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Everything posted by SandsOfTime404

  1. Same way every time for me. Gray Prince battle at the end of the Arena. Can't pass up free training. XD
  2. The only thing I fear is fear itself.
  3. Photoshop was something I got into because of games. I'm not some wizard with it, but I've always enjoyed capturing screenshots and then trying to manipulate them in interesting ways.
  4. Of course, in the time spent fidgeting around with all of that you could just mow a few lawns and buy the dang AAA batteries. If you like playing around with that stuff, more power to you. I'm not going to tell you to not take an interest in something. To me, at least, it just seems a little impractical.
  5. You'll prove nothing by ending your own life. The strength to overcome these trials is inside you. You just need to search for it. Once you've discovered it, things will get better. In the end you'll be stronger for it. The road ahead of you is a long one. At your age you've barely started walking it. Perhaps right now that road is a miserable lump of dirt and potholes, but who's to say that just over the hill is a nice long stretch that someone bothered to pave? You can't see the future, and why not wait for it to come? There's always the possibility of a brighter tomorrow, even in our darkest hours.
  6. Nothing like giving someone a taste of their own medicine, or in this case, disease. :D
  7. Oblivion is eternal. I'll probably still play it long after there's an Elder Scrolls IX. I suppose as far as graphics, etc. goes it's dated. The game as a whole though is pretty timeless if you ask me.
  8. I'm not quite sure what you're asking for here. Could you please explain it more/differently?
  9. Eh I always new PETA was up to something. Then again, I never liked them anyhow because most PETA supporters I've met place animals' rights above human rights. I can't agree with that, and I by no means support the abuse of animals.
  10. I have momentarily secured this victory.
  11. This is when you start a new game, correct? It doesn't happen for all the sewers around there, such as those accessed during the Thieve's Guild?
  12. If I were you I'd avoid buying something already built. You'll pay more for less. I built the rig I'm using now for only $1250, ordering the parts from Newegg and assembling it all myself. It's not a bad route to take if you understand computers, or in my case have friends that can help walk you through the process. Just be prepared to dedicate some time to setting it all up. You'll also need to buy an OS and other software for it, because that's typically not bundled.
  13. Ahh yeah, that's the witchcraft I mentioned. Also, is this GOTY Edition from a disc or a Steam download?
  14. Umm, what mod is this specifically? I've never used it so having the exact name and perhaps a link to it may help figure out the problem. Make sure you installed it properly too. Sometimes it's just user error.
  15. There's a thread here on pretty much the same thing. It's still on the front page. I'm far too lazy to dig out any other ones.
  16. Console Commands removespell <SpellCode> is what you're looking for.
  17. My family all gets together and each of us acts like we like one another. :D Kidding. From a big Italian family though, and I don't always even meet everyone that stops over. Just a big old family get together with dinner, etc. Nothing too special.
  18. Dang, $150 just for a mouse? I'd go with the Roccat at that point then. If you're gonna spend that much anyhow may as well get the extra features.
  19. Wouldn't it just be easier to buy the batteries intended for it? :dry:
  20. Retail copy with Steam? I'm lost on that one. Are you sure that nothing got randomly overwritten when you installed New Vegas?
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