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Everything posted by SandsOfTime404

  1. You were the one that suggested a party. :teehee:
  2. Double check to make sure you saved the .ini file too, and for whatever reason I've had the game reset the .ini (or something?). It took anything I had changed and set it back to default. Just double-check to make sure you actually did everything right before screwing around with more mods and crap.
  3. Name: Fleia Gender: Female Race: Mystic Elf Starsign: Apprentice Class: Askar Homes: I think I've got them all, and then some... :teehee: Favourite Land: Dunno Best Friend: Adoring Fan :thumbsup: Worst Enemy: *see above* Combat Preference: N/A Combat Style: Winning Greatest Fear: Mudcrabs Greatest Want: N/A Physique: Normal Level: I don't remember... Joined Guilds/Factions: All except DB, for now. Enemy Guilds/Factions: N/A? Childhood: see: Curious Case of Benjamin Button Teenage: Skipped Prefered Food: Venison Disliked Food: Nightshade Favourite Arrow Type: Sharp Favourite Blade Type: Even sharper Spells: "Enemies Explode!" Friendly Races: No clue Neutral Races: No clue Hostile Races: Anything that pops out of an Oblivion Gate. For whatever reason, I must not be appealing. Favourite City/Town: Hackdirt Least Favourite City/Town: Bravil Favourite Daedra: Nocturnal Least Favourite Daedra: Hmm... Malacath Favourite Divine: None Least Favourite Divine: None Main Weakness: None Main Strength: Everything :laugh: Goal in Life: To not die. Why he was sent to jail: Well, here it's "she", and it was probably for something lame like jaywalking...
  4. Nocturnal. I love the Skeleton Key, and she doesn't seem to get mad at me if I walk right up to her shrine wearing the Gray Cowl. Very interesting. I expected some major evil eye or something.
  5. So you're not intentionally doing it? Right. Now that we've cleared that up, have you tried editing the character, saving it, and then disabling one of the two?
  6. I'll come to the party, but you better be providing drinks.
  7. Some good old Meg & Dia. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Brk3TycwXE
  8. Recording thoughts. That'd be nice. I always hate thinking about something, telling myself I need to remember it, and then as a result forget it.
  9. Umm... a wish list, for Christmas... already? Seems a bit early.
  10. Some bees die. Others can sting you till they turn purple and won't die. Either way, if you're allergic it can be pretty scary.
  11. Yeah, as awesome as it'd be to wear that many rings... that's just the problem. The game starts to become very boring very quickly when you're a walking god.
  12. You can activate and deactivate as you please, within some limits. If the save relies on a mod, disabling it may cause the game to crash when you load it. Still, you don't need to have all your mods in and then start a new character, and some mods can mess with the game if activate while you're still in the tutorial sewers. You could also use Face Exchange Lite, or whatever it's called. That'll help you import features from one character to another, especially if you'd like to start fresh with an (almost) identical character.
  13. Ahh, see with Sneak it's just one of those things every character of mine masters. I just crouch in the Oak and Crosier, hit Q, and then go cook a meal, read a book, etc. I rarely make a specialized character. It's more fun for me to try and balance them out to be able to be decent at nearly everything. Sneak is just one of those minutely important ones. It is never a major skill of mine or anything. Yeah, it's useful to have, but hardly invaluable. May as well just grind it up and call it a day. It's always more fun to just charge straight in, and only use the skill when necessary.
  14. Funnily enough, I started on the Xbox version also. Small world. Anyhow, welcome. I don't mod myself so sadly I can't give ya any pointers, but this is a very knowledgeable community so I believe you'll find the answers you're looking for. Good luck to you.
  15. Well yeah, if you're almost entirely undetectable what fun is it? I tried it for a bit and it wasn't long before I just jogged down to Lake Rumare and threw all that armor straight in it. It's not a bad idea though it you're a garbage thief and don't care to improve the skill. For me, being invisible ruins the fun of sneaking in the first place.
  16. Yeah, chances are you'll need OBSE, whether it specifically says you do or not. It may also help to have BOSS work its magic.
  17. I think this is the only time I've one something more than once.
  18. They're so spastic because it's hard to lead a life of crime when few NPCs that travel the roads actually have something on their person worth fencing or killing for.
  19. If you run around all over closing Oblivion Gates you can find a few 30% (I think) Chameleon effect Transcendent Sigil stones. Throw four of those on and you'll be permanently invisible, but able to attack, pick stuff up, etc. Also, when you raise Sneak high enough, isn't there a point when the boots you wear doesn't affect NPCs' detection of you?
  20. Sprint straight from the sewers and explore a little. Usually "discover" 3/4 of the places around the IC area before I pop into Weye. Not sure why, but it's settling for me to see the map icons pop up lol.
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