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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Had to grow up fast I guess lol. I had two older brothers one of which was already out of high school when I was born so I grew up with a lot of their old stuff to play with. And honestly a lot of older games are better then modern ones, far less streamlined console friendly garbage. On top of that going to a university with classes with folks far older then me contributed to that. :D someone needs to pull Paga out and blow on him real quick he seems to be bugging out. Someone?! Doctor heal me! Or Kill me! Either way. I know one way or the other I will be better and more to your liking. It's my time of year Dr and it works it's magic on me the other 11 months of the year as well. I'm going to be 71 on the 18th. :woot: I don't think "heal" or "kill" are technically in my job description. "Fix" is kinda in there. :/ Hmm ... "fix" ... isn't that something we used to take the pets to have done. OK ... so visit the Dr today ... or NOT!! Just 16 more sleeps Paga!!
  2. Had to grow up fast I guess lol. I had two older brothers one of which was already out of high school when I was born so I grew up with a lot of their old stuff to play with. And honestly a lot of older games are better then modern ones, far less streamlined console friendly garbage. On top of that going to a university with classes with folks far older then me contributed to that. :D someone needs to pull Paga out and blow on him real quick he seems to be bugging out. Careful there Dr ... coud add O2 and start an inferno (or is that infernal ... or maybe referral ... probably one of those).
  3. Hmm ... Paga could your neighbors possibly have a son named Jon ... https://www.gocomics.com/garfield/2020/10/02 OK ... I'll be the first to admit that this "getting older" gig does present some challenges.
  4. LOL ... you've hit a bad chip I think Paga ... KB or at most MB for most stuff back in those days. I don't think they'd even invented GB yet. Maybe all you need is to shut down let the chips cool a bit and then reboot. Keep an eye on the Post and make sure all the memory is counted (do you remember when you could actually read the numbers as they cycled during Post ... now you're doing good to keep up with the tens of thousands, the other ones are just a blur). Or it could be a different sort of problem ...
  5. Sleep well Wolf ... see you about lunch time for you, maybe late lunch.
  6. What I do with my character is don't wear a helment and then make up for the loss by giving extra armor enchantments on other pieces of armor. The game doesn't use location based damage, so it just looks at your total armor rating when it determines damage when an enemy hits you. Early in the game, when my guy is low level and I can't enchant stuff yet I'll wear a helmet when dungeon diving (it's usually hard to avoid being hit in those tight places). Then when he's out on the roads or wilderness he get's the wind blowing through his ponytail. Once I can enchant then the helmets get left at home.
  7. OK good. That should have a check mark beside Sounds of Cyrodiil in the list then. Next time you are in Wrye Bash check that the Lock Load Order didn't get a tick mark beside it somehow (way back the first thing we set up in WB). You want no tick beside Lock Load Order. How about we finish the last few mods tomorrow? Have a look at the mod comments for Hide Helms ... I am seeing some disturbing reports there. The one's where they can't get it to work are probably just problems getting OBSE to work (pretty common problem). The reports that give me a red flag are the one's where you lose a hidden helmet if you forget and hide a different one over top of it. That is something a good mod would not allow to happen, in my opinion.
  8. Yup that's what I meant. OK so on the Sounds of Cyrodiil Files tab down in the Optional Files section download Knights of the Nine Add-on, Mehrunes Razor Add-on and Thieves Den Add-on to a folder (all three can be the same folder) and extract to that same folder. Copy Sounds of Cyrodiil - KOTN Add-on.esp, Sounds of Cyrodiil - Mehrune's Razor Add-On.esp and Sounds of Cyrodiil - Thieves' Den Add-On.esp and paste them into your Oblivion\Data folder. Run BOSS and then open Wrye Bash. Same as before activate (put a tick on) each of the three ESPs, and then rebuild Bashed Patch, 0.esp and close Wrye Bash when it is finished. It will be difficult to test each of these as you need to start the DLC quest first (especially the Knights of the Nine ... it has a whole quest you need to finish before you can start the KotN main quest). I'm certain that if the main Sounds of Cyrodiil is working then the DLC addons will too.
  9. Kats has been shy so far ... I've given a couple of shout outs but we haven't gotten a response yet. That's OK, I like having somebody look over my shoulder to keep me from making a mistake or getting off in the wrong direction. So do you have Thieve's Den, Knights of the Nine and Mehrune's Razor Wolf?
  10. So the good Dr is wanting to play the old guy's game eh? OK, I'll see your C&C and raise you a set of WingCommander Privateer on 3.5 floppies!! psssh who doesn't! well me... brother owns that... but I have the first windows version of Myst! Ahh ... my Mom had that!! I had to drive all the way to Toronto to get it installed for her (4 hrs, so not really a big deal). She loved that game!! OK ... point for the Dr ... play on!! - Edit - You're doin' pretty well for a whipper snipper ... playin' with the geezers and all!!
  11. Kats has been following along pretty well from the beginning ... and there is nothing to be embarrassed about. I played my part in this little side trip into the weeds. Let's get back on familiar ground. Download Sounds of Cyrodiil Full Version 1.1 = No patch Required (top download) to a folder and extract it to that same folder. You will now see Sounds of Cyrodiil.esp and some readmes and a folder named Sound. Copy the Sound folder and paste it into your Oblivion\Data folder (yes to the folder merge and any file overwrites ... shouldn't be any file overwrites though). Next copy Sounds of Cyrodiil.esp and paste it in your game's Oblivion\Data folder. Run BOSS as usual. The next part will be a bit different because we can now use Wrye Bash to activate the Sounds of Cyrodiil.esp before we rebuild the bashed patch. So it's open Wrye Bash and wait for it to finish loading. Find Sounds of Cyrodiil.esp in the Mods tab list (the BOSS sort will have it up fairly high in your load order). click on the box to activate it and when it is activated you will see a tick mark beside it. Next scroll down in the Mods tab to your Bash Patch, 0.esp and right click it and select Rebuild Patch. On the Update Bashed Patch, 0.esp dialogue box click on Build Patch. When it's done close the Report dialogue box and once Wrye Bash is finished you can close it. Start the game and see what you hear!
  12. So the good Dr is wanting to play the old guy's game eh? OK, I'll see your C&C and raise you a set of WingCommander Privateer on 3.5 floppies!!
  13. I wonder if I've dragged us off in a bad direction with this whole Wrye Bash stuff Wolf. Do you want to go back to the old school install we've been doing, and then just use WB for the bashed patch after installing Sounds of Cyrodiil? - Edit - Hey Kats ... see you're checking in.
  14. I have the floppy drves if you have a motherboard with the right connections (only have internal 3.5's). My current ASUS Striker Extreme (how could I not buy that motherboard, eh?) has the spot to plug 'em in (required for my "old ways" ... Mr RAID 0 on Win XP and earlier, well until I got tired of the reinstalls due to dead 0's). Ah ... 6.22 was the best!
  15. Dilbert. Alright!!! I still have a set of 3 1/2 inch floppies for the computer software Dilbert Daily calendar. I was turning the corner at 49 when I bought it. That was back when Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition came out. And we hear from another of the dinosaurs ... who said we went extinct, eh Paga!! I think I could dig up some Win 3.1 and 3.11 disks if you want, and probably a couple or three DOS versions will be in the same box tucked away somewhere in the dark recesses of the Striker Manor. I have original copies of win 95 and two machines that could potentially run them if I put a new mos battery in. Actually if you don't count 3.1 and earlier I have physical copies of everything except Windows Vista. But then I also have the original GameCube with controllers and the Prince of Persia series and a couple of Zelda games. LOL ... see how quickly the old guys get onto "Oh ya ... well mines older than yours". Young guys are all about faster, bigger ... stuff like that.
  16. The way you usually are going from one folder to another to do the copy and paste. I use Win 7 now but a long time ago on Win XP and earlier it was named Windows Explorer so I still call it that. I think in Win 10 it's My Computer or something like that. - Edit - I'm testing a new way to get images in the post: This image has been brought to you by the good folks at ... Thank You JimboUK.com ... you da' Man Jim.
  17. LOL ... not so easy hanging with the guy that's older than dirt eh? OK ... open Wrye Bash and once it is ready click on the Installers tab. You will get a message asking it BAIN should be initalized ... answer Yes. This will only happen the first time you open the Installers tab. As with many things with Wrye Bash it will take a while and then you will have a screen that looks like this (except no mods will be listed in yours yet). Next go to Windows Explorer and make sure you have a folder Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers (I've used up my allowed number of picture uploads after the last so we will need to go back to descriptions). If you have that folder you can download Sounds of Cyrodiil directly to Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers folder, or we can use the method we have been using and download SoC to a folder you create and then we will copy/paste to that Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers folder. If that folder doesn't exist we will need to create it but let me know first and we can make sure it wasn't created some place else. When installing with Wrye Bash there is no need to extract the downloads ... WB takes care of that as part of the install process.
  18. OK ... from what I've read there is three ways we could install and they all are about equal for how easy it is to install. The easiest way to install if you ever needed to uninstall it is by using Wrye Bash, but we can also go with our manual copy/paste method or OBMM. Which would you like? After we install Sounds of Cyrodiil there are two different ways we can customise it, but they are not as simple as it was for MOO or EE. And of course, if you wanted to do another Data folder backup it wouldn't hurt either (as long as you have lots of hard drive space).
  19. OK ... no problem. So now on to Sounds of Cyrodiil?
  20. Could possibly be the game needed to update3d (the gloves on and off would do that). The base OCO v2 install plus Robert Male and HGEC still leaves a bit to be desired for Khajiits. There are not many quality body textures out there for them. Two possible mods that can maybe help are Lunas OCO Khajiit Female Fix and Khajiit Male Body for Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2.
  21. Is the EVE Khajiit Fix giving you trouble Wolf?
  22. Yup ... I noticed that one after I posted the latest step by step. The same thing can be done with that one ... exact same steps. Always an adventure when you're hanging out with me, eh Wolf!! - Edit - You are getting the hang of this stuff though I think!
  23. Sorry it took a while ... it's been a while since I removed a mod that is merged into the bashed patch, so I had to do a run through to refresh my memory and grab some screenshots. Open Wrye Bash and right click on Bashed Patch, 0.esp and select Rebuild Patch. When the Update Bashed Patch, 0.esp dialogue opens find MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp in the right hand panel and click to remove the tick mark. See this pic to see MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp when ticked. Once the tick is gone click Build Patch. When WB is done and you've closed the report pop-up dialogue look in the Mods tab list and find MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp and make certain that it does not have a tick mark (as seen in this pic). Close WB and then move MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp from the game's Oblivion\Data folder to a backup folder (I'd name the folder Robert_Male_ESP_Backup). This step isn't 100% needed but I'm a cautious old guy. Run BOSS and then open Wrye Bash and once again rebuild your bashed patch. Go into the game and confirm that male bodies are looking OK when undressed.
  24. Awesome!! So what the mods with the ++ in front of them is telling you is that Wrye Bash was able to take everything from that ESP and put it into the bashed pach, and then it deactivated the mod. If you look on the left of the other mods you'll see numbers ... those are that mods index number, and is always shown in hexadecimal. So instead of numbers one to ten like decimal number systems, it goes from zero to fifteeen (so sixteen numbers instead of ten). That mod index number can come in handy when you are trying to figure out what mod something comes from, or when you want to add something a mod has put in the game using the console player.additem trick (those two digits will be the first two in the item's ID number). I also notice a bit of a problem we need to sort out. Remember we deactivated MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp back when we installed Roberts Male and Oblivion Character Overhaul? Well Wrye Bash spotted it still in your Data folder and it decided to merge it into the bashed patch, and it will cause some problems with male characters. To fix it I'll put together some more screenies and be back in a bit.
  25. OK ... open Wrye Bash and same as we did for the Lock Load Order step right click up by the word File at the top of the Mods tab. Look at this pic and you will see List Mods half way up from the Lock Load Order we used before. Click it and you will get a pop-up named Active Mod Files. Click in the top of the text at the start of the words Active Mod Files in the list and hold and drag to the very bottom, highlighting all of the text (as seen in this pic). Hit Ctrl + C to copy the highlighted text and then close the Active Mod Files pop-up and close Wrye Bash. In your post here hit Ctrl + V and paste the contents of the Active Mod Files into your post. It will look kind of long and messy until you hit Post, and then it will look like mine here ... but your's will be your's ... of course! :laugh: Active Mod Files:
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