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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. No promises (I'm not really a load order expert) but perhaps if you post your load order something will jump out as the culprit. - Edit - Also are you using exactly the same load order between the two machines?
  2. Keep in mind this is just an opinion, and same as that other thing that is part of a part of you that you sit on, everybody has one. I'm a manual installer, and will forever be a manual installer. Yes I use Wrye Bash (only way to get a bashed patch) and I have used WB to install some mods. My reasoning is that to properly install mods you need to know something about those mods. Yes mod descriptions, readmes and mod comments are all valid sources for information, but I also came equipped from the factory with two serviceable Mark I eyeballs connected to an equally serviceable brain (which could also serve perfectly well as a big grey lump that is only used to hold my shoulders down ... but then again I'm not widely known for wanting to be like "most poeople"). To effectively use any mod manager you need to know what you are doing. Proof of that is easily found in any forum here. Mod managers are not an effective replacement for a serviceable brain. So how does one acquire a serviceable brain (at least serviceable from a mod installing perspective)? My own method is reading mod descriptions, readmes and mod comments of course , but there is one other very important component ... learning from mistakes. Now I'm no different that the next guy and I really don't go out of my way to make mistakes. Fortunately I don't need to as there are legions of people more than willing to do the dirty work for me. All I'm required to do is spend some time looking into their foibles and try to help sort out their messes. I had to use OBMM to get my first mod installed. Once I saw how OBMM accomplished what I had failed to do on numerous attempts vs what passed as install instructions for that class of mod, I was able to see a little of how the mod worked (yup, body replacers ... keep in mind that had I blindly followed those instructions I would have succeeded but you will still have no luck getting me to extract an archive directly into my game folders). That started me on a path of learning how to install mods. Had I continued only using mod managers it would have started me on a path of learning how to use mod managers. You could argue that the end result is the same (a modded game) but I counter with the argument that they aren't the same. The mod manager path leaves me with absolutely no knowledge of how mods work and interact with one another, or what to do when things don't go as planned. The manual install path does, because of what it requires of me before I install a mod ... understanding. This whole "clean Data folder" syndrome that seems to sweeping the modding world has no brook in my book. The "benefits" it brings to the table are outweighed by the price it demands. To me installing with a mod manager equals choosing the path of not understanding. If I want a clean Data folder to start a new character I can just move the appropriate files and folders to a backup drive, but then again I guess to know what you're doing there would require understanding, and that does not fall from heaven like mana. /rant
  3. Or how 'bout a soap opera?? As the Nexus Turns, or maybe The Young and the Nexus or General Nexus. Oh wait ... it already is kinda' like a soap opera, just look in GMAD. We should see how big the cast may be before deciding on a script (or maybe it won't matter because we'll all be just winging it anyway).
  4. And the best part of that outsourcing is how we didn't need to pay a penny less to buy those things that used to be made in North America but are now made in one of those third world places where wages are fractions of a penny on the dollar. Nope if anything we can pay more for something that cost far less to produce. Hmm ... wonder where all that "extra" loot goes ... What is good for the guy who was already filthy rich is good for the world. It's always been thus and will never change.
  5. I'll admit you do have me dead to rights in one aspect ... it was little ginger candies that I was given to try. I've seen the gnarly old roots in the store, even bought one once for a pear jam recipe (finely grated and it didn't take much). You make gnawing on one sound like such an adventure Paga, not sure if I'm attracted to the idea or repulsed. Chances are I'll stick with what works for me ... breeze in the face and a clear horizon.
  6. Paga was a poet and didn't know it, He jumped in a boat but couldn't row it, The boat upset and he got wet, And there you'll find his shirt tail yet. Some come here to win a prize, Others come to stir the pot, Many make the error and surmise, That I'm here for either lot. No more fitting result could arise, Than if a chuckle I have got.
  7. I would call you a name that refers to a bred of horse's that was made from mixing DNA in a laboratory by a person called a wizard in their day. But I won't because it would make me feel like I slandered the name of a great author, who was a General in the French Army, a Surgeon, and wise man whose first name was Alexandre. Just for this part of your trying a Trick. Ooo! Such a cook you must be?! You may have been a fan of his book made into Movies. The Three Musketeers. Cook is one that I've never claimed fame for ... though I do make a mean pot of KD. Hey ... I resemble that remark mister ...
  8. Yes I have tried the ginger trick Paga. Can't say for certain if it had any affect on the stomach part of the whole seasickness experience as I still get the vertigo part while under the influence of ginger, thus I have never dilly dallied down below long enough to test it's efficacy while under it's sway. If I'm on deck I'm good, and while singlehanding that is the best place for me in any case.
  9. Ah ... but there you are wrong Paga. I know the cause of my seasickness. My inner ears and eyes operate in two different parallel universes and the slight timing differences between the two result in my stomache being unsure if it's breakfast time, or supper (so then it wants me to lose my lunch). Quite simple really. :laugh:
  10. If you can wait just one more year you'll be a full decade after the project was abandoned (see the Jan 13 2011 post by Pronam ... it's the second latest post above yours ... the one with all the red text).
  11. Believe it or not I get seasick in rough weather, but only when I need to go down below. When underway in the rough stuff it will sometimes take me five or more trips into the cabin to make a couple of sandwiches for lunch or plot my position on the chart. As long as I'm on deck and can see the horizon I'm fine, providing I haven't overstayed my limit down below and crossed over the invisible line between vertigo and seasick. The worst was when I was moving my boat to Gore Bay from Kettle Point near the south end of Lake Huron, an overnight trip and then some. As usual back then I was alone and in the afternoon the wind faded and motoring was the order of the day to make any speed. By nightfall the wind picked up out of the north, right on the nose. It was rain on and off and dark clouds with no moon, just utter darkness all around. To say I was glad to see the morning is an understatement. Once I was sailing again all was well, and by afternoon the wind had backed far enough to lift me to my intended course for Mississaugi Strait at the west end of Manitoulin Island. By 4am I was laying 10 miles south of the strait and the wind was next to nothing. I laid ahull until daylight and motored through the strait and into the North Channel. Fifty-three hours after leaving Kettle Point I was secured to the dock in Gore Bay. Yes I was one tired sailor at that point.
  12. Same in Canada ... I dare say not any different in any "democracy" you care to name. In any election you can only choose from the selection offered. If all that is offered is a box of rocks you can maybe choose which colour or size of rock you want to vote for, but in the end it'll be a rock that gets elected. It's been like that since the beginning, the privileged deciding what's best for the unwashed masses ... and it always seems the answer is what's best for the privileged is what will be best for the masses.
  13. The conglomerates are free to print whatever they care to. The government does not dictate what stories they can, or cannot run. Therefore, technically, it is a free press....... When the content of the articles is dictated by a conglomerate instead of the state which improvement does it bring to the freedom of the press? I have to side with Oblivionaddicted on this Hey ... the name of the game has always been information is power. At one time if you ran into a guy from the next valley over and asked about the hunting over there the answer would always be "Not very good, how is it here". That didn't mean there weren't any deer in the next valley over ... it meant he didn't want you hunting in his valley. We have always been at the mercy of those dispensing information. We learn from them what they want us to learn and are forever blind to what they choose to keep hidden. Personally I even consider what I see with my own eyes somewhat suspect as I perceive the world and it's events filtered through the lens of my own prior experience ... it is far too easy to see what you want to see than it is to see from anothers point of view. Strange thing is I need those other's point of view to see any other way. The crux is to find those who don't play the game.
  14. I am the only chrissianed beta blocker in my own universe. I find the nerve that streams out of the Satellite in the Sky and it sends me. Siriously - SiriousXM I don't listen to music, I decipher the words because they all tend to lean back to the class I took during a Summer Course. Philosophy 101. After the professor picked me to see if I could answer his first question for the class he dropped the Summer course left a note on his room door. Class Cancelled, Gone Fishing. He asked what us students opinions of the work he made 30 copies on 3000 sheets of expensive campus college paper from the book he REALLY ACTUALLY chose for us to begin our studies. He chose a book that was ACTUALLY REALLY the only one available on Earth at the time in the colleges campus library. So he had no choice but to make thousands of paper pages copies of each page he wanted all of us to read. I ACTUALLY REALLY said, "The discussions between the two philosophers in the campus arena where they held live debates for the students. Aristotle and his favorite student at the time. The words the now, dead, the two FAMOUS PHILOSOPHERS shared in front of all the neophytes they had at the time in Rome, reminded me of all words spoken by the actors and actresses, ( at a time long before Oprah had the person playing the bartender Guinan from Star Trek, (Whoopie Goldberg) in the Bar) made it so everyone is called an Actor,) "the television soap operas I was forced to watch while I was in hospital bed in a room for two, hospital room next to a patient who watched all of them soap operas religiously forcing me to think outside the fence, from Bubba's 12 gauge corral fence, fenced school course on cow tipping". I have never been the same since and can only try, that is "TRY", to imagine what cords your mind can be tuned to. Although, I'm almost definitely sure I was thinking about my last Groupie Girlfriend who wouldn't leave me alone, until I found out she was married to a student in the Psychology 101 class I took to find out if I wanted to study that stuffed shirt and long tie lifestyle, after I completed Anthropology 101 for the same reason. And found out she was using me to help her hubby write a paper for his Psychology final paper. She was disappointed when she found out I knew she wasn't a groupie like the 22 other girls lined up outside my dorm room from each of the 101 classes I studied to find out which of the smart girls in those classes would be the girl for me. When Half Brain Bombshell Blond walked in and asked me, Is this what you want? I knew. I was always going to be a PROFESSIONAL STUDENT. Just send the check for Two thousand mackerels to the Jar Head they called Dave, who was on fire watch while Doctor Hook and the Medicine Show were on stage in the oldest building on campus that would have burned flat to the ground, in ACTUALLY REALLY WOULD if it caught on fire 15 minutes or less and would have incinerated everyone inside if we didn't stop them from lighting up, (just a minute please. I didn't have to take a hit off anything because the basketball room they used for the concert was full of smoke. I was trying to keep the last gasp of fresh air I got in. I could hold my breath for 5 minutes. Wait while I hold my hit of Fresh air in for a minute) so the place did not burn down. Your friend and probably soaked it up through my pores, High Up in the Sky HOPE, pal, Pagan Fire Paga Fyre Pagafyr Professional student ... kinda' brings things back full circle to Money For Nothin' and Your Chicks For Free doesn't it. In hindsight (20/20) it would have been my dream job too, but alas my myopia wouldn't allow me to see that far down the road. No sour grapes though as I truly am a Life's Been Good to Me So Far kinda' guy. Through the magic of YouTube I was able to listen to some songs by Nucleus and I learned something. Eyewear is not required to fully achieve the fabled Rose Coloured Glasses effect ... apparently there is a virtual version available. It's either that or the "flashbacks" effect isn't nearly strong enough to overcome the ravages of time. Considering that I'd be lucky to hold my breath for much more than a minute I'll keep my extinguisher handy Paga ... thanks for the heads up.
  15. The Civil Defense added (with their scare tactics lessons to shock us children to help us mem ber good safety practices. Member when we just said mem ber for remember?) a good lesson to remember, EVEN TODAY IS, about the water coming out of the faucet's. Let the water run for a whole 60 seconds (or one whole minute whichever comes first) to clear out the chlorine smell, OR ANYTHING ELSE. FOR THAT to MATTER, and then the water from the sink or hose could be clean enough to drink. After which I spent hours boiling water, then refrigerating it. So it was cool to drink out of the frig and it is always better drink too! No, but I do memember when I used to say memember ... it wasn't even seconds ago so it was real easy to memember that one. Come on Paga ... give me a tough one!! I agree on letting 'er run for a bit. I'm so old school that I use the same drinking implement that my ancestor used 50,000 years ago. I only have two of them (baring some sort of dismemberment type accident I'll have those same two the day I die). Best part is I can use the same drinking implements to do lots of stuff (though I guess I do favour the right one over the left for most tasks). I'm facing west and waving one at you now ... can you see?? I'll go check the street view and see if the view of you appearing to be about to fall forward, overboard, and straightening up each time you wave implements in your hands, and the waves rock the boat at the same time. I think it might get some attention on YouTube :laugh: if you show off your skill at appearing to fall, lean way over, while actually standing upright all the time while the boat tips and leans under you. :happy: Landlubbers wouldn't understand. They might get a :laugh: out of it. Sailboats are strange things, and difficult for the uninitiated to understand. When you see one almost laying on her side she's at her best ... "rail down and a bone at her teeth" in sailorspeak. The sailors themselves are another matter, some less enamoured with the "rail down" part than others, though it is pretty universal about the "bone at her teeth" part being the best. In any case all need to adhere to the golden rule ... one hand for you and one hand for the boat. The old girl shook me loose once. I was lucky that time (rare occasion of sailing with crew). She didn't do it with malice ... the captain tried to get away with two hands for the boat.
  16. Ah ... ZZ ... right up there near the top for me too. It's not unusual for the chorus to go through my head when getting ready to head out for something that calls for more than the usual jeans and a Tshirt. I don't how you do it Paga, but you have this ability to strum chords in my head that resonate in the most delicious ways. Perhaps it was the harmonic set up by the references to your EWU days that got me onto ... Last year of high school I was a rather trippy kinda' guy. Nucleus (which later became Foot in Coldwater) played at the last high school dance I attended ... I was completely blown away (which wasn't a very long distance from the point I was at during the event ... I'd had plenty of "help" that evening). Paul Naumann on guitar had this way of standing completely still facing to the left or right of the audience during solos, and the sound ... well the sound electrified my synapses in ways that even those around me could tell was way beyond the borders of King City. All came washing back over me while watching the Kenny Rogers show version of the song (you can see it on the screen briefly in the Sound Academy clip). Once again thank you Paga, you are a master. - Edit - Mistake on my part ... back when I saw Nucleus it was John Richardson on guitar.
  17. The Civil Defense added (with their scare tactics lessons to shock us children to help us mem ber good safety practices. Member when we just said mem ber for remember?) a good lesson to remember, EVEN TODAY IS, about the water coming out of the faucet's. Let the water run for a whole 60 seconds (or one whole minute whichever comes first) to clear out the chlorine smell, OR ANYTHING ELSE. FOR THAT to MATTER, and then the water from the sink or hose could be clean enough to drink. After which I spent hours boiling water, then refrigerating it. So it was cool to drink out of the frig and it is always better drink too! No, but I do memember when I used to say memember ... it wasn't even seconds ago so it was real easy to memember that one. Come on Paga ... give me a tough one!! I agree on letting 'er run for a bit. I'm so old school that I use the same drinking implement that my ancestor used 50,000 years ago. I only have two of them (baring some sort of dismemberment type accident I'll have those same two the day I die). Best part is I can use the same drinking implements to do lots of stuff (though I guess I do favour the right one over the left for most tasks). I'm facing west and waving one at you now ... can you see??
  18. I got frustrated by the game giving me the most useless sigil stones, and it was even more frustrating how many times I would need to go through reloading a save from before grabbing the sigil stone before I would finally get a sigil worth using. Sigil Stone Selector ... the only time it will be missing from a character's load order is when I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the main quest will not be even started by that character (and even then chances are I'll add it just because having it is better than not having it).
  19. Just another of my weird Striker-tangents ... try pasting into Notepad after you copy. If it pastes into Notepad do a highlight/copy from Notepad and see if anything different results.
  20. To mariners it's called a sea change ... another way to look at it is:
  21. There is only one thing about olives I can tell you for certain Paga, but as usual it'll take a minute for me to get to the point. Had one of those pot-luck type deals to attend a bunch of summers ago at the marina. Scrounged around on the internet and found a recipe that seemed within my limited capabilities (and boat friendly for preparation requiements). Recipe said it needed these special kind of olives so I go looking at the local grocery store (the town the marina is in says Population 800 on the sign ... we marina rats and the "camp people" living outside town no doubt swell the figure during nice weather but it still doesn't qualify for megalopolis). I was pleasantly surprised to find that the grocery store had the specified olives. Adding the olives was step "near the end" on the recipe prep outline, so I was well and fully commited by the time I discovered that this particualr jar of purple olives had the pits in them. So what do I know about olives ... Avoid the purple ones, they have pits in them! I made a similar mistake when I was a child, sent to the store to get the green olives with the little red Pimentos; for Mom. They were for the Ladies Club she hosted one afternoon on the boys poker night. That was one afternoon their Toastmasters ladies club met that I will never forget. I got a lot more green olives, learned how to use a pit remover kitchen tool, and stuffed the olives one at a time. After which I got to go to see the double feature movies being shown at the downtown theaters on Central Avenue in Great Falls Montana. Abbot and Costello meet Frankenstein, followed by a cliff hanger, with Jeronamo. The second movie was Abbot and Costello meet the Ghost of the Haunted castle; a White Knight. I had to walk all the way to the theater. It was three miles to the center of town from where the house was (3 miles of hot sidewalks and sweltering hot asphalt stinking up the air. I sweat so much... I had to stop and use the garden hoses to get enough water to walk to the next of the four houses on every block for thirty six city blocks down central avenue from five blocks north of central avenue that all had 12 houses to one city block. It was hot! Outside it was 100 degree F. at noon when I started out. It must of been a 110 degrees F. when I finally was able to get to the theater ticket tellers window. When the movies were over I had to walk six miles more making it the trip an extra nine miles. I started out the theater door and made it through rain that was raining cats and dogs at first. Then buckets of rain, and before I reached the edge of the city business blocks it started to snow. Rain turned into snowy slush, and then the wind turned it into snow. Snow drifts piled up in front of me. The piles got so High, that, on my way back to the house I climbed over twenty feet high piles of snow which made it so it was a six miles farther to walk just getting back to the house three miles away. I walked over three hills. The first one was a mile from bottom to top at the middle, and each one was higher then the last. I walked down to the other side of the hills of snow piles. The next was a mile and a half high. I had to walk three quarters of a mile to get to the top and another three quarters of a mile to get down to the other side. I nearly got lost when it became blizzard like, conditions. The snow blinded me as the snow drifts piled up in front me. The white flakes whipping me in the face while I held up one hand to block protecting my eyes from freezing in their sockets. I kept the other in my trouser pocket to keep it warm. I switched hands over and over while the snow blinded me and in the blurr of the view all I could see was pure white sheets of falling blowing snow. The sixty mile an hour winds mixed it up and made it look like a pure white wall of snow. It packed down hard under each step I took as I leaned into the wind so I stepped down onto a fresh piled stack of snow; a foot and half higher under my forward foot every time. The snow got higher and higher each time I put my foot down the snow was a foot and a half deeper under my boot. When I got to the top of the first hill. I thought I was saved. I could see blue sky above and feel the warm air around me. But then, I took a step forward and it was all down hill for a mile and a half down into a rut between the bottom of both hills. The next hill piled a mile and a half to the top. I remembered I counted three hills. Each one a half a mile higher than the last. When I made it to the street five blocks north of Central Avenue I was so tired I was face down dragging myself one hand over elbow at a time. Until I reached the front porch. The ladies meeting was still going on so I had to crawl thirty feet to the side of the houses front gate to the back yard and ten feet to the porch at the side of the house, and crawl up five steps to the side door. Where I climbed to my knees and fumbled for the doors handle... ) I got back to the house a few minutes after nine-o-clock that night, just in time to go to bed. I feel the pain just as you have in reliving the experience. It is terrible how we are traumatised as youngsters. And the worst part is always how it is uphill both ways!! Do you remember that wonderful chemical taste from drinking out of the hoses, especially those black ones with the ridges running lengthwise down them? Certainly wouldn't be related in any way to anything we experience today ... they were all "good for you" chemicals back in the days of our youth. To have a proper tool for removing olive pits would have been a dream for my adventure. Paring knife was my primary choice for tools, and if I didn't want to use the paring knife I could always choose to use the paring knife instead (if in fact I didn't mind using the paring knife instead). It was "fun".
  22. In the Audio menu there are four individual controls for different aspects of the sound in-game (Voices, Sound Effects, Footsteps, and Music). The overall sound level (i.e. affecting all sound volume) is the Master Volume slider. I suggest having a look through Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide for tips on running on an older machine.
  23. There is only one thing about olives I can tell you for certain Paga, but as usual it'll take a minute for me to get to the point. Had one of those pot-luck type deals to attend a bunch of summers ago at the marina. Scrounged around on the internet and found a recipe that seemed within my limited capabilities (and boat friendly for preparation requiements). Recipe said it needed these special kind of olives so I go looking at the local grocery store (the town the marina is in says Population 800 on the sign ... we marina rats and the "camp people" living outside town no doubt swell the figure during nice weather but it still doesn't qualify for megalopolis). I was pleasantly surprised to find that the grocery store had the specified olives. Adding the olives was step "near the end" on the recipe prep outline, so I was well and fully commited by the time I discovered that this particualr jar of purple olives had the pits in them. So what do I know about olives ... Avoid the purple ones, they have pits in them! Kinda' along the line of ...
  24. In my experience there are two camps on how much items should cost ... free (as in zero gold) and not free (as in some cost between reasonable and exorbitant). Mod authors themselves can belong to one camp or another, and it won't matter which camp they belong to they will draw the ire of those in the opposite camp (the why does this cost so much/cost nothing conundrum ... a no way to win/no way to lose situation depending on whether your goal is to satisfy nobody or satisfy everybody). Fun fact ... the game will consider your character as completely nude if all of your equipped items are zero cost no matter how much of your character is covered/uncovered by the actual NIFs.
  25. I reported your post with a note that I was reporting so that your request for info gets noticed (not because you've done anything wrong). It's quite possible that a post in Newbies won't be noticed by a moderator otherwise. Good luck with your research. - Edit - If nobdy contacts you I'd suggest you send a private message (PM) to Pickysaurus.
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