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Everything posted by SandsOfTime404

  1. Same here. I do nothing wrong to him and he's a total jerk. I've even tried never approaching him until I had maxed my Personality and Speechcraft. What a waste of time, because lo and behold he was still just as big a jerk as any other time I'd spoken to him.
  2. I think I did something very similar once lol. Except I was stealing any pewter utensils I could find, not forks specifically.
  3. Yes, any spells with an Area effect affects anything and anyone caught in the area. I learned this the hard when when I tried to heal town guards during the main quest outside of Bruma. The Xivilai were also being healed by the same spell I was using to keep friendly characters alive. Also, as far as I know, there aren't any mods that fix this problem. Then again I've never looked so someone else may know something.
  4. Yeah. I also don't have any of the UOPs and notice that I'm not running into these problems either. Of course, it could be that newer mods released after the latest UOP is what causes things to go awry. Either way, I haven't had an actually need for anything but the Official Patches, so I'm not going to take my chance with the UOP.
  5. Have you installed any mods? Duh. I need to get some reading glasses lol. Deactivating a mod and removing it are different entirely. If you've simply reinstalled the game to the same place it was in before, you should see that your mods have been preserved, and any files with them. Make sure that any manually installed mods have their textures, meshes, and other files removed as well.
  6. It's scary how much you sound like myself. o_O I just haven't played Twilight Princess on the Wii lol.
  7. Well you probably should've checked them one by one as you installed them. That's the easiest way to figure it out. As I only have the natural weather, water, and vegetation mod out of that list I can tell you with almost complete certainty that it is not the culprit. The rest you're going to have to check manually or have someone else help with as I know nothing about them.
  8. Well yeah, the console command was obvious. I want to be sneaky about it lol. Especially interesting because I would have never even considered that.
  9. Naw, I get where you're coming from with the water thing. I think it's stupid entirely though (not your ideas, just the running water bit). If there's nothing special about the water except the fact that it's moving, what on Earth is stopping them? I can't even imagine what would make someone think that out of all the different possibilities out there, running water should be a checkmate for vampires. Doing them some degree of harm seems a bit more plausible, but like I said before if nothing is inherently special about this water except that it's running I don't understand why it is so powerful. Same with the no reflection thing. Someone should tell the mirrors that inanimate objects don't have souls.
  10. Yeah, I have to say I was also disappointed with the way Reach went down, and I've been a pretty avid fan of the series since the first game. Of course, as I said before, the developer made plenty of comments about how much focus was put into making it "one of the best multiplayer experiences" or something to that effect. I'll probably never stop liking Halo, but Bungie's swan song left a bitter taste in my mouth in a lot of respects. Perhaps it was hype though, and I expected more than could be delivered. About the Wii, I'm with you on that for the most part. I've liked mostly all of the Nintendo titles I've played. They're just damn good games. The whole Wii controller thing is what I dislike though. I've got very unsteady hands, and coupling that with a twitchy system to begin with doesn't help. That's mainly why I prefer PC and Xbox to the PS3 as well. Big, clunky things to control with. Keeps my hands a little more steady. Of course, the Wii is perfectly fine if I throw a GameCube controller on that sucker. Super Smash Bros. is timeless.
  11. Aww man that stinks. I always hate when something goes screwy with the computer. Usually my lack of desire to deal with the problem when it arises means it sits there and festers for a few weeks. Hopefully you sort everything out okay though.
  12. Yeah, it's definitely the games. I doubt I'm expecting "more" from a game, because I still bust out the N64 for some good old Mario Kart and StarFox 64. Neither game is incredibly deep, and the graphics are far from stunning. However, the games were put together well, played well, and are just "fun" in general. The whole focus on multiplayer gaming has also thrown a wrench into my liking of newer titles. I was a pretty big solo gamer, because that's really the only option I had back in the day. Gamecube didn't have games with online matchmaking, and about as close as I got to multiplayer computer games was RuneScape and other junk like that, lol. Because of the huge focus on the online multiplayer aspect of games, though, I feel that my displeasure at least partially is a result of the lack of effort put into polishing the single player aspect of games. A game can be marvelous without being suited for more than one player at a time. It's something that developers appear to have lost focus of. Not everyone who plays a game wants to feel like they're being forced to put up with the primarily obnoxious userbase that populates their online matchmaking. PC gaming is a little better in that respect, at least. I still want to be able to play a game by myself without wearing out all of the things to do within a few hours.
  13. Yeah, but once you've advanced the skills enough anyhow you're going to be pretty much invincible. The game seems to get a lot easier the higher my level goes, which is why I typically increase the difficulty setting gradually each level after 20 or so. If you're stuck in a pinch, it's really easy to just throw up Invisibility, sneak around a bit, chug a few health potions, and then go right back to it.
  14. Well, there needs to be some indication of vampirism, especially at later levels, or what's the point? Well your character would still feel the effects of it. Just wouldn't look like a hideous sob is all. I don't see why it's necessary to look like trash lol.
  15. Ahh, thanks for the link to the aging thing. I was going to try out another Vampire character, but the horrendous things that it does to appearance annoys me. I want to stroll into town looking like an average Joe, and then stroll on out when everyone has been sucked dry.
  16. Well if you never do the Jemane Brother's quests you can chill in Weatherleah. Of course the place is rather run down. The official add-ons Vile Lair, Thieve's Den, Fighter's Stronghold, and Mage's Tower (I think that's what it's called?) all add some very unique places to take up residence in, with rather simple quests accompanying them. Other than that, though, I can't think of anything "out in the woods" or something. Everything else I call to mind is a house in a city, or the mansion in Anvil with the more-than-creepy basement. All of the add-ons residences are fairly out of the way though.
  17. Bangin... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdOnznEPbnM
  18. Nice. Will it show up if I just search "Vampirism" in the files?
  19. Night's still young here lol. May as well say Happy New Year now though since I'll be out and about when it finally rolls around here. Welcome to 2011!
  20. Mods, my friends. Mods. If there's one that makes it so you never get the hideous face I'm all for it. That's really the only thing that bothers me. The rest I can live with, even the Sun Damage effect.
  21. Meh, it's not a big deal since I just reformatted. I only have 2 games installed including Oblivion. Yeah, it'd be a bigger deal for me though. I've got five games installed through Steam. Won't want to have to download those all over again lol.
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