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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. The GotY version should be fully patched to 1.2.0416 and from what I understand the Deluxe version (which it sounds like you have) includes the DLC. When you 'patched' the fully patched game, did it not give a warning (also the patches are all specific to certain versions of the game and areas of the world)? Was it the Unofficial Shivering Isle patch that you installed?
  2. This is a link to the UESP Wiki page on the Knights of the Nine DLC. There is no "The Vampire Hunter" quest ... was it added by a mod? There are two vampire quests that come with the vanilla game, but neither has that name. Additionally, a search on the UESP site for "Cave of the Lorn" comes up empty. Is that the correct name? If so I think you're looking for something that a mod has added.
  3. oblivionpilgrim I wish I could give you more than one kudo. You are an Oblivion modder's dream customer ... job well done!! :thumbsup:
  4. I always extract the downloaded archive into a named sub folder of the OblivionDownloads directory I have created. That way I can examine the contents and compare to my Oblivion's currently installed Data folder and know what will and won't be overwritten (this is especially important after you've installed a number of 'replacer' mods). If a new mod is going to overwrite something that is already installed I can backup the soon to be overwritten files. Makes undoing changes much easier. Once you have the extracted mod contents to examine, it's usually pretty self explanatory what you need to copy into your game Data directory. Usually, if the mod folders are organized starting at the Data folder, you can right click and select Copy on the unpacked archive Data folder, and then right click and Paste into your game's Oblivion folder. Always paste into one directory level higher than your copy, otherwise you'll get a Data folder inside your game's Data folder, and the mod won't work.
  5. Hmm ... I'm getting the impression that the name 'Blender' refers to what happens to your brain while using it.
  6. Providing you have Toolbars enabled in your CS View menu you'll see a button with what looks like small orange squares connected by yellow lines (Pathgrid button). With your room or building open in the Render window, click the Pathgrid button and you'll see any paths that were copied when you started the house. If none show you can create your own path grid. Here's an excerpt from the CS Wiki tutorial A beginner's guide, lesson 3 - The external world (with emphasis added on the way you add points):
  7. Just like any NPC in the game marked essential, in combat the essential CM Partners take damage down to a certain point and then go unconscious, but they aren't killed and lost from the game. The non-essential CM Partners in the NE version of the esp files can be killed, and subsequently lost from the game (except that, the same as any other dead NPC, you can open the console, click their dead body and 'resurrect 1' them back to life). The NE version is best if you like the challenge of keeping your companions alive. You can mix and match ... use the NE version of one pair along with the regular version of the other pair (e.g. use CM Partners NPC.esp and CM Partners More NPCs NE.esp, which will give you 9 essential NPCs and 58 non-essential NPCs ... then if you want more essential NPCs add in CM Partners Extra NPC.esp, which doesn't have a non-essentail counterpart, and then you will have a total of 19 essential companions and 58 non-essential). Kinda' like going to the ice-cream shop ... I'll have a scoop of this and one of that ... :tongue:
  8. If you're still having this problem try using the 'Open Windows' to see if the CS finds any open. In the CS menu bar at the top click 'View' then 'Open Windows...' and see what the Open Windows dialog reports. On mine if I have for example the Script Edit ('Gameplay' then 'Edit Scripts...') open but haven't tried opening a script to edit nothing shows in the Open Windows dialog. Same thing after I've loaded a script, but if I check while the 'Select Form' dialog is open (where you select a script to edit) then the Open Window dialog lists Dialog box (0006091A) "Select Form". If I do the same thing with 'Idle Animations' open then the Open Window dialog lists Dialog box (00090912) "Idle Animations" with details on what is the active selection in the Idle Animations dialog. My caveat here is that although the Open Windows dialog may help find out if you have an open dialog when you're trying to save, it is possible to have some open windows that are not reported. If I have the Script Edit window open and hidden behind the Object and Cell windows I can minimize them from the View menu and see what's behind them (for windows that Open Window doesn't report).
  9. Here's the UESP Wiki walkthrough for Finding the Thieves Guild. Note that after stage 40 (where you are told how to find the Thieves Guild) it jumps to stage 100 (quest completion). It isn't until you start the next quest May the Best Thief Win (TG01BestThief) that the race starts. Check your journal Completed Quests to make sure that Find the Thieves Guild is completed. These same notes are at the bottom of each walkthrough (emphasis added):
  10. The OBSE site is here and this is the download link for the latest stable version (ver0020).
  11. The CMPartners.esm and CMPartners.esp are the base files needed to run the mod, but they don't add any CM Partner NPCs to the game themselves. Those two base files must have at least one of the other esp files activated in Data Files for you to find any new NPCs. For some of the optional files (that have NE in the file name) the NPCs added are non-essential (i.e. they can be killed). The file with the same name only without the NE add essential (can't be killed) NPCs in exactly the same locations. Example ... CM Partners NPC.esp puts 9 CM Partner NPCs in the Imperial City while CM Partners NPC NE.esp places the same 9 CM Partner NPCs in the Imperial City but they will be marked as non-essential. If you ticked both in Data Files you would have 18 CM Partners in the Imperial City, 9 sets of twins, one killable the other not. Here's an excerpt from CM Partners Basic 2.0 Readme.doc outlining the options available: Note that if you activate both the NE and regular version of the files you will CM Partners out the whaazoo (been there ... done that).
  12. Have you activated the mods using the Oblivion launcher (click on Data Files and double click each mod you want active to get an X in the little box).
  13. In your quote they don't have you make the Rens Beauty.esp (changed to Rens Beauty.esm) the active file. My point was you renamed Asian Races.esp to Han.esp, then made a copy of Han.esp into Han.esm. You edited Han.esp, saved your changes and then turned Han.esm back to Han.esp, which, as you noted, overwrote Han.esp. Your edits were made to Han.esp ... now they're gone and you have the contents of the original Asian Races.esp (renamed to Han.esp). Using your method the Using Custom Races/Faces quote would read: 1. You will need to download TES4 Plugin Utility, Wrye Bash, or another utility that creates master files, that is, files with the esm extension. Use the utility to convert Han.esp for example (or another face/race mod) into an esm file. Let's call it Han.esm. 2. Open the TES Construction Set, select Oblivion.esm, CM Partners.esm, Han.esm, CM Partners.esp, and make your custom NPC Han.esp mod the active file. 3. Change the faces and save. 4. Now convert that Han.esm to an esp.
  14. Did you try the suggested: The only machine that I have using the Realtek drivers is my laptop (not my Oblivion machine), but on it I see tabs for Speakers, Digital Output and Microphone (mine's an old version ... Audio Driver version and Audio Codec ALC268 so your's may be different). The Speaker and Digital Output tabs both have a sub-tab for Sound Effects, with an option for None.
  15. I just had another read through the CS Wiki De-Isolation article. When you say "is a really bad idea" are you refering to changing an esp to an esm and leaving that way to get around a dependency problem or are you saying the ESM Mastering method mentioned in the article is a bad idea. As always, getting my head fully around this is a work in progress, and your input is always welcome whalecakes.
  16. Since I completed the Thieves Guild quests my Paramedics of Cyrodiil role has become busier, and my Defender of Tamriel Travelers almost more than I can handle at times. The Countess Alessia Caro and her escort are at the root of my problem. Used to be, if I was busy on a mission of my own choosing and I ran across her and her escort I could safely leave them to their own devices. The Countess was marked essential and her escort respawns ... she'd eventually make it home on her own and her escort sort of does a 'self-resurrect 1'. Since Ahdarji's Heirloom the Countess is no longer marked essential. Compounding the problem is her escort's penchant for archery. Wouldn't be so bad if he was a decent shot, but he does like to turn poor Alessia into a pin cushion. Needless to say I've exercised my console considerable more than the past. I'm considering hiring a couple of burly guards for her with the CS (and maybe I'll task them with dispatching the bow toting escort).
  17. Have you read through the Construction Set Wiki article on De-isolation that LFact linked for you (which is what you are trying to do)? Here's an excerpt with some emphasis added: What is confusing me in what you are doing is this: OK ... you converted Han.esp into Han.esm So now the edits you've made are recorded in Han.esp (the new Han.esp). So now you've deleted all those edits you've made in your new Han.esp and are back to the old original Han.esp records wrapped in a Han.esm wrapper. Han.esp is still Han.esm, the original Han.esp converted to Han.esm I direct your attention to the red highlight in my opening CS Wiki quote ... perhaps not verbatim what they're getting at but you ARE trying to use an esp as an esm, certainly not a good idea. Esp files are records of changes relative to an esm file ... the de-isolation trick is to 'fool' the CS into thinking changes you've recorded in your esp are changing esm records when you load them in the game, not load an esp as an esm. There is a lot more detail in the de-isolation article than I quoted above. Enough perhaps that you can compare to the instructions you have been following thus far and see where you are getting off track. You can't just rename an esp and expect it to work (at least as far as I'm aware). Edit: @fg109 While I was orchestrating an opus you've created a masterpiece!! I've copied and pasted into my own personal reference ... thank you. :thumbsup:
  18. Hmm ... I'm a non-Steam kinda' guy myself. When I have a game on DVD that I decide to not install all the extras, all you do is pop in the disk and install them at a later date. One more reason for me to remain a non-Steamer I guess. Keep us updated if you hear back from them (or maybe a Steamy type from here will know the answer).
  19. Was there an option to install the other DLCs when you installed Oblivion? Another thing I noticed on your mod list ... you are running both CM Partners NPC NE.esp and CM Partners NPC.esp at the same time. That will give you a non-essential and an essential copy of each partner ... is that what you were wanting? If you want more partners activate one of those two (but not both) and CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp and\or either CM Partners More NPCs NE.esp or CM Partners More NPCs.esp. The NE files are for if you don't mind if they can be killed, otherwise use the ones that don't end in NE for essential partners. I'm pretty sure you could use CM Partners NPC NE.esp and CM Partners More NPCs.esp with no problem (mixing one extra's NE version with another extra's essential version).
  20. My take on the "we must configure the SSS.ini" part (I'm not familiar with the mod, just following the install instructions myself) is that there will be a file, probably located in your Oblivion install Data folder that's named SSS.ini (you may not see the .ini part at the end, depending on your settings in Windows Explorer, but you will see the SSS part). Double left click the SSS.ini and it should open in Notepad (if you get a dialog box asking what program to use to open it with, select Notepad from the offered list ... you can either check 'Always use this program to open this file type" or not, but ini files are normally edited using Notepad). Without seeing the contents of SSS.ini myself I can't tell you exactly where to look, but there should be a section in it for assigning keyboard keys. Those codes you listed are semi-universal codes that each keyboard sends to your computer when a key is pressed ... example, when you press Escape the keyboard sends 01 to the computer using the hexadecimal (base 16) number system (hence the 0x01 ... the 0x part says it's a hexadecimal number). You decide what key you want to press to use different functions in Devil May Cry and then input the appropriate keyboard scan code from the list. I'm not 100% clear on whether you should enter for example 0x01 for the escape key (which is the correct scan code for escape) or the listed 0x01 1. Try one and see if that format works, if not try the other (or maybe as an outside possibility use just the number 1 for escape, 2 for the number one etc.).
  21. Here's an excerpt from Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide Oblivion.ini tweaking section;
  22. Does it crash when you try to load a save or when you start Oblivion (i.e. before you get to the load game menu)? Crash when loading Oblivion could be a missing master, when loading a save could be a corrupt save.
  23. From the UESP walkthrough Notes section: Doesn't sound like they're destined to survive meeting you ... another 'player home' when you're done.
  24. So another rocker rots in prison ... poor Stoker. And the worst of it is he's not likely to find a good barber in there ... "A little off the top please" may get it hacked off at the shoulders with a broad axe. Oh well, "If you can't do the time ..."
  25. From the mod description: What part are you having trouble understanding and maybe we can help.
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