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Everything posted by Pickysaurus

  1. If you installed any themes try reverting them in the theme settings. If not, something on your PC is overriding Vortex weirdly. Check any settings from your GPU software
  2. The colours in the new forum skin are our brand colours. These were set by our design team. The light greys have been replaced with darker ones as you'll see on any the newer parts of the site we build.
  3. You probably removed the appdata folder containing all Vortex's metadata. See this help article for the details on which files and folder need to be move when relocating Vortex: https://modding.wiki/en/vortex/users/migrating-to-a-new-pc
  4. Thanks for coming back with the solution. It sounds like you broke your game install to the point where Vortex could no longer "see" it.
  5. Perhaps you could provide a screenshot of the error you see or more details? The error you describe wouldn't even appear if you have the latest build of Vortex installed as there is no update to download.
  6. Showler is correct. Vortex simply says "Hey, Windows, here's a link I'd like you to handle" and it's up to the OS to decide how it opens the link. It should be noted that Vortex can download from any browser. In this case, the web browser says "Hey, Windows, here's a Nexus Mods download link I'd like you to handle" and Vortex will be the default "browser" for this content.
  7. You flip-flop between Vortex and Mod Organizer 2 in your post. Are you trying to use two mod managers on the same game? If so that may be the cause of your issues. Otherwise you'd need to be more specific about which mods you feel are not working.
  8. The mods not showing up in the game is an unrelated issue. You should go to "Open -> Game Mods Folder" and verify they have been deployed. You should also check all modules are enabled in the load order tab. Finally, Vortex has a notifications section to tell you if something has gone wrong. If all of these things check out, you may simply have mods installed that don't work with the latest update.
  9. You probably didn't update properly as this error only ever appears on an outdated version. Check the "About" option at the top right of the app to see your version
  10. If the downloads don't even start in Vortex (or manually) you should see this page: https://help.nexusmods.com/article/113-troubleshooting-website-issues
  11. Did you follow the advice in the first post of this thread? Did you follow the advice in the first post of this thread? If you're still having problems, take a look at this fix for .NET 6 that more than likely applies to .NET 8 too https://modding.wiki/en/vortex/users/dotnet#fixing-program-files-permissions
  12. Split from the topic below as it is not related.
  13. You can ignore the HTML message you noted, it's a leftover from a previous implementation. As ZoldFrog points out, it's probably your browser settings/addons causing the issue.
  14. Good news! Don't forget to delete the temporary account
  15. This is sort-of what's happening here but not quite. I've spoken to one of our developers about this so that I better understand it (big thanks to @themagickoala ). So "Canvas Fingerprinting" is the term describing there being a difference in the result per browser based on what the "canvas" element captures when used. It's not directly able to track a user but you can infer their browser from that data. As you might know, most browsers also send a User-Agent header, so that information isn't particularly obscure anyway. If you don't like the idea of websites being able to track this but still want to use the feature you can look up "Canvas Salting" addons for your browser. AFAIK the Brave browser includes this by default (we don't support Brave officially though!). We are not using this feature for anything other than cropping the image and uploading it to your profile.
  16. To clarify, we cannot send the payment as a "Friends and Family" donation type. If you cannot receive payments in your country due to PayPal's regional restrictions we cannot send the payment to you. We send the payments from a United Kingdom business account. For whatever reason PayPal allows payments from UK personal -> Ukraine personal but not from business accounts. There's not anything we can do about that from our side. Your best bet might be to see if you have a family member in a different country who can receive the payment and then forward it on to you. @Balzhur FYI too.
  17. I've fixed your status now, sorry about that. I'm not really sure what happened but it should be back to normal!
  18. The main hurdle here is the DD2 is using the RE Engine, which is really, really difficult and error-prone to support with a mod manager. You can look at Vortex's support for RE2, RE3 and RE Village - these work but have been completely broken multiple times. Capcom seems to actively resist modding and we don't have the resources to keep providing a quality experience for RE Engine games in Vortex as the effort to get around their encryption (or other) changes each update is very time-consuming. That said, FluffyQuack does a great job supporting these games in their mod manager. The only downside is that his tool has no direct integration with Nexus Mods (but we'd be open to helping them set that up!). The community is pretty much embedded into that tool now too.
  19. As the error says, it's looking for a file with the name in the error, but you have a folder with that name instead (somehow?). Delete the folder at that path and it should fix the issue.
  20. Seems like your local install of 7ZIP might be broken. Have you tried reinstalling Vortex over the top of the current install?
  21. Users seeing this message haven't opened Vortex in a very long time. It will not automatically update, you need to install the new version manually and then future updates will continue as expected.
  22. As noted on the store page, withdrawals take 2-3 weeks. Generally, payments are sent around the 3rd and 15th of each month. If you do not receive your payment after 3 weeks, please email us from the address linked to your account and we'll check the status.
  23. For account recovery, you need to contact [email protected] Here's a help page describing what we need from you. If you can't provide the required information you may have lost access for good.
  24. It could be that the website was simply very busy over Easter. Or your ISP is very busy and is dropping connections.
  25. Reinstalling Vortex will just repair your install of the mod manager, it won't change your mods.
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