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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Could possibly be an unreported issue. You could report it on the xOBSE Discord (see the Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE xOBSE) mod description page for the link)
  2. Adult Content Guidelines ... note that many body texture replacers/bodysliders/etc can put nipple textures outside of the no go zones shown in the guidelines. Meet the 'spirit of the law' and you will be on far thicker ice than if you focus on the 'letter of the law'.
  3. Mostly in response to your Mod Detective query ... to create a new user rule in BOSS you start BOSS via the BOSS GUI (I have a desktop shortcut that points to G:\Games\BOSS\BOSS GUI.exe ... note that I'm using BOSS version 2.30 so BOSS GUI.exe does not have an underscore in the file name whereas in version 2.3.2 it's boss_gui.exe). Next click the Edit User Rules button and then Create New Rule down at the bottom left. Fill in the file name of the ESP you're working on and then select whether to sort above or below an existing ESP that has been either sorted by BOSS via the masterlist or a previously defined User Rule. To finish click either Save Edited Rule (if you are changing an existing User Rule) or Save and Exit for a new rule.
  4. When I view your My Content I see the post you are talking about but it is highlighed in red (and I can't access it either). Ishara has probably hit close to the mark in so far as if it's a moderation issue with the original post you'll need to use the Support link to get further info (click the Contact Us at the bottom of the page).
  5. If you posted something using the mod's page you can't access it via the Forums interface (and I'll bet that is the interface you were presented via the My Content link). Go to your post on the Posts tab of the mod page and you'll be fine.
  6. Actually it should be square brackets ... [code*] then your HTML text of script code or whateever and then close with [/code*] (but without the asterix I had to use so you could see the code block).
  7. Have a look at the lower door (beside the road, not up the hill) for Fyrelight Cave ... it doesn't appear on the map. There are others with unmarked extra entrances/exits but that one is close to the road and hard to miss.
  8. The BOSS masterlist hasn't been updated for years. You can use the UserLists to set the load order for mods that aren't recognised by the masterlist because they are new.
  9. Take a look in the right click context menu while on the Mods tab and set Lock Load Order to Off (right click at the top of the File column, find Lock Load Order and make sure there is no tick mark). You can then use whatever you want to sort your load order and when you start Wrye Bash it will leave your load order alone (I'm assuming you just want it for a bashed patch).
  10. Just asking this so you can maybe avoid a bunch of troubleshooting that results in nothing when you discover this ... the GamePass version does not support Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE). My question is, do any of the mods you wish to use require OBSE? If the answer is yes you can avoid a bunch of troubleshooting the GamePass version issues ... the only valid reason to continue troubleshooting this would be if you only want non-OBSE mods. Otherwise, to run the game un-modded just install it and forget about using Vortex for it at all. If you in fact do want to use OBSE dependant mods then you will need to get either the GOG version or Steam version of Oblivion.
  11. Yes there is ... Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2 - Castellano and from what I can tell in the mod description it appears to be version 2.03 which is the latest version of Oblivion Character Overhaul v2. You will still need the HGEC and/or Robert Male/Female addons if you are using any body replacers (found on the OCOv2 mod downloads tab). The install order is important. I assume you have the base OCOv2 install already (that is the first step), then you will install the body replacer addons that correspond to any body replacer you have installed such as HGEC or Robert Male/Female. Finish by installing the Spanish translation mod (it just replaces Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp with the Spanish version). Activate Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp in your mod manager and then test to confirm everything is working. - Edit - +1 :ninja: for RomanR ... :thumbsup:
  12. What language version of the game do you have installed? Oblivion Character Overhaul v 2 only supports English version of the game, though there are a few translation addons available.
  13. I used to get the same and once I started using the UOP it was eliminated ... it's a vanilla game bug.
  14. Don't ignore their Combat Style ... it needs to be appropriate for their intended spells (destruction vs conjuration for example).
  15. Using the console command getstage MS02 what do you get? This quest has a bunch of QuestVariables as conditions for his AI packages as well as quest stages. If we get the current stage for MS02 then perhaps I can find the QuestVariable that is also required by the AI package that is not firing and we can then use getquestvariable in the console to find the current state of the QuestVariable (never tried this before, but I see the command listed on the UESP Wiki page that lists functions and console commands extracted from Oblivion.exe ... worth a shot).
  16. From the UESP Wiki page Oblivion:Where Spirits Have Lease Bugs section: Similar to the portal animation failing at the end of A Brush with Death, this problem can be caused by setting the default 30:1 timescale used by the game to something else. If you have used mods or console commands to change the default timescale, put the following in the command console before Velwyn starts opening the portal:set timescale to 30After the animation has completed, you may set the timescale back to your preferred value. Sounds like you may not be at the portal yet, but changing timescale does have an effect on the game's script driven events.
  17. Cloudflare DDoS page preventing log-in ... could be related.
  18. The 'solution' that I came up with for my own load order is part complicated, and in a way part elegant (OK maybe heavier on the complicated). In this load order I use Realistic Fatigue coupled with Basic Physical Activities (primarily for gameplay reasons but I have found a way to bag two birds with the one stone). One of the Realistic Fatigue settings causes the NPCs (and player) to collapse on the ground due to fatigue loss before dying. The setting I have adjusted changes how much low health affects fatigue. I increased from the default RealisticFatigue.ini setting slightly. Now what happens is before dying NPCs crumple to the ground from low fatigue, and that prevents the flying off into the distance at death!! The setting I changed is (from the Simple Fatigue Settings section of RealisticFatigue.ini): ; This is the multiplier for fatigue drained by low health. Setting this ; slightly higher than 1.0 means actors will collapse just before they die. ; fatigueHealthDrain = healthDrainGain * healthLevel^2 * fatigueMax set aaRealisticFatigue.healthDrainGain to 1.07 ; recommended = 1.05 The change from 1.05 to 1.07 just increases the health level that triggers the collapse slightly. The main reason I worked out this solution is I didn't want to give up my BBB Ragdoll Breast Physics - Growlfs Skeleton, which is of course based on the Growlf Universal Skeleton Nif. I'm all about having my cake and eating it too!
  19. Your best chance of getting help will be on the forum for that specific game. Here's the link to Conan Exiles forum. The only category is the General Discussion forum, and I don't see any activity on it since April 2022 but it's another spot to try.
  20. Another possibility is your skeleton.nif (the one in Data\Meshes\Characters\_male). Any that are based on the latest versions of Universal Skeleton Nif by Growlf will go flying on death in certain circumstances. Now usually in my experience this is in a horizontal direction across the area, but the problem isn't reported by many users of that skeleton.nif so I think that the problem may stem from just the right combination of mods. My experience is only with my own load order, but other mod combinations may have the direction of 'flight' in a different direction (perhaps down ... though I've never seen reports of that). To see if that is the root cause just temporarily switch to the skeleton.nif from Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons and run some tests (I've never seen reports of that skeleton having the 'flying off into the distance' problem).
  21. There is this thread (related but in the opposite 'direction' if you will). How does your amulet appear in-game? - Edit - I have a collection of tips by DrakeTheDragon relating to how textures are shown in the game, but nothing in it relates strictly to how the CS displays models. Flat black in-game means that the normal map (the _n.dds) isn't found. Is your _n.dds file in exactly the same folder as the diffuse (.dds) file? The file names must follow the proper naming conventions too ... so for diffuse map the file MyAmulet.dds would be paired with a normal map named MyAmulet_n.dds that is located in the same folder. Also avoid using the underscore in your file names ... it can conflict with the game's hardcoded file name conventions if you happen to use the wrong letter following the underscore (so My_nAmulet_n.dds is not recommended for example).
  22. Not sure which mod is used on the Bevilex list for preventing weapons from disappearing but I use Elz - No Floating Weapon (yes it sounds like it is for a different on death problem, but what fixes the floating weapon problem also fixes the disappearing weapon problem). One of the fixes in EngineBugFixes also is for the floating weapon on death problem, but fixes it in a different way that may or may not also work for the dropped weapon disappearing problem. I did test the EBF solution, but was already using the ELZ solution in my current load order and didn't want to swap for a long term test so my test really was just focused on the floating weapon aspect.
  23. Go to NexusMods and then select the game your buddy uploaded the Collection for (if the game isn't shown then click on the View All 2080 Games button). Once you are on the main page for that game click on the Collections dropdown menu at the top and then select Recently Added (assuming your buddy has just recently published the Collection). You will now be presented with a page showing all of the Collections for the game, starting with the newest Collections. Find your buddy's Collection and click to go to it's page.
  24. My explanation of how I install mods was more pointed at giving you a different point of view to consider the next time you decide you are going to install mods for Oblivion (your post gave me the impression you've been down this same path more than once, without satisfactory results). I didn't inquire into your past practices for installing mods, but here's a couple more cents from Striker ... If you install the vanilla game and start it and confirm that it runs fine and then add one mod which causes it to crash, you will have a pretty good idea where to start your troubleshooting. Extending that notion, if you have installed 149 mods one at a time and confirmed the game works fine in between each and then add another mod and the game starts crashing you aare in the same position as the first example ... a trivial matter to figure out where to start your troubleshooting. If you install 150 mods and then start the game and it doesn't work you are faced with a daunting task trying to figure just where to start your troubleshooting.
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