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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Makes sense. So now, does the game decompress what files it needs to render on the fly? Sort of brings me back to my suspicion that loose files are a less intensive task overall, especially in this era of SSDs or faster. Or perhaps the uncompressed BSA theory is the go to solution ... game indexes the BSA contents for when it needs to retrieve them and no CPU cycles burned decompressing on the fly.
  2. Ya back in my bad old days we'd take a couple of those before going out for a night of bar hopping. I always refered to it as "the hair buzz" as it made me feel as though my hair was standing on end. Those were some weird hangovers I'll tell you. You aren't one of those guys who thought the caffeine pills were Methamphetamines; are you? Oh no ... I fully know the difference (by personal experience). If I take a look behind me I see some pretty hard miles. Fortunately at the time potholes was all I knew, so I didn't know what I didn't know (that I know now). - Edit - Well at least I've lead myself to believe I know ... answers are like truth, slippery bastards all.
  3. Ya back in my bad old days we'd take a couple of those before going out for a night of bar hopping. I always refered to it as "the hair buzz" as it made me feel as though my hair was standing on end. Those were some weird hangovers I'll tell you.
  4. I wonder about the difference between loading a BSA at game start (but does the game even load all the BSAs?) vs loading assets as they are called for to render on screen. So an example of what I'm getting at ... So Joes Cool Armor mod has unique meshes and unique textures for let's say two dozen different armors. If the textures (or maybe even meshes and textures) are packed into JoesCoolArmors.bsa does the game load all of that into memory when the game starts and JoesCoolArmors.esp is loaded? If instead the mod is distributed as loose files does the game load JoesCoolArmors.esp at game start and then only load the specific meshes and textures required to render the individual armor pieces as they are going to be rendered in game (so 23 armors not loaded but the one you took from the JoesCoolArmors chest and either put on or gave to a companion to wear gets loaded into memory and displayed on screen). Subtle difference, maybe not important to people with ultra rigs, but it could have a difference for those on marginal setups.
  5. Funny thing though Paga ... I've heard that the darker the roast the lower the caffine levels. I'm a medium roast kinda' guy myself (but then again the middle of the road is a spot I'm familiar with) and just use the amount of fine grind per cup to up or lower the octane. Yes our pennies are no more, however there are times when we need closer to a nickle to buy one American penny anyway (the good old exchange rate blues). That's another tidbit I don't see much reporting on any more ... probably due to the lack of cross border shopping.
  6. I don't have any other than conjecture to offer either, but something Moto has said does raise a question for me ... If it is true that the game loads BSAs before loose files, then in the case of replacer mods (body replacers, armor retextures etc) that would mean the game would load the vanilla asset from the BSA and then need to reload the loose file replacer asset. Could a test of loading only vanilla assets and then one loading replacer assets show a measurable difference? What sort of tool would be needed for the job?
  7. The Striker life story, in four panels ... https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2020/09/14 ... which is perhaps true, but it is my lifestyle.
  8. The Striker life story, in four panels ... https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2020/09/14 ... which is true, but it is my lifestyle.
  9. Vanilla game leveling system or modded (e.g. Oblivion XP)?
  10. Which brings this question to my mind (OK ... not for the first time) ... The laws of physics tell us the energy cannot be either created or destroyed, it simply changes form. The question is ... what happens to that energy in our brains when the heart does stop? Does it merely dissipate into the cosmos, losing it's coherence of thought and memory?
  11. Niph had a quick peek last night, but I think he may prefer non-snakey environments. Yes the play must go on, whether with wife, without wife or without ex-wife (did I mention that I gave all the staff the rest of their lives off ... oh yes, I believe I did). In the heat of the summer, when finally ready for bed I often note that I'm wearing that same outfit I arrived in. Good thing it grows on you ... eh?
  12. Ah Paga ... always with the interesting questions. You do know I'm all about questions, don't you? Arthur C postulated in the year I appeared what would happen when The Nine Billion Names of God were known. I wonder what comes next, after I know the final question I'm expected to know. To know the unknowable, or question the unquestionable ... always choices, with no obvious answers in sight. - Edit - I appreciate the nod to my Mom's favourites. We are all but players without a script, looking for the correct stage door. Could be any door is as good as another, for all plays have the same ending. The applause may differ from one to the other but the curtain falls in any case. Nothing wrong with that.
  13. So I was pondering Paga, while messing about in the Striker Manor kitchen (the staff have the rest of their lives off, so I do what I do best ... make messes). The PB&J are now eaten (one with strawberry, and the halfer with a medley known as orchard berry ... as stand in for the much more coveted blueberry, at a fraction of the price ... such are the compromises of retirement). Your notation of the first sips of the dark black elixir that revs up one's day is what prompted the ponder. What I wondered is this ... how goes things in the past? I can assure you that here in the future all is well until lunch time, and that second cup is always as delicious as the first.
  14. I would never presume to lecture, nor have I any convetous eyes towards a win ... As is often the case, all I have to offer is another pair of eyes, viewing from a differing angle, or in this case an additional angle to the Triangle of the Doves (which of course then transforms it into a new shape). So we now find ourselves at the Striker Quadangulation of the Doves. Momma dove to fledglings ... "Now don't forget to look for hawks before you take off!!" Fledgling doves ... " ~sigh~ Yes Mom!!". Would seem in sync with the message from the geese, 'tis that time of year ... chickadees never know what they are saying (they're bird brains). In respect to the voice of the Mourning Dove's reasoning I do agree. I came up with the 3 combos of words from only one course of notes the Mourning Dove repeats most often. While I did there was a change in the notes of the Mourning Dove up on the poles top, and arrangements. There is also the chance I have missed what really is going on altogether; until now. The Parent Mourning Dove in charge today may be eyeing their two fledglings on the ground. The two young birds point to something with their beaks and wait for the parent to eye their choices to see if the items are good to eat. While they pause the parent Mourning Dove says, "It's all S h ! t !" With their beaks they then point to something else, watch with one eye turned to their parent waiting for the words. If no sound it heard they grab the item and many more like it to fill their bird tummies. In due course of time then, they would learn what is good to eat, and not become prey to a suitor nearby while they paused. Then they can make haste while they feast to make a quick get away if the parent changes their musical notes to "Get away Quick!" And that the bird up top did. Such a violent rasping call, I could only think it was the Alarm that cats were closing in. Ah ... the ubiquituos threat. The four legged slinkers always seem to be close to the two legged watchers. Perhaps they work as a team, the watchers encouraging music for their ears while all along the tailed ones twitch their tails, and prepare the pounce.
  15. I would never presume to lecture, nor have I any convetous eyes towards a win ... As is often the case, all I have to offer is another pair of eyes, viewing from a differing angle, or in this case an additional angle to the Triangle of the Doves (which of course then transforms it into a new shape). So we now find ourselves at the Striker Quadangulation of the Doves. Momma dove to fledglings ... "Now don't forget to look for hawks before you take off!!" Fledgling doves ... " ~sigh~ Yes Mom!!". Would seem in sync with the message from the geese, 'tis that time of year ... chickadees never know what they are saying (they're bird brains).
  16. Striker the Often-Overestimated steps through the door and enters the Inn. Twigs stick from his disheveled grey hair, courtesy of the dense forest that barred his way, and his rough leather boots are rougher for the wear they received surmounting the mountain's crags. At least he no longer carried the stink of the journey here ... the frigid waters of the lake took care of that as attested by the drops still dripping from his cloak. He glances around the dim interior, but only a surly figure behind the bar catches his eye. As Striker cautiously approaches he adjusts the hilt of his dagger hidden under the folds of his cloak, and casts his mind onto a paralyzing spell so that it is at the ready for the chance a hasty retreat is in order. The Inn is unfamiliar, and unfamiliar can lead in different directions in Striker's experience. Utilizing his most disarming smile and gesturing around the room Striker asks ... "Would you by any chance know of the whereabouts of a certain Dungeon Master my good man ... I believe he goes by the handle Mk? He's the one with the dice."
  17. What ... guess when you have no dice you don't get to see whether your attempt at lasering the last snake worked!! Don't lose sight of the fact that "smarties" only count if you eat the red ones last Mk ... and this is a post count free zone, so level playing field. It's sort of like when you were standing in front of the class and after you got to ten the brain cramp set in (and you started with "and another one, and another one"). I have my second date with a chunk of fiberglass mat and some resin in the AM ... I suggest the Forum Games section for a new thread, it'll keep us with the rest of the pack for post count. No ... the fact they don't count posts here is a testament to your wisdom ... considering you have more than 10K posts. I think you are right that Paga would be good with text dnd. He is umpteen bad ass with writing story. Which it takes to do. But then you still need to be good at dial in on the moment to moment of the action. I'd wager he knows sumthin about dice rollin already. Err if it wasn't clear ... I think Paga would be an excellent DM. If he knows the minutia of it. He certainly has the creative story end of it. You need some perspective on the 10k posts Mk. The vast majority of them (I'd estimate well over 70%) are mod troubleshooting posts. Yes they could be considered the "bread and butter" of my trade but realize that the majority of them are the same advice ... over and over. I wonder whether or not any gray matter is involved in the countless "Are you getting two saves ..." or "Are you using Roberts Male ..." and "Where is OCO v2 in your load order ..." posts, or if it is all just via mucle memory at this point. Everybody shows up thinking they are the first I guess. Is there a way for a three way DnD? Sometimes I think Paga may feel like sticking me with a sharp stick ... I fear I could find myself in the situation of three snakes and one Paga stalking me.
  18. What ... guess when you have no dice you don't get to see whether your attempt at lasering the last snake worked!! Don't lose sight of the fact that "smarties" only count if you eat the red ones last Mk ... and this is a post count free zone, so level playing field. It's sort of like when you were standing in front of the class and after you got to ten the brain cramp set in (and you started with "and another one, and another one"). I have my second date with a chunk of fiberglass mat and some resin in the AM ... I suggest the Forum Games section for a new thread, it'll keep us with the rest of the pack for post count.
  19. Niph saw what was happening and skedaddled. Hmm ... just how smart is Striker?? On a serious note ... you are pretty damn smart , but I think you know that . Using this thread to play text dnd .... ya I can see how some people would not like that. I guess I should start a thread ? Ya, probably a good idea. Perhaps this might pique Paga's interest though. It's been fun but I'm afraid the teeth are brushed and flossed (you can probably guess what comes next). I had another "interesting" learning experience with the dingy repair today (the start of round two of the great fiberglassing adventure). I can tell you one thing I know for certain ... all of the fiberglass workers of the world have absolutely nothing to fear with Striker entering that game. Let's say I'm just itching to be finished. I'll keep an eye open for the new thread (after a good night's sleep ... hopefully without any slithery stuff keeping me awake and peering under the bed).
  20. Hmm ... Striker has time enough to ponder. A wild swing and a sputtering pulse of light. A more measured swing and a perhaps less sputtery pulse of light. Striker confidently strides towards the remaining snake, and snaps his arm out aiming directly at the snake. Being of the no-dice type, Striker wonders what may become of him ... snake poop or not?
  21. Niph saw what was happening and skedaddled. Hmm ... just how smart is Striker??
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