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Everything posted by M48A5

  1. The game cannot be installed in "Program Files". The Windows User Account Control prevents any changes to be made to any file in Program Files. You will need to have the game installed in another location. Some people have it installed in the "My Games" folder. I have the game installed directly on "C" drive with a path of C://Bethesda Softworks/Fallout 3/Fallout3.exe. When you install the DarNUI, you must manually make the change to the fonts in the Fallout.ini. You must first start the game so that the .ini file is generated. You will find the file to change in your My Documents/My Games folder. When you have added the correct fonts, you will need to delete the original fonts that were generated when the .ini was created. You will also have to change the DarN fonts so that they read the same as the vanilla fonts. After you have made these changes, you will need to turn off/turn on (toggle) Archive Invalidation in your mod manager. You will need to do this when you make any changes to any texture. When you start the game for the first time, you cannot have any mods active during the tutorial. It is a known problem that the game will freeze during the birth sequence if mods are active. You should play through the tutorial until just before the birthday party and make a save. Then continue until you are in the vault tunnel and make another save. Now activate you mods, exit the tunnel to the wasteland, wait until all the messages are completed and make another save. These saves are to be kept until you are ready to uninstall the game. If you want to start a new game, you will only have to load the save you first made in the wasteland. If you want to make a major change to your load order, you can start the game in the vault tunnel.
  2. Use only one: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers.esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers (automatics only).esp Redundant, part of FWE: Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp Disable and uninstall them. Any compatibility patches you have installed must load after the last mod being patched. I'm looking at RH-FWE and RH-EVE. Do you have a compatibility patch for the modded weapons and FWE?
  3. The example you cite does not have an origin in the English language. It is in fact of French origin. The English language usually does not use an accent mark over a letter.
  4. The mod you cite was set to hidden by the mod author. Since that was the author's wish, there is nothing that can be done. Also, there is nothing on the page that indicates that all or part of the mod was integrated into UUFO3P.
  5. When attempting to download the latest Precious comic by JimboUK https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/66849, I get a 502 Bad Gateway error. I get this error with Chrome, Edge and Firefox.
  6. For someone's first mod manager, I would recommend FOMM-FORK https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/54991 It is simple to install and use. It is also the only mod manager here that was made specifically for Fallout3 and Fallout: New Vegas. It does not try to be anything else but a mod manager for those two games. It does come with an extensive ReadMe that will explain how to use it.
  7. I guess you missed that part of the Permissions and Credits that says "Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances"
  8. Start FOMM. Open the "Tools" drop down menu. You will see "BSA Creator". This can be used to create a BSA.
  9. Since both Fallout3 and Fallout: New Vegas use the same game engine, there is no need to alter any meshes to work between the games. Just manually install the meshes into data/meshes/armor.
  10. Could you explain how your game starts with all the missing master files you have? Not to mention too many plugins and at least two plugins that are trying to change the same thing.
  11. Please see the article "How to ask for help" How to ask for help - Nexus Mods Wiki and provide all the information noted there.
  12. StreetLights needs to load after ThePitt and before BrokenSteel. You have Fellout-Full.esp. The Fellout DLC files are not needed. From what I have read on the UUFO3P, there is a problem with the latest update and Goodies. I see that you do not have a compatibility patch for FWE and UUFO3P. This is required.
  13. What else are you using that does not show in your load order? Mod Limit Fix, 4GB Patch, etc?
  14. The only other way I know to find the offending mesh is to use XEdit. Have you tried using the left mouse button to click on the area of the error symbol? You could then get the ID number and using the console command "GBO" you can get the the base object number, where the first two digits are the load order number of the object. You would then be able to tell which mods are conflicting and you could make the correction with XEdit. I had this problem with Fallout Remastered and Jingwei's Shock Sword. It showed correctly when equipped but you would get the missing mesh symbol when it was dropped or placed on display. Since weapons don't have a world model the _go.nif was causing the problem. When I removed the "_go" from the nif, the problem was corrected.
  15. Look for a mesh that is "weapon name" _go.nif and remove the _go.
  16. Have you tried to contact the uploader? Have you checked the permissions on the mod description page? Have you tried GOOGLE?
  17. Why not just buy a new set of headphones? Ones that plug into the USB port? This way you won't have the problem anymore.
  18. I am not aware of any, just the blender instruction manual. However, you will need more than just blender to make custom anything. Everything you need should be here: Blender at Oblivion Nexus - mods and community (nexusmods.com) It's in the Oblivion mods, but it is the same game engine. You will need Blender Version 2.49 to mod for FNV. With the newer ones, you cannot export working models for FNV. You would have to export as a .blend file, then import that file into Blender 2.49 and then export it as a .nif file.
  19. Try this one. How to Make a Custom Race PDF at Fallout New Vegas - mods and community (nexusmods.com) If you have seen any of his screen images or read any of his comics, you can tell he knows what he is doing.
  20. When you exported the .nif from Blender, did you reset the shader flags in NifSkope? The flags will be under BSShaderPPLightingProperty. You double click on the line and a menu will drop down. Place a check mark next to the name of the shader flag. They should be: Specular, Skinned, Window_Enviroment_Mapping, Remapple_Textures, Shadow_Map and ZBuffer_Test. If you make any changes to the body, you will also need to set the FaceGen flag.
  21. You do not indicate that you have made the game large address aware. This is a requirement for using NMCs texture packs. Also, a listing of your equipment specifications and the mod manager you are using would be very helpful.
  22. The mod author states that no-one can convert the mods to work with other games. Have you contacted the mod author to request a port?
  23. What is the exact path to the installed .dll files for which you are getting the error?
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