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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Oh, I thought you asked x64 vs x86 last night and I said x86. Sometimes it helps to keep in mind you're dealing with an old XP dinosaur (I have a non-gaming Vista POS laptop and have tinkered on the grandkids Win 7 Netbooks and laptops a bit, but cut me and I bleed pure XP 32 bit). - Edit - And when you check in Windows Explorer the "missing" msvcp100.dll is found where exactly (the folder path)??
  2. And also the Reset BSA Timestamps?? If you even look too hard at the tone slider when creating a character you'll get more visible neckseams. I see Ike is also on here so he'll give a good description of the steps needed in character creation to reduce the neckseam. Additionally there are a new Seamless series of mods you may want to check out. The Seamless Equipment page has links to all the rest of the mods, and a good description outlining the problem's causes. - Edit - ... +1 :ninja: for Ike
  3. Oh oh ... could be on Striker's neck here (I'm the link guy). Had a look at this post and I notice in the first reply (yowanvista) a link to an x64 flavour of the C++ Redistrib ... give that one a try Lup (you are running x64, right??).
  4. Ok ... I agree there that both DirctX 9.0c (2010) and MS Visual C++ Redistib need to be working. I still have this impression that someone had trouble like this and it turned out to be a file permissions issue, even though running as administrator. If I get a chance I'll go digging. Take care of yourself my friend ... we don't want the old Darth Ike back.
  5. With Steam you also need to hit Reset BSA Timestamps and then click Update Now for BSA Redirection to work. Steam in their infinite wisdom changed the dates on all the vanilla BSA files, thus breaking archive invalidation for all their victims ... err I mean users.
  6. Did we get some wires crossed from yesterday to today. Looking back at last night we were working MS Visual C++ Redist issues and somehow got onto DirectX 9.0c issues today. Did I miss a memo on the subject? What is the exact error saying Lup (preferably a highlight/copy/paste).
  7. Eww ... "upgraded" to the phone/tablet OS. I'd be looking for a copy of 7.
  8. Good luck on that one Lup ... they have zero support for XP these days, not sure if even the verification servers are still there (I have three virgin OEM copies of XP Pro 32 bit ... never even had the shrinkwrap off but they probably won't be of much use as there is no way to apply any of the fixes since SP 3 unless you have them downloaded manually to a folder).
  9. Info on it is found in the Advanced Readme in the Context Menu Commands section for the Mods Tab (Esmify/Espify Self down near the end of the second table, just above the start of the Advanced Bashed Patch section).
  10. Wrye was the way it was done before CSE was invented. If you decide to go that route use the Standalone Executable. Simply download to a folder, extract with 7-Zip to that same folder. In the extacted download right mouse click on the Mopy folder and select Copy from the right click menu. navigate to your game's Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion folder, right click on Oblivion and select Paste. Start Wrye Bash by double clicking the Wrye Bash.exe found in Oblivion\Mopy or create a shortcut on your desktop. Documentation on using WB is found in the Mopy\Docs folder (Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html).
  11. Hmm ... maybe need to lay some old school smackdown on this ... Wrye Bash and the ESMifiers.
  12. Hmm ... I just did a test download and got a 95 MB file. Go to Download DirectX End-User Runtimes, click on the big red Download button, say "Keep your other stuff" (blue No Thanks and Continue button) and save to a folder when the Windows Save As dialogue appears. - Edit - Ahh, should have guessed. I have heard of the show but haven't seen any of it, though I did know that the TARDIS came from that show ... like I said, don't get out much.
  13. Sorry Lup ... I don't get out much ... what's a "DW" ??
  14. Best keep these two away from Ryan Ike. Did he ever recover from your little TARDIS incident with him?
  15. LOL ... used to fly in a Janes WWII Fighters squadron led by a guy named Pissin Napalm ... eventually had to change it so people would take him seriously (to just Napalm ... that was back in the day you could pick plain old Striker or Napalm and 50 other guys hadn't already picked it).
  16. The web installer won't work for you Lup because it finds 11 and thinks you're good to go (you don't think those high priced weenies at MS know what they're doing ... do you??). You need to download to a folder and then run the installer from the link I linked. Your specs aren't that bad (well except the part that gagged you ... in the laptop world you usually get fast"ish" CPU and lame ass graphics, or kickass"ish" graphics and snail slow CPU ... there are machines with good CPU and graphics in one laptop but then the marketing guys who designed the "machines for the unknowing masses" perk up and charge you an extra $500 for the upgrade that costs $25 more to build ... /rant). Try the DirectX 9.0c thing and if still no joy we'll move on to the file permissions stuff. - Edit - Oh, and Ike ... I have something special for you over at Blades place ... you'll love it!!
  17. Aww ... but Ike, the bugs stopped bugging me when I tried it, and nothing bugs me more than bugs bugging me. The most gates you can get in a normal vanilla game is 60 Blades, and that is counting the Great Gate quest gate. My first two characters were "completionists" so I know how hard it is to find all 60 gates. There are 100 possible gate locations in the game, and at different stages of the Main quest the percent chance a gate will open when your character is near one of those spots varies between 25% after Find the Heir to 50% after the Dagon Shrine quest and then back down to 25% after your deliver the amulet back to Martin following the Paradise quest. To get the maximum number of possible gates open you also need to travel around to the potential spots until your get up to the maximum random gate count before you reach certain milestones in the Main quest. If you haven't discovered 50 random gates before the Paradise quest you will either be maxed at your current count or if you haven't already closed 20 random gates you'll be maxed at 30 (ten fixed gates plus 20 random). I wouldn't be Sir Links-a-Lot without the obligatory link Oblivion:Oblivion Gates. Now where did I put those crusty old rotten socks ... Ike, oh Ike ... com'ere old buddy, I have a special treat for you ...
  18. Hmm ... XP limited user, power user or administrator account Ike??
  19. I'm not ready for that yet Ike, but feel free if you insist (but do try not to spill anything on my shoes ... OK??). Didn't chirp in with this until now because I hoped you were in the clear Lup, but last night I realized we hadn't gotten any details on your system ... especially your operating system and the account you log on with (i.e. administrator account or limited user account). I seem to recall some posts on CSE that were UAC/file permissions related.
  20. No trouble ... some good lessons in this for you. Modding is all about two steps forward and then three back. On good days you may even get to take three steps forward and only two back. If it was a simple push one button and out pops your mod everybody would be doing it. Modding takes determination and will as much as smarts. - Edit - Lights out time at the Striker mansion too. Ike will beat us both out of bed ... wonder what he'll find that I've overlooked.
  21. Well I think we've exhausted my theoretical knowledge (I still just use the good old CS myself). Ike has hands on experience with CSE ... maybe in the morning he'll have some other tips.
  22. And you used the one from here and not one from some other site (and you used the Save install option, not the Run install option, as listed in the Install Instructions ... and of course after it's downloaded then you run the installer).
  23. As far as I know (everything I know about CSE is from reading the documentation and reading the mod comments ... if memory serves there are some posts on that subject back a ways in the mod comments). - Edit - And I believe the x86 part is an indication that it is for the WinTel system (Windows and Intel/Intel compatible ... as opposed to Linux and other hardware platforms).
  24. Also, concerning the requirements: Oblivion Script Extender 21 Beta+ (the latest found here is version 0021, the release version of the one in the recommendations) .NET Framework 4.0+ Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redist (x86) (must be this exact one ... later versions are not cumulative) DirectX 9.0c Runtime (same ... must be this exact version, later version are not cumulative) Construction Set v1.2 (latest found here version 1.2.404) - Edit - See I was one step ahead of you ... see point number three in the requirements.
  25. So looking at your game install folders you have Oblivion\Data\BGSEE with subfolders Coda, Dialog Templates and Script Editor and Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\CSE with seven DLLs in the CSE folder?
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