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Everything posted by Pickysaurus

  1. You need to ask the MO2 devs about it. I would suggest you update your application before reporting it as an issue though.
  2. Hi itsJaeger, I'm sorry to hear about your issues. Regrettably, Tesltra is an ISP that is known to have a very bad connection to all our servers. I'm not sure why the routing through them is so bad but we get a lot of reports about it. You may be able to get a better speed using a VPN, if you have access to one? Otherwise I'm afraid the best you can do is report the fault to Tesltra and see if they can investigate it.
  3. deleted4653469 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  4. deleted54721777 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  5. deleted54721777 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  6. deleted65298191 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  7. deleted2923259 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  8. We have turned off the hCaptcha for log in (but it remains for new registrations) because the annoying quirks it was having were more detrimental than the security it provides. Obviously if we suddenly get a bunch of spam bots taking advantage of the change we'll have to add it back in.
  9. I'll make a note of this, the code that processes BBCode on the site will need some love at some point. So this is the kind of thing we can look at then. As for the font weight and colour, we'll be looking into colours and styles with better accessibility in the future too :)
  10. deleted20040499 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  11. deleted89121828 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  12. deleted1571787 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  13. If the downloads won't start, it's probably a browser issue rather than a download issue: https://help.nexusmods.com/article/113-troubleshooting-website-issues
  14. We do actually have test download links in our help article: https://help.nexusmods.com/article/92-im-having-download-issues-what-can-i-do
  15. xxxamonxxx banned. Reason: Alternative account for zxamonxz
  16. watchza2310 banned. Reason: This guy can't even spam right. Failed at failing. GG. "thank you for your information I really enjoied it ???????KEY"
  17. Whitelist the Vortex folder only Users\{YOURACCOUNT}\AppData\Roaming\Vortex - and you may also want to do the same for the Vortex install folder.
  18. traviswilliam banned. Reason: Spammer
  19. PussySlayer777 banned. Reason: Inapproriate username Reference post
  20. Can you not equally solve this by pressing Ctrl and + to zoom the browser? That seems simpler.
  21. Seems to line up with this report: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/9020483-what-is-with-all-the-malicious-spam-ads/ I'll feed it back. Thanks.
  22. As DK says, please report these ads using the process in the help article. We need more information to feed this back to the ad provider.
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