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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Now that looks interesting. I see some weapons I don't recognize as well.
  2. If he deleted all of his work from Nexus, then Nexus can't legally make it available again.
  3. What seems to be the issue? What hardware are you running it on? What mods are you using?
  4. I got nothin'.... I have used SkyUI forever, and never had an issue.... I play legendary edition though.....
  5. What drive is you mod staging folder on, and what drive is the game on?
  6. Isn't there a hotkey to hide the HUD for screenshots? Wonder if that is bound to another key you are using??
  7. Yeah, I would much prefer some variety of night vision, as opposed to having to turn on my flashlight while I am sneaking around.
  8. HeyYou


    Whats funny is, the folks that get banned for piracy, generally POST they have a pirated game...... Obviously, they aren't reading the ToS for the site....
  9. Then you have a browser hijacker.... or using something like wave browser..... or a bad extension.
  10. Hhhhmmm...... In my game, this time around.... The Starborn ships land, drop off 4 or 5 guys, then fly away..... I don't have any mods that affect them, that I am aware of.....
  11. It's norton..... Not the first time it has claimed Nexus to be unsafe.... Just ignore it. This is probably one of the safest gaming sites on the web.....
  12. None for Starfield yet that I am aware of, could try looking at one for Skyrim SE/AE...... It *might* be a similar process.
  13. I am not familiar with London.... You *should* be able to manually point vortex at where it is though.... It likely doesn't find it, as it doesn't even know to look for it. If the mod is *just* an esp file, extract it to the data folder, use the in-game 'mods' menu to activate it. I *think* that should work......
  14. It's prolly just a single esp file in the zip archive, need to extract it to your data folder, and then make sure the game knows to load it. Are you using any sort of mod manager?
  15. Disable all your mods. Will the game then start?
  16. Back in the day, when beth actually HAD forums..... We would get the occasional dimwit that would state ON THE PUBLISHERS WEBSITE that they had a pirate copy of the game.... "Dense" doesn't even begin to describe it.
  17. Could try loading your mods in XEdit, and filter for conflicts.... See if anything obvious jumps out.
  18. I think the whole premise of this thread was disproved some time ago.... and the modding scene has only gotten better from there. Of course, the game is still "young", and we have more DLC coming. It will be interesting to see what Beth does with it. I am *hoping* for some DRAMATIC improvements for outposts.... The vanilla system is painfully bare-bones.... Settlements in FO4 were better when IT first came out... Beth well and truly dropped the ball on this particular aspect of the game..... I always though that subsequent iterations of systems introduced in one game, should be IMPROVED in the following games, where such systems are used. That is most certainly not the case for Starfield..... Outposts got seriously neglected....
  19. If the game crashes before you even get to the menu, that is usually a missing master crash. Have you changed your load order? Added/Removed any mods?
  20. Beth has never been really good at story telling..... That isn't why most folks play beth games though. The 'forced' quest with Sarah is fairly short, you get some ship to ship combat..... and get to exercise some of the more interesting game mechanics. After you finish her quest, you can drop her off, and do whatever you want... I generally go exploring. Survey planets, investigate various POI's I encounter, make some money, collect some good equipment, maybe do some quests here and there, and there ARE some really fun ones that have nothing to do with the main story line. Freestar Rangers, UC Vangaurd, The Mantis, etc.... build my ship I will use thru the rest of the game..... Yep. LOTS of hours invested in the game. I most certainly go my moneys worth.
  21. Having your companion 'self-medicate' should be there as well. Give them some medpacks, and when their health gets down to a certain point, they will use one....
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