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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Population ... the one thing nobody wants to talk about, and yet it is at the root of pretty well all of the world's problems. I'm not throwing the first stone though, I have three kids and seven grandkids, making me part of the problem. I remember my Toshiba laptop (replaced the Tandy 8088 laptop that was obsolete long before the saleman saw me coming). 386 SX-25 ... bleeding edge for about one week after I paid far too much for it, but it played Privateer just fine and got me hooked into this gaming gig.
  2. Something that I notice in the video is the relative postions of the dark spot (I'm assuming that is supposed to be the UFO) and the center pip of the HUD never varies one bit. The plane is in a turn to port the whole time, and yet stays perfectly on the same relative bearing to the target all the way through the turn? Doesn't seem very real to me ... has more of the appearance of an artifact on the HUD display. The other thing that strikes me as a bit off is the audio quality. When you listen to some other aircraft audio for comparison the audio in this clip has more of a "sound studio" quality than any aircraft audio I've listened to before.
  3. Would the focus then shift to the disaster or war, or are you speculating that those events would sharpen the focus on progress? Granted that there were great advances made in several areas during the two great world wars, and people were focused on whatever their part was in the war effort. Did they also spend energy on staying abreast of those emerging technologies though? I think that the general public has their focus mostly on what is good for them personally, and what is around the corner that may be bad for them personally. Even the greenest people I know do continue with some things that are not in the slightest bit green (even after acknowledging it isn't green) because it's what they are comfortable with or cheaper for them.
  4. Alternative Beginnings - you won't find any Emperor is still alve there though. Alternative Start Arrive by Ship - newer, and if you read the mod description you'll see it went through some teething problems ... still no Emperor alive. Modular Oblivion Enhanced PostFinal - I use a different version of MOE that is just the alt start without the other stuff included in this, but I won't link to the version I use as it requires a version of Kvatch Rebuilt that is no longer available. With this version I believe you can just use the Main Quest Delayer.esp but I see the file size for this version is larger than the one I use so there are some differences. The Emperor is still alive. According to the readme you still start the Main Quest the same way as the version I use ... commit a crime that incurs a small bounty (so the regular guards don't come) and then "turn yourself in" by talking to one of the Imperial City watch commanders (e.g. Itius Hayn, or Hieronymous Lex if he hasn't been sent to Leyawiin yet). You'll find yourself in the prison cell and will follow the Emperor and guards same as vanilla with some changes as you already have all your character stuff taken care of. Note that for me (and what I've seen in the mod comments for the version I use) there were some problems getting through the tutorial dungeon. I knew about the problems back when I was still deciding whether or not to use the MOE version I use, and had already determined the root cause of the problems and had tested the console command workaround during test runs (just setstage commands ... no rocket science). If you are already feeling your head spin a bit I would advise against using MOE and leave your role play playthrough for a later date once you have more experience with getting your hands into the game's innards.
  5. I think the size of the audience "that understands" the announcement has something to do with how long it remains in the current news cycle. For example, what portion of the world population do you think even understands what you are talking about when you mention genes (perhaps vs how many think you are talking about jeans and just don't know how to spell). That portion of the population wouldn't even read an article (if they actually read anything) past the point that CRISPR-Cas9 is first mentioned, and if it was a newscast that was their introduction to it they'd go grab another beer from the fridge at the first inclination that the story had something to do about science. This is that "lowest common denominator" world I see around me every day. Perhaps we are evolving into two species.
  6. Here's an example of a mod that was updated by the mod uploader so that it could be installed using Nexus Mod Manager back in 2014 ... CAUTION, this link is NSFW ... HG EyeCandy Body. This is an example of what I'm seeing proposed, with the exception that it won't necessarily be the original mod uploader doing the updating. I can attest that having a NMM install download reduced the "service calls" in the later part of 2014.
  7. I don't know of any valid tests series or something like that either. At least on an SSD, from my experience the difference is minimal. BTW; Fallout 4 is a different story - BSAs seem to definitely load faster in that game. In Skyrim SE, BSA vs. loose files doesn't seem to matter much. In some cases, BSAs may come in handy though. Large texture overhauls are an example. Most people take one of the larger and more comprehensive texture mods as their "base" and then change individual files if the don't like them or if there's a special "ultra-high quality" version for some objects available. In this case BSAs are useful: You can simply install the few textures you want to change as loose files. This way you don't have to deal with overwrite rules and conflicting loose files.... And when you change your mind and want to revert back it's a very simple delete and you're back to the original texture upgrade. Striker and the Vulcan will be spending plenty of time relocating the previously overwritten files so that we can restore them. There we are ... first "valid point". I don't have any "test results" to back up my assertion regarding CPU work load of BSA vs loose files. That all falls into the "Striker thought experiment" bracket, which can admittedly often lead to pathways into the wilderness (as opposed to roadways leading into the light).
  8. LOL ... Zaldiir are you channeling some sort of "inner Striker". Perhaps I'm not the master in my own domain afterall.
  9. At the top of any Forum page click on your user name (top left) and select My Profile. On the left panel below your profile pic click on Nexus Profile and then in the top right corner click on your avatar picture and select Site Preferences. The second tab from the left is Content Blocking and on that tab the top thing you can change is Adult Content.
  10. A good part of that first 4 or 5 years with this game was spent learning what not to do. I'm lucky in so far as I like to learn from other people's mistakes, but that doesn't exempt me from making my own from time to time. What doesn't kill you just makes you stronger. Enjoy whatever the next moment finds you doing ... each second is the only one we have, and it surely doesn't last long.
  11. My spin on the loose files vs BSAs debate is that if you are loading either off a SSD the thing I think could make a difference is that the CPU burns some cycles just decompressing files after it has found them in the BSA. For loose files it just reads the SSD after it has located the correct spot ... the decompressing step was taken care of long before you started playing the game.
  12. Well it's not as simple as that... most NPCs in my game are now stuck in idle animations that are no longer present from CURP, since, I deleted it. You may be at a point where the easiest way out of the spot you're in is to start over with a clean install of Oblivion. I've been at this a long time, and have learned an awful lot working other people's problems. I suppose it is also because of my nature, but I spend quite a bit of time understanding the mods I install, before I install them. Something as large as that CURP thing would likely take me years before I finally got around to installing it (and that's if I really wanted it). Take Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul for example. I've been following the developments on that overhaul for as long as it's been around. When I put my current character's load order together (granted this was in spring 2014 and MOO had only been out about a year and a half at that time) I thought about including MOO but decided against it at that time because I had some mods lined up that would substantially change how the game plays (BPN + BPA + RF were going to be the new additions). I wanted to understand how those three mods affected the game without any other major changes to previous load orders. Yes I'm quite a bit overdue for a new game start, but I'm still enjoying my current guy and this load order. I've been following a video playthrough that includes MOO without too much else as far as overhaul type mods and I'm confident enough I have a good bead on what MOO brings to the table gameplay wise that it will be in my next load order. Even if that happened tomorrow it would have only taken eight years.
  13. My Content just loaded for me in 17.375 seconds. My guess would be how hard it is for the server to assemble all your posts (though I'm nearly 2000 posts ahead of you, and I'm not very well know for one word answers to questions).
  14. So it's just the fishing one that is the problem? I have a mod that I downloaded years ago and never installed that has a fishing animation ... BBB rowing and fishing animations. In that mod the fishing animation is in Data\Meshes\Characters\_Male\IdleAnims\CSVFarms\Fishing.kf and is meant as a BBB replacer for Castle Sea View Farms. Not sure if that will help you locate it in Windows Explorer.
  15. Create a folder somewhere you can easily find again and the copy the file idle.kf to that folder. Once you have done the copy/paste of idle.kf then delete the one in the game's Data\Meshes\Characters\_male folder. Then go into the game and see whether or not you still have your annoying idle problem. If it's gone then lesson learned ... if it is still there then do the same with another of the many files that has idle in the file name (e.g. handtohandidle.kf or blockidle.kf). Eventually you will find the one (or more than one) that is causing the problem and then you can move all of the other idles back (or not ... the game will just use the vanilla idles). - Edit - What are the NPCs doing when they have the annoying idle ... just standing around, standing with a sword out, sneaking, etc?
  16. So should I take out all of the animations and then verify game files so that there are only vanilla files? If it's only idles that are the problem I wouldn't go so far as remove all animations, just idles (and I'd be more along the one at a time and test between ... but that is my nature). You shouldn't need to verify game files as the vanilla game does not come with a folder Data\Meshes\Characters\_male ... that folder is hidden inside Oblivion - Meshes.bsa and the CURP installation surely wouldn't have touched the vanilla game BSAs. Start with the file Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters\_male\idle.kf and then work through the other idles (like I outlined before).
  17. It could have been because WB already had done an auto-anneal (I should have asked if you have a tick mark beside that in the context menu). Idles have that in their file name (e.g. idle.kf, blockidle.kf, handtohandidle.kf etc). My game is extensively modded in that category (animation replacers) so I can't say for certain if the folder Data\Meshes\Characters\_male\Idleanims is a vanilla folder or a mod added folder (my guess would be the later) but those example KFs I gave you are all in the vanilla game Data\Meshes\Characters\_male folder so the original game versions of them are safely tucked away in Oblivion - Meshes.bsa so you can't "break" anything by temporarily moving the idle KFs to a backup folder and see which one (or ones) are the culprits. Look at the offending idle animations in game. That will give you a clue as to which ones to start with (an ordinary stand in one spot idle is way different in game that a handtohand or one handed sword idle).
  18. So do I reinstall the mod and then anneal all, or do I just anneal all right now? If I'm interpreting the order you have done things (installed the CURP using Wrye Bash and then uninstalled it using WB) all you will need to do is Anneal All.
  19. One of the advantages that Wrye Bash brings to installing and uninstalling mods is that it keeps track to which files get overwrtitten by which mods and then it can restore the overwritten files if you uninstall one of those mods. Anneal All is the way to do it manually ... you'll also see some automatic options shown on the right click context menu. Best source for information on WB is found in Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html, both found in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder. Pretty well everything I know about Wrye Bash I learned from those two readmes (and some experimentation).
  20. Not the type of thing I'd ever install, and judging by the file size of the first one it'd be a pretty big task to download, extract and then go through with a fine tooth comb looking for where all the animations may be hidden. The vanilla game animations are safely tucked away in Oblivion - Meshes.bsa so if you remove any mod added animations the game will just revert to the ones in the BSA. I seem to recall that you have Wrye Bash, did you use it to install and then uninstall this? If so did you Anneal All after you uninstalled?
  21. Woah, hey, long time no see. I downloaded Cyrodiil Upgrade Resource Pack (CURP) for CUO Bravil but it has idle animations. When I uninstalled it, the animations were still left on the NPCs. Whenever I try to save my game crashes. What should I do? I've never heard of it before, and it doesn't come up in a search of Oblivion Nexus. Where did you get it?
  22. I will gladly give you the recipe so long as I get to keep the one I made. That's a given. The fun isn't had playing with the toy, it's in making the toy to play with. Then we can get back to the mine is better etc (if stuff doesn't go in a circle what good is it??). - Edit - Now that we have accomplished the "well and fully hijacked" ... in Oblivion a lot of what NPCs have to say is selected from a vast pool of dialogue recorded by that one particular voice actor for that race(s) (e.g. Lynda Carter for Nord and Orc females). The games uses conditions to select certain dialogue for certain NPCs and to block it from others. That would make it a rather difficult task to determine all of the dialogue for a particular NPC out of the total dialogue done for a race. Is the system for Skyrim similar? Will the first big hurtle be figuring out what lines are going to be needed for each NPC?
  23. I am leagues better at deferring than you. I teach a course at CalTech and have a late-nite infomercial. Would you like to subscribe to my newsletter? LOL ... yes Obi Wan ... I'll be your padawan. Mine is bigger, or mine is better is never a game that holds my attention. Mine's different, yours is different. That's the way the world is supposed to be, so all is as it should be. That's not to say that if I notice something kinda' neat in your sandbox I'm not going to think about having one too!
  24. Actually that's the first I've heard of the unfortunate Mr Babbage (a distant relation perhaps??). As I said in the other thread, we are not all that much unlike one another. I tend to mix in an ample dose of procastinationism ... makes the stew nice and sticky.
  25. I think the conversation has swung both ways at various points. I wandered off for days (I get no notifications), so I probably did miss out. As far a how people react to hearing the word "should", it depends almost entirely on their personality and neuroses they've acquired. "Should" implies criticism, if nothing else, and not everyone is hostile to it. People with a healthy ego might welcome it. I value what people who don't like me have to say about me more than what friends have to say. The one group cares little if they insult, and so they are more likely to give out information that I find valuable. It's a bit like what I consider my most valuable resource of all ... my mistakes. Back on topic (and it is something that you said that started my thinking down this direction) ... is it better to have variety in voices for NPCs, even if that variety comes at the expense of quality? If people are contributing their best efforts, but the quality (either of recording or voice acting ability) doesn't meet whatever level of standards that get set you run the risk of word spreading to not waste your time recording and submitting because "they" will say it's not good enough (people do hate rejection). If there isn't a "standard" that needs to be met the mod comments section will "provide" them, and those same people will be on the receiving end, and once again get their rejection. I'm not suggeting this shouldn't be tried ... heck if you look at my posts on the subject of variety you'll see that I serve the Godz of Variety (nobody has more NPCs in Oblivion individually Blockheaded than I do). The places with thin ice should be avoided if at all possible is where I'm coming from.
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