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Everything posted by Naktis

  1. "Well I am pretty good at staying alive." Thomas answered with the goofy grin on his face. He glanced around the tavern, before starting speaking again. "Exactly! She's from... that place!" He could never pronounce Weisshaupt no matter how hard he tried. "She's not telling me why she's here though" the mage spoke as he cast a glance at the Dalish "other than: I came to help, that is." He turned his attention back to the elven mage. "You know, I thought that all mages fled Kirkwall. Why are you still here?" Thomas asked quietly as he stared blankly at the table for a moment before realizing something. "Oh right! I forgot to introduce myself! The name's Thomas." He grinned and offered his hand to the red-haired elf.
  2. "Really?" Aedan said with the raised eyebrow. "Meet who?" He looked around hoping to see that someone that Sefris talked about. Nawen was about to help herself with some delicious cupcakes but Illius grabbed her hand. "Look who's that." He said pointing at Ravenna. Nawen looked at her too and frowned. "What in the hells that witch is doing here?" She asked glaring at the woman. "Well she is married to a Lord." The sorcerer explained and turned his attention back to the witch.
  3. Thomas wasn't really surprised to see that the woman was an elf. There's an Elven Alienage, here in Lowtown after all. "Such as myself?" He thought and scratched the stubble on his chin again. "You mean cunning and handsome?" He inquired with the big grin on his face. The mage glanced at his Warden friend that was sipping her ale, not really interested in what's happening around her. "Oh I am from Kirkwall. Been living in Lowtown for four years. My Dalish friend however came all the way from Wies... Weips... from the Anderfels."
  4. As the twelfth rule states, roleplaying as a character from the games and novels is allowed as long as you have at least some knowledge of the character, and I'm sure that you do. :thumbsup: Wonderful character sheet, Steffi! Welcome aboard! http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/a/ahoy.gif It's going to be so much fun to have Rivaini in the RP. :laugh: I hope someone would want to be Varric too. xD Edit: Oh and if you wish you can also add the swashbuckler to the class thing, cause Issy is a swashbuckler. Just a suggestion really. :laugh:
  5. "Really? Well I have a lot to learn from you then." Aedan replied smirking. He wasn't all that interested in tricking people anyway. He preferred more... malicious ways to have fun. Nawen sighed heavily and emptied another glass of wine. "I think you should go easy on the wine." Illius said as he watched the wine disappearing quickly from the glass. "I grew up amongst the dwarves, remember? There's no need to worry." The ranger replied and grinned at the sorcerer. "Have you noticed anyone from the cult here tonight?" The drow suddenly inquired. He wasn't expecting this kind of question from her. Illius glanced at the dancing couples. "I can sense quite a few very powerful people here." The sorcerer spoke still looking at the dancing nobles. "You didn't answer my question." Illius looked back at his ranger friend. "No. I haven't seen anyone from the cult." He lied.
  6. Attention anyone! We have decided to move the story of Tales of Faerun forward because Kayla is having some issues with the internet connection and we're unsure when she'll be able to post again. Thank you for attention. :thumbsup:
  7. Both Illadriel and Thomas raised their heads as they heard the door opening. Some woman just entered the tavern. Both of them shrugged it and returned their attention back to the drinks. The Dalish Warden looked around the tavern and noticed a hooded figure sitting in the corner of the Hanged Man. She wasn't sure but it looked like she was looking at her. "I think that woman is looking at me." Illadriel whispered to Thomas. The mage grinned and glanced at the hooded woman, no subtlety in his movements. "Well you don't see elves with tattoos like yours everyday and let me tell you, that tattoo is distracting." He laughed and scratched the stubble on his chin. "I'm not kidding." She hissed. "Of course you aren't!" He said out loud and arose from his seat. The elf tried to stop him but to no avail. "Hey there, friend!" He greeted the hooded woman as he approached her. "My friend says that you're looking at her, which is okay of course unless you're a dragon that learned how to shapeshift into a human. Now that would be scary." Thomas added hinting to the fact that he could sense magic in the woman, he was sure that she could sense the same in him.
  8. Fantastic character sheet, welcome aboard! :thumbsup:
  9. You are correct though there are some exceptions where abominations are not physically transformed like for example Connor. But I agree with Alaylyne, we could allow an abomination like Kitty or maybe a mage who allowed himself/herself to be possessed to become more able to protect himself/herself from the Templars or something like that. But walking around without a host, nope.
  10. Yup! We finally did it! :dance: Good to have you with us, dear! :thumbsup: The specialization thing in the character sheet is now changed into the occupation. I'm not sure if it still is fitting but I think it sounds much better than specialization. If anyone knows of a more fitting word, feel free to post it here, so I could change it. I apologize for the inconvenience.
  11. The city of Kirkwall, after the devastating destruction of the Chantry as well as the entire city being wrecked by the war between the mages and templars, the citizens of Kirkwall were slowly rebuilding their city hoping that no other troubles would fall upon them... "Here it is. The Hanged Man." Thomas said, pride in his voice. Illadriel stared at the building in front of them. Some strange thing was hanging on what looked like a foot above the entrance. "This is the best tavern in Kirkwall?" She asked, clearly not impressed by the exterior of the building. "Of course! I cleaned the tables of this fine establishment for four years!" The mage replied. He sounded awfully smug to the elf but she had no idea how can someone be proud to clean the tables in this... tavern. The two stepped inside. From what Illadriel heard from Thomas, the tavern was wrecked during the war but was rebuilt soon after. Now, that she saw how the tavern looked from the inside she wondered how it looked before. "Hey, Corff! Ale for me and my griffoned friend!" She heard Thomas shouting. The bartender nodded and started pouring the drinks. Illadriel seated herself at the table which was closest to the fireplace as she was feeling chilly. Few moments later the white haired mage approached the table with the drinks. "What are we waiting here for?" Illadriel asked and took a sip of her drink. It was good. "There are many movements in the city. Some supports mages, some templars" Thomas spoke and looked around. Once he made sure that no one was looking he leaned closer over the table. "As you know, I am helping the mages to flee the city. Someone must have heard of me and if they're looking for me, that's where they'll find me." Illadriel only nodded and looked around the tavern as well. It wasn't as empty as she thought it would be. "We'll see." She mumbled quietly. We'll see...
  12. Andraste's knicker-weasels! :wallbash: I'm such a plank! Instead of editing my first post with the character sheet I quoted it! :wallbash: Anyway, since my idea failed epically, here's the sheet of my mage man. :laugh: Name: Thomas a.k.a Chuckles Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 30 Class: Mage/Force Mage Occupation: Apostate Place of Origin: Nevarra/Starkhaven Appearance: Thomas is a rather tall and slim man. His white hair and silver eyes are his most unusual feature. Armor/Clothing: He always wears white or grey clothing. Weapon: Silver colored dragonbone staff and a dagger strapped to his belt which looks like an accessory rather than a weapon. Personality: Thomas is a good-natured and simple man, though his real self he hides with the mask of humor and sarcasm. History: Thomas was born to an apostate mother and a humble merchant father. When Thomas was five years old he started showing his talent of magic. His mother, Alessa who grew up in the Circle wanted her son to grow up free, thus the family left for Ferelden but they never reached their destination as the Templars tracked down Thomas' mother with her phylactery and killed her. The boy with his father returned to Nevarra. The rest of his childhood and teenage years Thomas spent reading all kinds of books and secretly practicing his magic, alone because his father loved him dearly but at the same time feared him because of the 'curse' that his son and his late wife possessed and the rest of the children harassed him because of his unusual hair and eyes colors. At the age of twenty two he left his father's home and went to Starkhaven and lived there for four years, working in the local tavern. He went to Kirkwall after hearing stories about how a Fereldan refugee made a good life and a fortune in Kirkwall. After the destruction of the Chantry, Thomas still remained in Kirkwall and helped the mages escape the wrath of the Templars. @Flipout6, yay! We'd be happy to have you! :dance:
  13. Ooh! What an awesome sheet! Mages are awesome! :laugh: Here's mine. :biggrin: Name: Illadriel Race: Dalish Elf Gender: Female Age: 26 Class: Rogue/Duelist Occupation: Grey Warden Place of Origin: The Brecilian Forest Appearance: Illadriel stands at 5'4 tall, her eyes are of dark brown color, she always wears her shoulder length black hair in the same hairstyle. The Vallaslin on her face represents Elgar'nan, the God of Vengeance. Armor/Clothing: No one had ever saw her wearing clothing. She is always wearing her dark colored scout armor with grey griffons embroided on it. Weapon: Two daggers with Grey Wardens insignia on them. Personality: Illadriel is quiet but kind-hearted and treats everyone equally even if some do not treat her the same way, she is responsible and loyal but quickly angered and easily offended. The life amongst the Dalish made her strong and determined. From time to time Illadriel adds elven words as she speaks showing that no matter how some people view the Dalish elves she is proud to be one. History: Born as one of the wandering Dalish elves, Illadriel lived most of her life with her clan, constantly moving from one place to another. Unlike some other Dalish, she was always fascinated by the old tales and news from the outside world. The ones she loved the most were about the Grey Wardens and their battles against the Darkspawn. One day, when Illadriel was hunting in the woods she came across human who was battling two Wild sylvan beings and because she just couldn't stand there and watch she helped the human to fight the possessed trees. After the battle she found out that the human was a Commander of the Grey who was traveling across Thedas looking for new recruits because The Hero of Ferelden showed everyone that Grey Wardens are needed, Blight or no. The Commander was so impressed with her fighting that he offered her to join the Wardens, Illadriel gladly accepted. After she survived the Joining, the newly recruited Dalish Grey Warden spent most of the time in the Anderfels, learning many new things about the organization as well as improving her skills in battle. When the news of the destruction of the Chantry in Kirkwall reached her, she set off to the Free Marches.
  14. RP thread for The Age of the Dragon. For the Discussion Thread head over here.
  15. Here's an example of a character sheet. :thumbsup: Name: Race: Gender: Age: Class: Occupation: (if a character isn't a Grey Warden, Templar, Chantry priest, Circle mage, etc. simple write none) Place of Origin: Appearance: Armor/Clothing: Weapon: Personality: History:
  16. Hello and welcome to the Discussion Thread for The Age of the Dragon. Here you can post your character sheets and pictures/drawings and discuss the RP and other OOC things. Please no OOC posts in the roleplay itself! The Age of the Dragon is a Dragon Age-based roleplay. You may know this from BioWare's roleplaying games Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II and from the novels like Dragon Age: Asunder, Dragon Age: The Calling and Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne. The events of The Age of the Dragon takes place in the middle of the war between Mages and Templars, after the events of Dragon Age II To help people understand what's happening in Thedas now and what happened during the Fifth Blight and Hawke's rise in power, Alaylyne and I had decided to make the Story Summary of the events: Dragon Age: Origins - Alistair is the King of Ferelden, mages in the Ferelden Circle of Magi were saved, the werewolf curse cured, Bhelen is the king in Orzammar, Anvil of the Void destroyed, Loghain killed in the Landsmeet, Andraste's ashes preserved, Morrigan's ritual preformed, the Warden helped to fight off the undead in Redcliffe, elves in the Alienage freed from the Tevinter slavers. Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening - every possible recruit been recruited into the Grey Wardens, Vigil's Keep was fully upgraded, the Architect slain, Amaranthine saved. Dragon Age 2 - Hawke sided with the mages, Carver became the Grey Warden, Anders spared, Danarius killed, Hawke dueled the Arishok and Isabela came back with the Qunari book. Dragon Age 2: Legacy - Corypheus dead, Hawke sided with Larius. Here are some guidelines originally made by Lisnpuppy to help you improve your roleplaying experience. :thumbsup: And a few more rules, specific to this RP. 11) To avoid any unpleasantries and arguments as well as being fair to everyone, roleplaying as the Hero of Ferelden and/or Champion of Kirkwall is not allowed. 12) Roleplaying as characters from the game and novels is allowed as long as the roleplayer has the basic knowledge about the character and that his or her presence makes sense. If you're unsure then please ask! 13) Being a Grey Warden is allowed, but not everyone will be able to be one. Grey Wardens are not swarming with recruits after all. 14) Rulers of the cities or anyone else who has duties that takes up most of their time like Knight-Commanders and Grand Clerics are not allowed. It doesn't make sense if the character of such important positions are at the same time adventurers. 15) Teleportation isn't allowed. It can get too OP quickly and there's no such thing in the world of Dragon Age. 16) No strong sexual content, please. It's all fine and good if your character is in a relationship but please keep the graphic stuff behind the closed doors. For those who are interested in joining but have no knowledge about DA universe, please click the spoiler tag. These guidelines won't be enforced strictly unless the serious problem will raise its ugly head. Alaylyne and I are co-founders of this RP, thus we both share the right to enforce the rules if necessary. Welcome to The Age of the Dragon and have fun! When you're ready head to the RP itself, here.
  17. "I didn't see you doing anything mischievous either." Aedan replied smirking as he watched the people in the ballroom. The 'celebration' was much more boring than he thought it would.
  18. Why hello thar, handsome! ;) Wonderful drawing, Auri! He kind of looks like Casavir or is it just me? o_O
  19. Nawen noticed that Rhaine was glancing at some handsome man but she simply shrugged it off. "Thanks for the warning. Oh and have fun." She replied to the Doomguide and started looking around, hoping to find something delicious to eat. As she glanced around the ballroom she noticed a man approaching her. He was wearing black breeches and a deep purple coat with same colored shirt. At first she was puzzled but after the ranger noticed the man's hair she smiled in relief. "You look amazing, Nawen." Illius said as he approached her. "Go soak your head." She mumbled and scratched her arm again. Even if she looked serious they both knew that the ranger was joking. "Where were you?" Nawen finally asked, her voice sounded worried. The sorcerer smiled reassuringly. "Well I'm here now and everything is alright." For a moment both of them stood silently, watching the nobles and other important guests in the room. "Where are your other friends?" Illius asked and took a sip of wine, after the ranger smelled and tasted it of course. "Well Rhaine is over there" she pointed at the Doomguide and that other mysterious man "I don't know where the others are..." The sorcerer glanced at the handsome noble. He could sense an immense power coming from him. Who was he? "Do you know who that man is?" He finally asked. "No but she said that she knows him so there's no need to worry." The sorcerer only nodded in reply. He felt quite a few very powerful people in the palace already. Something very important is going to happen. That much he could tell...
  20. "No. Nothing." Nawen sighed heavily and looked around the ballroom. "Unless you count the discussions about shoes that are too small." She added and leaned against the wall. "I could really use a drink right now." She thought and took a glass of wine which she emptied quickly.
  21. Well I guess I'm gonna help you guys to reach those 400,000 posts. *happybounce*
  22. Naktis

    White Rogue

    Wizards of the Coast has another class quiz, D&D based. Link. Anyway, here are my results. :laugh: I also get an alcoholic sometimes... okay a lot. :laugh: http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/23.jpg http://www.wizards.com/magic/images/whatcolor_isgreen.jpg
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