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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. All hail the Hero of Kvatch!! I think the Partner ring is for getting them to come to you (unless you used one of the commands to get them to stay or stand guard) and the warp ring is to send you and the partners to a position you've marked with the Mark command. You need to have Shivering Isles installed for the rings to work (thus back when I used CMs I couldn't use the rings as I didn't have SI installed at the time). One trick to use if you are bringing partners into Oblivion gates is to make sure that all the bad guys are dead and your partners are all right next to you before you grab the Sigil stone. Best way to be certain that none are still in combat mode is sheath your weapon and see that they all sheath theirs before grabbing the stone. They do come in handy for hauling out the loot, but if you don't make sure they are with you and not in combat you'll lose everything that CM is toting. Once you've saved the world I'll have a suggestion for you.
  2. Sounds similar to what I ran into when trying to change the cell reset timer. With some help from Lanceor I created a quest script: ScriptName MyRespawnScript BEGIN GAMEMODE SetNumericGameSetting ihourstorespawncell 360 END and created a quest with these settings: Quest Data tab Quest Name - My Respawn Quest Priority - 60 Script - MyRespawnScript Ticked - Start Game Enabled in my MyTweak.esp. I'm no scripter or quest creator, but I think you should be able to replace "ihourstorespawncell 360" with "FMaxArmorRating 98" and create your own MyTweak.esp using that quest and edited script. Note that SetNumericGameSetting is an OBSE command, and as such it requires OBSE to run the quest and you need to staret the CS with OBSE enabled to create the quest and ESP.
  3. Have a look at Playable and NPC Creatures by Talkie Toaster.
  4. X Alright now ... I'm feeling a little light headed, perhaps a bit faint. Not used to blood loss. The only HGEC/Roberts feet mod I have is this one by electrro. The foot seam is another one of those spots I utilize my "selective vision" ability (fortunately a lesser power, so when needed I can spam it to my heart's content). I've outgrown my H-cup-a-mania. Much rather have variety than one size fits all (so yes, where would we be without Blockhead ... back to the old BBB Designer Body Spell). EBE works for me ... will you be needing webbed fingers and toes with that order sir?
  5. Hey Ike, good thing you gave me the heads up on the HGEC situation. Turns out I already have HGEC versions in a few different bust sizes courtesy of Nephenee13's KotN conversion for Lanceor. It's only the light cuirass but better than nothing (all though partially scaled torsos could possibly grow on a guy ... who knows). Where do I sign up?
  6. Companion Vilja ... once you have met Vilja you will not be able to use CMs for anything except cluttering your houses (and they are very good at moving all that clutter on to the floor). Check out Emma's other mods (especially her house mods) to get an appreciation of the synergy built into Vilja (and do read her manual to get an idea of how much more than a CM Vilja offers).
  7. Not sure if archive invalidation issues affect menus or not, but it won't hurt to try. When Steam got ahold of Oblivion they arbitrarily decided to redate all of the default game BSA files. The simplest way to take care of getting the dates back to 2006 where they should be is using Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM). Click on the Utilities button and select Archive Invalidation. In the Archive Invalidation dialogue select BSA Redirection, click on Reset BSA Timestamps and then click Update Now. That will take care of archive invalidation and fixing the BSA file's dates.
  8. The UOP is a very large mod, that touches a vast expanse of the vanilla game. I didn't use it in my pre-Wrye Bash days in part because my early character had a serious addiction to zero weight Daedric armor (getting it meant exploiting a glitch that the UOP fixed). But the UOP fixes many things I wanted fixed in my game, so back then I created my own patch for those AI package or floating bush/plant/rock type problems I ran across. My current character uses Wrye Bash and the UOP, but is also playing an install that has been carefully planned and crafted. After the vanilla game and DLCs the UOP and it's siblings were the very next thing to be installed. Every step has had a bashed patch rebuilt ... add one mod, BOSS the new load order, rebuild and test. Takes a lot of time and work.
  9. Something else to try is to shut down as many background processes as possible (so no browser running in the background etc.) just to see if that makes it any better.
  10. Can't say I recall anything like this but let's see if we can't dig down to the root cause. Is this a save with quite a few playing hours on it? Are you running any mods that might touch sneaking? Are these vanilla dungeons and vanilla bad guys or mod added? Does it happen when there's a group of bad guys or even when there's only one?
  11. What ... was there a readme for this??? Why wasn't I told?? I could have tried to make everyone read it. Drats ... missed opportunity. Every trip into the CS is an adventure, and I haven't really done anything exceptionally complicated in it. And then there are the times you do the same thing you've done a dozen or more times and it coughs up this error you've never laid eyes on before. I think it's just trying to keep us on our toes and watching where we're stepping.
  12. Obviously your character either never sleeps or only sleeps when absolutely necessary. All NPCs (yes even your horse) get their health back when you sleep. Not sure if you need to sleep more than the minimum ... I use Basic Primary Needs so my guy generally needs 5 to 8 hours per day (depending on the condition of the bed available).
  13. I notice in the UOP changes log that they have changed a lot of AI packages for various NPCs from being "in cell" to either "current location" or "editor location" as appropriate for that individual NPC. I have never used in cell for a wander as I seem to recall something about it causing problems (probably some tutorial I read long ago). So what you've just said is your NPCs are doing exactly what you've told them ... wander in the cell with zero radius (i.e. stand in one spot). Doesn't matter whether the package is "in cell", "current location" or "editor location", you need to give a positive number radius if you don't want them rooted to one spot (try 64 and see if you want larger or smaller ... and I'd go with editor location if that is where you've dropped them in the CS).
  14. Isn't a lot of the info for heads and bodies in the EGT files, whereas there isn't such a thing for clothes/armor??
  15. Isn't standing in one place one of the "features" of offer services? You generally see the vendors standing in one spot as long as they are offering services. If you nudge them off their "spot" they do what they can to move back onto it. The only exceptions that come to mind are Nilphas Omelian and Aurelinwae from the Fighters Stronghold and Wizards Tower DLCs. If you have those DLCs take a look at what is done differently with those two compared to all the other vendors. - Edit - And what's the radius on the wander package?
  16. Err ... I don't remember walking over to your place. Problem solved by Z7Sakari with slight nudge along the way by Striker maybe. Don't know about you, but I only learn anything of value by making mistakes (don't learn squat from doing things right). You have a lot better chance of skinning a knee and learning something by running than you do walking or crawling. I've read through both those readmes a couple of times at least and yet I still run into something where I need to find the relevant part and go over it again. There's a lot of info crammed in there.
  17. Hmm ... not sure what happened there but first all my highlighting was there and now I see it's gone. In any case the root of your problem is clear ... Nexus Mod Manager. Only use NMM to install Oblivion mods when the mod install instructions specifically say "Using NMM install this ...", otherwise forget it even exists. You need to uninstall everything completely (if NMM is even capable of that much) and install all of the mods according to each's install instructions. Install order is paramount, especially in the case of replacer mods such as NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer and BBBed skeleton.nif replacers. I'll bet when you check everything the Colourwheel mod wants to install you'll see it would overwrite your skeleton.nif, some of NoMaaM's walking animations as well as messing with the clothes and armor that NoMaaM BBB Animation Theatre installs.
  18. Rather than further speculation, I've gone back and highlighted the various questions you haven't answered (and the green one is still my guess based on very incomplete information).
  19. Yes it takes longer to build (or rebuild) your bashed patch when it is deactivating mods and merging them into the bashed patch. I've also found that the longer my load list has grown the longer it takes to rebuild the patch. If the merged ESPs have green text and a plus in the box they are properly merged as far as I know. I'm a long way from being a Wrye Bash expert. Anything I know about it I've gleaned from the two readme HTMLs I previously mentioned.
  20. Chuggs the potion of Fix Cold ... ahh, much better. Thanks Now I know why all the Cairn Bolete and Lady's Mantle had been picked whenever I got there. And just for the record, it was barely a nibble and my teeth are still right where they started. I've grown fond of Ulrich's "Don't know you"s, so it's always high on my list to keep him alive past the big Bruma battle. If you start that Cheydinhal quest he loses his essential status, so then you'll have two you need to keep an eye on before the big gate opens. Learn some Convalescence spells Blade. Plus, if you do that quest you don't get to hear Aldos sing any more. Always seems like you lose more than you gain with the paltry reward. And as an added bonus you get the citizens grumbling about the fines ... if they don't have that to grumble about who knows they might take exception to the colour of your shoes or something (grumbling's good for them, keeps them focused). The game is loaded with "gotcha"s like that ... offering up quests that have a big effect on other quests with no way of knowing that you are in fact cutting your own foot off with a dull rusty iron dagger. I suppose it was to give the game "replayability" (as in "Next time I play this game I won't do that again").
  21. Best hope that Budgie isn't good at learning to imitate ... could make it interesting when it invites visitors to "Join me". Maybe throw in a little "Luke ... I'm your father" for effect. Enhanced Economy, Basic Primary Needs and Basic Physical Activities/Realistic Fatigue have really had a big impact on my evolving play style. Used to be I'd add extra enchantments to everything I could wear (feather and fortify strength) and using kuertee's Magicka based enchantment limits mod I could easily go too far in multi-enchanting each piece. The BPA/RF combo has forced me out of my "carry everything I might possibly ever need" ways into "leave everything possible in the packdonkey's pack", and to date I haven't enchanted anything. My guy has just got the Frostcrag key however, and magetallowed the Spell altar (needed something to deal with those dammed wisps). We'll see how good I am at following my own "restraint" advice.
  22. Good to hear you can enjoy the sunshine Blade. If you ever hook up with Vilja she won't need to complain about having to wear long languid dresses and lounge about all day waiting for you. It's not just the console that can "wreck" your game ... there are plenty of "God mods" (and lot's that are but you won't find listed under that category). Even some features of ordinary mods may not sit right with your gameplay style. Learning to use restraint is also part of the game. For example, if a house mod comes with enchanting altars I just ignore them as though they were just another decoration. Either gives me a reason to join the Mage's guild or acquire the keys to Frostcrag (I use a quest delayer suite for all the DLCs so you don't just get a ton of game changing stuff right at the start ... you need to satisfy the "price of admission" requirements first). Many wouldn't enjoy my gameplay style, and that's OK. Find out what yours is and then discover the mods that will enhance it. - Edit - And Ike, I'll have you know I've had a sort of bad cold the last 4 or 5 days, and it's been a bit unpleasant, and sometimes it's made me even grumpier than usual ... AND now that I'm on the mend, made me very glad I had to walk only a few steps in your shoes (don't think I'd have survived a mile). Maybe Blade can send me some of those potions.
  23. What form of archive invalidation are you using? How have you installed each mod? Is it just when you cast the cakewalk spell and select certain clothes? What order did you install the mods and how did you test each individual mod before you installed the next? You've messed up your installation of one or more of the mods. In all likelyhood you've installed Colourwheels after NoMaaM Theatre and it has overwritten some of the meshes that NoMaaM Theatre uses but the texture files (probably normal maps) aren't where the mesh expects them. Without details I could speculate for hours.
  24. As you are learning, if you take a working game, install one single mod and find it doesn't work any longer it's a fairly simple matter to figure out where to start troubleshooting. Invariably, the install a bunch and hope method is fraught with time consuming problems to try and figure out. The only time to install more than one mod at a time is when the mod description and install instructions specify that another mod is required first, and even then I'd advise installing that required mod and then test before moving on to the one that required it (the exception to that rule is when only the ESM from the required mod is required). Don't use DarN but I'm pretty sure your situation has been addressed a number of times in it's mod comments.
  25. You can't install OBSE using the Wrye Bash Installers (as it's warning is telling you ... see the warning text and the red X on the OBSE line). Download OBSE manually to a temporary folder and extract it. The included file obse_readme.txt has install instructions for the disk versions of the game and different install instructions for the Steam version of the game ... follow which ever applies for you. The src folder isn't required, it's the source code for OBSE that's included for people who wish to develop OBSE plugins. Once you have OBSE installed and working run BOSS and then build your bashed patch. Details on that and more are found in the two HTML files found in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder, Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html.
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