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Everything posted by SandsOfTime404

  1. Hey, it's called good marketing man. It's on sale as far as Steam is concerned. There are some actual good deals going on if you look hard enough though.
  2. I haven't heard anything on it, but I've got it for my 360. If you've played Fable or Fable II, it'll be a disappointment. Trust me. It lacked the depth the other two games had. A good play, either way, but I expected so much more, especially with how PM was raving about it.
  3. Eh, I think he meant that controller they have with the two-in-one D-pad. At any rate, no.
  4. I like Crocs.... :whistling: Heh, no, but I've always worn DCs. I've got short, wide feet. They're comfy, even if I don't skate.
  5. So you got rid of mods and then put the select few you wanted back on, correct? Did you make sure that the mods you wanted also had any respective mods they rely on reinstalled as well?
  6. You wouldn't have happened to have touched anything in your oblivion.ini file, wouldja?
  7. That'd be a nice little feature. Would help a lot of people. Either way, I always scan anything I download off the Internet, even if it seems reliable. You never know where someone will tuck something. I don't mean to insult the upstanding members of this community, but try to understand where I'm coming from. I don't actually know any of you, and people like this "hacker" are the reason I've got to be so dang paranoid. I can't replace the rig I'm using. Took me a good long while to even get the money for it, and warranties on the parts don't cover a bad download.
  8. Yeah, the melee combat system is nothing to rave about but it's not like it's terrible. It serves its purpose well. If I played Oblivion for the combat, well... I'd be continually disappointed.
  9. Was going to give kudos for the Stig reference, but I couldn't feel special once I finished reading down to the "PPS" spot so I didn't bother. There went any believable claim that I knew about it beforehand, lol.
  10. Do you use armor and weapons from mods? Sometimes those are pretty powerful, and even with the difficulty all the way up you'll have access to it at lower levels when creatures aren't meant to withstand it. It's not like the vanilla armors where stronger ones are available as level increases, almost by necessity. You've got access to high-end equipment from, usually, exiting the sewers.
  11. I'd spray the whole nest with that stuff then lob it off a bridge, lol. Impotency may just be worth that.
  12. It's reviving a thread that's been inactive for a while. See: Necrobumping.
  13. I dunno man. I can't think of any way to remedy the problem. I don't typically do what you're doing though, so I'm probably one of the worst people to ask haha. Figured I'd at least try though, and maybe someone else will pop in here with a solution. Hopefully you get it sorted out though.
  14. I mean disabling the individual character, so that even if they duplicate there's only one active. Not sure how to do it but figured I'd pitch the idea if it was a possibility.
  15. Eh, I don't think I'd really need anything more than Oblivion has to offer already. If anything, I'd like to see improved graphics and perhaps better character models. It'd be nice to not have to mod the game so that people don't look like they've been beaten with a shovel. Closing my eyes during a conversation to spare the eyesore of vanilla characters' faces is something I don't want repeated. Also, I love the area of exploration, albeit it rather small once you're familiar with the game. Improving the graphics would be a nice step up for that, since I'm the kind of person that'll stand in the middle of nowhere admiring the beauty of it all.
  16. First time I tried to get the Finger of the Mountain spell. Lol. Well let's just say I didn't intend things going that wrong. It sent me all the way back down the mountain.
  17. I voted no. My hypocrisy knows no bounds. Kudos for this. :P
  18. I don't think we need to know everything. There are some things that shouldn't be kept from the public. However, there's plenty more that should be. Government should do what's good for the governed, and sometimes what's best for the governed isn't always what they want.
  19. What? How is the military not trained in combat? I am not sure if people are understanding what I am saying... I am saying since the military currently has over 1 million people in it, during a situation of a revolution around half would leave. The half that didn't leave would probably be fairly crazy due to the fact there is a revolution going on and they are still supporting their government. I fail to see how them standing by the government they signed up to potentially die under makes them crazy... I'd also like to know where you're getting your statistics here. You can't simply assert that only half would leave. Depending on the circumstances, all or none might leave just as easily. Back up the claim.
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