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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. You could look at this another way ... this is your opportunity to do the vampire cure quest. Not a path I've needed to tread, but an interesting looking quest.
  2. If you don't see him working outside between 9am and 6pm then he's a goner. You can resurrect dead NPCs but I'm not sure what would happen if you've started the quest.
  3. I'm wondering why you're trying to achieve a GPU utilization as opposed to frame rate. I apologize for not checking your screenshots before, but I see now you've increased your frame rate substantially from screenshot 1 to 2. Oblivion has an older game engine not well suited to take advantage of modern hardware (e.g. no way to transfer Havok processing to GPU). It's also not a FPS nor an on-line game so frame rate isn't as important for optimum performance. The games you are comparing it to are quite possibly optimized to take advantage of todays hardware. Playing experience (which is a blend of many factors, frame rate being one, balanced against image quality, game play immersion and others) is what is important at the bottom line. Would you be satisfied if you achieved 95% GPU utilization but only got 5 frames per second? I think not, it would be a pretty slideshow. Numbers that utilities like EVGA Precision output are good tools to help us achieve the playing experience we desire. I use MSI Afterburner to drive my G15 keyboard display and track GPU temps, fan speeds and memory usage. I find monitoring memory usage invaluable for predicting when the inevitable Oblivion CTD is imminent. CTD detracts from my playing experience so I keep an eye on it ... the fan controller does a fine job with GPU temps and I scarcely notice them. Focus on the bottom line. Just my opinion. :thumbsup:
  4. Where is it saying T_T?? I might also make the suggestion that now you have it showing up in your game, the fine tuning to get everything just right may be better addressed by the mod author. If you post on the mod Comments page, explaining your problem, the mod author or someone who follows the mod closely may know exactly what to do.
  5. That's certainly a possibility ... I see it here all the time. Do you have a long mod list? If so post it inside ["spoiler"] Your list ["/spoiler"] tags (without the quotes). I am not much help when it comes to troubleshooting mod load lists myself (I think I have 10 or 12 mods running) but there are some very knowledgeable people frequenting this forum and I'm sure if they spot a problem they'll help out. Edit: Here's a link on how to get and post your load order if you need it.
  6. I'm not aware of resurrect having any bad side-effects, I use it all the time myself. You don't have an earlier save game from before all this that you can test the Oblivion gates with to see if it's something in your save or in your Oblivion install?
  7. Question ... Did you use the sexchange command on someone inside Oblivion?
  8. Ahhh ... the joys of 'no backup'. When you're getting a replacement consider an extra HD if you have the spare SATA channel (and cash of course). Download to the extra HD and you'll save bandwidth next time you get the 'sound-effects' (did it really sound like that ... I've never experienced that 'joy' ... touch wood).
  9. On the game launcher click on the 'Data Files' button. Find your installed Dominatrix Suit.esp in the list and double click it (it should show an x in the box now). Close out Data Files with the 'OK' button and start the game. Follow the directions that came with your mod to find/buy your new toys. Enjoy!!
  10. I haven't had much luck with my 'extra NPCs' using much other than restore health spells if they're a bit 'mage-ish' or restore health potions (give them -1 in the CS so they don't run out ... that's unlimited). Your mileage may vary ... updates welcome. Just had a peek in the CS ... here's something to try. On the AI Package menu there's a 'Use Item At' option (top right if you're editing a current package beside 'Package Type'). I use it for PewterMug01 when I want to let them blow off a little steam (well a couple may have a problem with it ... let's not go there ... they got their inspiration from Skjorta). In the drop down box under Any Object - Object ID on the Target tab I see Varla Stone listed. Give Donton -1 Varla Stones in his inventory and once a day schedule a 'Use Item At' with the Varla Stone target. Worth a try.
  11. What a novel idea!! Kudos to you. Will you be completing the Main Quest? I personally lean to Dunmer for MQ because of the racial resist fire (comes in very handy in Oblivion planes).
  12. Here's a link to Ozmo's High Rez Skin Textures for HGEC. Use the 2048x2048 package unless you have the graphics horsepower to support the highest resolution 4096x4096 textures.
  13. OK ... so now other things to consider. If you had a mod installed BEFORE you ever installed RealBodies it may have installed a skeleton.nif or other mesh (you only need to be concerned about the one's you've deleted in uninstalling RealBodies, so it'll be a short list). That skeleton.nif or mesh now needs to be replaced. I don't know how big your list of installed mods is ... finding the culprit might be a big job or simple depending on the size of the list. You're going to have to go through it one by one, looking for files that have the same name between RealBodies and your installed mods. VaderApps or someone who monitors the RealBodies comment thread might be able to look at your list and see the problem right off because of their prior experience troubleshooting RealBodies. They are a valuable resource for you. Consider them in that light. Develop your relationship with them in that light (see my previous 'honey' comment) and above all USE the resource they offer. If they're monitoring the comments thread and answer your question they do it for the same reason as any of us here ... they WANT to help. They do it because of the personal satisfaction they feel when they can help, that will be your gift to them (I know ... I'm a philosopher, I can't help it).
  14. Luchaires HGEC Body Seam Replacer solved that problem for me. From the mod description:
  15. Just an FYI ... the default value for fLightLOD2 is: Offered as a point of reference.
  16. Granted Balakirev. I've learned enough in my short time here to realize that the people with the most problems also have the most mods installed (as a general rule). A number of the comments where the mod did work seemed centered on realism (some described it as a 'tropical paradise' effect). What's your take on that aspect of the mod?
  17. And you're sure it's not some related left-over? Your post #3 lead me to believe you're still thinking it's RealBodies related. What did you do to lead you into thinking the RealBodies issue is resolved?
  18. Again GuardedJake, post a full description of your problem in the mods comments. Remember, honey catches more bees than vinegar. I'm sure VaderApps will want to help you sort this out. A PM is more private if you're upset but my 'honey' comment still stands. Trust me on this, it's good advice. :thumbsup:
  19. The UESP Wiki article on the quest doesn't mention any UOP fixes, and they're usually pretty good at pointing those out. I think an earlier save is the only fix outside the console. If you have received the quest journal update for stage 47 but not stage 50 (see the wiki descriptions), then in the console 'sqt' enter to find the current quest stage and quest ID (in this case it should be 47 for stage as you don't have the next journal entry). In the console 'setstage <questID> 50' to advance the quest, where <questID> is the questID show by the 'sqt' command previously. If your current stage is different consult the wiki article for the correct number of your next stage. I had trouble with this quest myself, the sheep were my problem. At first I thought they weren't hungry. Then I got their 'medicine' in the right spot and they did what was expected of them. Bring your heavy duty umbrella. :biggrin:
  20. If they're an actual partner (e.g. CM Partners, Vilja etc) you can just ask them to share and check it's condition. If this is an NPC you've created yourself in the CS it's a bit more problematic. Although it doesn't specifically say so in the UESP Wiki Console Command page, I think if you click your NPC to get their refID to the top of the screen then 'removeitem 00027105' then follow that with 'additem 00027105' you should remove their old broken down Goldbrand and then give them a new shiny one. Another alternative (one that I use myself on an Umbra clone that I 'createfullactorcopy'ed at Pells Gate and use as a 'filled black soul gem factory') is to console 'kill' them, open the body's inventory and take out Goldbrand. Buff it up and put it back into the body's inventory and then 'resurrect 1' them back to life. Sometimes an NPC's AI doesn't update right away afterwards, so you may need to leave the cell and re-enter to get them going again. A way to tell if an enchanted weapon is empty is look for the glow on it (if it's gone it's empty). That won't help you determine partial charge though, it could be down to one hit left and still glow fine.
  21. Thanks for the update. Glad you're back in business. :thumbsup:
  22. If you get into a 'man down' situation like that and decide you don't want to lose that NPC from the game you can use the console (activated by the tilde ~ key) and then click on them with your mouse. That will bring their refID to the top of the screen. Type 'resurrect 1' (without the quotes) and hit enter. Close the console (hit tilde again) and they'll stand up and look around like they just got up from a nice nap. You may need to enable the console in your Oblivion.ini file located in your My Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder. It should open in Notepad when you double click it (if not open Notepad from the Start menu and then File - Open and navigate to the correct folder). Click Edit - Find and put 'bAllowConsole' without the quotes in the 'Find what' box. Click the Find Next button which will highlight the entry 'bAllowConsole'. Change the zero to a one after the equals and then save the file (or close and click Yes on the resulting dialog). Voila ... you may now join the Cyrodillic Order of Roving Paramedics. Welcome to the team.
  23. They're known for getting into fights over deer (fixed by the UOP or UOP Supplemental if I'm not mistaken).
  24. Beauty ... thanks for the update, glad to help. Did you use the Advanced Water Modification? I looked at it and I'm intrigued ... just seems to be a lot of negative comments mixed in with the positives in the comment section. If you did try it don't keep your assessment to yourself ... share it!!
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