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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. Here's a list of SKSE plugins that are/are not updated... (https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins)
  2. Did you start a new game after all of these changes? Disabling/uninstalling mods during a play through isn't well tolerated. I avoid even updating most mods because I am not sure that Vortex will maintain the same load order as before updating.
  3. Have you seen Usable Butter Churns (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4419)? I don't know if it works for Xbox.
  4. I assume that you are referring to the 'letter from a friend' quest specifically? If so, two things come to mind. 1. Is the quest running in your game right now? Check the stage of that quest in the console. You may need to complete the current word quest. 2. You may have gotten the word from the word wall from the most recent letter, but the quest did not complete, you may need to use the 'setstage' command on that quest to get it marked as complete, so it can reset. You can get the quest ID from the various wikis.
  5. I don't see either SSE Fixes or SSE Engine Fixes on your LO. Check them out, b/c FPS gets wrecked when you load more than a small amount of mods with esp's. One of them pretty much does all that the other does, plus more, I just can't remember which one. FYI - SSE Engine Fixes is the current one.
  6. I think the apostrophe and ellipses problem stems from a text encoding style mismatch. My aging brain won't recall what it is, but I think it is from newer versions of rtf-8... I use firefox, and maybe it is the setting that allows web pages to use their own fonts? This is a wild guess, BTW.
  7. Large LO is possible, more than 650 plugins in mine, a LOT of esp-fe. Takes a bit of work in conflict resolution and patching between mods. To the OP, did you make any changes in your LO, or update any mods? Another thought, did you accidentally install a mod with an esp that is dependent on a mod that is esp-fe? Check to see if the mod has an esp-fe version.
  8. My Mod Library listing does not show it is LE specific, maybe I loaded and re-saved it in CK to change its form to 44? I have used it for a long time, and don't remember. It is lightweight, simple, AND IT JUST WORKS (j/k)! Another from the Beth site is the one that gives perk points for dragon hearts, IMO it is much more immersive than most other perk point mods.
  9. This sounds like a "brawl bug" problem, but I thought USSEP had that fix in it, maybe AI overhaul overrides it? Look the bug up, I think that there are a couple of mods that include it. I would tell you if I remembered which mod in my LO includes it, but I don't.
  10. Telekinesis doesn't grab corpses, but I use Dead Body Collision fix from the Beth mod site (not CC). I can actually kick the body around as I move across it. Alternately, once you find where the body is, you can ~ tcl into it, and access it that way. BTW, ~tcl under the ground and look up, you will often see the body faster, as long as it hasn't fallen through the ground.
  11. I think that the court mage in Riften has a Detect Dead spell? Using it will also raise your Alteration skill pretty fast. Sorry, have to be lvl 70 in Alteration to purchase. Can find it semi-randomly, but you could always console cheat a copy to get the spell...
  12. Are you using NMM specifically for SE? I don't know if there is one - I use Vortex. Maybe you should look into Vortex or MO2. I am pretty sure there are tutorials, etc. for moving over to either.
  13. Have you seen Alternate Perspective (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/50307)? It allows you to start in Helgen, and makes it a regular town, among other options. I have not used it yet, but plan to on my next character.
  14. I found that Newmiller-Yinkle Dragon Amulets (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/41583) can also cause a severe FPS drop. It appears that the necklace is being 'boxed in' by some of my armors, and wants to bounce/jiggle around inside the breastplate, even though I have necklaces to appear on the outside of the armor. I had to remove the amulet from the offending party, the smp reset did not work at all.
  15. DDGo search for "skyrim se file handle limit check" returned this as one of the results (https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/ag4wm7/psa_the_reference_handle_cap_or_diagnosing_one_of/). It describes how to use xEdit to check the amount of handles, and has links to the xEdit scripts. I am not sure if it refers to the 64-bit version, however. The thread is >3 yr old.
  16. If you use Immersive World Encounters, it just means that Vorstag (a mercenary for hire) failed in the generated random encounter generated by this mod.
  17. Maybe More Informative Console? Once you click on the bush while in console mode, it will show all kinds of information. Could show all that you need, or lead to being able to find it in xEdit. (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19250)
  18. Check out SSE Engine Fixes (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17230) - handles 'false save corruption' bug. Make sure to follow install instructions.
  19. Do you use HDT physics? I have a similar problem using it and cbbe 3ba, when leaving certain Jarl abodes. I have to do a full HDT reset, which works as a power in my particular set-up.
  20. A possible problem with your LO - the RDO-CRF patch is not necessary per Arthmoor, if you load RDO first. From the CRF comments page: 15 July 2021, 1:37PMI told you how to resolve it. Move CRF so it loads after RDO. Get rid of any CRF+RDO patches, you won't need them anymore. LOOT should already be in line with this configuration. xEdit should not be complaining about anything in any of this.
  21. Just spotted these two mods that may be of use, Evolution - Skyrim Races Rejuvenated (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/55850), and Realistic Argonian Racials (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/56854). I don't use either, but they may be what you are looking for.
  22. Sometimes a game save becomes corrupted. According to others, the chance for corruption increases when: 1) overwriting/saving over old saves, 2) using quicksaves or autosaves extensively, 3) having very large saves because of game length. Solutions 1) don't overwrite saves to save space (you can use my trick of making a separate folder on your PC or removable drive and move old saves there, 2) disable autosaves, 3) install SSE Engine Fixes, and use SaveGameMaxSize. Unfortunately, once a save becomes corrupted, the only cure is to load an earlier save, and delete the corrupted save. 'Spamming' saves (using the save menu often) is the only preventative I know... Maybe someone more informed has better info, but this is what I have seen.
  23. Might be a good idea about the skse plugin: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/7o7rv1/floating_health_bars_but_i_didnt_download_a/. Says something about skse plugins adding a health bar and how to turn it off. Just used DuckDuckGo with skyrimse floating health bars. Go take a look.
  24. This is a known bug for dual enchantments, where the second is always much smaller. Look at Scrambled Eggchantments. There is a fix for Multiple Enchantment Effects - you could ask the author if it will work with your added enchantment.
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