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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas
[SSE] Full bookshelves look like crap (Still in AE 640)
7531Leonidas replied to Paula62's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
There is a port from LE called Unlimited Bookshelves, I haven't used it. The link, just in case you missed it ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2885 ) it also has some kind of companion patch to help with clipping. I just went back to the Skyrim LE nexus and did a search for 'bookshelves' and looked for matching SE/AE mods - if you have a title for the mod you preferred, it would probably be best if you listed it in this thread, someone may port it for you, or help you port it. -
[SSE] Full bookshelves look like crap (Still in AE 640)
7531Leonidas replied to Paula62's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Did I misunderstand again? Are you referring to the fact that the books can fall over while on the shelves? If so, like you, I don't know of anything that would help. -
Have you tried using the search function at the top of the mods page? If you did, and searched for 'body', you might have found one of these after a bit of scrolling: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/61321 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/77016
So, you did a manual install by unzipping the mods into your data folder (Bethesda\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data), or somewhere else? If somewhere else, you messed up. You really should invest the time into learning one of the mod managers [Vortex, Mod Organizer 2 (MO2), or the community version of Nexus Mod Manager (NMM)]. It will take some time to get the feel of whichever one you use, but removing installed mods will be so much easier with one of these, and can help alert you to conflicts between mods and set a proper load order.
None of my mods are working anymore
7531Leonidas replied to AndrewFaulkner's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
The newest versions of Live Another Life and other mods by Arthmoor are only available on his AFKmods website ( https://www.afkmods.com ). A site that helps you find which mod versions are compatible with the various versions of Skyrim SE/AE can be found on ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ). Double check the versions that you have, and make any needed changes for your version of SE/AE. -
player.placeatme only creates a new instance of the npc, if I remember correctly, which is why you are having problems. moveto player is the command you should have used. Her refID is 000A2C94, and her baseID is 000A2C8E.
Helgen Reborn Thalmor Prison Issue
7531Leonidas replied to SunshineBlind's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
By the way, don't forget to search the main floor as well, the floor you entered first. -
[SSE] Full bookshelves look like crap (Still in AE 640)
7531Leonidas replied to Paula62's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Ah, now I understand. Have you taken a look at the Book Covers Skyrim mods? ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/901 ), ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/902 ), and ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/69568 ) These might make the books look more acceptable for you, at least. -
[SSE] Full bookshelves look like crap (Still in AE 640)
7531Leonidas replied to Paula62's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Maybe post a screenshot, so others can see what you are annoyed by. I believe that 1.6.640 is the latest version, you could check the site that lists mods compatible with the different versions of Skyrim ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ). -
The 93 kb .esp is what shows in my Vortex setup, no problems here for a long time, over repeated installs due to the Bethesda updates.
I use the Bijin stuff for major NPCs, am considering changing to Dibella's Blessing ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/82606 ) for my next playthrough, but both might be too much for your memory situation. I currently use both Default Face NPCs Fixed ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/54515 ) and Eradicate This Face (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17535), look at them and see if either or both might not strain your setup too much. There is also Project ja-Kha'jay for the khajit ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57610 ), as before, look to see if you can limit the mesh/texture size upon install, I don't remember because I installed it some months ago.
Helgen Reborn Thalmor Prison Issue
7531Leonidas replied to SunshineBlind's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
Have you used the console command ~tcl to see if they are trapped behind walls in the dungeon. It can happen. You could also use the Aura Whisper shout (add it using the console, if necessary) to see them without the tcl command, search the entire prison using that shout, then use tcl to reach them if you see a glow behind the walls. Don't forget to tcl back when you reach them, or you can't kill them, unless you use the console kill command upon reaching them. -
Game freezes near hall of the vigilant after dawguard
7531Leonidas replied to HenryRibas's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
Do you have a crash logger installed? It might help diagnose the problem. A crash could be caused by a missing mesh, or NPC info (alive or dead), among other things. The logger could point you in the right direction. If you haven't checked your game files for integrity, you might want to (changed game files would be reloaded like bad files would be, so you may have to reinstall a mod or two). -
When you disabled the 4k textures, did you see that the 202X textures no longer showed in the game, i.e. - back to vanilla, or did you install the 2k or 1k version instead? If you didn't see a difference, something may have been baked into the save, especially if you use DynDOLOD.
One of the mods that has 'reputation' or the like could also be a problem.
Is there a way to re-add keybinds to skyrim
7531Leonidas replied to WaDaFaq3508's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
I think that I saw a mod that promised more keybinds, but I didn't make note of it, sorry. You may find what you want in one of the 61 hits on the search term 'hotkey' on the SSE Nexus, I just looked to see what was available. -
Just remember - the game has undergone three or more updates since this 'fix' was published, and there is the SSE Display Tweaks that has adjustments after all of them have been finalized. Take a look there, and see if there is anything there for you. The 1050 in your laptop may be considered marginal, depending on your installed memory and cpu.
Is there a way to re-add keybinds to skyrim
7531Leonidas replied to WaDaFaq3508's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
Check to make sure that the folder that contains your .ini files (usually Documents/My Games/Skyrim Special Edition) is not set to read-only, or your .ini files themselves are not set to read-only. You might try to 'Verify Game Files' in Steam, but only if you are using the latest version, as that will overwrite/replace/update any earlier version(s). -
If that is your load order as well as your mod list, then I can see why you might have problems. I don't think that I have ever seen a bashed patch at the beginning of a load order (isn't it supposed to overwrite the mods it patches), or so many appearance mods loaded after character mods (I thought that they needed to be available in the LO before the mods that may require them). Are you using LOOT or a mod manager that includes LOOT to install your mods? Your mod list just looks really scrambled to me. I do not use many of the mods that you have, so I could be completely wrong.
Neje2434 - you might have to add those settings in your two .ini files, and if you do not have an nvidia video card/gpu, nvidia inspector won't work. Look at SSE display tweaks instead...
T-Pose (walk/run only) after adding Animation Mods
7531Leonidas replied to russ8585's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
Have you tried checking on the 'File Redirection' item? I have it enabled for Vortex, don't know if it is necessary for MO2. I also leave the HKX compatibility enabled, just in case a mod has older Skyrim stuff in it, doesn't seem to hurt anything. -
Just chase them until they are out of sight of others, and use one of the mods that changes crime reporting by animals... Once you kill him/her, then you will get a msg that a bounty has been applied, but another msg should follow that states the last witness removed - bounty removed. High stealth skills and archery perks make this much easier.
Are there any mods that affect the detection of enemies? It might just be that something is telling them they are being attacked, or triggers their defensive AI. I use Nether's Follower Framework, and there is a command and/or hotkey to tell your followers to stand down. Anything like that might help stop the blocking bug once it starts. These mods kind of jumped out at me from your mod list: vanilla script optimizations - maybe something is running too fast? the Reputation stuff... Seeking Out Sneaks just WAG, but still.
This won't help now, but for future playthroughs, there is Protect Your People ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10297 ). The only problem I ever really had with it is when I decided that Alva shouldn't be on the loose any more... A quick adjustment in SSEEdit solved this problem, AND works with Run for Your Lives.
SSE Adding perks via potions/spells
7531Leonidas replied to WalkerInShadows's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Sorry, the mod I use is Daken's Yummy Dragon Hearts ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57940 ), which itself was similar to a mod from Bethesda. The dragon souls to perks mod may well have been the other one I saw, I did not pay much attention, as I was already getting what I wanted from the Dragon Hearts mod.