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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. That drop in save file size is a sure indicator of corrupt save (the rare times I run into it I immediately delete the save and go back to my previous save). If the load order is the same as before I'd start completely uninstalling mods that touch animations (just deactivating won't do squat as the orphaned animation KF files will still be there). The Sheogorath and Vanity Camera ones would be where I'd start, but I have no experience with either mod so that's just guesses on my part.
  2. After you have extracted the OMOD to a folder you will need to confirm that the folder structure is something that can be installed by a simple copy/paste (as if you were doing a manual installation). For some mods that will not take any effort on your part (i.e. mods that have no different options and are structured either as an ESP and then meshes or textures below that or as a Data folder with subfolders below that). Other mods will have folders that organise their options so that either their install script or the user following instructions in the mod description/readme can pick which options they want. For these more complex mods you will need to create an Install folder and then using copy and paste create the proper folder structure and copy the files you need/want into the correct folders. In either case after you have the extracted download organised for a simple copy/paste install you will use 7-Zip to compress it into an archive which will be used for the Wrye Bash Installers tab. I know it's just human nature but you are at the crawling stage of development and are wanting to run a marathon against expert runners. The only thing you will accomplish is getting frustrated. I was an experienced computer user long before I started any of this (cut my teeth on DOS 3.0, been building my own machines since the Win3.1 days). When I started modding Oblivion I started at ground zero same as everybody else and was frustrated trying to get HGEC installed. Perhaps my "expertise" was getting in the way a bit as I wasn't about to blindly follow instructions to "extract into the game's Data folder" and when I was trying to figure out where to copy/paste stuff from the extracted HGEC download into the game's Data folder none of the target folders were there (which is just the normal way the vanilla game folders are supposed to be ... which I didn't know at the time). I wound up using OBMM to install HGEC and then between reading forum posts and mod comments it slowly started making sense (which is where my "expertise" started becoming an asset instead of a liability). As I slowly added mods I learned more about how things worked. It also helped me greatly to follow along as the experts before me helped others through their problems (I've always preferred to learn from other's mistakes rather than my own). When I couldn't understand how or why something that was suggested worked I asked. The colours in your tick boxes are telling you stuff you need to figure out. Look at Wrye Bash General Readme.html section 4e (and possibly section 5c) to begin figuring out what they are telling you (it is found in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder along with Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html and some other files).
  3. Only if the pizza is cold and the beer is warm ... Breakfast of Champions!! And careful walking around with that thing swingin' will ya ... darn thing could be loaded!! Might go off any moment!! - Edit - Oops ... misread your post Niph, thought the WOOO said WOOD (but then again maybe that was just a "consequence" of your next post ... a "mine is bigger than yours" sort of thing). 2TB should take you a couple of days to fill up. - Edit 2 - OK ... maybe three.
  4. For brief moments I've seen similar to what you have (almost as though they are conflicted with whether or not to fight). In my game I always attributed that to the particular combination of mods I have that affect combat and things related to combat (primarily NPCs Yield Refined but SM Combat Hide could potentially have a part). When I didn't see either in your load order I didn't bring it up (and for me it's a rare occurance, sometimes ending with them deciding to fight and sometimes ending in them deciding to flee ... and sometimes ending in them becoming dead).
  5. Ya I started out using Oblivion Animation Fixer way back on my first guy. The current guy used Wrye Bash to fix the A-Bomb until EngineBugFixes came along. Nothing else comes to mind for me to suggest ... I wish I had a magic wand I could send you. Still, seven years is a good run, and you can always use Wrye to transfer your face to a new character.
  6. And here I thought I was the guy with the longest running character (first save for this character Nov 4 2014 at 14 minutes into my alt start play ... currently a bit north of 4900 hours playing time). Given that we are talking about high value saves here I need to ask are you using EngineBugFixes (the A-Bomb permanent fix alone is worth the price of admission)? Also do you use Wrye Bash? It has a utility that can give some more info on the state of your save ... and one that can be tried to remove bloat, use caution and backup first. Look in Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html for more info (found in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder). I tend to not change my load order once I get one set for a character (I have saves from my first two characters that are by far less stable than my current guy's ... both of those early character's saves have received far more abuse with adding and uninstalling mods). If I do decide to add a mod it is tested out the whazoo before it gets committed to my gameplay saves (I have a bunch of testing saves from various points in my character). My current guy has a single mod deactivated from his gameplay save, and that is because the MOE alt start I used requires it to be deactivated when you start the main quest. Hard to put down a character you've spent so much time with, I know.
  7. Living in a frozen wasteland gives us one important advantage ... survival skills!! No lap of luxury up here. - Edit - Well except here at the Striker Manor of course ... it's amazing how one can do without the necessities of life when one has a little luxury, eh?
  8. Could very well be, but before you throw in the towel you could try the same wait 72 hours plus a bit in another location. Testinghall is one I see recommended frequently (so "coc testinghall"). If that doesn't work then try a vanilla game interior cell (use one without any bandits etc). I would walk there rather than consoling or fast traveling myself ... same deal though wait 72 hours and a bit and then see if it made any difference. A suggestion for you that could save you in the future ... Always save using the game Esc menu, and never overwrite your saves (so always save in a new slot). Prevents any possible corruption due to quicksave/autosave and gives you a fallback position in times like these (and I've used my fallback positions many times in the past, sometimes to undo stupid things I've gotten myself into and others to recover from some game breaking situation that just came to be). Hard drive storage isn't free but it's also not super expensive. I have a 1TB drive that has my saves backups and all of my downloaded mods that is now a bit over half full (after a decade of doing this). When I get a hundred or two saves on my C drive I move all but the most recent to the backup (if you let the C drive folder get too full it will slow down menus opening etc).
  9. Give the "coc and wait" trick a whirl then. Open the console and type "coc center" (without the quote marks) and hit Enter. You'll be transported to an open plain with some trees in the distance. Using the wait menu wait 72 hours plus a bit for good measure (so three full days and a bit). Open the console again and type "coc weye" (again no quotes ... you can use a different location if you know the correct name for the console) and hit Enter. You'll be transported to the fisherman's shack at Weye. Go find some bandits and see if it has helped.
  10. Glad thing I'm drivin' a stick ... slip 'er into neutral and just coast across Paga's bridge, that's the smart thing to do! Another one to remember ... Good is the enemy of the Best.
  11. Paga you never cease to amaze! So even when you engage in a little "false advertising" (so as to speak) there is always another rabbit hole just waiting there to suck me in. Ya ... Alice wasn't around to do any measuring of heights (remember the doorway pencils marks) but there were Planes to zoom me around. Then as usual my eyes get straying from the straight and narrow and land on this (now sit up in your seat and pay attention at around 40 seconds in ... a little something to take your mind off stones or any other troubles that happen to be pestering at the moment):
  12. So there you find yourself Mk, stuck in that spot no one ever wants to be ... between the rock and the hard place. Could be worse though, at least you're not painted into a corner!
  13. A tip for determining more info regarding things like the OCOv2 vs OCO-UP type situations. I use file size a lot when doing a quick figuring out if something is meant to replace something else or not. I have Windows Explorer set up to show me details but even I sometimes need to resort to the right click Properties dialogue to see the true story. The number you look for there is the Size not Size On Disk. If something is a simple patch (meaning it requires the original ESP and then loads after it to make it's changes) it will be smaller in size than the original. If the patch ESP is the same size or larger then chances are it replaces the original. Of course mod install instructions are the first place to look. Using my first test shows that both are reported as 1070 KB in Windows Explorer with details turned on. The Properties dialogue shows the original Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp is 1,095,368 bytes while the Unofficial version is 1,095,649 bytes (which tells me that it must include all of the original plus a bit more). The mod description confirms this ... "Replaces the Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 esp, with a version compatible with the Unofficial Patches."
  14. First some info on your Installers tab ... The order from top to bottom is the install order. Think of it as Wrye Bash starts at the top of the list and works it's way to the bottom. Some things I notice there is you are installing patches before you are installing the mod that is patched (e.g. Oblivion Character Overhaul - Unoffical Patch and OCOv2 - DLC Faces are both installing before Oblivion Character Overhaul v203). That order should be OCO v203, compatibility addons and then DLC and Unofficial OCO patch (not certain what order the DLC and Unofficial OCO patches should be installed in ... just that they need to be after OCO v203 base). Next your Plugins ... I notice that MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp is merged into your bashed patch and deactivated. That is exactly the same as if you put it below your bashed patch as far as the effect that it is having (it is winning all of it's conflicts). It has always been recommended that MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp be not used at all when you use Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp as the OCOv2 ESP does everything that Robert Male requires to work but MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp does things that break stuff in OCOv2. To successfully purge MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp from your bashed patch you'll first need to rebuild your bashed patch but before you hit Build Patch you need to untick MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp from the list of mods included in the bashed patch. After your bashed patch is done rebuilding then deactivate MaleBodyReplacer.esp and you can either leave it in your Data folder but not activated or delete it altogether. After deactivating it (and deleting it if you choose to) rebuild your bashed patch and then see how things look in-game. - Edit - Perhaps a partial :ninja: for me but Drakes input is always both welcome and often required.
  15. If you don't see a Report a Bug button to the right of the Status, Priority, Sort By and Order dropdown selection boxes then the mod author has turned off bug reporting for the mod. If there is a Posts tab then you can ask for help in the comments, otherwise you'll need to ask in that game's Forum. - Edit +1 :ninja: for HadTo
  16. Do not use the Oblivion 1.2.416 patch with the Steam version of the game. I would suggest using Wrye Bash to install but use this method ... Install the base game and run it. Confirm that all works correctly with the settings you have set. Go through the CharGen tutorial dungeon up to the point you can see the sewer exit in the distance (so just before you get the character finalization menus) and make a save. This will be your save used once you have all your mods set up and tested to continue your gameplay. Next exit the sewer and head to the Imperial City Market District. Confirm that all is still well with the game now that it has something to do (the tutorial dungeon is not a good indication of what the game looks and plays like). Make another save in the Market District (not overwriting your before the sewer exit save). This save will be your testing mods save. Now install ONE mod. After installing test that mod with your Market District save and after confirming that everything works correctly install ONE more mod. Again test with your Market District save and confirm that everything works. Continue in this manner of install one and test in between as you work down your desired mod list. When you finally get to the point where something breaks you will know exactly which mod caused the problem. If you need help troubleshooting that problem we have a starting point that doesn't involve a bunch of possible root causes and no where to begin sorting out the mess. Considering that you have had considerable difficulty with Deadly Reflex I'd put it near the top of your install list so that you can assess whether or not it is worth the trouble before you spend a bunch of time installing and testing (if you look through the comments and various forum threads on it you will see trouble seems to follow that mod around quite a bit).
  17. OK good ... next are the mods you're having trouble with mods that require OBSE perchance? You could confirm that you have OBSE installed and are using the correct obse_loader.exe for the GOG version of the game.
  18. After this GOG verify/repair is the game still showing version 1.2.0416 in the lower left of the main menu?
  19. I wasn't going to edit this ... but then I figured, why not. You never fail to lead me into the most excellent "waybacks" Paga. Yes I know this isn't about what you intended to bring to mind (and that in itself is no failure on your part ... I consider it as an "added benefit"), but none the less this is what you brought to mind for me today!
  20. Thank you Drake! Obviously I'm not a cosmetic/eyes kinda' guy so I was working way above my pay grade. I always appreciate that you have my back.
  21. My theory ... the Lowest Common Denominator effect. There are valid reasons that Striker will only play single player or LAN. Single player I can cuss myself out all I want and the only one who cares is the same guy doing the cussing (a bit of a "Fight Club" type situation ... trust me, it doesn't happen or if it does it passes very very quickly). If you are that lowest common denominator type and you are sitting anywhere close me at a LAN you will know what I think of you and what you need to change to climb out of the cesspool. The bunny hoppers, spamming demomen and snipers were the final straws for me back in the Team Fortress Classic days, and nothing has changed in any direction that could persuade me that things have changed in any vector other than for the worse.
  22. I just looked for Integration - A Stranded Light here on Oblivion Nexus but I guess this isn't where it is hosted. Would make it easier to avoid just stabbing in the dark. I would replace the ones from Stranded with the ones form OCO v2, delete the glow maps and then rearchive the customised Stranded (if you are going to install with WB ... I'm a manual install dinosaur so I just fix -> copy -> paste -> done myself). But bear in mind I haven't even laid eyes on the Stranded mod once, so I really have no idea the extent of the incompatibility.
  23. HP® Workstation Desktop. Hmm ... HPs tend to be a bit problematic for what I was going to suggest ... they aren't really PCs in my opinion, they're HPs. Where I was going is to suggest getting a soundcard. A cheap soundcard is 100 times better than onboard sound (which really only give you the speaker/headphone connections ... all of the sound processing is done by the CPU, in contrast to a soundcard that does all of it's own work). An old HP may or may not have an available slot, and if it does chances are it will be an ISA slot rather than a PCI slot (and ISA soundcards will be hard to source). Having a look inside the case (and if need be comparing what you see to pics off the internet) will give you a better idea. At the very least you'll have an opportunity to blow out some dust bunnies while the box is open. - Edit - PCI slot vs ISA slot
  24. Hmm ... no hands on experience with codec paks here, I've always been a discrete sound card kinda' guy (well except for that lame a$$ laptop, though I did do some gaming on an ancient Toshiba 386 SX-25 way back near the Dawn of Time). My guess is your situation is related to some of those steps you've taken while trying to get LAV with "A" but not "B" (which may not be a possible pathway forward ... my understanding of codec paks is they are either "all in" or not installed). Could be the route forward is uninstall the codec pak, run a registry cleaner (e.g. CCleaner) and then when you want to run Oblivion you install the codec pak and when you want to run FNV you first uninstall the codec pak (this is assuming that uninstalling the codec pak and cleaning the registry and then reinstalling the codec pak gives you joy with the Oblivion situation ... which is the scenario I'd test out first).
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