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Everything posted by Shadiva

  1. Sweet, makes some options then to have fun, hopes Primecurse finds a nice spot then :biggrin:
  2. Hm yeah perhaps leave that place out of the calculation, dont wanna disturb the ghost!:pirate: perhaps Solitud then? not sure atm if there are any dock ready for it, cant remember, not sure either how big the Solitude town area are, if there could be any problems with a moded Solitude to make this mod behave in a bad way, conflict etc, then probably better in Riften, or am i out fishing realy here? perhaps such mods are only inside the "walls"? haha always full of strange thoughts :laugh: what size is the ship? is it like a big Manowar or something? :woot:
  3. A very interesting idea with the pipe, perhaps much work to get it done, and needs FNIS in the end? i have a suggestion to how it can look, i would love for it to be like this one, well in the end there could be many diffrent pipes, one to suite the taste of many! but this would be my favorit if im not to bold to suggest it :happy: http://forumbilder.se/images/e2272012757408fc0.jpg havent found any in Terms of Service for not being allowed to post this cind of picture, :ohdear: not sure if credit is needed either, but it's from the game "Tera Online" - Fraya Allemantheia Commander
  4. Think there is a command to reset a Quest, try searching for it, not sure if i can link such a thing, you can also try search on the quest itself and see the skyrim wiki for others are likley to have had the same problem, happy hunting tho i was of not that much help :biggrin: try this http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Chasing_Echoes
  5. Interesting thought, love this cind of things :laugh: My thoughts on this would be that it is run by a third party leaders, thats not living in Skyrim, that would be my logic conclusion if i saw this, but why oh why go so simple as that! :biggrin: Could be an eleborate atempt from both sides to control and spy on each other, perahps even some of the leaders of it, (if there are more then one) are corrupt and works for the benefith of Windhelm to let everyone see the business opportinuties and greed takes over? :tongue:
  6. Not that very strange, there is the island there, might be a shuttle to it and so on? very nice enviroment atleast :teehee:
  7. comment not needed anymore, answer already posted :laugh: sorry!
  8. Perhaps the lake near Riverwood? its a cosy place, but not that lorefriendly perhaps? wy build a ship in a pond? beneath Solitude could be a cool place, or at the ocean at Windhelm perhaps, tho it gets to cold there :laugh:
  9. comment not needed anymore FiftyTifty got the answer :biggrin:
  10. Yeah too see whats the cause here you need some serius understandings around save, havent got a clue there, alteast when it comes to iteams they are not save-bound, perhaps just animations are diffrent, perhaps a bug in NMM even? not able to do it properly, Have you installed them manually btw? think peeps are talking about that being the best metod around animations, not that i think it should solve the savegame problem you are experiencing, tho bugs can be avoided if there would have been any. But as you wrothe there that you needed to be beside Iona to get her to use the animations, there are prolly something deeper behind this perhaps try the: i load an old working savegame -> iona has male animations i install the mod and load that same savegame -> iona has female animations i save the game and then play for awhile and go bak to her and see if she still uses them and save again Sorry i cant be of any mentioning at AL help lol, im just ended up being a girl with airy theori's here haha :sweat:
  11. Thank you so much! happy you like it :) hugs from sweden :))
  12. Been testing some Blade & Soul armors, the design is realy sweet and nice, clearly a look of it own, very fun to play with, tho i think the textures could be in more of a high resolution, a close up reveals it abit to much :( still very awsome armors! feels good to use light armor again ;) Chive on friends!
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. k361


      *cough* there were plans for an EU server, but no news since last year.
    3. k361


      maybe got trolled after all:(
    4. Shadiva


      After my research, took me a 5 mins! but there are no know plans for NA/EU though there are for China and Japan, so strict IP Block to those countryes, though, no mentioning to ANY other country
  13. Du har en fin forum signatur :)
  14. It shouldent be the savegame it contains in, and with the animations mods gone, it should say "this save have files missing etc etc do you wanna continue?" when you load the save's but as you wrothe there, you saved in the animation on that "save" so it aint possible to make that solution to add in animations in the folder and save it to solve your problem with some not using the animation? or still not al that uses the animations? otherwise the solution should be there even if it is an awkwerd one.
  15. Sweet! nice to hear it was solved :D i wonder what that mod was conflicting with.
  16. Heya m8 how is it going for ya with the UNP body thingy? not seen much of you here on Nexus for awhile, al cool and such? :)
  17. Are you using BOSS? perhaps the load order of those mods are wrong, try putting them on diffrent places in the NMM
  18. I think you just have to bare with the gastly vanilla animations, hear a lot about clean saves etc for solving mod bugs, dont think they are changeble as everyone points out you need to do a new game and be careful of the saves you have, btw have you tryed out FNIS on Nexus, it should work with that, tho you already tested many mods, and that one was probably high up on your list, but better mention one more then one less i guess :teehee: am myself using vanilla animations, just changed idles, dont wanna mess up things with to much changes, its bound to be some problems, and dont wanna sitt and fix them for houers even if the animations are gastly horrible! for female oh one more thing, perhaps the FNIS mod comment section have some info for you from others, one might have the same problem as you, try searching the comment section, i usaly find answers to my problems on other mods comment section the are close to the mods i have problem with, the only thing i know is possible with saves are transfering the face from a save to another save, hope you find some answers, myself hate to settle with a comprimise, sat 12h for a problem with an ENB cuase it was not optimised for another ENB i had instaled, then some freaky huers with UNP against CBBEv3 body,
  19. As long its a bought version and up to date, there shouldent be any problem, try diffrent grafic settings, from low to high on verius settings, cant give any better advice on the information you wrothe :(
  20. Could be Moonpath aint compatible with the new update on SKSE, perhaps this thread will help you some http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/821934-skse-problem/
  21. Havent played it on PS3 as i am PC player for the most, not sure how mods are possible to PS3 version but on PC i can say it is very easy and so much joy in playing, so i would atleast heartly recommend playing Skyrim on PC, just the mod for using diffrent light (ENB) makes the game a hole diffrent game and then be able to adjust it to your own liking is so sweet! :happy: well now i only mentioned the mod type of it, but hope it shead some light on your choices as im not famillier with Skyrim on PS3 tho i would think the camera would be a pinch to maneuver? Happy gaming mate :laugh:
  22. Aww thats cute! used to do something similer when i played WoW, its fun to immerse oneself in the gaming world ;D
  23. A very nice initiative indeed, will be reading your link, always nice with passionate peeps ;D
  24. Trying to get in the right mood for playing, everyone try out "PSY - Whay Would Have Been" The most awsome song atm out there for me, Chive on friends!
  25. getting right ENB setup is a drag lol last session took 6 hours <--
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shadiva


      Sorry mate, totally missed this comment, i aint using ENB Customizer, gonna check that out! thanks, tho already know about the Tab, Thanks for the advice, better to say it one more then one less :D have a sweet weekend my friend!
    3. Goliatron


      ENBC is really cool, but the creator has not updated since ENB 119, so it does not have sliders for interior settings... Which is furstrating. But there is still much you can do with it, and it saves having to look at endless text files as much. Hope you dig.
    4. Shadiva


      Yeah precisly, gets easy confusing :) and saves are sweet so its no penalty to experimenting haha :D
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