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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. To modify something that is added by a mod you need to make that mod active in the Construction Set. Open the CS, click File then Data. Double click Oblivion.esm and then esp file for that mod (it will have the same name as the one that you used to activate the mod in the game launcher 'Data Files'). Click the 'Set as Active File' button. Your armor will now show up in the Object Window resource list (you will probably need to do some searching, but it should be there with the rest of the vanilla armor or as a sub off the armor tree). Change the property you dislike and then save from the File menu. Test in game to see if you like your changes.
  2. Thanks for the info Smooth613. I'm sure you know this already, but unless you edit your Oblivion.ini and rename some shader packages in your RendererInfo.txt you won't actually be using Shader Model 3.0 (source reference Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide). Relevant excerpt:
  3. What happens if you copy your entire NPC and then give the copy a new name and ID? You'd need to individualize the new one's inventory, AI etc but they should be your original's identical twin.
  4. topeira you are correct that BBB is focused on female characters. I also play a male character. The BBB system (skeleton, body, armor/clothes & animation) also works on the game's female NPCs when using the appropriate mods. My guy doesn't live in a world of all females BBBed (somehow a BBBed Simplicia the Slow just doesn't appeal). By careful selecting which of the game's stock clothing I'll replace with BBBed clothing my guy gets a little variety in his world (I also use the same technique to give the girls different 'dress sizes'). BBB doesn't change the game's combat animations at all. Some of the stock animations will show bounce on your BBBed NPCs (e.g. the normal walk), but combat will only show bouncing if you install animations that enable it (e.g. the NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer) and armor and\or clothing that is also BBB enabled. If that BBBed armor/clothing doesn't replace the stock armor/clothing from the game you will need to give it to the NPCs you want to have it (most easily done with companions added by mods but also possible through other means for the game's NPCs). Naturally, if the armor/clothing replaces the stock stuff it will appear on any who would normally wear the non-BBBed version, either through their inventory (named NPCs) or the leveled lists (bandits, marauders etc). Installing animation mods (or any mods for that matter) is an individual case situation that is dependent on how the mod author has packaged the mod. Some will come available as an OMOD, which is a compressed format that is also organized in such a way that the Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) utility can handle getting everything into the correct locations in your Oblivion install. Others (such as NoMaaM) require you to manually install using copy and paste from a Windows Explorer window. If you're interested I have a 'Strikers Rather Lengthy Manual Install Procedure' that I could PM you. There is also this topic pinned in this Oblivion Mod Talk section. One other consideration before you get started installing mods is where you have Oblivion installed. If you are running Windows XP it doesn't matter, any location is fine. If you are running Windows 7 or Vista you will run into problems if your game is installed in the default C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86) directories. The Microsoft security feature called UAC will interfere with mods trying to run, but only if Oblivion is in a subdirectory of Program Files. One of the moderators here bben46 has posted this uninstall/re-install guide to help get a relocation done correctly and thoroughly.
  5. Hey BlueGunk ... one 'experienced' guy to another I'll say our tastes run similar courses. My own installation is just the NoMaaM replacer and Theatre along with Xtudo's Personality Idles - Modified version - NPCs and Companions. I'm not using his latest version yet because I've done a little tweaking on it using the Construction Set, to reduce the frequency of some idles and replace some others (and I didn't do a good job of documenting my changes so now when I upgrade I'll need to recreate my tweaks to some extent). Xtudo's latest work eliminates some of the idles that weren't so popular with his users. He does a good job supporting his mods. As fore mentioned you probably want to get yourself set up with a skeleton and body that doesn't use 'bouncing behind'. I use the same HGEC body from Rivelle as you and I think I'm on Coronerra's Maximum Compatibility Skeleton (although I did try out Growlf's skeleton and I'm not sure if I switched back). Your body selection should also line up with what you're interested in for BBBed armor and clothing ... just another one of those myriad of choices that doesn't make our jobs any easier. Enjoy the journey.
  6. Had a look at the mod page and I take it you're using the 'JM's Bar Fights mortal.esp'. There doesn't seem to be much recent activity from the mod author supporting the mod so you may not get much additional info from there. One suggestion is to use the 'JM's Bar Fights.esp', but that unfortunately will only protect the additional NPCs added by the mod by making them essential. In the first couple of pages of mod comments I saw concerns similar to your's around losing NPCs. You may get lucky with waiting for cell resets to reset AI status, not sure how that will work vs the guards and bounty for your bar fighters. Experiment with timing for your resurrect, that may make a difference. Maybe you need a 'jail' to hold your resurrected NPCs in until they cool down (I'm thinking doorless room or key required to open from the inside or something ... a bit beyond my capabilities with the CS). Another thing that may help is the 'setav' console command. On this page of actor values I think you'd use 'setav 37 0' to get them bounty free (with their refID at the top of the screen of course). You may need to use 'moddisposition' to get them all buddy buddy after a big fight. If I remember correctly you may need the baseID for the other actor you're trying to modify ... been a while since I toyed with that one. Bottom line ... if you keep this mod you'll be giving lessons on how to use the console in no time. :happy:
  7. I have just received this PM from fore, explaining my errors: He also added his reasons for not clearing it up on this thread (was very considerate of my 'tender sensibilities' ... my terminology not fore's). Thank you fore, and I do appreciate your concern. I'm also only interested in finding the right answer to questions. Who is right has no sway in my world ... just the truth. Disregard anything I've said about the animations outside the fact that non-BBBed armor and clothes don't bounce without the rest of the requirements.
  8. I didn't say anything about frequency of staggers. I said that NoMaaM replaced the vanilla staggers with new ones along with replacements for a number of other vanilla combat animations. Edit: See my post below.
  9. Only if you already have your system set up for that look with a BBB enabled skeleton and BBB enabled armor and clothing. None of my bandits or marauders, for instance, have any BBB effects showing in their combat animations. Why ... because none of them have any BBB enabled armor to wear. I'm very selective what BBB enabled armor replacers I use for just that reason. The instructions on the NoMaaM download page specify that you need a BBB enabled skeleton and BBB enabled armor/clothing, but that is only relevant if you want to see the BBB effect. Otherwise vanilla armored or clothed NPCs will use the new combat animations without any BBB effect.
  10. No I didn't mean 'how combat works' ... I only meant how combat looks. The NoMaaM animations only change what you see when you perform the vanilla Oblivion combat moves, but they are more than just 'bouncy boobs' added to the vanilla animations. If you watch the vanilla hand to hand or one handed weapon strikes, blocks and staggers for instance, then compare to the same moves using NoMaaM you will see that outside the BBB the animations are not the same. No decapitaions, no 'finishing moves' ... just new animations (that happen to have BBB enabled as well). Edit: See my post #14 for clarification of my errors in this post.
  11. You'll need to install it to see the extent of fore's changes to vanilla. I actually doubt that he's even used the vanilla animations as a starting point, but I'm no animator. I'm sure fore will eventually stumble across this thread and clarify. Edit: See my post #14 for clarification of my errors in this post.
  12. It's quite common when you resurrect an NPC that their AI package takes a while to reset. I usually leave the cell and go into the nearest building that triggers the autosave. When you return they'll usually be headed home. You could also use the console to toggle their AI ... make sure you have their refID showing at the top of the screen first or you'll toggle everyone's AI. I only do one NPC at a time so that I can provide 'escort' home. Not sure about your problem with the guard and then later with Maro and Varnado. The console command 'stopcombat' again with them selected may help. You could also just leave the cell for 73 hours and see what shape they're in ... maybe they'll be best buds again. This works quite often when you need to get the game AI and scripts back on track. Edit: Does the Bar Fights mod say how to reset combatants??
  13. No it does add stagger and some power attack animation changes as well. The BBB is just extra fluff, but like I said is only there if you have the skeleton and modded armor/clothes. Edit: See my post #14 for clarification of my errors in this post.
  14. My guess would be guard, but like you I didn't see Eugal's demise. I have appropriated his house (as you're planning). Only thing annoying is the missing textures/meshes in the basement (fixed by the UOP patch, but then I'd lose my permanent bound armor ... and I'm addicted to zero weight + good stats).
  15. Another option is fore's NoMaam BBB Animation Replacer. If you don't want the BBB you won't have any unless you've installed the BBB skeleton and armors. Look at the videos on the download page and you'll see the stagger you're after. It's easy to get up and running using the manual install copy/paste method.
  16. The renamed folders won't be found by Oblivion. The only time you lose any actual files from one of your currently installed mods is when the exact file structure is the same. Example ... if right now you have the Dark Glass Extra Set mod installed you will have the following file structure on the meshes side ... Oblivion\Data\meshes\Armor\glass\darkglass\f and Oblivion\Data\meshes\Armor\glass\darkglass\m. Inside the darkglass\f directory you'll find five files, cuirass.nif, cuirass_gnd.nif, gauntlets.nif, greaves.nif & greaves_gnd.nif. If you wanted to install Clear Glass Armor (which is a replacer for vanilla glass armor) you would see the following file structure from the extracted archive ... meshes\armor\glass\f and meshes\armor\glass\m. Inside the meshes\armor\glass\f you will again find five files, cuirass.nif, cuirass_gnd.nif, gauntlets.nif, greaves.nif & greaves_gnd.nif (notice, all named identically to my Dark Glass example). To install the Clear Glass mod you would copy the meshes folder (and it's contents) to your Oblivion install Data folder. When you do that you'll get a Windows prompt about there already being a folder named meshes, and do you want to overwrite it (and you answer 'Yes'). When Windows overwrites folders with the same name it adds the contents of the folder to what's already there. In this case Clear Glass adds the armor folder (and it's contents). Again the folder names are the same so it asks if you want to overwrite, and again it adds the contents to your Oblivion install, this time adding the glass folder to the armor folder. If we look again at our Dark Glass example we'll see that inside the glass folder it adds a 'darkglass' folder with an 'f' and 'm' folder inside that. Our Clear Glass wants to add an 'f' and 'm' folder directly to the 'glass' folder, so in this case even though the files cuirass.nif, cuirass_gnd.nif, gauntlets.nif, greaves.nif & greaves_gnd.nif are named the same they aren't located in the same directories and the Clear Glass mod will not disturb my Dark Glass mod. In game everyone who would have worn glass armor will now have clear glass armor and only me and my companions will have the option of wearing the Dark Glass armor (after I've purchased it from Maro Rufus). When you examine the file structure for your catsuit mod what you are looking for is where files that have identical names also have identical directory structure. In that case, the files themselves will be overwritten and you will lose your old mod's content. Your option then is to use Blender to change the file path for your new mod, but that's beyond my personal experience (I have read about it though :biggrin: ).
  17. Same thing happened to me with Eugal. I had Else God-Hater flip out in front of me in Skingrad and the guards put her down (she didn't attack me ... just started ranting). At the time I'd delivered the amulet but nothing further on the main quest. I had spoken to Else a couple of times when dropping off some root for Sinderion and she was quite grumpy. She followed me outside, started ranting and then oops, crossed some invisible line with the guards. None of the Mythic Dawn sleepers are necessary for continuing the main quest. If they're already dead it's just one less person to look out for after the Dagon Shrine quest. If you want him around again you can open the console and click his body. This will get his refID at the top of your screen. Enter 'resurrect 1' without the quotes and he'll get up and resume his life. If his disposition towards you is low enough, he may attack (you can avoid this by moving out of sight before issuing the resurrect 1).
  18. Not a lot to go on ... ... a name would be a good starting point to give us somewhere to start troubleshooting. ... again "some mod" doesn't give much info.
  19. I'm not familiar with that particular mod, but one of the advantages of using OBMM to install mods is the ease of deactivating or making changes. I imagine when you say you activated "Ultimate 3rd Person Camera - RightSide and Close - Default 1.51.omod" that there was other camera angle options available. Have you tried deactivating your present selection and then activating one of the others? The name of the option you have selected right now would lead me to believe your camera will be close to you on your right side. Not sure if the vanilla Oblivion camera controls would work while using this mod. Read the mod description on the mod download page, any readme file included and look through the Comments section on the mod download page for similar problems. Perhaps your solution has already been outlined there.
  20. How you do your uninstall is important. You need to remove those last traces of Oblivion that can confuse your re-install. Here's a link to bben46's uninstall/re-install guide. It will help you get the job done completely and correctly.
  21. No I'm afraid you're wide of the mark there westerosi ... widely read perhaps, but not any threat to the true geniuses of this forum. Good troubleshooting seeks to eliminate possible causes, and the UAC problem is pretty common around here. The person who discovered that UAC was at the root of the troubles ... now there's the genius.
  22. Here's a CS Wiki on Casting Spell From an Activator (just happened to get it from another thread ... coincidence??).
  23. Here's the correct link: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Casting_Spells_From_An_Activator
  24. To get an NPC that's dead and now gone from the game (some will persist as dead bodies forever, others only until a cell reset) issue the following commands at the console prompt: prid <reference ID> enable resurrect 1 moveto player To find the refID search for the name in the UESP Wiki search box, it will give you the reference ID in the table top right of the page (base ID won't work). I find it best if you're not in the cell that the NPC is usually located. The moveto player will bring them to your location and then they'll walk home on their own. You may want to provide escort if you haven't already cleared all the badguys on their route home (it's not necessary to be a long way outside their home cell ... I've just found that it doesn't work if you're in their normal location). If you can still see their body you can click on them with the console open to get their refID at the top of your screen and then just resurrect 1. The 1 after resurrect allows them to stand up and keep all their inventory.
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