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Everything posted by RGMage2

  1. Um, well... x's and o's actually. Hangman was another. Etch A Sketch was my first electronic game. I guess my first real multi-player would have either been Ring around the Rosie or Musical Chairs. Didn't get into video games until I was in my teens, when I won an Intellivision console that came with a Space Invader game.
  2. I'd be very surprised if there were no CK or equivalent editor. If they stop the free modding in favor of Creation Club, what they would actually be doing is drying up the talent pool they want to draw from for CC. They will need new blood in CC. whether because of people leaving or just running out of ideas, there will be turnover. I expect the CK will arrive late like always, and CC could have as much as a years head start on free modders, but I do believe they will release an editor for ES6.
  3. Fallout 4 Creation Kit and Modders might be a good place to as. Even though it is aimed mostly at the CK, I'm sure that some people visiting that forum will have experience with this. Also a quick google search came up with what might be a good tutorial right here at Nexus.
  4. I wish I could help you more but I really can't as I haven't done anything with FO4, and it looks to me like some things in the nif have changed. I downloaded the BAE extractor tool and a small weapon mod to have a look at in nifskope, but I can't run the extractor tool because I'm missing a .dll, probably because I don't have the game on PC. So I'm flying by the seat of my pants and anything I tell you is going to be questionable. No it is not. Going by the picture, what that looks like to me is that after saving with the older version numbers the BSLightingShaderProperty and the BSTriShape have been removed from the root block because of not being supported by the earlier versions. Removal of the BSLingtingShaderProperty is normal but the BSTriShape is something new. I'm guessing BSTriShape has replaced NSTriShape, which would explain why the nif is no longer rendered because it no longer has any TriShape data. I wish I could help, but you need someone with FO4 experience.
  5. Due to the success they had with Skyrim, I would expect them to stick with a winning formula. So if you didn't like Skyrim then you probably won't like ES6. If they give me what I want - offline and fairly typical Elder Scrolls and modifiable, I'll buy a new PC just to play it and mod it. If they don't give me what I want, then I'll buy another guitar instead and maybe pickup a copy of es6 on XB1 after it goes on sale and after reading enough reviews to convince me that I might want to play it at least once.
  6. I believe that error message is due to the version number of the nif not being recognized by the nif scripts. NIF scripts 2.5.9 won't import Bethesda nifs newer than Fallout 3. The work around for importing Skyrim nifs into 2.49b was to change the version numbers of the nif in nifskope to match fallout 3 and strip out anything else that wasn't supported. You can probably do something similar with a fallout 4 nif, but I haven't done it myself so can't advise on that. I don't know exactly what you want to do with the lighting, but if it is just the lighting then blender 2.49b might not be of much help. You could try experimenting with lighting effects in nifskope.
  7. If it ever stops being a single player game then it stops being a game I would want to play.
  8. I think of her being more like Alice from Resident Evil.
  9. This is exactly the type of thing that motivates people to become mod makers themselves, when you see that something is missing from the game and no one else is making it. If you have ever thought of making your own mods, this would be a good starting point for you. You could do this and you might enjoy doing it.
  10. I lost all my games a couple of months ago in a HD failure, and so far I've only gotten around to reinstalling one of them, Civ5. So I guess that's my goto game. If I want to mod it will be Oblivion or Skyrim, but if it's just to pass the time it's Civ5.
  11. Corporations don't make good games, people make good games. In fact corporations don't make anything, except for money. That's why they exist, to make money, and they do that by providing an efficient structure to work within that allows many people to work together and maximize their abilities in a way that they otherwise couldn't. In the world we live in today, if you want to build large things or to get your product to market, you need to work with faceless soulless corporations who only exist to make money. It's a deal with the devil, but it's a devil we should all know by now. We sell a little bit of our soul to an entity that has no soul, and in the end, if all goes well we end up with something that was worth the price.
  12. unfortunately supposedly that the mod author says no to porting this to fallout 4 I am the mod author and I say you can. That's a quote from the mod description. I added that to the bottom of the page and on the readme when someone wanted to port it to Fallout 3, which they did. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/5643 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/10287/ https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/42213/ The mod is old, uploaded in 2008. It predates Nexus current permission system, and anything I wrote in the description or in the readme overrules whatever it says in the permissions tab. You have my permission. I won't do it for you and I won't help in any way, but if you can port it or find someone else to port it you have my permission. Anyone who told you that you couldn't, please forgive them. They were just doing what they thought was right and trying to protect my interests, and I applaud them for that :smile: but in this case they were mistaken.
  13. RGMage2


    Well I say good fences make good neighbors. Trouble is Americans are thinking about this all wrong - high tech, steel slats, poured concrete - nope, don't do it that way. Do it the old fashioned way, bricks and mortar. You can hire cheap less expensive Mexican labor and they can build it from their side of the border. Think of it as foreign aid as you will be pumping 30 billion US dollars into the Mexican economy and helping to make Mexico great again. It would also help balance out the guns and bullets that American foreign aid usually consists of. You need to think about the future. Think about future generations of tourists who will come from all over the world to marvel at the Great Wall Of Trump. And at the end of the day refugees seeking asylum will continue to line up at official border crossings as they do now. So it's a win win and everyone's happy. :)
  14. It's already been done for Oblivion, and it's a free to use resource. You just need to find someone to convert it to CBBE and port it to FO4.
  15. Thank you Bethesda for the things you've given me. In your Elder Scrolls and Fallout series you've given me many many hundreds of hours of enjoyment and I look forward to future releases. You've given me iconic moments that are burned into my memory, like in Oblivion when I first stepped out of the sewer into that lush green beautiful world you created for us. Or like in Skyrim in my first play through in Bleak Falls Barrow when I'm sneaking through the large cavern and the lighting is just wonderful and I'm thinking how beautiful everything is, and then all of of sudden I'm startled by the bats flying out of the bushes in front of me... and it's perfect, just perfect. I marveled at fallout 3, I thought it was a work of art. I played it and played it and even now I will play it again. Fallout 4? I bought an Xbox just to play it and it was worth every penny. I've completed the game several times, and each time I've come across things I hadn't seen before. The last play through I came across the burial scene where the wastelanders are gathered round and the preacher is speaking, and that was the first time I had seen that. After multiple play throughs I'm still seeing new things. I think that's great. And in your support of modding you've given me a hobby that will probably stay with me for the rest of my life, so I give you a special thank you for that. In this world there are so many people who love to hate, and one of the things they love to hate most is the accomplishments of others. Don't let them get you down, you guys make great games.
  16. Considering that we can sort by Last updated, File size, Last comment, and Random, all of which could bring up some undesirable or mostly useless results, I don't understand the resistance from Nexus to adding a sort by Endorsements to Downloads Percentage. If there is a technical reason why it is undesirable to add this feature, then that should be explained so that we can stop asking for it. Other than that it is a no brainer. and jim, maybe your joke mod really would be of more interest to some people than the so-called top mod of all time. Who's to say what some people should want or not want?
  17. Person A: RPG = Role Playing Game Person B: RPG = Rocket Propelled Grenade Edit: On a off topic though slightly related side note, the FDA allows Up to 15 fly eggs and one maggot per 100 grams of tomato paste and other pizza sauces. Even pizza is buggy and you are what you eat. So if you ever get that nervous feeling like Butterflies in the stomach or it feels like your skin is crawling, relax, it's normal. :)
  18. Walk in the shadows, shoot straight. Wisdom in three words - Don't be stupid.
  19. In trying to make realistic decisions in this game I can only side with The Institute. Not so much for what they are but for what they can be. They are the only faction with the potential to reclaim the wasteland and return it to the modern world I grew up in. There is no way I could come out of that vault into a dilapidated crumbling rust-bucket of a world full of dangerous ugly people who smell bad... and yet not choose The Institute. I may not agree with Shaun's tunnel vision for the future, but he's still my boy and I'm damned proud of him, and his mom would be too if she were alive today. He done good. And, and, he's turning it all over to me to do with as I please. Somewhere deep down inside Shaun understands, when he says The Institute doesn't need another scientist, it needs leadership, and I am that leader. My synth army will pacify and protect the people of the Commonwealth, guard the trade routs, hunt down the raiders, educate the railroad on the merits of peaceful protest, and if they don't take to that I'll put them to work building actual railroads. And my minutemen will continue to provide a social conscience and a people's army in the reformed republic. The good people of the Commonwealth will have a chance to rebuild without fear, a chance for a change of clothes once in a while, and maybe not have to sleep with their boots on and then we can work on getting rid of that horrible smell. And the BoS? A dangerous adversary that stands in the way of progress while offering nothing that would benefit the future of humanity. I would offer them amnesty and an opportunity to serve with the minutemen, and those who refused I would hang from the Prydwen. When you can trust no one, trust in yourself.
  20. As a player I know what I like and I know what I don't like in a video game, and after reading up on Fallout76 before release I knew I wouldn't be interested in it, so I never touched it. It could have been a masterpiece and it wouldn't have made me feel any differently about Bethesda, so if it's as bad as people say, then that also means nothing to me. In my mind Fallout 76 was not a continuation of the Fallout series, instead it was just a quick filler using existing assets to generate a little more revenue while dipping a toe into online gaming and trying to appeal to a different segment of the market. I expect ES6 and FO5 to be single player games and natural continuations of what they've already done, only with more advanced graphics and a few more bells and whistles, and I will form my opinions on them after I've played them. Someone else's disappointment over Fallout76 isn't going to enter into the equation.
  21. I always install manually. I took a look at using NMM a few years ago and I just didn't see any point to it. I'm sure it's improved a lot since then but I still have no need or desire to use it. Manual install for Bethesda games has never been easier - no more archive invalidation and most mods all wrapped up nice and neat in BSAs unless I unpack them. The funny thing is that back in the day we could have used a mod manager as some mods were complicated to install, but now modding has never been easier and yet everyone has convinced themselves they need a mod manager to install mods. It makes me wonder about the future because I'm pretty sure that if mod managers had been a thing when I first got into modding I would have used them, and if I had used them then I don't think I would have learned how to make mods. It's when I first peeked under the hood that the brain started to think about things. So I wonder how many potential future mod makers will never make mods because they don't take that first step.
  22. I finished the railroad quest line last night. I've had this game from day one but this was the first time I took the railroad through to the end... I was saving it. I've got to say it was the least satisfying ending so far. Having to kill defenseless female scientists after relaying into the institute and then rampaging through the main atrium felt very much like I was a terrorist. Father was right, Desdemona needed to be killed. Those people were kooks, siding with programmable synths against human beings. Makes me wonder if this was actually Bethesda making political commentary on eco terrorists. After completing the mission and teleporting to the top of that very high building and talking to Desdemona, I felt that my only sane response would be to walk over to the edge of the building and jump off and kill myself, which I did, and immediately started a new game with the intent on not playing the Railroad. I still haven't play BoS through to the end and I think I'll save that for a while longer, I'm not ready for another disappointment so soon after this one. The only way I can rationalize the writing is to view it in the context of the game. The fallout world isn't reality based. It's an insane over the top exaggerated cartoon universe where stupidity rules, and yet... not so different from our own. Hmm, just maybe it's brilliant.
  23. I'm pretty sure no one's forcing minorities to have abortions. It has more to do with poverty. I once had a discussion about this with a friend from Somalia. The gist of it was that where he was from, a large family was looked upon as a source of wealth, not for any social feel-good reasons, but because having more members in a family meant more contributors to the financial well being of the family, where as in North America having a large family would put you on the road to poverty. IMO poverty is the main impetus for abortions.
  24. If the mesh is distorting on a custom race but OK with all other races, the first thing I would look at would be the skeleton. Is the custom race using a different skeleton?
  25. That's a fairly simple thing to do in blender, Unfortunately for technical reasons I can't use blender right now. As for how to put it in game, I think the best way would be to combine the pauldrons with the robes in a new model and make it a constructable object that would require the robes plus some other items in the recipe. That way you lose your robes at the forge but get back the armored robe. Well that's the way I would do it anyway.
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