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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Go to NexusMods and then select the game your buddy uploaded the Collection for (if the game isn't shown then click on the View All 2080 Games button). Once you are on the main page for that game click on the Collections dropdown menu at the top and then select Recently Added (assuming your buddy has just recently published the Collection). You will now be presented with a page showing all of the Collections for the game, starting with the newest Collections. Find your buddy's Collection and click to go to it's page.
  2. My explanation of how I install mods was more pointed at giving you a different point of view to consider the next time you decide you are going to install mods for Oblivion (your post gave me the impression you've been down this same path more than once, without satisfactory results). I didn't inquire into your past practices for installing mods, but here's a couple more cents from Striker ... If you install the vanilla game and start it and confirm that it runs fine and then add one mod which causes it to crash, you will have a pretty good idea where to start your troubleshooting. Extending that notion, if you have installed 149 mods one at a time and confirmed the game works fine in between each and then add another mod and the game starts crashing you aare in the same position as the first example ... a trivial matter to figure out where to start your troubleshooting. If you install 150 mods and then start the game and it doesn't work you are faced with a daunting task trying to figure just where to start your troubleshooting.
  3. The BOSS masterlist hasn't seen any updates in a long time, so any mods that have come out since that last update need User Rules set for them. I wasn't actually suggesting that BOSS may work ... it's just what I'm familiar with, and thus I know what I can do in BOSS and wondered if LOOT offered anything similar. That WB isn't showing anything suggesting missing master does make that possibility seem less likely. I can't think of any further tests to suggest that may narrow down the possible cause. The only thing I can offer is how I install mods (my current load order has 171 mods, so not huge but still substantial). The core of that load order (about 150 mods) was installed over the space of about two weeks, which may seem like a long time to install 150 mods but some of those mods required much tweaking and testing to get them set up to work together to my satisfaction. Even discounting the time spent installing the handful of 'tricky' mods I was still looking at at least 3 or 4 days (perhaps more) to install 140 or so mods. That's because between each individual mod install there was a testing session that was long enough to confirm that the install and load order was OK and stable. It also gave me a chance with mods that could potentially affect performance to assess how they contributed to the overall performance. Some mods took less time than others, but in the end it has given me a good understanding of how each mod affects my gaming experience. For me there is no substitute for having that level of understanding.
  4. Wrye Bash will indicate which mods have a missing master (pink is the colour if I recall correctly) ... what does it show for your current load order?
  5. Crash logs are only useful if somebody knows how to interpret the information. Back in the BOSS days it would tell you which mods were unrecognised and those would be loaded after the recognised mods. You could then figure out where the unrecognised mods should go based on similar mods in the BOSS Masterlist, recommendations gleaned from mod author notes or mod comments, or good old trial and error, and then use UserLists to place them in your load order. From my understanding when LOOT runs into a mod that it doesn't recognise it guesses where to put it in the load order based on whatever criteria it uses. Does LOOT tell you which mods it was guessing on vs which mods it recognised?
  6. What are you using to sort your load order? The crash you describe is typically a 'missing master' type crash, which is most often a load order problem. It happens if you have a dependant mod or patch higher in your load order that the master file it requires (either ESP or ESM).
  7. Yeah I understood that's what you meant. Are there other lower level enimies spawning in that same cell or is it only populated with boss level enemies?
  8. There is a menu icon for honey in COBL ver 174 (the top listed download link) but I can't say for certain that I've ever found any in game.
  9. I use SPAWN by shadeMe, which allows different types of cells to have different respawn times (and they can be set in a range). If you are proficient at scripting (which I sadly am not) you can also set individual cells to have their own independent respawn timer. If I have understood you correctly then what I was getting at doesn't apply (that the cell you waited in could respawn but the other cells needed to wait for the global respawn timer). That is one of the troubleshooting downsides of using SPAWN (the old wait in an interior cell for 72 hours trick will not work as advertised).
  10. Do you have all cells set to respawn in 24 hours or just that one cell you waited in? If it's just that one cell set to 24 hours then you'll need to wait 72 hours before the other cells will respawn.
  11. No Psychic Guards 12 ... haven't used it myself (my guys have all been law abiding citizens of Tamriel) but it may be a simpler solution to the one thing than a guard overhaul. - Edit - Crime Has Witnesses ... a more recent (but a bit more complicated) solution.
  12. Thanks .I tried to install it but coud not get it to launch. I don't use CSE myself (hence the detailed description of how to use obsolete versions of Wrye Bash for the task) but I do know that there are specific requirements around running CSE as adminstrator (don't if I recall correctly) and there is a batch file (Launch CSE.bat) that you use to start it (and I believe there are fail-safe checks that will give you some warnings for common problems). Wish I could be more my usual step by step on getting it running, but that's not easy to do when you haven't walked the walk first. I still use version 305 of WB, and from what I can see it looks like the oldest available version of WB might be version 291, but it is for specific issues and requires the more 'hands on' type installation. None of the older versions like my 305 seems to have download links anymore (the devs probably got tired of supporting install and use problems with their obsolete versions, and I don't blame them).
  13. There are a couple of options. The modern solution is to use Construction Set Extender which is set up to allow using ESPs as masters for other ESPs. The other way is to use an older version of Wrye Bash to ESMify the ESP you want to use as a master and then ESPify it again once you are done modifying the ESP you want to edit. The ESMify/ESPify is just flipping a bit the the file header to make the CS think that it's a master (ESM) but the file extension isn't actually changed. When you're done the ESP you edited uses the re-ESPified as it's master (and so that ESP must be higher in your load order than the ESP you edited). This ability has been removed from the latest versions of Wrye Bash in favour of the CSE method.
  14. I had a bargain bin special that had both Bioshock and Oblivion in the same package (I bought it for Bioshock). It was kicking around collecting dust for a year or two before I finally got around to cracking it open to install Bioshock. I had of course heard of Oblivion (it was the 'go to' torture test for hardware for longer than usual on magazines like PC Gamer) I just didn't think I'd have much interest in dungeon diving. For some reason I decided to install the Oblivion disk before Bioshock ... and a dozen years later that Bioshock disk has still never beeen installed.
  15. Just checked the mods that I am opted in and the situation is the same, showing opted out on the mod page and opted in on the rewards page. Usually the site waits until the weekend to show it's latest way to mess with us ... perhaps today is a stat holiday in the UK.
  16. Bretons will also show it, though for some reason Imperials aren't affected (yet they both use Imperial textures). I've been tweaking the Lighting settings for cells that I use regularly for NPCs that I 'befriend' and when more of the scene lighting comes from that ambient light and less from the individual light sources (I have customized light intensity for many of the commonly found candles/area lights etc) my house guests with the ear thing aren't as obvious much of the time. When their ears are lit up I just focus on other 'parts'.
  17. You will notice that under different lighting the 'condition' changes. The closest I have ever come to a reasonable explanation was on the old original Oblivion Reloaded mod comments. Alenet (OR's originator) found that ears aren't lit by the same source as the rest of the NPC ... but I have no way to confirm or refute that claim. It just another one of those situations where my patented 'selective vision' is worth it's weight in gold. I notice what I choose to notice.
  18. Blue's Engine Fixes ... complements EngineBugFixes (and it does make a difference, especially in a loaded up load order).
  19. Sorry, you've ventured above my pay grade on that question. I've looked at dialogue topics in the CS but haven't done any fiddling beyond tinkering withn Mazoga's so that she would stay in the conversation after her quest (she still does like to announce her intentions of getting black bows ... I'd miss it if I did something to break that).
  20. I've used Fluffy since it's earliest versions. Now I will admit that these days I mostly just use it for moving NPCs around the gameworld, but during testing I did everything I could think of to break it. I guess due to that long term extensive experience with it I know what to expect, and what not to expect from it. In any case my only intention linking those mods was to give you a couple of examples to dissect scripts from.
  21. Have a look at Fluffy Follower Frill. The scripting is way beyond my ability to understand (but that can be said about any script that goes beyond the 'hello world' level), but perhaps between the two mods you can start to get an idea of the basic structures used for followers. There is also CM Partners Basic but I've never looked at the scripting for it, so I can't say how advanced it's scripting may be.
  22. The upgrades are found as a dialogue option, not via the barter menu. Make sure that the option for the upgrades isn't down below the bottom visible dialogue option (i.e. use the scroll bar to see all possible dialogues). In the console the quest should be at stage 18 ( getstage DLC06ThievesDen ).
  23. I just had a look through the descriptions of the problems and fixes/patches found in the EngineBugFixes readme, with an eye towards anything that might be applicable. A few things seemed worth exploring, but I don't have the first hand knowledge with the details of your problem that you do.
  24. On the subject of dropped weapons I have noticed something which may have some relevance. Weapons/armor/clothing/etc dropped from the players inventory will persist forever and a day in the game world but if those same items were dropped by an NPC they will disappear on the next cell reset (or perhaps even on the next load of that cell). This doesn't align directly with your problem but what I'm hoping to illustrate is that the game doesn't treat all things in the gameworld equally. My theory is that a marker put into the gameworld via script isn't treated the same as that same marker put into the gameworld via the Construction Set (because we know that the CS placed markers persist). - Edit - Reading over the posts again something else comes to mind ... Have you tried with the Initialy Disabled box unticked (here I'm thinking that persistent or not when the game loads the script has not run so the marker is disabled by that switch).
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