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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. I wasn't very clear ... what I was getting at is Growlf introduced something to Universal Skeleton Nif in later versions that caused the same effect you are seeing. I'm wondering/hoping that the solution you discover will have some relevance to the Growlf situation (i.e. perhaps the same root cause).
  2. LOL ... miss. Not fried but toasted in an actual toaster, but one of those old fashioned ones with the sides that flipped down so you could turn the bread and toast both sides. Was a Striker specialty way back in his youth reserved for those mornings that he was up before Mom (it can get rather exciting toasting buttered bread ... fortunately that was before smoke alarms). The next poster has not looked at APOD until now. - Edit - +1 :ninja: for OblivionAddicted Miss ... magic for me thank you.
  3. Striker879


    Fallout 4 Forums should get you started in the right direction.
  4. The later versions of Growlf's Universal Skeleton Nif (and derivatives) suffered a problem like what you describe (I don't have an earlier version so I can only go by what I've seen reported and observed myself with the latest version). As far as I know it's never been a problem with Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons. If it's not an import/export issue as M48 has mentioned I wonder whether it could be the skeleton.nif you are basing your changes from.
  5. Miss ... one of two things happens, either they die instantly from a very powerful spell combo or they find themselves naked but befriended by this Dunmer who gives them a new life in some nice home. The next poster can't make heads or tails of what Striker is talking about.
  6. That's for a jury to decide. Due process is a thing, and capital punishment - if at all defensible - is meant for the most heinous crimes. Trouble is, The Press. They jump on the stories were cops shoot black folks, because it is controversial, and it brings page views/ratings/whathaveyou. You'll notice that very rarely do you see the news covering a white person that was shot by a cop. Is it because the white folks aren't innocent? Or is it because it isn't as 'news-worthy' for them to cover it? Also, the press has their own motivations for HOW they cover the story. Michael Brown for instance. Sure, he was 'unarmed', however, he was also twice the size of the cop he threatened. Trayvon Martin? (shot, but, not by a cop.) The shooter was found not guilty because of self-defense. And the list goes on. And of course, they always show the dead guys high school year book picture...... which is generally NOT an honest representation of the 'victim'. Now, George, on the other hand, REALLY did NOT deserve to die that day. And the cop is going to go to prison for it, and the others that were there will likely never work in law enforcement again, and may even get to serve some time as well. Now, I don't know about you, but, if I see someone as a threat, I am going to deal with that threat as I deem necessary. If that means putting a couple slugs center mass, so be it. That's what you get for attempting to do bodily harm to a man with a gun. I worked law enforcement in the military, until my security clearance came thru, then I worked "Security of Priority Resources". Basically, bombers loaded with nuclear weapons. Law enforcement was no fun. Domestic violence calls were never good, and even stopping some guy walking somewhere he shouldn't be could get WAY to exciting. Working security, it was easy by comparison. If you saw someone that was somewhere they shouldn't be, shoot them. End of story. (the military takes security of nuclear weapons VERY seriously.) Pretty much what is happening now, with the protests, riots, looting, etc, has the politicians all up in arms, looking for some action to take, to make it appear that they care, and that they are "doing something about it." Unfortunately, what they are doing is making the situation WORSE. Our police are already overworked, and underfunded. So now we are going to cut their budgets even more? So we can send unarmed "de-escalation specialists", or counselors into harms way?? Unarmed?????? That's downright laughable. Those folks are going to have an EXTREMELY high attrition rate. Be it through them getting killed, or the snot knocked out of them one to many times...... For 90% of what cops do, these folks are going to be woefully unprepared. Look at what is happening in Baltimore..... The cops got a thorough drubbing about the fellow that died in their custody. Within the week, the cops STOPPED doing those things the public was complaining about. Crime pretty much tripled. Arrests were down, traffic citations were down, assaults and violent crime went up. And why did that happen? Because the bad guys knew the cops had their hands tied. They could do pretty much anything they wanted, and if the cops DID get involved, it was a lot like the Ghetto Lottery. They could scream and cry "police brutality", and here would come the NAACP, BLM, and a few other acronyms, saying what great people they were, and how they would never do anything wrong...... And I STILL want to know why BLM seems to think it is perfectly acceptable for blacks to kill blacks, but, should a white guy, or a cop shoot a black, it's time to burn the city to the ground. Blacks are overwhelmingly the victims of other blacks... But that seems to be just fine..... I don't get it. No one seems to think that particular little tidbit is worth even a mention on the news. Pretty straightforward in my eyes Hey. Nobody promotes (or even mentions) stuff that doesn't advance their own agenda Many will actively look to hide or discredit things that harm the narrative they are trying to push. Spin doctoring has been around for centuries, perhaps even longer than that.
  7. Yes sometimes mods are taken down, either by the mod author or by the site staff. I have plenty of Oblivion mods that fall into one of those categories, downloaded and saved in my OblivionFiles folder on my 1TB Data drive (each with a text file with the mod description and Files tab details). My big Data drive was certainly a good investment.
  8. If you can just describe the problem then you won't need the pic, but I know how many words pictures are worth. I'd suggest posting in one of the Fallout 4 forums, maybe Fallout 4 Mod Troubleshooting. You'll get eyes on the problem by people familiar with troubleshooting Fallout 4 whereas here is primarily new people introducing themselves and such, and so there are many who don't even venture onto this forum.
  9. Before anybody can help we'd need to know what game you are having the body problem with (about the only one eliminated at this point is Fallout 5). As far as posting NSFW or general consumption pics to illustrate your issue I'd advise doing a little editing in something like PaintDotNET before posting ... either cropping out the nasty bits or covering them up (I've seen everything from smiley faces to black rectangles to what appeared to be spray paint ... pick your poison).
  10. Well if you pick the right one they will have a proven track record for one thing ... mining the internet for dollars. Isn't that the root of things, transfering money from those who are lazy/don't have a clue to those who want more money. The lucky ones in the first group may get something in return for their money ... I don't see any downside for anyone in the second group. They'll get money for nothing, chicks for free because they are some internet rock star. [/rant]
  11. Have a look at what MOE Main Quest Delayer with Alive Kvatch does as that is how it initiates the Main Quest once you're ready to start it.
  12. One of my favorite lines from Spaceman Spiff: " ... Doomed! We are all doomed!!! " :wink: And let's face it: Dilbert ROCKS!!! But hey - get APOD back on your list!! :D Had a peek for the first time in a long time today after you gave me that first nudge. Glad to say I recognised Thor's Helmet immediately before I even glanced at the description.
  13. Ha ha ... great remember when for me JJ. APOD was my first stop for years (more like decades). Now for some reason it's the GMAD forum (sort of a catching up on my favourite soaps type thing I suspect), though of late I have taken more time looking through the headlines on my Canadian version MSN.com homepage (COVID crap and the like are the most likely to get a click) before hitting the BookMarks bar icon for the Nexus Forums page. Not sure how APOD got bumped from the lead spot. I normally get to what I call the "world news" right about now (lunchtime coffee) ... Dilbert followed by my favourites on GoComics (hmm .. what did Calvin get himself into today, Spaceman Spiff if I'm lucky). I try my best to keep reality at bay ... has a huge impact on improved outlook.
  14. Look at the "Use Info" (right click menu) for the leveled list that you used and you'll see what containers and NPC leveled lists use that leveled list. Now pick some merchants (probably better to check their merchant container) and see what leveled lists those use. You want your item to be added to a leveled list that isn't used by anything except the merchants you want to use them. An alternative is just add your leveled list/leveled items to the merchant container itself. The difference will depend on whether you want your items to always be in the merchant's sell list or you want it to be a random event. If you add your list to another leveled list that has a say 25% chance of spawning and then that leveled list is added to the merchant container you would have a 25% chance of your item spawning if your list has 100% chance. If instead your list has 50% chance of spawning and was added to that same 25% chance list then your items would have a 12.5% chance of spawning. Adding directly to the merchant container you can still use percent spawn chance to control how likely your items appear if you create your own leveled list for the items.
  15. Do a test ... with the mod installed on your current game use the console "coc and wait" trick to see if new spawns will be affected by the mod (so far you've been testing on previously spawned NPCs). Open the console using the tilde (~) key found just below the Esc key on standard keyboards. At the console prompt type "coc center" (without the quote marks) and hit Enter. You will be transported to an open plain with some trees in the distance. Using the in-game Wait menu wait 72 hours plus a bit for good measure (so three full days and then a bit more). Open the console and "coc weye" (again no quotes) and you will be transported to the fisherman's shack at Weye outside the Imperial City. If you know the correct location code for somewhere else you could use that spot as your return to Tamriel spot (e.g. coc VilverinExterior would bring you back to just outside Viverin across from the tutorial sewer exit).
  16. Nexus site forums ... pick a game you are familiar with and enjoy would be my suggestion.
  17. Fortunately this is a "post count free zone" so I can maintain my semi-virginity. Thanks for pointing that out Mk ... I would have whizzed past it like a birthday with nary a notice. Now I'm going to need to really pick and chose where my next post in "the real world" happens ... should I go for frivolous or some serious, wrenches out troubleshoot/problem solve/killer type comment? Your call seen as how I would have missed it and just blasted the load willy nilly ... so should it be a GMAD typical Striker "poking fun" or an Oblivion sleeve roller upper? - Edit - Sorry to get you all excited and then let you down Mk but I got a "service ticket" on the OBSE page and had to sacrifice the semi-virgin to the Godz of YAPDKHTIO (yet another person doesn't know how to install OBSE). In a way a rather ignoble end as that is probably 90% of my "trade" these days, so it was sacrificed to the same old same old. Such is life. - Edit 2 - New goal ... how long can I remain "the Master of Zeros"??
  18. ... and another one is taken in by the shimmering smoke. LOL - Edit - I do know some really bad words though ... and sometimes even use them (when nobody's around to hear).
  19. Or expose yourself as not knowing me very well. I am a master at smoke and mirrors.
  20. Hard to ignore that three score and ten peeking around the corner, eh?
  21. ... liberating?? Good to "see" you Mk. I can tell the search parties to RTB.
  22. I saw that in the repost by Fire. What has me scratching my head is that OBSE is working (normally the root cause of problems with OBSE plugins not working is that OBSE itself is not working). The version of MenuQue is exactly the same as I'm using (which is the latest that I'm aware of going by upload dates on the MenuQue mod page Files tab). Are there other OBSE plugins that are reporting as loading correctly? Now for some shot in the dark stuff ... Have a look at the 3:49 mark of and then again at the 5:47 mark and finally at the 7:07 mark (which is the part I was wanting to bring up ... the others are just dot the i and cross the t type stuff). When I made the switch from WinXP to Win7 I too went through problems getting OBSE to work (and as you can see my game is not installed in a UAC protected folder). At the time I just installed the game using the true (hidden) administrator account (the other "administrator" accounts are actually just the old WinXP Power User account with slightly elevated privledges). It wasn't until years later that I ran across the Full Control info. When I made that change in my regular everyday administrator account I had no issues running OBSE. My thinking here is that even though OBSE is loading and appears to be running correctly MenuQue isn't getting the permission (via OBSE) that it needs, but this is again one of my shot in the dark troubleshooting things.
  23. Can you post the part of OBSE.log that pertains to MenuQue inside spoiler tags ... example of how to use spolier tags: [spoiler*]All of what you want in the spoiler tag goes here[/spoiler*] -except you use the word spoiler and not spoiler* (had to use the * so that they would display and not work as spoiler tags for the example). - Edit - Could be a problem with the site right now using spoiler tags ... couldn't get the example of my own OBSE.log to work inside spoiler tags just now. If you also have trouble just post the header part of OBSE.log and then the MenuQue part. Here's my example snipped to cut down the size (don't you worry about size): OBSE: initialize (version = 21.4 010201A0)oblivion root = G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\config path = G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\obse.iniplugin directory = G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\ ... bunch of other plugins loading checking plugin G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\MenuQue.dllSetOpcodeBase 000025D0RegisterCommand mqSetMessageBoxSource (25D0)RegisterCommand mqGetSelectedClass (25D1)RegisterCommand mqGetHighlightedClass (25D2)RegisterCommand Kyoma_Test (25D3)RegisterCommand mqGetEnchMenuBaseItem (25D4)RegisterCommand mqGetMapMarkers (25D5)RegisterCommand mqGetMenuChildFloatValue (25D6)RegisterCommand mqGetMenuChildStringValue (25D7) ~snip~ RegisterCommand GetTrainingMenuCost (27C6)RegisterCommand GetSkillForm (27C7)RegisterCommand GetAVSkillMasteryLevelC (27C8)RegisterCommand GetAVSkillMasteryLevelF (27C9)RegisterCommand tile_GetVar (27CA)plugin G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\MenuQue.dll (00000002 OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue 00000010) loaded correctly And if you have OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dll loading you'll have: checking plugin G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dllplugin G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dll (00000002 OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue_OLD 00000000) reported as incompatible during query
  24. First step is to confirm that OBSE is working. Make a save and then exit. Look in the Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves and see if you now see two saves with the same base name but different file extensions (e.g. MySave09.ess and MySave09.obse). If you only see a single save each time you save then OBSE is not working (and thus there is absolutely no way for MenuQue to work). If you are seeing two saves then next make certain that you have the following: Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\MenuQue.dll and Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\MenuQue\Settings.ini Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\MenuQue\Submodule.CS.dll Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\MenuQue\Submodule.Game.dll The file Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dll is not required (as far as I know) ... it is included so that if for some reason you had the old obsolete version of MenuQue installed and then installed the latest version without removing the old obsolete version's OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dll it will be overwritten by the current OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dll, which is just a dummy whose only function is to overwrite that old version file. You can install the OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dll if you want, it doesn't do any harm besides a warning in OBSE.log that doesn't affect anything.
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