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Everything posted by M48A5

  1. Here is a link to the gamebryo console commands: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Gamebryo_console_commands_(all)?so=search
  2. Please direct your attention to the Terms and policies (link at the top of this page and every page in the Nexus Forums), specifically the section : Complaints Regarding Moderation, first sentence. These are the terms and policies to which you agreed when you made your account.
  3. Or click on your avatar circle in the at the very top right. On my equipment the Nexus logo is at the top left.
  4. If you look around in Vortex, you should find it. It may or may not work. You need to turn off/turn on Archive Invalidation anytime you make any changes to any texture. If you can't find archive invalidation in Vortex, just use the standalone version. I can't tell you where it is because I don't use Vortex.
  5. The Archive Invalidation in Vortex is known to be problematic, unless it has been fixed (doubt). If you have toggled Archive Invalidation off then on and the problem persists, then you need a standalone version of it. Check the mod section for your game for the Archive Invalidation download.
  6. In order to even begin to guess about a solution, more information is needed. Please read the article "How to ask for help" and provide all the information noted there. https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/How_to_ask_for_help
  7. Since it's in the Special Affairs Bureau, it was added by A World Of Pain.
  8. Make sure you are reading the correct section. I just checked CBBE and it does not need any additional mods. However, there is a long of list of mods that require CBBE.
  9. Different games, different problems. Please read the article "How to ask for help" and provide all the information noted there: https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/How_to_ask_for_help
  10. You must have missed the entire Vortex forum. It can be found here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/ Just scroll down the page. It is right after News, Rules and Feedback.
  11. That is how it works. The first two digits of the form IDs that you see in FNVEdit are the position that the file as displayed in FNVEdit and has no relation to the position of the file in the load order. I have on numerous occasions checked in XEdit for a form ID and then replaced the first two digits with the load order number.
  12. Then you need to make the game large address aware as stated on the NMC Texture Pack description page. It is also quite possible that you cannot use the large texture pack without problems.
  13. Use this FOMM: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/20107 You don't need the Fellout DLCs with Fellout - Full Add this for stability: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/20107 Move Fellout - Pipboy light to load before Fellout - Full. What are your equipment specifications? What do you have installed that does not show in the load order?
  14. What do you have installed that does not show in the load order?
  15. If someone else downloads the mod then makes it available to you, it is considered mod piracy. Adding mods to a game is completely different from making changes to the mod. In order to make changes, you would need the same tools that were used when the mod was created.
  16. You should carefully read you load order and remove conflicting plugins.
  17. Mod files that do not show in the load order are any mod that does not have an .esm or .esp. ie: NVSE, 4GB Patch, NVTF, NVAC, etc. Re-sorting by mod name and not priority will break your game.
  18. Since there are two versions of NMCs Texture Pack, which one are you trying to install?
  19. What do the permissions say on the mod page? The Nexus policies are pretty straight forward. You can find them in the Terms and Policies that is linked at the top of this and every page in Nexus Forums. This has been explained so may times that this type of question could almost be considered trolling. No permission, if permission is needed, no upload, no exceptions.
  20. Fallout 3 does not play well with multi-core processors with more than 2 cores. There are numerous threads explaining this and explaining the solution. However, a 1Gb processor is less than half the requirement to play the game. As for the RAM, the game engine will only use 2G of RAM unless the game .exe is made large address aware. So that does this mean? Your equipment is not up to the task of running the game with FWE.
  21. Why wouldnt it show up in the load order? There are some files that do not have an ,esm/,esp and since only .esm/,esp files are shown in the load order, those files without an .esm/.esp would not be listed. ie: NVSE, NVTF, NVSR, texture files, etc. Even though they are not listed in the load order, they will still affect performance.
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