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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. It is possible with Blockhead ver 11.0 by using script functions it introduces. See Blockhead_readme.rtf Equipment Override section for details.
  2. Could be a combination of race and class. According to the UESP Wiki page on vampires the only two classes that are Imperials are Monk and Healer ... all other classes are only other races.
  3. I'm a bit of a lazy sort ... I've always started from an existing NPC and then changed the face to suit my needs. Looks like maybe that has resulted in me not learning certain things. I wonder if it could be due to a race difference or something?
  4. On it's own the game will always use assets from the vanilla game BSA files (e.g. Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa) unless directed otherwise by a mod's ESP. Early on modders tried doing a simple replacement and soon discovered ways to get the game to use replacement assets like textures without needing an ESP. The most recent and successful of those methods is called BSA Redirection. BSA Redirection does require one thing however which Steam is very good at breaking. BSA Redirection requires that the replacement assets have a newer file date than the vanilla game BSAs ... and Steam is determined in changing those vanilla game BSAs to a modern date. This breaks BSA Redirection and any mods that rely on it. What you are seeing in game is the vanilla game foot texture applied across the entire female body (except the hands). HGEC changes the female body meshes, and those new meshes direct the game to use footfemale.dds to cover the female foot, lower body and upper body meshes. Because HGEC doesn't use an ESP it relies on BSA Redirection to force the game to load the replacement footfemale.dds ... without BSA Redirection the game will use footfemale.dds from Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa and you will get what you are seeing. The fix is easy ... change the vanilla game BSAs back to year 2006 and all is good. You can use Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) to take care of the fixing the dates and turning on BSA Redirection. I know that other mod managers (e.g. NMM and Vortex) have a way to turn on BSA Redirection but I can't say I've ever heard of them taking care of correcting the BSA file dates. An alternative to OBMM is to use File Date Changer to change the vanilla game BSAs to year 2006.
  5. Can't say much more then ... I'm no expert on dialogue. There are a lot of variables to the dialogue system and I've barely scratched the surface myself. I know that the vanilla vampires have dialogue because I use a mod to make followers out of NPCs and I use it to move the vampires to cells I want to "store" them in. When you created this vampire NPC did you start from an existing NPC and then create a new formID from that existing NPC or did you start out from scratch? You should probably start a new topic for this issue as it may not get noticed by any of those who know about such things while it's buried in this topic.
  6. Then make sure you have given the proper permissions to the files mentioned in Construction Set Extender_readme.rtf Install section. - Edit - Also it's looking for TESConstructionSet.exe not Oblivion.exe ... make sure you have the vanilla Construction Set installed before CSE.
  7. Can't really say for sure as I've never used CSE myself. I do know that it doesn't work if you have your game installed in the default Program Files (x86) folder.
  8. Yes CSE will allow you to use an ESP as a master. The reason I asked about factions is because of a "solution" I came up with for the bandits that attack the Gates of Madness in the Shivering Isles after you've completed the SI main quest. The are all just standard melee bandits but if you try to talk to one (after I've done my usual "befriending" thing) they will have the "I have no greeting" problem. It was solved in my case by using the console to assign them to the SEWildernessFaction (console formID 42db5). You could do a test yourself. Use the console to assign your vampire NPC to the Oblivion Vampire Faction (formID 33f53 ... rank 0 should do for a test). The console command will be: setfactionrank 33f53 0 done while the NPC's refID is displayed at the top of the screen. If they now have dialogue you can use the CS to assign the NPC to that faction (the console command won't "stick" until after you've saved). - Edit - If the vampire NPC has dialogue after giving them the faction but is now hostile to the player you can solve that by just setting their aggresion to less than 5 in the CS (found on the Packages menu). - Edit 2 - Also doesn't have to be the vampire faction ... you could pick a faction that is friendly to the player. Just be aware that some factions are used by the game to control which dialogue topics are available to an NPC (e.g. the Bravil faction doesn't have the dialogue "The prettiest town in Cyrodiil ... don't know but the ugliest is Bravil" but other town factions do have that dialogue available).
  9. What faction is the vampire assigned to? If you are editing the Elsweyr Anequinna mod's ESP then I'm not sure what may be the problem. If you are trying to create your own ESP with the Elsweyr Anequinna ESP as a master you are running into the situation know as "mod de-isolation" (you can't use an ESP as a master using the vanilla Construction Set).
  10. +1 :thumbsup: ... the history of mankind in one concise sentence.
  11. What form of archive invalidation are you using? - Edit - Also if you are using the Steam version of the game you will need to reset the BSA timestamps back to year 2006.
  12. What do you mean "dynamic object" and "save bloat"? I never had any problem and I haven't ever seen any other object. Oblivion's engine has Reference IDs for every object in the game: weapons, armor, potions, containers, buildings, walls, etc. Placeatme clones the object you're placing, meaning it creates a new object with a new Reference ID that is otherwise an exact copy of another object. This new clone is called a Dynamic Object. Since it's not part of the game's files or archives, it's data is stored in the very save file that created it. As you interact with things through a playthrough, they change from their default states and the game has to record this without changing the actual files or archives (lest every item you pick up disappear from every save file henceforth), so it stores these changes in the current save file. No matter how small, these records do take up disk space. Maybe a few bytes, maybe a few kilobytes. But over time they pile ontop of each other and your save is now megabytes large, or even gigabytes large. Oblivion is coded in a 32-bit architecture, so it can only keep track of at most 4 GB of data -- anymore and it will crash. You can see where this is going: the larger your save file, the less stable Oblivion gets. The longer you play a single character, the larger their save file. Placeatme adds to the pile. As a point of reference on the situation ... I use a mod that allows me to stop defeated bandits, marauders, conjurers and necromancers (so either never killed or resurrected) from being purged from the game on a cell reset. These are all NPCs that are generated from a leveled list (so refIDs that start with FF). I keep them in my various houses (including some I've "taken over" using the console) and various Ayleid ruins. I use a mod (SPAWN) that allows me to change how often those cells reset, meaning that in effect unless my guy doesn't visit the cell for close to half a year in game the cell does not reset. That means that I have hundreds of NPCs stored in various buildings and ruins. Before I started doing this my level 1 character had saves that were 1260 KB for the ESS save and 56 KB for the OBSE co-save. At my current level 43 that same character's saves are 7563 KB for the ESS save and 71 KB for the OBSE co-save. At the time I started using SPAWN to control the cell reset the saves were hovering around the 3000 KB size (so sometimes going higher than that and then dropping down to a bit lower when a cell containing "stored" NPCs reset). That means that with normal game cell purging and gameplay (the saves store much more than those NPCs) by level 13 the saves had "bloated" by roughly 1500 or 1600 KB. With altered cell reset behavior (via SPAWN) the saves went from 3000 KB to the current 7500 KB with no change in game stability. A few dozen NPCs created via the console will have zero impact, in fact no more impact than if those same few dozen NPCs were created and placed via the Construction Set.
  13. How do you select the destination? Move the NPC to the render window, where you see the elements of the cell you chose. Thanx, but iI'm using the console commands to place the NPCs in a certain location. Then it will be: player.placeatme <baseID> 1 The baseID must start with the mod index of the ESP that they come from (so for example the male Wood Elf marauder mage added by Variant Vagabonds baseID for that console command is 69002b09 as Variant Vagabonds.esp is mod index 69 in my load order). So the console command is: player.placeatme 69002b09 1
  14. Perhaps in the realm of evolution of species ... but in the case of human social history we have a preference for repeating past mistakes. On the upside, that makes predicting what may come next a bit less arduous.
  15. Another option to look at is to just use the Resources and Graphics sections of Oblivion Remastered (a new addition ... don't really know much more about it than what's on it's mod page).
  16. Bevilex' modlist for Oblivion - Graphics ... about as comprehensive as you're going to find, but in my opinion it will be more than a little overwhelming for you. By deciding to not at least check out vanilla Oblivion you will lack a point of reference for this game and thus won't have any idea of what parts of the Bevi guide address issues you'd like to see fixed in the vanilla game, and which parts of the guide you can safely ignore as you don't have a problem with the vanilla game in that regard.
  17. Would OBSE's GetBaseObject work? - Edit - Perhaps you may find some ideas or clues how from kuertee's Magicka-based enchantment limits ... I use it to create items with more than one enchantment (so you are enchanting an item that is already enchanted, without losing the original enchantment).
  18. This is just so not right on so many levels! It is an absolute travesty when a geezer gets it in his/her head that he/she can keep up with a young buck/doe. There are laws in this universe, and one so ancient should know them by heart (well unless he/she is like me, older than dirt and is able to get lost in the bathroom if I turn around too quickly). Niphilim ... if we didn't do our darnest to keep the bar raised for you, you'd get the notion that you could just drift down the stream, enjoying the dappled sun filtering through the trees and soothing twitter of the birds like us poor old retired folk are forced to do every day. I know ... to look at me you wouldn't guess I had such a mean streak, would you!!
  19. Hi Pagafyr ... I enjoy your posts in the Lounge. The way that the DP are awarded is that they are always delayed by three months. So this month the DP from Oct 2019 are awarded (or perhaps distributed would be more accurate). That happened this morning and sometime soon the report for how many DP will be pending for Jan 2020 will be posted (it always lags a while behind the DP award notice, so for that interim you'll only see the previous two month's pending totals). I think I read that Dark0ne is taking a well deserved vacation ... hopefully some place warm.
  20. And what's even worse is, there are folks out there that are trying to tell us that some of those absurd things should be accepted as 'normal', and embraced. Obesity being right there at the top of the list..... Yep, society is being dragged down a step at a time, at an ever increasing pace. That one confuses me. Most of my criticisms of the West are because of bad top-down decisions. But obesity acceptance seems to be the product of people on the bottom. Something of their own making for a change, but bad all the same. I sympathize, because I know a lot hard work is cut out for some if they want to get healthier, but they shouldn't give up. No one said they need to do it overnight, but they shouldn't give up. And I think the enablers who encourage them to give up are far worse. They don't care at all, and then demonize those who do care. I like to call it the "lowest common denominator syndrome". And striving to meet that "goal" only continues the spiral down ... at an ever accelerating pace.
  21. Look in Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html in section 6d for an explanation of what the colours mean. Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html are found in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder and are the best spot to find out stuff like that. So I was thinking maybe something like your health was actually lower than shown on your health bar and the crash was happening when your character dies but that test shows that is not the case. Unless you were fighting a powerful foe who was able to reduce your health a large amount with a single attack your character is not yet dead when the crash comes ... would that agree with what you experience? Have you tried a test with an absolutely vanilla game (meaning no All Natural and no Shiny Septims)? When you do that test also move your bashed patch outside of the Data folder to a temporay folder, so all you are loading is Bethesda supplied assets and a new game (so don't load a save). Also did you have a look at the Installers tab like Leonardo suggested and see what conflicts etc are reported there if any?
  22. I have all my games on a separate drive myself and Oblivion will always use C:\Users\<UserName>\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion. It is common for games to keep their configuration files in My Documents. The fact that your game runs, and you've made it to Kvatch tells me that your installation works. It's after the fact for you now, but I always advise that the vanilla game be started and tested before adding any mods (with the exception of the DLCs, as if you have the GotY edition they will all get installed when you first install anyways). I've never heard of All Natural causing anything like what you are experiencing but outside of AN and your Shiny Septims you have a vanilla installation plus DLCs from what I can see. That is what has me scratching my head. - Edit - Another test for you to try (that's probably still in the grasping at straws category). When your character is at full health (so right after sleeping or waiting) open the console using the tilde (~) key found right below the Esc key on standard keyboards. At the console prompt type: player.getav health and then hit Enter. The game will report your character's current health. Close the console by hitting tilde again. Compare that to what is reported in the game Tab menu for your current health. Next do something that will gradually lower your health like let a rat or mudcrab gnaw on you for a while and keep a close eye on your health. Just before you expect that you're going to get your crash open the console and recheck your current health. Also note approximately how much of your health bar was still showing when you checked (e.g. about 25% or 10%).
  23. Sounds like you guys need something like Stolen Item Ownership for Oblivion. I'd be spending all my time locked up without it!
  24. I can't say for certain. What you describe happening didn't lead me to think along those lines when also looking at your load order but troubleshooting is a team sport. What I'd suggest is backup all of the contents of the _male folder somewhere outside of the game's folders and then delete all of the contents of the _male folder (so right click -> copy on the _male folder and paste that into a folder you create elsewhere before deleting the contents of the _male folder). If the test doesn't solve the problem then simply right click your backed up _male folder and copy and then paste into your game's Characters folder, merging the backed up _male folder and contents with the empty _male folder left in your game's Character folder.
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