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Everything posted by M48A5

  1. If you have a Steam account, there are instructions on Steam on how to move the game. If you got it from GOG, you should check with them on how to move the game. Otherwise, you would have to completely uninstall everything related to Fallout: New Vegas and then install the game in a location not in Program Files. Some people have the game installed in the "My Games" folder. I have my game installed directly on the "C" drive in a folder titled "Bethesda Softworks".
  2. Then the textures or the game are not installed properly. If the game is in Program Files, none of the Archive Invalidation files will work. The Windows User Access Control, will prevent any changes to be made to any file in Program Files.
  3. Did you turn off then turn on Archive Invalidation after you made the texture change? If you are using Vortex, unless the devs fixed it (doubt), archive invalidation doesn't always work. In that case, you will need to use the standalone Archive Invalidation Invalidated mod. Fallout New Vegas ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated at Fallout New Vegas
  4. See this: Astafaraios's profile at Nexus mods and community
  5. You should look at the system requirements of the games you wish to play and make your choice based on the requirements. I don't think the NVidia FX5200 can play any modern game.
  6. Go to the description page and read the number of unique downloads and number of endorsements and draw your own conclusions. Also, be aware that any file uploaded to nexusmods.com is checked before it becomes available for download.
  7. Before making requests like this, you need to read the "Permissions and credits" section of the mod description page. I'll make it easy for you: Conversion permissionYou are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
  8. Why complain about the requirements, just go somewhere else for your mods. That'll show them!
  9. There is a follower mod at Fallout3 that allows you to resurrect intact dead bodies and make them followers or guards. It might be worthwhile to take a look at it for ideas. mesme at Fallout 3 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com) I have been using this for years and the best function is the repair.
  10. Is the archive invalidation that is part of Vortex enabled? If it is, you have to disable it. After you installed the texture changes, did you disable then enable the standalone archive invalidation?
  11. I have no idea. I have always had it installed before I started a game. I do know that you cannot have it active during the birth scene and tutorial at the start of the game. Also, FOIP is really outdated and buggy. You should try to find an alternate. Take a look at Blackened. You must follow the instructions actually as they are written, or the game will crash. You should also read the previous posts here. There are probably complete instructions on how to install this with VORTEX.
  12. Install meshes and textures manually. Install Part 1. Install Part 2 and allow for overwrite. Install the hot fix and allow for overwrite.
  13. Exception Code: c0000005 This is an out-of-memory fault. You probably have too much running when you try to launch the game and you run out of memory. You can also GOOGLE the code and get 94,700 results in .45 seconds.
  14. It's not irritating but at certain times at night, when you pass the common room, it sounds like a someone is having an orgasm. I haven't noticed anything in either the citadel or megaton, but that could just be my poor hearing.
  15. That's the one. Is there another listing where only the account numbers are used? If so, that is information that does not need to be published in an open forum since only the staff knows the account numbers.
  16. The question I have is that since the account name is no longer used and the notification shows the account number, why bother to post the closure notice since no one, other than staff, has access to the account number?
  17. I seldom if ever use a third person camera and when I do it is for screen shots using the free camera. VORTEX may or may not install NVA C, or any FO3 mod, properly. It's really a crapshoot with installing older mods with VORTEX. You are better off manually installing it.
  18. There are at least 30 iron sight mods available. Just use "Iron Sights" in the mod search.
  19. After adding the changes to the game, did you toggle Archive Invalidation?
  20. Hair Pack is still available here: Hair Pack When the site was overhauled a couple of years ago, all the links of the existing mods were broken and only a few were updated. The people that did the overhaul did think about the links getting broken.
  21. I missed that when I check the site. Thanks. I always wait until the stable version is available, so I never looked past 1.2 b2.
  22. From where did you obtain your copy of FOSE? Or is that a typo? For your list: New Vegas Anti Crash NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash Fallout3 Tick Fix F3TF - Fallout 3 Tick Fix Shadows and Dust 1 & 2 Shadows and Dust The DC Interiors Project The D.C. Interiors Project Another Interior Mod Another Interior Mod DarNified UI- -you will have to search GOOGLE for it. DC Moods DC Moods at Fallout 3 Nexus or Fellout Fellout at Fallout 3 Nexus You cannot use both FOOK FOOK2 v1-2 Open Beta or Fallout Wanderers Edition FWE - FO3 Wanderers Edition You cannot use both NPCs Travel NPCs Travel Level 100 mod Level 100 Mod MTC Wasteland Travellers MTC Wasteland Travellers V2 No Wadsworth DAV - No Wadsworth Flora Overhaul FO3 Flora Overhaul Large Address Aware Enabler Large Address Aware Enabler Be sure to completely read each description page and follow the instructions. Also check for requirements.
  23. Start here: Fallout New Vegas Beginners guide to modding - New Vegas Mod Troubleshooting - The Nexus Forums (nexusmods.com) The title says it's for New Vegas, but it is the same process for Fallout3.
  24. That is your problem. The only version of Blender that works for Fallout3 and Fallout: New Vegas is version 2.49.
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