I get impatient after I don't see any progress on the meter around the notification bell. Found that minimizing Vortex for a few seconds, then restoring allows the progress to advance. Since I have about 1400 mods, this may be a placebo effect, but I have waited several minutes in the past to see if it resolved itself.
  14. On my machine, my downloads folder is set to (G:\Vortex Mods\downloads\{game}) - for you, maybe you simply need to change the drive letter, and move your d/l files through Vortex? I don't have any other games to mod, so I don't know if the structure is different when managing different games at one time on Vortex. The {Game} entry is established by Vortex, and sets a folder to d/l mods to for that game. I hope that this is the magic pill that cures your problem. I hope that you find your problem soon.
  15. Here's a copy of the address of a mod in my installation of Skyrim SE - ( G:\Vortex Mods\skyrimse\(ESL) Immersive World Encounters AddOn - High Poly Uniques-50999-V1-2-1633524791 ). Looks to me like your result, above. You do have 'hardlink deployment' set under the deployment method on the 'Mods' tab on the 'Settings' entry on the sideboard? You have a Downloads Folder set on the 'Download' tab on the same 'Settings' entry? The 'Interface' tab on that same settings has several options under 'Automation'. I only use the one that deploys 'Mods when Enabled'. That allows me to d/l mods in anticipation of using them in a later playthrough, or at some other time. I usually use the 'Enable' option to install a mod, anyway.
  16. The pattern I was trying to describe can also look a lot like a moire effect, that seems to follow the texture as it 'stretched' across the mesh. I really don't have a good vocabulary to describe it.
  17. 7531Leonidas

    why ?

    A case in point - here in the U.S., a rule change is being publicized on a controversial subject - the media reported on the change as one that 'requires background checks' for gun sales from 'all dealers'. Sounds great, right? Well, a licensed gun dealer has ALWAYS had to make background checks on buyers. What the rule change is doing, is redefining what constitutes a 'dealer' that would make them have to register with the federal authorities and get a license. BTW, there is a section in that new version that leaves a lot of room for discretion on the part of the federal agency to accuse one of being an unlicensed dealer, and it is on the one accused to defend oneself from the charges (which, if I read it right) that are civil in nature, and requires the accused to foot the legal bills to prove themselves correct, in a fashion very similar to civil forfeiture procedures. The point being, the 'media' here did not investigate the rule change, merely used their/their agency's bias WRT background checks (no background checks on gun shows/internet sales) to report on this change. Sorry, I added the information in the previous line for those not in the U.S., so they might have a better appreciation of the point.
  18. Hey, User, fair point, but the problem is one of who defines the criteria for merit. In any system that I can think of, or am remotely familiar with, those with advantages always seek to preserve those advantages for their offspring and trusted circle, for obvious reasons of security and stability.
  19. Glad you worked it out! One more question - which mods are you fighting to keep by using the 'downgrade' 1.597? There is a modding.wiki ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ) that lists SKSE-based mod versions for the various SE 'updates', and some attempts at replacements for ones that are/will not be updated.
  20. I can add to that, where I get a version of the dark face bug where there is a multicolored, almost fresnel pixellated pattern on the face textures. I can use the dark face fix to 'restore' a better look, but I am not sure it is the look that should be there. Happens on a few generic characters, and on a few NPC/followers added by individual mods. Can't spot any overrides.
  21. 7531Leonidas

    why ?

    Masses of people operate under 'mob' psychology, I believe. Part of our shared human evolution. Re: too 'lazy' to learn something useful - useful by whose definition. Many people are only relatively good with dealing with one or two events at a time, and worldwide supply chain delays/failures, along with inflationary pressures, ramp up the difficulty of resolving problems and conflicts. I believe that this, in turn, reduces the amount of time anyone can spend searching for 'truth', especially when so many are working to suppress/conceal information and viewpoints, a process made easier by the interaction between governments, government agencies, mass media, social media, and many varied special interest groups. I don't see any real resolution, but a more open transfer of ideas/information between adults, with an accompanying increase in tolerance for other ideas, could go a long way. As to the argument that there are ideas that are too dangerous, it should be that the ideas are not shut down, but acting on those ideas, instead of using them to develop/build consensus and tolerance, should be. I do not have a good idea of the limits needed for this.
  22. Dear aolas - see my reply to you on your other (first) post. Really impressive session - two posts, both the same comment, trashing Vortex. Others have had success, even if you may not have, if you have even tried Vortex. If you have not, you probably shouldn't be commenting like this.
  23. I love posts like the above, no context or justification whatsoever... FYI - I have used Vortex on Skyrim SE for a couple of years now, after both NMM and MO (original), and after getting the system quirks down a bit better, it seems to make managing a huge number of mods (1400 +) easier. I know that my experience is not that broad, but it works great for me for Skyrim. Also, remember that Tannin designed Vortex after MO, and I believe that he set out to rectify some features that he felt were lacking in MO.
  24. I have set an aggressive fan curve for my Radeon 7900XTX, but when I run Skyrim SE (1.6.640), the curve is ignored, and takes effect when I exit the game. Is this a 'feature' of the Adrenaline drivers, or have I done something wrong? I tried a widenet search for fan curve, but did not see anything on this disconnect. Thanks!
  25. Here's a WAG - any way to make a MCM for your mod with an accompanying .ini, where you could set the delay as needed for the game session?
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