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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Nothing new there. A lotta folks were rather put out when no one made win 7 drivers for the 7th gen chipset as well. :D
  2. October of 2025 for windows 10. For me, a simple bios update got my machine ready for win 11. But, I haven't 'upgraded' as yet.....
  3. They didn't have the full 50 years, if they had, we wouldn't see the generation ships arriving at Paradiso. But, that said, you are correct. There should be Earth critters on just about every planet. Dogs, cats, cows..... maybe horses, and goats, etc....
  4. Theoretically, the game should have native support for an xbox controller. For the PS controller though? No idea there. Maybe some middleware that makes it configurable? Either that, or try the in-game menu, and see if it recognizes buttons/sticks from the controller.
  5. I would put forth that mods improved every game they were applied to. Mods made Oblivion playable for me. I hated the vanilla game, but, once FCOM was installed, oh my. Hundreds of hours. :D
  6. If mods can make the game better, why not mod even a 'bad' game? Beth is notorious for taking ideas created by modders, and incorporating them in their next game... They have even hired a few modders..... Starfield has the potential to be a modders paradise..... Give it a year or three after the CK releases, and you will see some amazing content for the game.
  7. Probably. Most of the mechanics are already there..... just need the CK to make it work properly.
  8. No mod should be hard-coded into anything. Modding is about choice, removing that choice is not a good thing. I haven't done a lot with outposts though, and I don't know that I have ever had to actually repair anything..... But, I do agree, that if you have crew at your outpost, with anything resembling the right skills, they should repair the broke stuff, even if you aren't there. (assuming they have the materials to do so.) Repair robots definitely should be a thing. Do you have defenses set up at your outpost???
  9. 1GB is 1024MB..... There is essentially no limit to how much RAM a 64 bit OS can support. There IS, however, a limit to how much RAM your proc, and mainboard can support. Install too much... and weird things happen. So, don't do that. (there is also likely a per slot RAM limit..... don't ask how I learned that one.)
  10. So, go to Whiterun. Go hunting. Collect deer, and elk hides. Mine some iron. (there are several mines nearby) Then use those materials to make armor of some description, level up your smithing, so you can make better stuff... improve YOUR weapons and armor. Lather, rinse, repeat. You can make several levels pretty easy that way, build up your smithing skill so your weapons and armor are better, and even on Hard, the game gets easier.
  11. A better graphics card will always run graphics better. I am unsure if a 32 bit application would be able to make full use of more than 4GB of VRAM though, I know it can't use any more system ram than 4gb..... But, you play other games too, right? That 2gb card will REALLY be holding you back on more recent titles.
  12. I was working on a Dwemer ruin for morrowind, and put a couple elevators in there..... Three floors, that were selectable. You could go to any floor, from any floor. (scripted, of course) Worked great.
  13. Pretty sure the double-spacing is a forum 'feature'. I don't know if its user configurable or not. I just let the size of the window determine when text wraps... or I am starting on another thought/topic, I'll start new paragraph. (with the double spacing... hhhmmm.....)
  14. A better interface with a search feature, color coded systems/planets for those you not been to, those you have visited, those you have surveyed, etc.
  15. So it's vortex screwing things up...... They just are not doing well with starfield.....
  16. I think that depends on how hard it is to 'set up' a "unique" location...... It's obviously possible.... as the various cities do not change from visit to visit..... But, how much of an ordeal is it? Remains to be seen.
  17. I expect that the way it works is, you create the POI, populate it, etc, and then add it to an existing list of POI's that can be placed.
  18. And once the CK is released, you can expect an EXPLOSION of new POI's.
  19. Starting the game with SFSE_Loader? You can test if SFSE is loading.... It generates a log file in Documents\My Games\Starfield\SFSE\Logs. Have a look at SFSE.txt. See what it has to say.
  20. Have you updated SFSE? Plugins.txt enabler?
  21. Do you have the plugin enabler also? Are there any "Testfile" listed in your starfield.ini's?
  22. The city maps won't change though. That was one of the complaints. And you DO get a rudimentary "map" of your landing zone, it is just severely lacking in detail.
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