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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. Sometimes, groups that are out of sight are fighting, like Imps and SCloaks, or Forsworn and Orc Hunters (these don't usually last very long). That might make it harder to do what you are asking for. But some of these modders are wickedly creative, so you might get lucky.
  2. I think that you have some animations that don't play well/are fully recognized by Nemesis. Maybe you should look at discussions there, too? Maybe they could direct you better in updating, patching, or adjusting Nemesis to better handle your FNIS mods. BTW, pretty sure that .psc are script files.
  3. If I recall correctly, most of the conflicts arise from AI packages that can cause disturbances. I think that I once had IC installed, and got tired of trying to find ways to sell my loot off/complete quests and cutscenes when the merchants/targets were hiding from the rain, or wandering to one of the alternate locations specified by their adjusted AI packages. There were some patches found in patch compendiums, I believe. Do an internet search using the three titles and see.
  4. A new game after uninstalling a mod during a playthrough that is not solely textures or (usually?) meshes, with no .esp or .esm file included, is recommended. Why? A LOT of data is held in the save games, which involves their ref ID and base ID numbers, and scripts, amongst other information, so the game knows what everything was doing/being when you saved. That is why your saves get larger as you adventure. All of the NPCs and places you have seen get added to the save. When you remove an .esp or .esm from your load order (LO), you change the numbering of all of the mods after the one/ones you install, which changes all of the ID numbers in the game, and removes references to any scripts or state information in the saves. You might get an immediate CTD (cut to desktop) style crash upon loading, or crash after you have spent hours moving across Skyrim and encounter the game trying to call up information or perform an action from a missing, or now mis-matched reference, or upon movement to Solstheim, Blackreach, or one of many other mod-added worlds. Again, it may be immediate, or it may be many hours (weeks) later - I don't think that there is any real way to know. Save cleaners have been touted as remedies for script problems, but are iffy in many instances, and they do not really address the problem of the altered IDs. There are save games that have only the base game, and maybe USSEP, that have completed many of the base game quests, and others that are alternate start type mods that can skip around for you. There are more than a few users who routinely d/l and install mods to test, and uninstall them later. Maybe some of them will come by here and comment. (Anjen - you lurking out there?)
  5. I believe that the L Alt key will toggle the zoom, but you start off in zoom mode (just in case you didn't already know). I assume that you have racemenu installed?
  6. That standalone game is completely separate from Skyrim. If you get the Steam or GOG version, you should be able to d/l the Forgotten City mod from Nexus. I don't know how well it co-exists with the full AE (w/full CC addons). It is a fun/frustrating mod, until you get the hang of it. IIRC, there were no small number of bugs in it, and the gameplay is not entirely intuitive. Plan on having to replay more than once. Spam saves if you can.
  7. I hope that your new game plays smoothly.
  8. The hip gaps mean that you, or a mod that adds NPCs are using a body that is not CBBE - based. If you are using a preset for your player character, it might be using a different skin as well. You should post your LO using the 'spoiler' tags, or the tool third from the left in the top bar of the post menu, select 'spoiler', and copy/paste your LO there... I only have enough knowledge to stumble through replacing mismatched bodies in my mods, with rather frequent reworks and reloads. Hopefully, others will see this and join in.
  9. You were correct in your interpretation of the 5b. For your installed LO, that would be Forgotten City. Have you opened up SSEEdit, and loaded up all of your active mods, then right-clicked on any of the mods, and selected 'Apply Filter to Show Conflicts'? Then you could expand the entry for Forgotten City, and look for red stuff. You might find what mod is overwriting the entrance. Did you install the mod that changes the entrance to the Forgotten City? Maybe you should try to post about your Lost Sanctuary on the Forgotten City comments page, and see if anyone there has had the same. If you post there, make sure to post your LO in a spoiler tag, so they can maybe identify which mod(s) may be interfering. If I think of something else, I will tell you. I am following this thread. Just saw your latest post, we cross-posted. What is the link for this new 'game'? It is not on the Nexus page for Forgotten City. AFAIK, you should still be able to use the mod from the Nexus page, and all of its patches/addons from Nexus.
  10. No problem at all, glad I could help. So many changes in the game lately, I can't keep track of them well.
  11. Try opening the console when your crosshair is on one of the NPCs affected, and type "disable", then "enable" - this might allow a reset. Look up the console command 'resetinventory' to see if it also might do what you need. Another possibility is to use the 'resurrect 1' option, which MAY force a reset. BTW, save your game before you try any of these, and if the results are not what you want, re-load and try again. These are all guesses, maybe someone with more knowledge will come along. Usually, uninstalling mods that alter equipment mid-game will cause some problems, as a lot of information about NPCs and quests are 'baked', or stored, in the save files, even more so with SKSE mods installed.
  12. Are you on a Steam install, GOG install, Gamepass? What version of Skyrim are you running? SE vs AE - there is still some confusion. According to Bethesda AE is the one that includes all of their CC content, and it costs a bit more, costs a little to 'upgrade' for people already owning Skyrim SE (which now includes 4 CC mods free of charge for versions > 1.5). If you don't have an SKSE folder in your documents/My Games/Skyrim Special Edition folder for the logs, I doubt that SKSE is installed properly. If you have a 64-bit processor, you should have d/l SKSE64 from the site. SKSE itself should be installed in a folder in your steamapps/common/Skyrim Special Edition/Data folder. That is where it is located in my current install.
  13. Not slack at all, especially if you only run DynDOLOD every 4-6 months (or more) upon a new LO/playthrough. Just wanted to make sure you had the link, so many people don't look for such stuff. Been trying to get up the nerve to go v3 alpha (didn't this time, b/c SE/AE updates by Bethesda - maybe my next start. Hope it all goes well.
  14. Go to ENB.com, click on the 'News' link. Click on the 'download' link in the sideboard, or at the top. Click on the link to your version of Skyrim under the 'Graphic Modifications' section. The links for various versions are at the bottom of that new page (0.481 is at the top of this short list as of this writing). Click on it. I think/recall that the author has asked for NO links to the d/l page, check to make sure... At the very bottom of the 0.481 page, is the actual link to get the d/l.
  15. Not really related to your idea, but there is Civil War Neutrality ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21176 ) - it can allow you to purchase Hjerim in Windhelm, and not take a side...
  16. AFAIK, the 'Target' entry should point to the .exe for your SSEEdit .exe, wherever you have it installed. The 'Start In' should be the folder that your SSEEdit .exe is located in. FYI - my SSEEdit is installed in my steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition folder. Maybe that makes it easier for it to find the Skyrim .exe?
  17. If you have More Informative Console ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19250 ) installed (SKSE dependent), you can simply get one of those characters under your crosshair, open the console (~ for many languages) and click on the character. You will see an 8-digit hex number ref ID, and a window will show what mod last affected that character, or object. Without More Informative Console, but still using the console as above, the first two digits (first FIVE for ESP-FE/light master mods incl FE) give you the mod's position in your LO. If you use Vortex, that is found on the 'Plugins' tab, and you must have the mod index column enabled in that page's settings (gear icon). You can just scroll down your LO until you find the matching digits XXyyyyyy or FEXXXyyy. That is your source mod for that char/object.
  18. Being nosy - which mod was it? FYI - If you have a GOG (Good Old Games/Grand Old Games?) account, you can get Skyrim AE without the DRM that might cause hiccups. I don't use it, but saw that it was available. Ask/look around to see if you might be interested. There is a website that can help you find which SKSE-based mods are compatible ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ). Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) is a way to make much more involved and immersive mods that you might find interesting. Don't worry about it until after you become a bit more used to the full game with some mods.
  19. Which version of DynDOLOD are you using? It might make a difference. You should probably go to the matching discussion thread ( https://stepmodifications.org/forum/forum/223-dyndolod-xlodgen/ ) as obtained from that version's Nexus page. There is a Feedback and Support site noted for the v3 alpha version, at the bottom of the page. That is where you will get expert info for sure. I just got done (~2 mo. ago) with a new LO in my game, and I am pretty (99%) sure that, since the resources are meant to be replaced/superceded by other files, that your mesh fixes should come after the resources - to be picked up by TexGen and other processes, otherwise, they will not be used at all. I don't use MO2, so I can't help there (had a short stint w/MO on Skyrim LE - loved it there - so am familiar w/some of the procedures and paradigms). Swapped to Vortex when SE came out. BTW, when you get your answer, please come back and share it, so future thread lurkers/help seekers can find it! Have a great day!
  20. I see that you have Staves Give XP. Could it be some type of side-effect from that? Check on that mod page, pehaps? Looking, comments on that page state that enchanted weapon use also gives xp. Are you using weapons that cause Fear, or some other effect in the Illusion school?
  21. I am not certain about BHUNP, but - have you used bodyslide to 'build' (via build morphs) the associated armors? Armor physics is not enabled until after you do that with other body types.
  22. Ref ID (an 8-digit hex number) and load order: The first two digits xx123456 (five in ESP-FE FE011xxx) indicate the load order placement of the matching/source mod plugin. Once you have recorded the refids of your characters or objects, click on the 'Plugins' tab in Vortex. On that page, find the 'Mod Index' header. If you don't see it, enable it by clicking on the settings gear at the far right of the header row. Once you see the Mod Index, make sure that your Load Order is arranged by ascending (low to high) order, then scroll down that list until you find the matching set of digits under the Mod Index. That is the mod the char/object comes from.
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