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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. I have a rule of thumb that has served me well ... just because something has "better" or "improved" in the title doesn't mean anything. I look carefully through a mod's comments. If I see stuff that I know the root cause of and know how to avoid/fix that then maybe I'll give it a trial (and that never happens on my character's game saves ... that's what testing saves are for). If the mod has a heap of comments regarding problems that are either above my pay grade to understand or I know are difficult to avoid/fix ... well the browser Back button was invented for a reason you know. For a point of reference for you ... my current character's first save was made on Nov 4 2014 after 14 minutes of gameplay. He is currently at over 4900 hours gametime. Only in the last four or five hundred hours have I run into a problem that I haven't found a solution to (yet). One further caveat ... his load order is still largely exactly the same as that first save. There have been a few additions (thoroughly tested before they were committed to his save line) and a single mod deactivated (but that is a requirement of the old alt start mod I use to start the main quest, so that was expected).
  2. You need to remember that we live in a world where if the video doesn't autoplay it's "oh nose ... what can i do" (and if there isn't a video there's no hope for them ever knowing). Reading is a thing of the past, best suited to boomers, egg-heads and such.
  3. The vanilla game does not have a lot of the folders you see in mods because those folder paths are all hidden in the vanilla game BSA files (e.g. Oblivion - Meshes.bsa and Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa etc).. If the extracted downloads don't start at a Data folder you will probably see something like ... JoesCoolSwordMod | | | JoesCoolSword.esp | |___Meshes | |___Textures JoesCoolSword.esp goes in your Oblivion\Data folder, The Meshes folder goes in your Oblivion\Data folder (so it's then Oblivion\Data\Meshes) and the same with the Textures folder (so Oblivion\Data\Textures). If there are other folders (e.g. Sound) the same deal applies. Old mods (from back in the day of install instructions like "Just extract to your Data folder" ... usually without capitalization and ending with lol) will not have the top level JoesCoolSwordMod folder and will just have the ESP and then subfolders. More modern mods created with the "Use XX Mod Manager to install this" instructions will often have the top level folder. The top level folder is also often found in the "Download this to your desktop and extract there" crowd. There really is no substitute for reading mod descriptions and install instructions (and yes, as you can probably tell, I iknow that a lot of those leave plenty of room for improvement).
  4. Did you read the Compatibility section of the mod description?
  5. HUD Status Bars HUD Status Bars Enhanced - Note - requires HUD Status Bars installed first
  6. No no ... look on the bright side Hey. If you had quoted their post it would now be enshrined in perpetuity (well at least until you edited the quote yourself). Give yourself an atta boy for takin' one for the team!! It does smell considerably less spammy, don't you think??
  7. Can't say it is in any way related but I have two locations that do something like that as I approach (one as I near Leyawiin and the other almost to the top of the hill headed to Chorrol from Fort Nikel). At both the game just freezes and continues to play the current track normally but I need to Ctrl Alt Del to Task Manager. I can get to both Chorrol and Leyawiin by taking a longer roundabout route but yesterday I got miffed about it and tried out MessageLogger to look for clues about the root cause. Did three runs to each troublespot and used a different route the third time. In each case the MessageLogger log ends with exactly the same warning: For the Leyawiin runs ... 2020/05/15 11:16:57 [00463B54] [WARNING] Form 000C468E is unloading, but it already has a buffer. For the Chorrol runs ... 2020/05/15 11:43:02 [00463B54] [WARNING] Form 000614D0 is unloading, but it already has a buffer. For Leyawiin the problem area includes a map marker to Emma's Leyawiin House so I tried a fast travel to there from Water's Edge but in that case MessageLogger doesn't show the warning and the game just freezes at the start of the loading bar. I'm on the GotY disk version and this is a very high hours character so not a lot of similarities but maybe give MessageLogger a whirl and see if it reports anything similar to what I got.
  8. This belongs in Jose's Recipes for the Apocalypse thread Paga ... I can almost taste the reconstituted constituents now!!
  9. Every now and then it can happen ...
  10. Probably because you and I are the only two people on the planet who aren't obsessed with watching their character's bum (in my case because it's my guy's ... though at least it's not hairy, you'll need to come up with your own excuse). I can't say I recall ever seeing a first person animation replacer at all.
  11. "That ain't workin' ... that's the way you do it ..." Here's the full meal deal
  12. You know, it may no be obvious at first blush but ... The Gov'mint bin havin' yer back all along. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. There's Paga and there's Arnie ... but there was that one time where it was "She'll be back" ... What if it's that time ... are we all in big big trouble?? "I like your gun"
  13. Since you already have OBMM installed the fix for Steam users will be simple: Open OBMM and then it's just - click Utilities -> select Archive invalidation -> select BSA Redirection -> click on Reset BSA Timestamps -> click on Update Now -> close OBMM. As Drake pointed out Steam has "specialized" in breaking BSA Redirection for years by changing the vanilla game BSA file's dates to a modern one instead of year 2006 like they should be. I was under the impression that the GOG version had this problem pointed out to them shortly after they started distributing the game and corrected the problem, but I've never laid eyes on anything except disk versions of the game myself so all I can go on is heresay. - Edit- The only thing I notice from your pics is that in my own Oblivion.ini the order following sArchiveList= is ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa and then Oblivion - Meshes.bsa (with the remaining entries in that section the same as you've shown). You can easily use Notepad to switch those two around if running through the steps with OBMM's archive invalidation doesn't correct it. The only other detail I notice is in my Oblivion.ini bUseArchives=1 comes before sArchiveList= (but that may make no difference to the game).
  14. And here we have Paga ... on a mission from Neptune himself ...
  15. It's not mentioned in the mod description, but did you install HGEC first? If you don't install HGEC then perhaps your character will be fine as long as you choose a race that uses Imperial textures for your character's race, and all theNPCs of races that use Imperial textures will be fine too but the other races (Orc, Dark Elves and beast races) will be messed up (vanilla textures on HGEC compatible meshes). There is also a problem with the folder used for the first person skeleton.nif ... should be Meshes\Characters\_1stPerson not Meshes\_1stPerson as it has in the extracted download. This is a mod that requires the user to have a very good understanding of what the game needs to work correctly.
  16. Something that I do without fail before installing a mod is to research what type of problems others have reported having with it. I also pay attention to whether or not the mod author acknowledges those reports and what (if any) adivice is offered for resolving them. Yes often I can easily recognise that mod users aren't all that savvy and are the "authors" of their own problems, but looking at the mod author's responses I also get a good feel for their own ability to troubleshoot and find solutions. If they are either not offering support or I am unable to understand the reported problems myself is that a mod I want in my game? Bottom line is I try not get taken in by "marketing".
  17. Just had a thought ... I am now exactly one day older than I was yesterday ... hang on a sec ... now I'm one day and one second older ... I'll have to get back to you on this whole age thing.
  18. Thought I'd read on here that you'd "picked up a dishwasher" ... did you already need to send her back to the shop? She was the one that picked *me* up. Moved in a few weeks ago and we're still sorting things out. No dishwasher. We're using Greek plates. They get smashed after use. Now there's one solution that has never come to mind for me. Do you need to wear any special footwear around the house, or do the socks and slippers suffice? :laugh:
  19. Actually it's weakness to magic that stacks ... weakness to a particular element just resets the timer (whether it's delivered by a spell or an enchanted weapon). The most effective strategy is first hit them with a weakness to magic spell with as long a timer as you can afford magicka wise (pratical limit is in the 10 to 15 second range and then magnitude should be as high as you can make it and still cast at least two or three casts before the timer runs out). Once you have "softened" them up it's a simple one or two hit of a short duration damage spell/enchanted weapon. If the spell or weapon has elemental damage you can add a short duration weakness to that element (no longer than the damage part of the spell/enchantment). Even weakness to poison lets poisons become powerful tools. Two or three hits of weakness to magic followed by a weakness to poison (here you can use a longer duration weakness to poison, especially if you tend to use the vanilla game poisons). Not all that difficult to become a one hit killer with the bow ... you just need to get your Destruction magic skilled up. The most powerful tool for making this work is your own self made restore magicka potions (so ya ... you just need to get your Alchemy skilled up too). Chug one of your restore magicka potions right before that first weakness to magic cast to help you keep up with as strong a spell as you can possibly muster. I like to make my spell with an area effect of 10 ft to make them more useful while in combat (you don't need to hit them, just hit close to their feet). It increases the magika costs a bit but saves magicka in the long run due to fewer missed casts. For me those minotaur lords are just another source of horns ... too bad their horns aren't unique for either display or alchemy purposes.
  20. OK Hey, this is just me being me (playing devil's advocate) ... Or maybe they aren't doing a thing on TESVI and are hoping everybody will just forget about things they may have said in the past. Just sayin'.
  21. Yup you've got it. Always start at Textures\... so that the game will find the proper texture no matter where the user has the game installed.
  22. If you want to use something that is included in the vanilla game (meaning it's assets like meshes and textures are included in the vanilla game BSA files) then all you do is drag it down to the Render window and adjust where you want it in your mod. The game will know where to look for it when it loads your mod.
  23. I don't have any hands on experience with the GOG version (my impression of them as compared to Steam is that they are competent and fix things that their actions break, but that all just comes from second hand info). My guess is that when you Verify/Repair the process is posssibly breaking archive invalidation (BSA Redirection depends on file dates to work ... newer is used over older in a BSA). If their repair is giving the vanilla game BSAs new/recent file dates you would be able to see that using Windows Explorer.
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