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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Translations ... right here in this same forum section.
  2. I understand the points raised even though I have zero experience with the game. I'm pretty old school ... I play a game because I find it fun. Immersion is something I do in a bathtub or at the lake (and requires water). Every instant I'm playing from save load to to hitting Esc I know I'm playing a game ... not saving the world, curing social ills or creating anything of value (even to me ... beside a little diversion from whatever day to day tedium or otherwise my current path is taking me through). I can also tell you squat about any celebrity beyond recognising some of their names (an unintended unfortunate side effect of story headlines that I ignore but I am still victimized by those darn photons hitting my retina and finding weak spots in my garbage filter). ... what were we talking about ... my train of thought either left the station or is late to arrive (depending on which time zone you find yourself in).
  3. Sorry I'm late for your party Mk ... here's the best I could dig up on short notice (and a day late): New pilot project to release freshwater sharks in Lake Huron to control invasive Asian carp species
  4. I use Magicka-based enchantment limits to work around that particular limitation ... be aware it's pretty easy to turn your guy into a tank (restraint is the key word).
  5. And I remember watching Rin Tin Tin and Lone Ranger on my aunt's B&W TV that had the distorted barrel shape effect ... only going back 60 + years there. Much of the time there was only a test pattern on the broadcast.
  6. And yet white is what you get when you combine all of the colours in the spectrum whereas black is the absence of light. Better watch our step ... well and fully out on the thin ice now!!
  7. Careful Niph ... whenever I do something foolish like that I can't find stuff for weeks!!
  8. I also have the thing with you losing your room if you leave the Inn (though for me it isn't consistent, some places like the Sleeping Mare in Pell's Gate it happens almost all the time while it seems that in some others it's more hit or miss). I also use BPN (but not Alt Start Revamped) ... I've never done any testing to see if it is for certain a BPN problem or not. It is just a minor annoyance, especially now that my guy has gold out the whazoo and can just pay 10 gold again for the same room/same night. Could be related ... there are also times when I get to use the room again the next night, free of charge (Inn of Ill Omen is the one I recall, but it has happened elsewhere ... even rarely at the Sleeping Mare). I also have the situation with some items counting as stolen, and yes it is always Redguard bandits, but for me it is looting from their inventory, not from dropped items. I use Stolen Item Ownership so clearing the stolen flag is just a matter of dropping the item and picking it back up while unobserved. I always theorized that it was an unwanted side-effect of Enhanced Economy but I don't see that in your load order (you have Living Economy). I don't see any other mods we have in common that could be possibilities either. Again not something I've spent any time looking into. At least you're not alone!
  9. FNVEdit Training Manual Fallout3 Training Manual for FO3Edit TES4Edit is just another version of XEdit, same as those.
  10. Your keyboard won't have the answer to that query ... however your monitor could if your fingers knew the answer and hit the keyboard just the right way (could be more to it than that though, but it's a start).
  11. Thank you Paga. Margaritaville lead to an interesting discovery ... Jimmy doing one of my all time favs from Crosby, Still and Nash ... Warmed my heart. We got 80 feet of the waterline ... nicely making way!
  12. Make it 60 minutes and I'll see what I can do. I'll see your 60 JimmyR ... and raise you 120 !!! On an unrelated side note Jimmy, Blockhead is an Oblivion utility that DingleBerry wants to work via software that allows "one button and ... POOF" automagical fully modded Oblivion game. Look through the Bevilex mod comments and you'll see that the idea of the "poof" solution is misguided at best (but more like expecting the laws of the Universe to be repealed on one's behalf).
  13. LOL ... Blew out a flipflop, stepped on a pop top ... had to cruise on back home ... Yah all that biting this, licking that seemed like way too much complication for a simple task to me too (well back when I was still allowed to savour the flavour of a little "to kill ya").
  14. Nah ... they'd just mutate into "If only"s.
  15. He does know how to make me laugh uncontrollably though ... so much so that I let slip to Cuervo a couple of the treasured "Striker secrets".
  16. LOL ... worst possible time of the day Jose. I've adapted to that thing I get in my head when I see your avatar (Blondie!!! Blondie!!! ... ). I've adapted to that thing in my ears when I see your name (The Cuervo Gold!! The fine Columbian!!! ... ). Now ... It's sleepy time!!! It's sleepy time!!! Gonna be a long night with that one playing over and over. Thanks man. LOL
  17. EngineBugFixes fixes the A-Bomb and quite a few outstanding Oblivion bugs (and is completely configurable via INI edits).
  18. " I'll have three days to mess it all up again! " There we go ... back to half full. Will you be posting any tutorial videos?
  19. The stuck animation (aka A-Bomb) bug is caused by a particular bit in the save file incrementing when it shouldn't. When it gets bad enough the game won't run long when loading an affected save. I'm not saying that your problem is the A-Bomb ... troubleshooting is about eliminating possibilities until either the problem is resolved or there are no further possibilities (in which case you fail to resolve the problem).
  20. In the cases I have seen Picky it's more than a day before it caught up, plus all of my mods have the download with manager disabled (though I imagine there are still ways the endorsements could come via Vortex). The other detail that may have some relevance is that I've also noticed that the popup accessed via the top bar (beside the trophy icon) will sometime include users that don't apppear at the same time in the Mod Page Activity report (via the Logs tab). I've never looked at the count via the popup vs the number that it reported ... I would assume they would agree but I haven't investigated that detail. I tend to notice stuff like this because an endorsement is a rather irregular event for my mods.
  21. Never seen or used the mod, but this line in the mod description ... "in this mod i have given archmage a staff in his inventory, you can get that staff only when die (at the end of MGQuest)" ... leads me to think you need to be the Archmage of the Mage's Guild (i.e. have completed the Mage's Guild questline). When you are Archmage you have free access to that room.
  22. As long as they are close to a nav point the game will spawn them there. I've noticed that even when loading a save where I'm standing near an NPC the game will move them from the position they were in when I saved (say I pushed them a small distance away from any nav point) to the nearest nav point. The only time I know of that NPCs ignore nav points is when they are in combat with you and close enough that they have a bee-line right to your character (maybe when they are using a follow package too ... never tested).
  23. Yup, from that CS Wiki I linked: To add or remove a link, select a point with the left mouse button. While holding down the "Ctrl" key, select another grid point. A link is made. If a link already exists, it is removed.
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