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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. I've had to do some hoop-jumping to attempt to create accounts with google..... but, it became too much of a bother, and I stopped... Am I just too lazy?
  2. What mods are you running? May wanna post this in the Skrim section......
  3. Need to start the game at least once, with no mods, for it to create the various necessary files/folders. Your mod manager needs to handle archive invalidation, most of them do it automatically, some of them, you have to tell them to do it.
  4. Generic hardware error, something tried to write to a protected address in RAM. That's gonna be fun to figger out.....
  5. That seems like a reasonable supposition.... Though, I wake up every morning, and think to myself: Self, today, I am going to post something that is an obvious violation of many rules on one of my most necessary websites..... Hhhmmm.... Well, on second thought, nope. Don't think that at all. What folks just don't seem to be able to figure out is, if you are playing in someone elses yard, you play by their rules, or, you get sent home..... That doesn't seem like such a difficult concept to grasp, does it???
  6. I think being able to exit your ship in space, and then build an outpost on an asteroid would be cool.
  7. Installing a mod should NOT cause that..... Vortex shouldn't even be able to do that..... Something else is going on there, but, I have no idea what it would be.
  8. Which game? What hardware are you running on? Does the GAME run reasonably well??
  9. What hardware are you running the game on?
  10. And people wonder why our society is going to hell in a handbasket...... I certainly don't.....
  11. Indeed. I thought you had to have a valid email address, and click a link to register? I just can't see creating 180 email addy's, then coming here, and creating 180 accounts, only to have them all banned..... Bots?
  12. Wasn't there a 'neck seam fixer' mod at one point??
  13. Heaven forfend!!! That is.... is..... is... Sacriledge!!! How could you have been so cruel. Yeah, I remember a fair bit of that, going back to friggin' morrowind....
  14. There is a fair bit of satisfaction to be had there......
  15. I used to have a lot of fun with that when I was a mod on the beth forums..... He would have become "EmptySkull".....
  16. Oh gee, that seems like a good plan.... somewhere.... in some universe...... Or not.
  17. And that is becoming more and more rare..... Its really mis-named, as it sure as shootin' ain't 'common'......
  18. And you are obviously one up on those folks, as you recognize that truth, whereas, they, obviously, did not. Going on a rant at staff is just a bad plan. Nothing good will come of it, and it pretty much assures a permanent ban. While I don't agree with every policy here, it's their site, therefore, their rules. I always enjoy the folks going off on a nut about their 'First Amendment Rights'..... on a site that is privately owned..... and based in a country that doesn't HAVE that particular right defined. Never underestimate your fellow man's capacity for stupidity.
  19. Ooooooo..... that's EEEEeeeevvvvviiiilllllll...... I like it. And they all should be extremely buff, wearing really short shorts, and wife-beater t-shirts.
  20. Ok, and there is my rip-snorting laugh for the day. Fortunately, I had not yet picked up my coffee cup..... Thank You.
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