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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. Install one, generate a few of the pieces/weapons through the console using player.additem xxxxxxxx (quantity), and try them on for size? Make sure to build the outfits in BodySlide if you have a body variant installed.
  2. Did you use BodySlide to actually build the outfits, once you got your HDT mod installed? Also, check on the armor mod page to see which body type the armor is built for. It might be different from the one you are using for your character/NPC, the default body in the game.
  3. Did you see this mod ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59146 ), or its more comprehensive version ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/77764 )? They do differentiate from the standard.
  4. I haven't seen a general replacer for weapon textures, but Skysan made some for glass ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4899 ) and stalhrim - the link to the stalhrim is lower on the glass mod page. The authors ElSopa, Xavbio, and Iconic have all made several retexture mods for various materials/styles.
  5. The second two are almost always resulting from HDT-SMP mismatched installations/configurations. I have never seen the first case, but I assume that it is probably the same. I am not sure, but I don't think that you should have HDT-SMP and Faster HDT-SMP installed together. Just use and configure Faster HDT-SMP along with your CBPC installation. Be sure to build/rebuild your outfits in BodySlide before you crank up your game. I am NOT an expert by any stretch of the imagination, however.
  6. Open Cities Skyrim ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/87707 )?
  7. If you can install the mod More Informative Console ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19250 ) on your system, you might be able to get information on exactly which mod is the problem by moving close to the faulty texture item, open the console, and click on the faulty item. One of the information fields has something like 'last modified by', which could lead you to a specific mod or mods in your load order. It is my understanding that if the fault is in 'loose files' - not packed into a .bsa in a mod, then MIC will not be able to tell you anything.
  8. The only time that I have had plugins not removed upon uninstallation of a mod with Vortex is when I have made changes to the plugin via xEdit, and Vortex later asks if I want to keep the change, and I confirm keeping the file...
  9. Yeah, I think that the technique came from having to adjust/replace a file that would reinstall itself upon deletion, just like you said. It was a long time ago, maybe even something in the Win 95/Win XP timeframe. BTW - glad you found something that worked!
  10. I am not sure, but I think that this can be caused by Vortex not being installed in a proper location relative to the game(s)? Check the knowledge base, I think that it has to be on the same drive as the game, at least. May be more info on the knowledge base. Correction: The mod staging folder must be on the same drive as the game - I misremembered... Thanks, AugustaCalidia!
  11. No, just rename the original .ini by adding .old (or my fav, .orig) to the end of the file name before changing anything. That way, if you had messed up, the original .ini is still there. I use it for many of my .ini files, so I don't have so many problems when I mess things up.
  12. Have you looked at the .ini (or .json) that holds the settings for your ENB and weather plugin? They might have conflicting settings. I don't know which ones, b/c it makes my head hurt to look at all of the settings in the ENB I have installed on my game... Try searching for ENB water reflection, or ENB water reflection settings.
  13. Looks to me to be a version of a large reference bug, as with something overriding DynDOLOD? It would have to be loose (texture?) files from maybe a landscape mod? Since no conflicts in xEdit - no overwritten locations/textures/meshes. My best guess... Have you tried clicking on the duplicates when using More Informative Console? It may help identify the source of the textures, don't know how well it works on stuff from loose files.
  14. guess: mseBase = 5.000000 - try changing this to 2-3? (mouse mseMult = 0.500000 stgs) mseStep = 0.100000 mseMax = 10.000000 since I assume the following is for keyboard defaults movBase = 1.000000 - try changing this to similar to the above for mouse movMult = 0.500000 movStep = 0.100000 movMax = 10.000000 then see what happens (use the old .old trick on the original .ini for instant restoration if needed)
  15. This might be what you are looking for: At the top of the forum page is your user name, or 'handle'. Click on it, and you will see several options. I think you are looking for 'My Content', which again, allows you several options in the left sidebar. On mine, I already have 'Forums' selected, and just select 'Only Posts' to see what I have commented in...
  16. Are you on Gamepass? There is another Starfield post below this one that indicates that there is a problem between Gamepass and Vortex.
  17. Yeah, I was grasping at some way to spot a problem, since he was freezing up, did try it myself when my game froze, and saw nothing on my system. BTW, this is the 2nd or third time I have seen some problem reported, and my system starts showing that behavior - weird...
  18. In win 10, right-click on the start icon, look on the list for 'Event Viewer', click on it. You will have several sections in the resulting window, look around in it. It is a long shot, only shows information re: windows processes. I had a freeze myself this A.M., tried using it, and nothing of interest showed up. Maybe you will have more luck.
  19. Two ideas to help you see what is going on: 1. Try looking in Windows Event Manager for hung processes, etc. 2. If you are using any SKSE-based mods, don't forget to check the SKSE logs in your Documents\My Games folder, you can use the 'Details' view to arrange them by time stamp. Check to see if any are not loading properly, and hanging your game up. Otherwise, you may have to go back to save #8 and retrace your steps as much as possible, spamming saves for a while, at least. I HATE losing 30 minutes or more of gaming time. Also, there have been many reports over the years of autosave and quicksave making broken save files. I have my game set to only autosave on resting. Good luck!
  20. I think that the 32 bit hkx is probably the giveaway. The mod or mods involved are Skyrim mods, and not Skyrim SE mods? Or, there is a prerequisite that is not updated to SE (64-bit was built in to Skyrim SE). I do not use Nemesis or your mods, however, so you might want to wait for someone with experience in either/both to answer, or go to their comment/troubleshooting threads.
  21. To check for compatible versions of SKSE-based mods: ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ) - its from here on the Nexus.
  22. You could get Crash Log Analyzer ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89860 ), install it, and a lot of the extraneous stuff gets filtered/combined. See if that helps. When I installed it, it also ran analysis on ALL of my older crash logs still in the folder, as well.
  23. Hey, Ryu - did you check the number of 'active' plugins on the Vortex Plugins sidebar tab? if it is at 254 or more, then you will have problems with mods not loading. I can't tell from either of your lists which mods are regular mods, or light mods. Open Vortex, find/click on the Plugins on the left sidebar, wait a few seconds for Vortex to generate the list, then look at the upper right. There should be counts for both 'Active' and 'Light' plugins. If the active plugins count is more than 254, you can use Vortex to try to set/change some to a 'light' ESP-FE version (which can break some mods), or you can choose enough of the active mods (no feather in the Vortex plugins list) to remove to get your mod list under 254.
  24. I am pretty sure I have seen this before, but too long ago to remember the solution. Have you simply reloaded a save from before entering Ivarstead? Do you have a lot of followers? I am using NFF, and sometimes my numerous followers will keep an NPC from reaching a trigger to start dialog, or to perform an action. You are also using a lot of comment-related mods, one of them might be interfering. Do you know how to use xEdit (SSEEdit) to spot conflicts? I believe that the quest ID for looting the body for information is DLC2WE09. Didn't find the information for what triggers the scene. One more idea - get close to the cultists, open the console, and click on one to get its RefID. Close the console, then move closer to the eastern bridge into town, use the console to 'moveto player' - this will force the cultist to walk back to the confrontation point after you close the console. You might want to find/write down the RefID for both before you move, since I don't know how to tell which one is the aggro leader in the dialog. Just them walking back to the trigger could fix it.
  25. Ryu, try something simple - start up Vortex, stay on the start up page, the one with the tools and the selections down the left side. To know how many plugins you have: On the left sidebar, go to/click on the 'Plugins' selection under 'Mods', and let it settle down, it may take a moment or two. Then, look at the orange bar menu across the top. At the far right, you should now see how many 'Active' (standard .esm and .esp - the 254 limit) and 'Light' (.esl or .esp-fe - the 4096 limit). The Active plugins are where you are most likely to have problems. It would take a LOT of mods to have a problem with the number of Light mods. ---------- BTW, I replied to your PM earlier - did you have problems following the instructions to find your loadorder.txt? You could simply navigate to your 'Users' folder on your C: drive and search for it. Be warned, though - my loadorder.txt from Vortex includes listings for mods I have never installed. You should probably search for the 'plugins.txt' instead. At least it accurately lists plugins for MY setup. I thought that the loadorder.txt would have a listing of all the mods in my setup, including mods that do not include esm/esp/etc., I was wrong. The loadorder.txt is more like some sort of master list. If the search of the User folder does not show the plugins.txt, just search your entire hard drive. Will take a bit longer, but may save you some headaches.
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