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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Wouldn't go in Oblivion.ini ... it's a console command. You open the console with the tilde (~) key, found just below the Esc key on standard keyboards.
  2. Did you console your way to stage 90 and then talk to Raminus or all the way to 100 before you talked to him?
  3. No the downloads are the complete package, so you use all of the extracted download with the exception of any of the ESP files you don't need/don't want to use (e.g. in the UOP download there is an ESP to fix a problem with the Citadel doors found when in the planes of Oblivion ... it just fixes where the source of the sound appears to come from, which in the default game doesn't match where the door is, which bugs some people and others couldn't care less, thus Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp is optional). The way the downloads are structured you could download to your desktop and then when you extract with 7-Zip navigate in it's menu to your Oblivion\Data folder. I don't like to extract directly to my game's folders myself as a rule because then you are at the mercy of the competence of the mod author. In this case you are safe on that front. If you download to a folder (mine is named H:\Oblivion_Downloads\Unofficial_Oblivion_Patch ... I have a separate drive for downloads etc). and then extract with 7-Zip it will default to extracting everything to that same folder. I use the right mouse click menu copy and paste method myself as I find it more reliable than drag and drop. The rule of thumb is you paste into one level higher than you copied from for folders, paste into the same level folder for loose files. So for the file Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp you right click it in the extracted download and select copy, then navigate to your Oblivion\Data folder and paste into Data from the right click menu. I work with two Windows Explorer windows open at the same time, one open to the extracted download and one open to my G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion folder (I use the two pane view in Windows Explorer making it easy to see the hierarchal tree view of the folder structure). For the folders like DistantLOD, Meshes, OBSE etc you will copy from the download and paste into Data (while it's not obvious if you don't understand the game's folder structure the extracted download is structured to all go into Data ... not all mods are structured that way, and once you've extracted them many come with a Data folder that is then pasted into your game's Oblivion folder). If you do use the two fixes included in the OBSE folder you will also need to install Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE), which is recommended as many mods require it.
  4. Don't apologize ... it's far better than my French. First another question. Does it say anywhere on the package that it requires Steam for activation (it would probably be on the back side of the package)?
  5. I'm afraid my high school French fails me on this (high school was a long long time ago for me): "Il se peut que la livraison ne soit pas offerte vers Canada" Does that say can not be delivered to Canada? - Edit - A note to any others reading this thread ... I won't be purchasing this. NiKoX6 was very helpful via PM but I decided to not pursue this offer so feel free to consider it yourself.
  6. The Unofficial Oblivion Patch (UOP) is just a big mod, and can be installed just like any other mod. There's a trick to installing mods ... follow their installation instructions. Granted many mods are sorely lacking in that department, but the UOP doesn't fall into that category. If you download it manually to a folder and then extract with 7-Zip you will see a folder named Docs, and in there is a file named Unofficial Patch Readme.html (it will have an icon the same as your web browser, as it uses your web browser to display). Section 3 covers installation. If your crashing is immediate upon starting the game you could be getting a missing master crash from either the DLC UOP or SI UOP if you have activated one of the ESPs for a DLC you don't have (or if you don't have SI but have activated the Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp). A missing master crash can also be caused by load order (so what happens is the game loads the patch before what it is supposed to patch). Steam got "creative" with the dates for the vanilla game files and assigned modern dates for them ... the Unofficial patches are all dated appropriately for the dates the vanilla game files are supposed to have (year should be 2006). This would lead to the patch being loaded before the DLC (which will lead to instant crash on game start). One simple way to fix load order problems is to use BOSS. Another is to use any of the mod managers to manually sort your load order (not recommended unless you know what you're doing). You could also use a utility like File Date Changer to manually change the file dates (again not recommended unless you know what you're doing). The game will load the oldest file first and newest file last.
  7. LOL ... no way!! Have a Happy New Year and stay safe. If more examples are of any use I can continue through my downloads looking for more mods that aren't found when searching for them using the exact mod name.
  8. Alright ... so next steps Bben. Do you call the exterminators or do I?
  9. Thanks for the confirmation Oubliette. Usually when I know I'm right about something I know enough to know that what that means is I'm right until somebody shows me I'm wrong. Perhaps I'll be on the flip side this time.
  10. I'm not blocking any tags at all Bben, and I use copy from the mod title and paste into both the default search's "File name" field and Advanced Search's "Description contains" field (and I have tried both paste directly to the fields and paste into Notepad and recopy from there to strip out any of the NexusMods Oblivion formatting). The search I've been using starts from the New files today page's Search in the top row of the page (and Advanced Search from the link at the bottom of that search dialogue box). Google finds Oblivionaddicted's More generous factions mod without a hitch (comes at the top of the search result list) while searching for More generous factions in the "File name" field yields "No results" from the NexusMods Oblivion search (and the file name of the download is More generous factions-46638-1-0.zip).
  11. Some further info on the problem can be found here.
  12. So by putting the title line in your mod is found when searching for "Descriptions contains" from Advanced Search but your mod is still not found by searching for More generous factions in either the default search page "File name contains" or the same field on the Advanced Search page. Searches for just the words More generous didn't turn up your mod and the same for searching for each word individually (so just the word More, then just the word generous and then just the word factions ... all in the "File name contains" field). Interestingly your French version does come up when searching for factions in the "File name contains" field. I'm going to link to this post in the other thread, but you may want to contact one of the admins on the issue yourself.
  13. Whats wrong with the search function Now what I find a bit weird in this case is your file download is named More generous factions-46638-1-0.zip which should get picked up by the default "File name contains" when you search for More generous factions. Two of your other mods come up if I search for More generous factions in the "Description contains" field. Where I have generally run into this is cases where the download file isn't named to match the mod name (so Joes's Really Really Cool Armor mod has a download file named The File.zip for example). What happens if you change your mod description to include the mod name (so that a title line appears above the part that says "You've done many great services ..." that says "More generous factions")? - Edit - Your other mods come up because you have advertised the More generous factions mod in their mod descriptions.
  14. The game uses dates and times to set load order. Dates and times are also important for insuring that BSA Redirection works (the only recommended method of archive invalidation). If you sort your load order with BOSS it sets the ESP dates to 8/12/2006 and BSA dates to 01/01/2006 and uses timestamps to determine load order. I can't say what dates/times other load order utilities might use (e.g. LOOT). For a long time I have maintained that Steam has changed the vanilla game files you download from them to have modern dates for the vanilla game BSA files (e.g. Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa). Your post leads me to believe you are using the Steam version of the game. Perhaps they have caught wind of how they've been screwing their users and have overcompensated (this is just speculation, as I'm not a Steam user and so they certainly wouldn't have heard anything from me directly). Sort your load order with BOSS and see if that makes a difference. I wonder whether you may also be getting the A-Bomb (animation problems on longer games). You could use OAF - Oblivion Animation Fixer to see if it helps. One caveat ... if you use OBSE you will need to rename a copy of your OBSE co-save to match the fixed OAF save (so when OAF fixes a save named MySave07.ess the fixed save is named OAF_MySave07.ess ... you need to rename a copy of MySave07.obse to OAF_MySave07.obse). Another alternative that doesn't require manually renaming co-saves is to use Wrye Bash's A-Bomb repair (found on the Saves tab right click menu).
  15. You can either copy or move the downloaded file NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer V3_1 OMOD-35551-3-1.omod to your Oblivion\obmm\mods folder or just double click on the downloaded OMOD and if Oblivion Mod Manager is installed correctly it will open and you will be prompted by the install script to select your options.
  16. Yes I forgot to mention that it also affects items repaired above 100% (which was how I got started on using smiths for repairing my stuff for storing ... my current guy isn't high enough in Armorer for that to be an issue yet). Oh ya Lubronbrons, QQuix can make a keyboard sit up and take notice. I've taken a gander through some of QQuix's code and can tell you I'd need all of a cat's nine lives worth of time to get halfway to where QQuix spends a normal day.
  17. The bug has been around as long as the game and is triggered by storing items that are damaged (item health less than 100%) or less than full charge if enchanted along with items that are fully charged/undamaged. If you always repair and recharge to 100% before storing in a container you won't get the bug. I personally prefer to have the gear repaired at a smith (which allows my guy to have Armorer as a major skill and control when I level ... yes I'm an old school vanilla leveling system type). I've also noticed during this playthrough that the RealSwords gear that my guy repairs to 100% doesn't stack with smith repaired/undamaged gear in a container for some reason (which indicates that the game considers it "different"), so I just get stuff I'm going to keep repaired at a smith and stuff I'm going to sell I repair if/when I want to level up Armorer.
  18. OK ... bad example, I was looking for something popular to use as an example. I think what happened is I had tried Advanced Search with "universal skeleton nif" in the "description contains" field and didn't clear that before I searched using the "file name contains" field, but that was before I searched for Growlf in the "author name contains" field (and I knew that searching for Growlf would work as I've used that search in the past to get the mod link for someone when I wasn't at my home computer with all my "Info.txt" files that have mod description, links etc). Do a search for Universal Skeleton Nif in the Advanced Search "description contains" field and then without clearing the description contains field do another search with Universal Skeleton Nif in the "file name contains field" and see what you get. It took a bit of searching through my downloads and the first example I could find is Black Robe and Daedric Armor replacement -FIXED. Using a copy/paste of the mod name and you get "No Results" (so Advanced Search, "file name contains" and paste in Black Robe and Daedric Armor replacement -FIXED which is the exact name of the mod). As the name doesn't appear in the mod description you will also get "No Results" when searching for Black Robe and Daedric Armor replacement -FIXED in the "description contains" field.
  19. I've always found that in the Oblivion Nexus. You can put the exact mod name into search, but because it only offers to search for that in the mod description it will fail if the exact mod name isn't mentioned in the mod description (a fairly common situation). We need an advanced search field "Mod Title contains". When searching for Oblivion Mod Manager in the "description contains" field you will find 39 pages of mods that require/suggest using Oblivion Mod Manager instead of Oblivion Mod Manager (and yes I know that putting Oblivion Mod Manager in the "file name contains" field finds OBMM just fine). An example of 100% fail using search when you know the exact mod name is Universal Skeleton Nif. Searching for Universal Skeleton Nif will fail no matter which search field you put the exact mod name in. If you knew the mod author was Growlf it will be found by putting that in the "Author" or "author name contains" fields (but oddly not if you are using advanced search and haven't cleared the "file name contains" or "description contains" fields of a failed search for Universal Skeleton Nif ... almost like the search results are the least of any of the fields that have an entry as opposed to displaying anything found by searching for any of the fields with an entry). I've always figured it had to me somehow, as I'd think that if anybody would find deficiencies in search it would be Dark0ne (I don't believe I've seen anybody who uses search more often than the boss).
  20. There is a limit to how many textures can be assigned in a landscape 4x4 section. If you are editing a landscape quad and want to add a texture that isn't listed for that quad you need to replace the least used texture with the one you want to use (not all of the textures listed are used, or if they are you want the one that is used the least). I believe if a mod author doesn't replace the least used texture and simply adds another texture what you are seeing is the result. If I could remember exactly where at TES Alliance I read about the situation it gives a step by step of how to fix/avoid the problem, but I can't find my link to it and didn't see it when I looked at TES Alliance. If you post your problem (with screenshot) there I'm sure you'll get directed to the solution (you will need to register at TES Alliance though).
  21. Could it be related to the problem of too many textures in a quad ... I can't seem to find my link to more info on the problem, but it was on TES Alliance (could be one of the tutorials or maybe a troubleshooting question).
  22. Most of the Oblivion worlds get a selection of random Sigil towers and caves (though there are some that will always have the same towers or caves). Bethesda's way of trying to make closing gates a bit less repetitive for us "60 gates" types.
  23. At the Main Menu -> Options -> Controls -> Mouse menu what do you see listed for Forward, Back etc?
  24. Has Microsoft been "helping" with things like video card driver "updates" (which are often not a true update)?
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