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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. You do know what started that whole misadventure don't you Paga?? Never clean a pizza plate ... you just scrape up the hardened cheese with a fingernail (which also serves as an excellent eating tool). Picking up the crust crumbs is optional, I like the bigger ones and then just give the plate a couple of bumps over the garbage to dislodge the looser ones and voila ... ready for the next time. Monday ... just trying to get my week warmed up and idling smoothly.
  2. I'd need to see some specs (chipset info etc) ... the board looks like more than a simple pass-through though. I'm guessing you're on a laptop (notorious for using onboard chips like Realtek). As much as it sounds counter to mt advice that you really need a discrete sound card I'd do a test that doesn't have the SMSL M3 plugged in (so using whatever sound outputs come on your machine) to see if that makes any difference ... looking to determine whether or not the SMSL M3 is part of the problem or part of a solution. - Edit - According to this page from the manufacturer it uses a Cirrus Logic CS4398 chip, and according to this Cirrus Logic page it sounds like more than something from Realtek et al. I'm not super well informed on what all of the components on a discrete sound card are and what they do but at least the SMSL M3 does sound like a step in the right direction. I would still do the test to see what (if any) effect it is having. I don't see any info on what USB version it is using ... there's a pretty big throughput difference there between versions of USB.
  3. Are you using a discrete sound card or onboard sound? One of the downsides of onboard sound is all it really does is provide someplace to plug in your speakers/headphones ... all of the audio processing is passed off to your CPU. Discrete sound cards do all of their own sound processing (after the CPU off-loads the task to the soundcard).
  4. Paga ... the one man Army (and we all know what armies travel on .... numm, numm)!!
  5. LOL ... who me?? Wouldn't even think of it. No something I'd ever ... err or is that always do!! :whistling:
  6. If you mean the collapsed column just above the Cancel button (where it says C... ) just click and drag the gray line beside it to the right to expand the column.
  7. Ahh ... money out the whazoo. At times it is difficult to bear the hardships that life visits upon us. Best of luck Niph (and another belated HB)!!
  8. you are free to develop and maintain your own bug-free mods and publish them here so randoms who don't have the first clue what they're talking about can pass comment. Inability to correctly install is often called a bug ... and it is one, just not a bug with the mod itself.
  9. I'd suggest starting a new thread so that you get more eyes on the problem (we aren't limited to how many we are allowed to start).
  10. I'm using EngineBugFixes for A-Bomb these days but I'll give a look at the current % toward A-Bomb with Wrye Bash. Didn't think to look at possible bloating. Looking at the current file size for my more recent saves it looks to have been runing about 7700KB to 7800KB for the latest 2000 saves (encompassing 260 playing hours). but it's still worth a look.
  11. If the other setting was fXenonMenuMouseXYMult mine is at 0.0003. I'm not sure that applies though as there is a bunch of settings in the INI that pertain specifically to fXenonMouse settings and a Google search for Xenon Mouse makes me think that those are some type of gaming mouse. With Oblivion.ini settings you can experiment with changing them and be able to go back to exactly what they started at if it doesn't work (providing you keep notes or a backup copy of Oblivion.ini before you get to experimenting). If you change things via a menu slider you have no real idea of exactly where it was beforehand. I'm pretty sure my own mouse (also a Logitch guy here) is slower in the menus than in the game but what I'm recalling was that is was a lot slower in the menus when I was seeing the same problem you are describing. I just can't recall much in the way of details around resolving that way back when. For a point of reference for you ... I'm running 1920 x 1200 (an old BenQ monitor) and always run games at the native resolution for my monitor.
  12. Great news that you have the UOPs working! Yes it is possible to make things worse while trying to fix stuff and then some of the bad "fixes" can make actually fixing things impossible or overly difficult. As you've found, some times the "clean sheet of paper" method is the easiest (though it often doesn't lead to finding those "root causes" I so love to get into). Anything I know about bashed patch stuff I've gleaned from Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html along with a bit from various forum postings I've followed over the years. I still just use the default options that are ticked when rebuilding my bashed patch. I use C-Bash myself, even though it says it is beta ... it can do more than P-Bash but C-Bash isn't supported anymore as they don't have anybody on the WB team who can update/improve it. Everybody learns things their own way. Some need to stumble their way through and discover how to get things working by trial and error. For others watching a video or having somebody there to show them is their prefered way. I'm one of those who could watch 100 videos or demonstrations and still be unsure what to do next, but let me read the instructions once and if I run into a snag I know exactly where to look for the answer. None of those ways are inherently "right" or "wrong" ... each person has a method that best suits them. I just tend to "run home to Mama" and offer advice in the format I'm most familiar with. Your mouse issue stikes a bell with me (as in I've seen that myself before) but the memory is rather fuzzy on details. Things I would start with is fMouseSensitivity in Oblivion.ini (mine is set at fMouseSensitivity=0.0020 for both my current character and the one prior to him). I think that is the same as Mouse Sensitivity in the Controls menu, but in the menu you don't get an actual reading of where it is set. Another thing to look at is bUse Joystick in Oblivion.ini (mine is set at bUse Joystick=0). I would think that if your mouse works normally in Windows and other games it's an Oblivion specific game setting at fault. Finally, as you are the one who started this thread you can use it for whatever purpose you want (within the forum rules of course). The advantage that starting a new thread for a new issue has is that the title will then be specific to the new problem, which will have a greater chance of being seen by somebody who has run into that particular issue before, where they may not even look at an older thread that doesn't pertain to the new issue.
  13. I suggest Wrye Bash for a couple of reasons. First, if a new version of the UOP is ever released (yes Arthmoor I know ... highly unlikely) you will have no problems with upgrading to the newer version and then if you decide to go back to the older version you just need to uninstall the newer and then Anneal (WB handles keeping track of which files are overwritten and then restores the originals when you uninstall and Anneal). The second reason is along the same lines. The UOPs are designed so that if a mod wnats to change something that the UOP has changed all you need to do is install the other mod after the UOP (or use load order and bash tags for some types of records). If/when you unistall a mod that has overwritten UOP changes it is again just a matter of Anneal and all is back to the state you want. With manual install you are the "Anneal tool".
  14. Yes one at a time starting with the Unoffocial Oblivion Patch. Even though you don't have anything for them to do at the beginning the process is ... Add one mod (e.g. the UOP), sort with BOSS and then start Wrye Bash and rebuild the bashed patch. Start the game and confirm that all is working correctly. With the UOP and DLC UOPs you'll really just be confirming the game runs as there are far too many things to check to test all aspects of what they do. If all is working proiperly then add one of the DLC UOPs (I suggest the Shivering Isles one would be next). Same deal ... install then BOSS and then bash patch and then test. When you run into a problem we will have good idea where to start looking for root causes. - Edit - I noticed the red highlighted unofficial patch in the video too. A quick look at Wrye Bash General Readme.html (found in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder) shows that is showing that two plugins share the same file timestamp (which is how Oblivion sorts load order ... from oldest to newest). Note how Oblivion.esm and DLCBattlehornCastle.esp both have a timestamp of 1/13/2019 11:5230 AM. Sorting with BOSS (and I would imagine with LOOT, though I've never used it so that is just a guess) will fix that. That situation is typical of Steam versions of the game ... the wonderful folks at Steam constantly go out of their way to break things in Oblivion (for example breaking BSA Redirection with their insistence that modern dates be given to all vanilla files, including the BSAs).
  15. If OBSE is working even autosaves will have the OBSE co-save (so you'll have autosave.ess and autosave.obse).
  16. If you look through the OBSE mod comments you'll see I've covered how to verify whether or not OBSE is working numerous times. Start the game and make a save. Look in your saves folder (found in My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves) and see if you now see two save files each time you save (e.g. MySave09.ess and MySave09.obse). If you only see one save file each time you save then OBSE isn't working. Of course in your case that will mean starting the game with only OBSE installed (don't imagine there'd be much hope of making a save in your current state). You can also determine that OBSE is working by looking at the OBSE.log, but in all likelyhood you're not getting far enough for it to create a log. - Edit - A video link from page two of those OBSE comments that may help ...
  17. I manually installed the UOP and DLC patches myself but if/when I do it again it will be via Wrye Bash. One thing that will not change is how I approach modding the game. I install one single mod and then test thoroughly before moving on to the next (yes, except in cases where there are dependancies). When I add one thing to a working game and now it's in some way broken I have a pretty good idea where to start troubleshooting. The UOP requires OBSE these days, so that is always the first thing I install and confirm that it's working. All of the later versions of Wrye Bash no longer support using BOSS for load order. You can still use BOSS (I do myself) but you can't run BOSS from within WB anymore. In WB turn off Lock Load Order and then use BOSS from it's desktop shortcut to sort the load order. Then start WB and build/rebuild your bashed patch. BOSS hasn't had it's masterlist updated in quite a while. If you use new mods that aren't recognised by BOSS set up a User Rule (I generally look for similar type mods in the existing masterlist and then set up the User Rule to sort close to mods I have from that section of the masterlist ... obviously I have plenty of older mods in my load order).
  18. If you were a mod author and wanted to add support to your mod for a HUD bar showing something (in the example you want to show just how much "wonderful" your "Wonderful item" currently has) then all you need to do is follow the steps outlined. Because as the mod author you would know what variables in your mod keep track of the current amount of "wonderful" your item has you would know what needs to be tracked by HSBE when you set up your "MySuperFantasticMod.esp.ini" and then you would offer that as an optional download on your mod page. I can't tell from the picture you posted what style of HUD Status Bar you are looking for. The HUD Status Bars mod page has some pictures showing the various styles it has to offer (and there are some user submitted pictures showing what some of them have done in their own games). Most of what you are reading in HUD Staus Bars Enhanced - User guide.txt is aimed at mod authors and experienced, advanced users. Start with HUD Status Bars readme.txt then move on to HUD Status Bars user guide.txt to learn the basics (both found in the HUD Status Bars extracted download's 99 Docs\docs folder). Install HUD Status Bars using just the 00 Core and one of the 01 level folders (e.g. 01 Vanilla style). Compare what you now find in the installed HUD Status Bars - base.ini and HUD Status Bars.ini (found in the Oblivion\Data\ini folder) with what you read about in the HUD Status Bars readme and guide. Experiment with changing some of those values to see where different elements move to in your game screen. We all start out the same ... wanting to run a marathon (and win) when we still hardly know how to crawl and roll over. First learn to stand, then walk, then run and then train until you can run 26 miles. Maybe then you could win a marathon.
  19. Both have readmes and guides (for HUD Status Bars look in the folder 99 Docs\docs ... for HUD Status Bars Enhanced look in the Docs folder). If there is something specific in those you don't understand ask.
  20. My routine when setting up a load order is a rather long drawn out affair, in part because of the type of mods I prefer (ones that change aspects of how the game plays, and those have INI settings that can be adjusted, both to your preference and for compatibility with other mods). I probably spent close to 100 hours testing and adjusting Basic Primary Needs, Basic Physical Actvities, Realistic Fatigue and NPCs Yield Refined over the course of days (which was closer to a week or more). Granted most of those test sessions would appear to be just me playing to an outside observer, but all of those saves are not part of my guy's save line (though I do have some of them backed up in case I want to use them for troubleshooting or further testing). I wouldn't consider anything less than an hour session (preferably two) for stability testing. The result of all that upfront work is I have a very good understanding of what each mod brings to the game, how it affects gameplay and what (if any) impact it has on stability ... sort of a you get out what you put in situation. - Edit - I should add ... each of those mods were first tested individually, and INI settings rough tuned before the combined testing and tuning even started. Perhaps a long drawn out process would better describe it.
  21. All the disk installs I've ever done (using the original release that I got bundled with Bioshock and the disk GotY version) installs to C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion by default (which of course I change to G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion because Program Files is not a good place for games and I have a hard drive dedicated to just games). Didn't the Anthology version require Steam to activate ... that'd be another spot to go looking for the game install if it's not in the obvious location. - Edit - Sorry about the :ninja: Mixxa ... I can't help myself.
  22. There are some other possibilities to consider ... Millennial Egg-Head is still open I believe, and I haven't had any bids for the coveted Millennial and Such moniker. Opening bid is less than you think, and there is no reserve on it. Just sayin'. :dry: :laugh:
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